def __init__(self,infile,outfile): self.writer = VMWriter(outfile) self.token = JackToken(infile) self.table = SymbolTable()
class CompilationEngine: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Var Declar: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #stores all the different key words key_class='CLASS' key_method='METHOD' key_function='FUNCTION' key_constructor='CONSTRUCTOR' key_int='INT' key_boolean='BOOLEAN' key_char='CHAR' key_void='VOID' key_var='VAR' key_static='STATIC' key_field='FIELD' key_let='LET' key_do='DO' key_if='IF' key_else='ELSE' key_while='WHILE' key_return='RETURN' key_true='TRUE' key_false='FALSE' key_null='NULL' key_this='THIS' #stores all the token types keyword='KEYWORD' sym='SYMBOL' ident='IDENTIFIER' intc='INT_CONST' string_c='STRING_CONST' #This stores the convertions from the jack kind to the appropriate segment field segment = {'VAR':'local', 'STATIC':'static', 'FIELD':'this', 'ARG':'argument'} #Stores counters for lables of loops and if/else statments loopCounter = 0 ifCounter = 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class declaration: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This is the constructor def __init__(self,infile,outfile): self.writer = VMWriter(outfile) self.token = JackToken(infile) self.table = SymbolTable() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the entire class contained in the input file def compileClass(self): self.token.advance() while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_class in tempkey: s = "Place holder nothing to do here" #if the keyword is static or field then it is known that it is a class var dec #at this level of compilation elif self.key_static in tempkey or self.key_field in tempkey: self.compileClassVarDec() continue #continue because there maybe more then one class var and don't want to advane tokenizer #if the keyword is a subroutine type elif self.key_constructor in tempkey or self.key_method in tempkey or self.key_function in tempkey: self.compileSubroutine() elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if we run into } at this level then we are at the end of the class if '}' in tempsym: break elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() #stores the name of the class we are in for calling methods from #with in this class and for other things as well self.currClassName = tempident self.token.advance() self.writer.close() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles class var dec def compileClassVarDec(self): curtype = "" curkind = "" curname = "" while self.token.hasMoreTokens: tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_int in tempkey or self.key_char in tempkey or self.key_boolean in tempkey: curtype = tempkey elif self.key_static in tempkey or self.key_field in tempkey: curkind = tempkey #if we run into a subroutine declaration then we break elif self.key_function in tempkey or self.key_method in tempkey or self.key_constructor in tempkey: break elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() #if the curtype string is empty then its type is an object if len(curtype) == 0: curtype = tempident else: curname = tempident elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if it runs into any of the below symboles then it is an invalid var decleration if'[\(\)\{\}\[\]\.\+\-\*\/\&\<\>\=\~]{1}',tempsym) is not None: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) #if we run into a ; then it is the end of this particular class var dec if ';' in tempsym: #want to advance past ; so the calling method can do the proper checks self.token.advance() self.table.Define(curname,curtype,curkind) break self.table.Define(curname,curtype,curkind) #clears the curname for cases like 'FIELD int haberdash, x, y' all have same #type and kind but different names curname = '' self.token.advance() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the subroutines def compileSubroutine(self): self.table.startSubroutine() self.curSubType = '' if_param = False #ensures that at least an empty param list is discovered #this is to tell other methods that the current block being read in is a constructor and to take #the appropriate actions self.isConstruct = False isFunct = False while self.token.hasMoreTokens: tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_method in tempkey or self.key_function in tempkey or self.key_constructor in tempkey: #sets isConstruct to true if the keyword is constructor or false other wise self.isConstruct = True if self.key_constructor in tempkey else False #sets isFunct to true if the keyword is function or false other wise isFunct = True if self.key_function in tempkey else False elif self.key_int in tempkey or self.key_char in tempkey or self.key_boolean in tempkey or self.key_void in tempkey: self.curSubType = tempkey #if the keyward var is in tempkey then we need to compile a vardeck elif self.key_var in tempkey: self.compileVarDec() #if it runs into any keywords that aren't caught by the above statements then it is no longer #in a subroutine else: self.writer.writeFunction(self.currClassName+'.'