예제 #1
def test_debug_id():
    debug_header = 'correlation-id'
    tracer = Tracer(
    tracer.codecs[Format.TEXT_MAP] = TextCodec(
    carrier = {debug_header: 'Coraline'}
    context = tracer.extract(Format.TEXT_MAP, carrier)
    assert context.is_debug_id_container_only
    assert context.debug_id == 'Coraline'
    span = tracer.start_span('test', child_of=context)
    assert span.is_debug()
    assert span.is_sampled()
    tags = [t for t in span.tags if t.key == debug_header]
    assert len(tags) == 1
    assert tags[0].vStr == 'Coraline'
예제 #2
def test_debug_id():
    debug_header = 'correlation-id'
    tracer = Tracer(
    tracer.codecs[Format.TEXT_MAP] = TextCodec(
    carrier = {debug_header: 'Coraline'}
    context = tracer.extract(Format.TEXT_MAP, carrier)
    assert context.is_debug_id_container_only
    assert context.debug_id == 'Coraline'
    span = tracer.start_span('test', child_of=context)
    assert span.is_debug()
    assert span.is_sampled()
    tags = [t for t in span.tags if t.key == debug_header]
    assert len(tags) == 1
    assert tags[0].vStr == 'Coraline'
예제 #3
class SimpleTracer:
    '''A very basic OpenTracing tracer, with null reporter'''
    def __init__(self, sname):
        self.tracer = Tracer(one_span_per_rpc=True,
                             extra_codecs={Format.HTTP_HEADERS: B3Codec()})

    def trace(self):
        Decorator that creates opentracing span from incoming b3 headers
        def decorator(f):
            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                global stack
                request = stack.top.request
                    # Create a new span context, reading in values (traceid,
                    # spanid, etc) from the incoming x-b3-*** headers.
                    span_ctx = self.tracer.extract(Format.HTTP_HEADERS,
                    # Note: this tag means that the span will *not* be
                    # a child span. It will use the incoming traceid and
                    # spanid. We do this to propagate the headers verbatim.
                    rpc_tag = {tags.SPAN_KIND: tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_SERVER}
                    span = self.tracer.start_span(operation_name='op',
                except Exception as e:
                    # We failed to create a context, possibly due to no
                    # incoming x-b3-*** headers. Start a fresh span.
                    # Note: This is a fallback only, and will create fresh
                    # headers, not propagate headers.
                    span = self.tracer.start_span('op')
                with span_in_context(span):
                    r = f(*args, **kwargs)
                    return r

            wrapper.__name__ = f.__name__
            return wrapper

        return decorator

    def getForwardHeaders(self, request):
        Return the headers that should be forwarded to subservices.

        This function currently forwards instances of tracing headers
        for a much wider range of tracing tools than are used in
        this course. If those headers are not present, nothing
        happens other than a bit of wasted computation here.

        At some point, we should pare down the list to only those
        headers needed by the tools used in class.

        The final block, "Application-specific", includes headers
        not needed for tracing but that our application requires to
        be forwarded.
        headers = {}

        # x-b3-*** headers can be populated using the opentracing span
        span = get_current_span()
        carrier = {}


        # CMPT 756 --- COMMENTED OUT FROM bookinfo
        # We handle other (non x-b3-***) headers manually
        #if 'user' in session:
        #    headers['end-user'] = session['user']

        # Keep this in sync with the headers in details and reviews.
        incoming_headers = [
            # All applications should propagate x-request-id. This header is
            # included in access log statements and is used for consistent trace
            # sampling and log sampling decisions in Istio.

            # Lightstep tracing header. Propagate this if you use lightstep tracing
            # in Istio (see
            # https://istio.io/latest/docs/tasks/observability/distributed-tracing/lightstep/)
            # Note: this should probably be changed to use B3 or W3C TRACE_CONTEXT.
            # Lightstep recommends using B3 or TRACE_CONTEXT and most application
            # libraries from lightstep do not support x-ot-span-context.

            # Datadog tracing header. Propagate these headers if you use Datadog
            # tracing.

            # W3C Trace Context. Compatible with OpenCensusAgent and Stackdriver Istio
            # configurations.

            # Cloud trace context. Compatible with OpenCensusAgent and Stackdriver Istio
            # configurations.

            # Grpc binary trace context. Compatible with OpenCensusAgent nad
            # Stackdriver Istio configurations.

            # b3 trace headers. Compatible with Zipkin, OpenCensusAgent, and
            # Stackdriver Istio configurations. Commented out since they are
            # propagated by the OpenTracing tracer above.
            # 'x-b3-traceid',
            # 'x-b3-spanid',
            # 'x-b3-parentspanid',
            # 'x-b3-sampled',
            # 'x-b3-flags',

            # Application-specific headers to forward.
            'Authorization',  # CMPT 756
        # For Zipkin, always propagate b3 headers.
        # For Lightstep, always propagate the x-ot-span-context header.
        # For Datadog, propagate the corresponding datadog headers.
        # For OpenCensusAgent and Stackdriver configurations, you can choose any
        # set of compatible headers to propagate within your application. For
        # example, you can propagate b3 headers or W3C trace context headers with
        # the same result. This can also allow you to translate between context
        # propagation mechanisms between different applications.

        for ihdr in incoming_headers:
            val = request.headers.get(ihdr)
            if val is not None:
                headers[ihdr] = val

        return headers