예제 #1
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        response = self.request.RESPONSE

        header = export.get_header(self.context)
        data = export.get_data(self.context)
        excel_response = export.create_xlsx(header, data)

        filename = 'export_%s.xlsx' % self.context.getId()

            'attachment; filename={0}'.format(filename)

        return excel_response.read()
예제 #2
    def get_files(self, path_prefix=u"", recursive=True, toplevel=True):
        Returns a list of two-value-tuples having the following values:
        - a relative path under which the file should show up in the zip
        - the data as either a file or a stream
        header = get_header(self.context)
        data = get_data(self.context)
        xlsx = create_xlsx(header, data)

        filename = '{0}.xlsx'.format(self.context.getId())

        yield (u'{0}/{1}'.format(safe_unicode(path_prefix),
                                 safe_unicode(filename)), xlsx)

        # Recursively export folder contents.
        folder_contents = super(TicketBoxZipRepresentation, self).get_files(
            path_prefix, recursive, toplevel)

        for item in folder_contents:
            yield item