+self.curSubName,self.table.varCount('VAR')) break elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if it runs into a ( then it is descovering a parameter list if '(' in tempsym: self.token.advance() self.compileParameterList(self.isConstruct or isFunct) if_param = True #set param list discovered to true #if it has fond at lest an empty paramlist then it can print the next symboles elif if_param: s = "this is does nothing just place holeder" #error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.ident in tokentype: #if cursubtype is empty then the return type is an object #used for compiling returns and type checking if len(self.curSubType) == 0: self.curSubType = self.token.identifier() else: self.curSubName = self.token.identifier() self.token.advance() #If this was defined as an argument then the subroutine is not a function or constructor #thus we need to set the this pointer in the subroutine to the first argument passed in if 'NONE' not in self.table.kindOf('this'): self.writer.writePush(self.segment[self.table.kindOf('this')],repr(self.table.indexOf('this'))) self.writer.writePop('pointer','0') #if it is a constructor then we need to allocate memory for the object if self.isConstruct: self.writer.writePush('constant',repr(self.table.varCount('FIELD'))) self.writer.writeCall('Memory.alloc',1) self.writer.writePop('pointer','0') #compile the body of the subroutine self.compileStatements() self.loopCounter = 0 self.ifCounter = 0 self.curSubName = '' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the parameter list def compileParameterList(self,isConstruct): curname = '' curtype = '' curkind = '' #If it isn't a constructor then we need to define this as the #first argument if not isConstruct: self.table.Define('this',self.currClassName,'ARG') while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() curtype = tempkey elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() #if the curtype is empty then its type is an object if len(curtype) == 0: curtype = tempident else: curname = tempident elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if it runs into a ) means the end of the parameter list so break if ')' in tempsym: self.table.Define(curname, curtype, 'ARG') break #seperation of the parameters elif ',' in tempsym: self.table.Define(curname, curtype, 'ARG') curname = '' curtype = '' #any other symbol results in a an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() #advance twice because we are at ( so need to getpast that and need to get the next symbol self.token.advance() self.token.advance() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the var decliration def compileVarDec(self): curname = '' curtype = '' while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_var in tempkey: s = 'Place holder does nothing just ensures that a var is seen' elif self.key_int in tempkey or self.key_char in tempkey or self.key_boolean in tempkey: curtype = tempkey #if any keyword is docovered than what is above then the vardec is over else: break elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() #if the curtype is empty then its type is an object if len(curtype) == 0: curtype = tempident else: curname = tempident elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() if ',' in tempsym: self.table.Define(curname,curtype, 'VAR') curname = '' #once ; is found then at the end of a vardec elif ';' in tempsym: self.table.Define(curname,curtype, 'VAR') break self.token.advance() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the statements def compileStatements(self): while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() #if 'let' is found then compilelet if self.key_let in tempkey: self.compileLet() elif self.key_if in tempkey: self.compileIf() #continue because we could have multiple if statements found and #the current token could be the key word if so we don't want to advance #the tokenizer prematurely continue elif self.key_while in tempkey: self.compileWhile() elif self.key_do in tempkey: self.compileDo() elif self.key_return in tempkey: self.compileReturn() #incorrect key word at this level of compilation else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #once we run into } thats the endof statments if '}' in tempsym: break #any other symbol discovered at this stage is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the do def compileDo(self): while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_do in tempkey: s = 'Place holder this does nothing' #if any keyword other then do is discovered at this level it results in an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.ident in tokentype: #compiles the expression with the value for a subroutine call passed in being true self.compileExpression(True) self.token.advance() break self.token.advance() #need to pop the return value of the stack so that it doesn't interfeer #with other operations self.writer.writePop('temp','0') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the letStatement def compileLet(self): isArray = False leftSideEq = '' while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_let in tempkey: s = 'Place holder this does nothing' #if any other keyword is discovered it is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() peak = self.token.peak() #if [ is discovered it means that it is an array access if '[' in peak: self.token.advance() self.token.advance() kind = self.table.kindOf(tempident) #if the identifiers kind is non then it is an udefined variable if "NONE" in kind: print(self.token.errorMsg()+"Undefined Variable\n") sys.exit(0) #pushs the arrays location on to the stack self.writer.writePush(self.segment[kind],repr(self.table.indexOf(tempident))) #compiles the expression for the index self.compileExpression(False) #adds the result of the expression to the base location self.writer.writeArithmetic('+') isArray = True self.token.advance() #continue so that the bellow error catching isn't accidently triped hence the advance command #before this continue else: kind = self.table.kindOf(tempident) if "NONE" in kind: print(self.token.errorMsg()+"Undefined Variable\n") sys.exit(0) #stores the lefside idetifier if it isn't an array leftSideEq = tempident elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #this means that we compile th expression on the other side of the = sign if '=' in tempsym: self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(False) #if we are setting an array location (left side of =) to the expressions result if isArray: #pop expressions result into temp 0 self.writer.writePop('temp','0') #sets that to what the left side resulted in self.writer.writePop('pointer','1') #pushs temp back on to stack and pops it to that at 0 self.writer.writePush('temp','0') self.writer.writePop('that','0') #other wise pop it to the variables location else: kind = self.table.kindOf(leftSideEq) self.writer.writePop(self.segment[kind],repr(self.table.indexOf(leftSideEq))) #sets tempsym to the current symbole tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if tempsym at this point is ; then end of let statement if ';' in self.token.symbol(): break #othre wise it is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the whileStatement def compileWhile(self): #lables for the begenning and the exit of a loop curLoop = self.curSubName+'.loop.'