def check_input(times,signal,**kwargs): """ Check the input arguments for periodogram calculations for mistakes. If you get an error when trying to compute a periodogram, and you don't understand it, just feed the input you gave to this function, and it will perform some basic checks. """ #-- check if the input are arrays and have the same 1D shape is_array0 = isinstance(times,np.ndarray) is_array1 = isinstance(signal,np.ndarray) if not is_array0: print('ERROR: time input is not an array')) if not is_array1: print('ERROR: signal input is not an array')) if not is_array0 or not is_array1: times = np.asarray(times) signal = np.asarray(signal) print("---> FIXED: inputs are arrays")) print("OK: inputs are arrays")) onedim = (len(times.shape)==1) & (len(signal.shape)==1) same_shape = times.shape==signal.shape if not onedim or not same_shape: print('ERROR: input is not 1D or not of same length')) return False print("OK: inputs are 1D and have same length")) #-- check if the signal constains nans or infs: isnan0 = np.sum(np.isnan(times)) isnan1 = np.sum(np.isnan(signal)) isinf0 = np.sum(np.isinf(times)) isinf1 = np.sum(np.isinf(signal)) if isnan0: print('ERROR: time array contains nans')) if isnan1: print('ERROR: signal array contains nans')) if isinf0: print('ERROR: time array contains infs')) if isinf1: print('ERROR: signal array contains infs')) if not isnan0 and not isnan1 and not isinf0 and not isinf1: print('OK: no infs or nans')) else: keep = -np.isnan(times) & -np.isnan(signal) & -np.isinf(times) & -np.isinf(signal) times,signal = times[keep],signal[keep] print('---> FIXED: infs and nans removed')) #-- check if the timeseries is sorted is_sorted = np.all(np.diff(times)>0) if not is_sorted: print('ERROR: time array is not sorted')) sa = np.argsort(times) times,signal = times[sa],signal[sa] print('---> FIXED: time array is sorted')) else: print("OK: time array is sorted")) print("No inconsistencies found or inconsistencies are fixed")) #-- check keyword arguments: fnyq = getNyquist(times,nyq_stat=np.min) print("Default Nyquist frequency: {}".format(fnyq)) if 'nyq_stat' in kwargs: fnyq = getNyquist(times,nyq_stat=kwargs['nyq_stat']) print("Nyquist value manually set to {}".format(fnyq)) if 'fn' in kwargs and kwargs['fn']>fnyq: print("Final frequency 'fn' is larger than the Nyquist frequency")) return times,signal
def scargle_probability(peak_value, times, freqs, correct_for_frange=False, **kwargs): """ Compute the probability to observe a peak in the Scargle periodogram. If C{correct_for_frange=True}, the Bonferroni correction will be applied to a smaller number of frequencies (i.e. the independent number of frequencies in C{freqs}). To be conservative, set C{correct_for_frange=False}. Example simulation: >>> times = np.linspace(0,1,5000) >>> N = 500 >>> probs = np.zeros(N) >>> peaks = np.zeros(N) >>> for i in range(N): ... signal = np.random.normal(size=len(times)) ... f,s = scargle(times,signal,threads='max',norm='distribution') ... peaks[i] = s.max() ... probs[i] = scargle_probability(s.max(),times,f) Now make a plot: >>> p = pl.figure() >>> p = pl.subplot(131) >>> p = pl.plot(probs,'ko') >>> p = pl.plot([0,N],[0.01,0.01],'r-',lw=2) >>> p = pl.subplot(132) >>> p = pl.plot(peaks[np.argsort(peaks)],probs[np.argsort(peaks)],'ro') >>> p = pl.plot(peaks[np.argsort(peaks)],1-(1-np.exp(-np.sort(peaks)))**(10000.),'g-') >>> #p = pl.plot(peaks[np.argsort(peaks)],1-(1-(1-np.sort(peaks)/2500.)**2500.)**(10000.),'b--') >>> p = pl.subplot(133) >>> for i in np.logspace(-3,0,100): ... p = pl.plot([i*100],[np.sum(probs<i)/float(N)*100],'ko') >>> p = pl.plot([1e-6,100],[1e-6,100],'r-',lw=2) >>> p = pl.xlabel('Should observe this many points below threshold') >>> p = pl.ylabel('Observed this many points below threshold') ]]include figure]]ivs_timeseries_pergrams_prob.png] """ #-- independent frequencies nr_obs = len(times) ni = 2 * nr_obs #-- correct the nr of independent frequencies for the frequency range # that is tested, but only if it is requested if correct_for_frange: nyqstat = kwargs.pop('nyqstat', np.min) nyquist = getNyquist(times, nyqstat=nyqstat) ni = int(freqs.ptp() / nyquist * ni) #p_value = 1. - (1.- (1-2*peak_value/nr_obs)**(nr_obs/2))**ni p_value = 1. - (1. - np.exp(-peak_value))**ni return p_value
def scargle_probability(peak_value,times,freqs,correct_for_frange=False,**kwargs): """ Compute the probability to observe a peak in the Scargle periodogram. If C{correct_for_frange=True}, the Bonferroni correction will be applied to a smaller number of frequencies (i.e. the independent number of frequencies in C{freqs}). To be conservative, set C{correct_for_frange=False}. Example simulation: >>> times = np.linspace(0,1,5000) >>> N = 500 >>> probs = np.zeros(N) >>> peaks = np.zeros(N) >>> for i in range(N): ... signal = np.random.normal(size=len(times)) ... f,s = scargle(times,signal,threads='max',norm='distribution') ... peaks[i] = s.max() ... probs[i] = scargle_probability(s.max(),times,f) Now make a plot: >>> p = pl.figure() >>> p = pl.subplot(131) >>> p = pl.plot(probs,'ko') >>> p = pl.plot([0,N],[0.01,0.01],'r-',lw=2) >>> p = pl.subplot(132) >>> p = pl.plot(peaks[np.argsort(peaks)],probs[np.argsort(peaks)],'ro') >>> p = pl.plot(peaks[np.argsort(peaks)],1-(1-np.exp(-np.sort(peaks)))**(10000.),'g-') >>> #p = pl.plot(peaks[np.argsort(peaks)],1-(1-(1-np.sort(peaks)/2500.)**2500.)**(10000.),'b--') >>> p = pl.subplot(133) >>> for i in np.logspace(-3,0,100): ... p = pl.plot([i*100],[np.sum(probs<i)/float(N)*100],'ko') >>> p = pl.plot([1e-6,100],[1e-6,100],'r-',lw=2) >>> p = pl.xlabel('Should observe this many points below threshold') >>> p = pl.ylabel('Observed this many points below threshold') ]]include figure]]ivs_timeseries_pergrams_prob.png] """ #-- independent frequencies nr_obs = len(times) ni = 2*nr_obs #-- correct the nr of independent frequencies for the frequency range # that is tested, but only if it is requested if correct_for_frange: nyqstat = kwargs.pop('nyqstat',np.min) nyquist = getNyquist(times,nyqstat=nyqstat) ni = int(freqs.ptp()/nyquist*ni) #p_value = 1. - (1.- (1-2*peak_value/nr_obs)**(nr_obs/2))**ni p_value = 1. - (1.- np.exp(-peak_value))**ni return p_value