def test_run_command_with_command(self): mtype, resp = help.run_command(None, 'test_command') self.assertEqual(mtype, 'chat') self.assertNotIn('Available commands', resp) self.assertIn(('MagicMock is a subclass of Mock ' 'with default implementations'), resp) self.assertIn(('Source code available at ' ''), resp)
def test_run_command_without_command(self): mtype, resp = help.run_command(None) self.assertEqual(mtype, 'chat') self.assertIn('Available commands', resp) self.assertIn(('Type !help <command name> to get more info ' 'about that specific command.'), resp) self.assertIn(('Source code available at ' ''), resp)
def test_run_command_with_command_not_found(self): mtype, resp = help.run_command(None, 'foo') self.assertEqual(mtype, 'chat') self.assertEqual(resp, 'Command not found')