+repr(self.loopCounter) curLoopExit = curLoop+'.EXIT' #incremets loop counter so that all loop for this subroutine will have #unique exit and begin label self.loopCounter += 1 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_while in tempkey: self.writer.writeLabel(curLoop) #if any other keyword is discovered at this level it is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #the condition of the while loop if '(' in tempsym: self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(False) #not the result of the exprssion that if the expression #is false we jump the loops exit self.writer.writeArithmetic('~') self.writer.writeIf(curLoopExit) #body of the while loop elif '{' in tempsym: self.token.advance() self.compileStatements() #bottom of loop need to go back to the top self.writer.writeGoto(curLoop) #once the statments are compiled the whilestatment is done break #any other symbol at this level results in an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() self.writer.writeLabel(curLoopExit) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the ReturnStatement def compileReturn(self): while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_return in tempkey: s = "Place holder does nothing" #Any other keyword means that an exprssion is to be compiled and return is done else: self.compileExpression(False) self.token.advance() break #other wise compile expression elif self.ident in tokentype or self.string_c in tokentype or self.intc in tokentype: self.compileExpression(False) self.token.advance() break elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #denotes the end of a return statment if ';' in tempsym: #if the current subroutines type is the same as the class #then it is a constructor and needs to return the this pointer if self.curSubType == self.currClassName: self.writer.writePush('pointer','0') #if we reach this point and void is not the subroutines type #then the user must need to return a value elif self.key_void not in self.curSubType: print(self.token.errorMsg()+'must return something\n') sys.exit(0) #if void is the subroutines type return 0 else: self.writer.writePush('constant','0') break #any other symbol at this level is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() self.writer.writeReturn() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the ifStatement def compileIf(self): #labels for the else part of if and the exit of both if and else statents currIf = self.curSubName+'.else.'+repr(self.ifCounter) currIfExit = self.curSubName+'.if.'+repr(self.ifCounter)+'.EXIT' #ensurest that all future if|else blocks have unique labels for this #subroutine self.ifCounter += 1 ifElse = False #this means that keyword if has been seen only once so if it seen again #that means it is a seperate if statment seen_once = True while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_if in tempkey and seen_once: s = 'Place holeder does nothing' elif self.key_else in tempkey and not ifElse: ifElse = True #write the jump to the exit of the if/else block self.writer.writeGoto(currIfExit) #Else part of the block self.writer.writeLabel(currIf) #if any other keyword is seen then it is the end of an if statement else: break elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #The condition of an if statment if '(' in tempsym: self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(False) self.writer.writeArithmetic('~') self.writer.writeIf(currIf) #body of an if|else statment elif '{' in tempsym: self.token.advance() self.compileStatements() seen_once = False #if part of an if else block then break if ifElse: self.token.advance() break #just incase this catches } which means that its #the end of an if else block that isn't this one elif '}' in tempsym: break self.token.advance() #if an if/else block write the exit label if ifElse: self.writer.writeLabel(currIfExit) else: self.writer.writeLabel(currIf) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the expression # @param: if this is part of an enclosed statment meanig args to another sub # routine def compileExpression(self,enclosed): while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #this means that we have term to compile with a potential unary op if tempsym in '(~-': self.compileTerm(enclosed,True,False,'') #signifies the end of an expression elif tempsym in ';)],': break else: self.compileTerm(enclosed,False,False,'') self.token.advance() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the term # @param: if argument or array expression # @param: if the term contains a unary operator # @param: if the method was recursively called # @param: the previous sumbol if recursively called def compileTerm(self,enclosed,isUnary,callfromTerm,prevSym): while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_true in tempkey: #pushes -1 onto the stack self.writer.writePush('constant','1') self.writer.writeArithmetic('NEG') elif self.key_false in tempkey: self.writer.writePush('constant','0') elif self.key_null in tempkey: self.writer.writePush('constant','0') elif self.key_this in tempkey: self.writer.writePush('pointer','0') #any other keyword than