예제 #1
def vector2narray(v, type='f'):
    """Convert a numpy vector to an narray.  If ndim>1, it converts to
    mathematical coordinates.  This is used with classifiers."""
    if v.ndim == 1: return iulib.narray(v, type='f')
        return iulib.narray(v[::-1, ...].transpose([1, 0] + range(2, v.ndim)))
예제 #2
파일: iuutils.py 프로젝트: UIKit0/iulib
def lseg2narray(lseg):
    """Convert a line segmentation (rank 2, 'i') to an narray."""
    assert lseg.dtype=='i' and lseg.ndim==2,"wanted rank 2 'i' array, got %s"%lseg
    lseg = lseg[::-1,...].transpose()
    lseg = iulib.narray(lseg,type='i')
    return lseg
예제 #3
def lseg2narray(lseg):
    """Convert a line segmentation (rank 2, 'i') to an narray."""
    assert lseg.dtype == 'i' and lseg.ndim == 2, "wanted rank 2 'i' array, got %s" % lseg
    lseg = lseg[::-1, ...].transpose()
    lseg = iulib.narray(lseg, type='i')
    return lseg
예제 #4
파일: iuutils.py 프로젝트: UIKit0/iulib
def numpy2narray(page,type='B'):
    """Convert a numpy image to an narray. Flips from raster to
    mathematical coordinates.  When converting float to integer
    types, multiplies with 255.0, and when converting integer to
    float types, divides by 255.0."""
    if type is None: type = ctype(page)
    if isfp(page) and not isfp(type):
        page = array(255*page,dtype='B')
    elif not isfp(page) and isfp(type):
        page = page/255.0
    page = page.transpose([1,0]+range(2,page.ndim))[:,::-1,...]
    return iulib.narray(page,type=type)
예제 #5
def numpy2narray(page, type='B'):
    """Convert a numpy image to an narray. Flips from raster to
    mathematical coordinates.  When converting float to integer
    types, multiplies with 255.0, and when converting integer to
    float types, divides by 255.0."""
    if type is None: type = ctype(page)
    if isfp(page) and not isfp(type):
        page = array(255 * page, dtype='B')
    elif not isfp(page) and isfp(type):
        page = page / 255.0
    page = page.transpose([1, 0] + range(2, page.ndim))[:, ::-1, ...]
    return iulib.narray(page, type=type)
예제 #6
파일: iuutils.py 프로젝트: UIKit0/iulib
def vector2narray(v,type='f'):
    """Convert a numpy vector to an narray.  If ndim>1, it converts to
    mathematical coordinates.  This is used with classifiers."""
    if v.ndim==1: return iulib.narray(v,type='f')
    else: return iulib.narray(v[::-1,...].transpose([1,0]+range(2,v.ndim)))
예제 #7
def as_narrayI(image, dtype=dtype):
    if type(image) != numpy.ndarray: return image
    image = image[::-1, ...]
    image = image.transpose([1, 0] + range(2, image.ndim))
    return iulib.narray(image, type=dtype)
예제 #8
def as_narray(image, flip=0, dtype='f'):
    if type(image) != numpy.ndarray: return image
    if flip and image.ndim: return as_narrayI(image, dtype=dtype)
    return iulib.narray(image, type=dtype)