the ones above results in an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() #peaks at the next token to determine the type of call peaks = self.token.peak() #means that it as a call to a var or class method if '.' in peaks: callName = '' numArgs = 0 typeof = self.table.typeOf(tempident) #if the type is none then we are calling a function or constructor not a method if 'NONE' in typeof: callName = tempident else: callName = typeof numArgs += 1 #push the objects location value as the first argument self.writer.writePush(self.segment[self.table.kindOf(tempident)],repr(self.table.indexOf(tempident))) self.token.advance() callName += self.token.symbol() self.token.advance() #checks to see if the next token is an identifier if not error if self.ident in self.token.tokenType(): callName += self.token.identifier() else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() #if the token type is not a symbol then error if self.sym not in self.token.tokenType(): print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit() self.token.advance() #then compiles the expression list and gets the number of arguments numArgs += self.compileExpressionList() self.writer.writeCall(callName,numArgs) #this means that it is a subroutine call to one of its own methods elif '(' in peaks: #calling one of its own methods so push this pointer onto the stack as the first argument #to the function self.writer.writePush('pointer','0') self.token.advance() self.token.advance() #gets the number of arguments from the expression list and adds 1 for the this pointer pushed #on earlier numArgs = self.compileExpressionList()+1 self.writer.writeCall(self.currClassName+'.'+tempident,numArgs if numArgs != 0 else 1) #this means that it is accessing an array element elif '[' in peaks: self.token.advance() self.token.advance() kind = self.table.kindOf(tempident) #if the kind of the identifier is none then it wasn't defined if "NONE" in kind: print(self.token.errorMsg()+"Undefined Variable\n") sys.exit(0) #push base location of the array onto the stack self.writer.writePush(self.segment[kind],repr(self.table.indexOf(tempident))) #calc offset self.compileExpression(enclosed) #add offset to base self.writer.writeArithmetic('+') #set that to the new value self.writer.writePop('pointer','1') #get the value at the offset self.writer.writePush('that','0') #other wise it is just an identifier else: kind = self.table.kindOf(tempident) if "NONE" in kind: print(self.token.errorMsg()+"Undefined Variable\n") sys.exit(0) self.writer.writePush(self.segment[kind],repr(self.table.indexOf(tempident))) elif self.intc in tokentype: self.writer.writePush('constant',self.token.intVal()) elif self.string_c in tokentype: string = self.token.stringVal() #creates a new string of the appropriate length self.writer.writePush('constant', repr(len(string))) self.writer.writeCall('',1) #appends each new character to the string for c in string: self.writer.writePush('constant',repr(ord(c))) self.writer.writeCall('String.appendChar',2) elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #this means that it is and expression surrounded by () if '(' in tempsym: self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(True) enclosed = True #not unary operator elif '~' in tempsym: self.token.advance() self.compileTerm(enclosed,False,False,prevSym) self.writer.writeArithmetic(tempsym) elif '-' in tempsym and isUnary and not enclosed: self.token.advance() self.compileTerm(enclosed,False,False,prevSym) self.writer.writeArithmetic('NEG') #operator elif tempsym in '+-*/&|<>=': self.token.advance() #if this was recursivelly called then need to print symble #of previous call ensures that the correct values on the stack #are used if callfromTerm: if '*' in prevSym: self.writer.writeCall('Math.multiply',2) elif '/' in prevSym: self.writer.writeCall('Math.divide',2) else: self.writer.writeArithmetic(prevSym) what = self.compileTerm(enclosed,False,True,tempsym) #if the return value is true and is the end of the expression if what and self.token.peak() in ']);,': if '*' in tempsym: self.writer.writeCall('Math.multiply',2) elif '/' in tempsym: self.writer.writeCall('Math.divide',2) else: self.writer.writeArithmetic(tempsym) #return false becuase we don't want to write anything #more from this block return False #if what is false and at the end of the expression #return false elif not what and self.token.peak() in ']);,': return False #if the next token is ]);, means the end of a term if self.token.peak() in ']);,': break self.token.advance() return True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the expressionList def compileExpressionList(self): expressCount = 0 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #indicates teh start of another expression if ',' in tempsym: self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(False) expressCount += 1 #indicates that end of expression list elif ')' in tempsym: break else: self.compileExpression(False) expressCount += 1 else: self.compileExpression(False) expressCount += 1 return expressCount #-------------------End Class--------------------------------------------------
class CompilationEngineXML: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Var Declar: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #stores all the different key words key_class='CLASS' key_method='METHOD' key_function='FUNCTION' key_constructor='CONSTRUCTOR' key_int='INT' key_boolean='BOOLEAN' key_char='CHAR' key_void='VOID' key_var='VAR' key_static='STATIC' key_field='FIELD' key_let='LET' key_do='DO' key_if='IF' key_else='ELSE' key_while='WHILE' key_return='RETURN' key_true='TRUE' key_false='FALSE' key_null='NULL' key_this='THIS' #stores all the token types keyword='KEYWORD' sym='SYMBOL' ident='IDENTIFIER' intc='INT_CONST' string_c='STRING_CONST' #for off setting the xml attributes in the output file space = ' ' spaceCount = 0 #look up table for xml attributes xml={'classb':'<class>','classe':'</class>','classVarDecb':'<classVarDec>','classVarDece':'</classVarDec>' ,'subroutineDecb':'<subroutineDec>','subroutineDece':'</subroutineDec>','parameterListb':'<parameterList>','parameterListe':'</parameterList>' ,'subroutineBodyb':'<subroutineBody>','subroutineBodye':'</subroutineBody>','varDecb':'<varDec>','varDece':'</varDec>' ,'statementsb':'<statements>','statementse':'</statements>','letStatementb':'<letStatement>','letStatemente':'</letStatement>' ,'ifStatementb':'<ifStatement>','ifStatemente':'</ifStatement>','whileStatementb':'<whileStatement>','whileStatemente':'</whileStatement>' ,'doStatementb':'<doStatement>','doStatemente':'</doStatement>','ReturnStatementb':'<returnStatement>','ReturnStatemente':'</returnStatement>' ,'expressionb':'<expression>','expressione':'</expression>','termb':'<term>','terme':'</term>','expressionListb':'<expressionList>' ,'expressionListe':'</expressionList>','integerConstantb':'<integerConstant>','integerConstante':'</integerConstant>','StringConstantb':'<stringConstant>' ,'StringConstante':'</stringConstant>','identifierb':'<identifier>','identifiere':'</identifier>','keywordb':'<keyword>','keyworde':'</keyword>', 'symbolb':'<symbol>', 'symbole':'</symbol>'} #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class declaration: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This is the constructor def __init__(self,infile,outfile): self.of = open(outfile,'w') self.token = JackToken(infile) self.table = SymbolTable() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the entire class contained in the input file def compileClass(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['classb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 self.token.advance() while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_class in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #if the keyword is static or field then it is known that it is a class var dec #at this level of compilation elif self.key_static in tempkey or self.key_field in tempkey: self.compileClassVarDec() continue #continue because there maybe more then one class var and don't want to advane tokenizer #if the keyword is a subroutine type elif self.key_constructor in tempkey or self.key_method in tempkey or self.key_function in tempkey: self.compileSubroutine() elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if we run into } at this level then we are at the end of the class if '}' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') break self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() self.currClassName = tempident self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+tempident+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['classe']) self.of.close() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles class var dec def compileClassVarDec(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['classVarDecb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 curtype = "" curkind = "" curname = "" while self.token.hasMoreTokens: tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_int in tempkey or self.key_char in tempkey or self.key_boolean in tempkey: curtype = tempkey self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') elif self.key_static in tempkey or self.key_field in tempkey: curkind = tempkey self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #if we run into a subroutine declaration then we break elif self.key_function in tempkey or self.key_method in tempkey or self.key_constructor in tempkey: break elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() if len(curtype) == 0: curtype = tempident else: curname = tempident self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+tempident+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if it runs into any of the below symboles then it is an invalid var decleration if'[\(\)\{\}\[\]\.\+\-\*\/\&\<\>\=\~]{1}',tempsym) is not None: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) #if we run into a ; then it is the end of this particular class var dec if ';' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.table.Define(curname,curtype,curkind) break self.table.Define(curname,curtype,curkind) curname = '' self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['classVarDece']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the subroutines def compileSubroutine(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['subroutineDecb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 self.table.startSubroutine() if_param = False #ensures that at least an empty param list is discovered isConstruct = False while self.token.hasMoreTokens: tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_method in tempkey or self.key_function in tempkey or self.key_constructor in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') isConstruct = True if self.key_constructor in tempkey else False elif self.key_int in tempkey or self.key_char in tempkey or self.key_boolean in tempkey or self.key_void in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #if the keyward var is in tempkey then we need to compile a vardeck elif self.key_var in tempkey: self.compileVarDec() #if it runs into any keywords that aren't caught by the above statements then it is no longer #in a subroutine else: break elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if it runs into a ( then it is descovering a parameter list if '(' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() #compiles the parameter list self.compileParameterList(isConstruct) self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['subroutineBodyb']+'\n') self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+self.token.symbol()+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') if_param = True #set param list discovered to true #if it has fond at lest an empty paramlist then it can print the next symboles elif if_param: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.ident in tokentype: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+self.token.identifier()+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileStatements() self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['subroutineBodye']+'\n') self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['subroutineDece']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the parameter list def compileParameterList(self,isConstruct): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['parameterListb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 curname = '' curtype = '' curkind = '' if not isConstruct: self.table.Define('this',self.currClassName,'ARG') while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() curtype = tempkey self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() if len(curtype) == 0: curtype = tempident else: curname = tempident self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+tempident+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if it runs into a ) means the end of the parameter list so break if ')' in tempsym: self.table.Define(curname, curtype, 'ARG') break #seperation of the parameters elif ',' in tempsym: self.table.Define(curname, curtype, 'ARG') curname = '' curtype = '' self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #any other symbol results in a an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['parameterListe']+'\n') self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #advance twice because we are at ( so need to getpast that and need to get the next symbol self.token.advance() self.token.advance() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the var decliration def compileVarDec(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['varDecb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 curname = '' curtype = '' while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_var in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') elif self.key_int in tempkey or self.key_char in tempkey or self.key_boolean in tempkey: curtype = tempkey self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #if any keyword is docovered than what is above then the vardec is over else: break elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() if len(curtype) == 0: curtype = tempident else: curname = tempident self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+tempident+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() if ',' in tempsym: self.table.Define(curname,curtype, 'VAR') curname = '' self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #once ; is found then at the end of a vardec elif ';' in tempsym: self.table.Define(curname,curtype, 'VAR') self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') break self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['varDece']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the statements def compileStatements(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['statementsb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() #if 'let' is found then compilelet if self.key_let in tempkey: self.compileLet() elif self.key_if in tempkey: self.compileIf() #continue because we could have multiple if statements found and #the current token could be the key word if so we don't want to advance #the tokenizer prematurely continue elif self.key_while in tempkey: self.compileWhile() elif self.key_do in tempkey: self.compileDo() elif self.key_return in tempkey: self.compileReturn() #incorrect key word at this level of compilation else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #once we run into } thats the endof statments if '}' in tempsym: break #any other symbol discovered at this stage is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['statementse']+'\n') self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+self.token.symbol()+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the do def compileDo(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['doStatementb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_do in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #if any keyword other then do is discovered at this level it results in an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.ident in tokentype: #compiles the expression with the value for a subroutine call passed in being true self.compileExpression(True) #once compileexpression is done then the current token is a ; signalling the end of a dostatment self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+self.token.symbol()+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() break self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['doStatemente']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the letStatement def compileLet(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['letStatementb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_let in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #if any other keyword is discovered it is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<name>'+tempident+'</name>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<type>'+self.table.typeOf(tempident)+'</type>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<kind>'+self.table.kindOf(tempident)+'</kind>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<index>'+repr(self.table.indexOf(tempident))+'</index>'+'\n') self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if [ is discovered it means that it is an array access if '[' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(False) self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+self.token.symbol()+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() #continue so that the bellow error catching isn't accidently triped hence the advance command #before this continue #this means that we compile th expression on the other side of the = sign elif '=' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(False) #sets tempsym to the current symbole tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if tempsym at this point is ; then end of let statement if ';' in self.token.symbol(): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') break #othre wise it is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['letStatemente']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the whileStatement def compileWhile(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['whileStatementb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_while in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #if any other keyword is discovered at this level it is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #the condition of the while loop if '(' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(False) self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+self.token.symbol()+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #body of the while loop elif '{' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileStatements() #once the statments are compiled the whilestatment is done break #any other symbol at this level results in an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['whileStatemente']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the ReturnStatement def compileReturn(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['ReturnStatementb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_return in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #Any other keyword means that an exprssion is to be compiled and return is done else: self.compileExpression(False) self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+self.token.symbol()+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() break #other wise compile expression elif self.ident in tokentype or self.string_c in tokentype or self.intc in tokentype: self.compileExpression(False) self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+self.token.symbol()+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() break elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #denotes the end of a return statment if ';' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') break #any other symbol at this level is an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['ReturnStatemente']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the ifStatement def compileIf(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['ifStatementb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 #this means that keyword if has been seen only once so if it seen again #that means it is a seperate if statment seen_once = True while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_if in tempkey and seen_once: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') elif self.key_else in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #if any other keyword is seen then it is the end of an if statement else: break elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #The condition of an if statment if '(' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(False) self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+self.token.symbol()+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #body of an if|else statment elif '{' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileStatements() seen_once = False self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['ifStatemente']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the expression def compileExpression(self,subCall): #if it a subrountine call don't want to print out the exprssion attribute if not subCall: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['expressionb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #if it is an operator then print out the appropriate xml attribute statement if tempsym in '+-*/&|<>=': if '<' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+"<"+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') elif '>' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+">"+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') elif '&' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+"&"+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') else: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #this means that we have term to compile elif tempsym in '(~': self.compileTerm(subCall) #signifies the end of an expression elif tempsym in ';)],': break else: self.compileTerm(subCall) self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 if not subCall: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['expressione']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the term def compileTerm(self,subCall): if not subCall: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['termb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.keyword in tokentype: tempkey = self.token.keyWord() if self.key_true in tempkey or self.key_false in tempkey or self.key_null in tempkey or self.key_this in tempkey: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['keywordb']+tempkey.lower()+self.xml['keyworde']+'\n') #any other keyword than the ones above results in an error else: print(self.token.errorMsg()) sys.exit(0) elif self.ident in tokentype: tempident = self.token.identifier() #peaks at the next token to determine the type of call peaks = self.token.peak() #means that it as a call to a var or class method if '.' in peaks: #replace this with code to do a look up self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<name>'+tempident+'</name>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<type>'+self.table.typeOf(tempident)+'</type>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<kind>'+self.table.kindOf(tempident)+'</kind>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<index>'+repr(self.table.indexOf(tempident))+'</index>'+'\n') self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') self.token.advance() tempsym = self.token.symbol() self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() tempident = self.token.identifier() self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+tempident+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') self.token.advance() tempsym = self.token.symbol() self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() #then compiles the expression list self.compileExpressionList() #this means that it is a subroutine call to one of its own methods elif '(' in peaks: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+tempident+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') self.token.advance() tempsym = self.token.symbol() self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileExpressionList() #this means that it is accessing an array element elif '[' in peaks: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<name>'+tempident+'</name>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<type>'+self.table.typeOf(tempident)+'</type>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<kind>'+self.table.kindOf(tempident)+'</kind>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<index>'+repr(self.table.indexOf(tempident))+'</index>'+'\n') self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') self.token.advance() tempsym = self.token.symbol() self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(subCall) tempsym = self.token.symbol() self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #other wise it is just an identifier else: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifierb']+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<name>'+tempident+'</name>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<type>'+self.table.typeOf(tempident)+'</type>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<kind>'+self.table.kindOf(tempident)+'</kind>'+'\n') self.of.write((*(self.spaceCount+1))+'<index>'+repr(self.table.indexOf(tempident))+'</index>'+'\n') self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['identifiere']+'\n') elif self.intc in tokentype: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['integerConstantb']+self.token.intVal()+self.xml['integerConstante']+'\n') elif self.string_c in tokentype: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['StringConstantb']+self.token.stringVal()+self.xml['StringConstante']+'\n') elif self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #this means that it is and expression surrounded by () if '(' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(subCall) tempsym = self.token.symbol() self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #not unary operator elif '~' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileTerm(subCall) #operator elif tempsym in '+-*/&|<>=': self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['terme']+'\n') if '<' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+"<"+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') elif '>' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+">"+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') elif '&' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+"&"+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') else: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') return #if the next token is ]);, means the end of a term if self.token.peak() in ']);,': break self.token.advance() self.spaceCount -= 1 if not subCall: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['terme']+'\n') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This method compiles the expressionList def compileExpressionList(self): self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['expressionListb']+'\n') self.spaceCount += 1 while self.token.hasMoreTokens(): tokentype = self.token.tokenType() if self.sym in tokentype: tempsym = self.token.symbol() #indicates teh start of another expression if ',' in tempsym: self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+tempsym+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') self.token.advance() self.compileExpression(False) #indicates that end of expression list elif ')' in tempsym: break #other wise compile expression else: self.compileExpression(False) else: self.compileExpression(False) self.spaceCount -= 1 self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['expressionListe']+'\n') self.of.write((*self.spaceCount)+self.xml['symbolb']+self.token.symbol()+self.xml['symbole']+'\n') #-------------------End Class--------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self,infile,outfile): self.of = open(outfile,'w') self.token = JackToken(infile) self.table = SymbolTable()
compiler = CompilationEngine(d,out_file) compiler.compileClass() else: #if not a directory compiler = CompilationEngine(in_file,out_file) compiler.compileClass() else: #option for tokenized output selected if is_dir: #if it is a directory for d in directory: #Strips '.jack' off the end and adds 'T2.xml' temp_out ='(.*)(\.jack)',d) out_file ='T2.xml' token = JackToken(d) out = open(out_file,'w') out.write("<tokens>\n") token.advance() while token.hasMoreTokens(): if 'KEYWORD' in token.tokenType(): out.write((space*offset)+"<keyword>"+token.keyWord().lower()+"</keyword>\n") elif 'SYMBOL' in token.tokenType(): tempsym = token.symbol() if '<' in tempsym: tempsym = '<' elif '>' in tempsym: tempsym = '>' elif '&' in tempsym: tempsym = '&' out.write((space*offset)+"<symbol>"+tempsym+"</symbol>\n")