예제 #1
    def __init__(
        tag: str,
        output_type: ParseableType,
        glob: Optional[Union[Selector, str]] = None,
        doc: Optional[str] = None,
        A ToolOutput instructs the the engine how to collect an output and how
        it may be referenced in a workflow.

        :param tag: The identifier of a output, must be unique in the inputs and outputs.
        :param output_type: The type of output that is being collected.
        :param glob: How to collect this output, can accept any :class:`janis.Selector`.
        :param doc: Documentation on what the output is, used to generate docs.

        if not Validators.validate_identifier(tag):
            raise Exception(
                f"The identifier '{tag}' was invalid because {Validators.reason_for_failure(tag)}"

        self.tag = tag
        self.output_type: ParseableType = get_instantiated_type(output_type)
        self.glob = glob
        self.doc = doc
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, **connections):

        self.connections = connections

        Logger.log(f"Creating workflow with identifier: '{self.id()}'")

        if not Validators.validate_identifier(self.id()):
            raise Exception(
                f"The identifier '{self.id()}' was invalid because {Validators.reason_for_failure(self.id())}"

        # The following variables allow us to quickly check data about the graph
        self.nodes: Dict[str, Node] = {}

        self.input_nodes: Dict[str, InputNode] = {}
        self.step_nodes: Dict[str, StepNode] = {}
        self.output_nodes: Dict[str, OutputNode] = {}

        # Flags for different requirements that a workflow might need
        self.has_scatter = False
        self.has_subworkflow = False
        self.has_multiple_inputs = False

        # Now that we've initialised everything, we can "construct" the workflows for that subclass this class
        # else, for the WorkflowBuilder it will do nothing and they'll add workflows later
예제 #3
    def __init__(
        tag: str,
        output_type: ParseableType,
        glob: Optional[Union[Selector, str]] = None,
        presents_as: str = None,
        secondaries_present_as: Dict[str, str] = None,
        doc: Optional[Union[str, OutputDocumentation]] = None,
        A ToolOutput instructs the the engine how to collect an output and how
        it may be referenced in a workflow.

        :param tag: The identifier of a output, must be unique in the inputs and outputs.
        :param output_type: The type of output that is being collected.
        :param glob: How to collect this output, can accept any :class:`janis.Selector`.
        :param doc: Documentation on what the output is, used to generate docs.

        if not Validators.validate_identifier(tag):
            raise Exception(
                f"The identifier '{tag}' was invalid because {Validators.reason_for_failure(tag)}"

        self.tag = tag
        self.output_type: ParseableType = get_instantiated_type(output_type)

        if not glob and not (
            isinstance(self.output_type, Stdout) or isinstance(self.output_type, Stderr)
            raise Exception(
                "ToolOutput expects a glob when the output type is not Stdout / Stderr"

        self.glob = glob
        self.presents_as = presents_as
        self.secondaries_present_as = secondaries_present_as
        self.doc = (
            if isinstance(doc, OutputDocumentation)
            else OutputDocumentation(doc=doc)

        if self.secondaries_present_as:
            if not self.output_type.secondary_files():
                raise Exception(
                    f"The ToolOutput '{self.id()}' requested a rewrite of secondary file extension through "
                    f"'secondaries_present_as', but the type {self.output_type.id()} not have any secondary files."
            secs = set(self.output_type.secondary_files())
            to_remap = set(self.secondaries_present_as.keys())
            invalid = to_remap - secs
            if len(invalid) > 0:
                raise Exception(
                    f"Error when constructing output '{self.id()}', the secondaries_present_as contained secondary "
                    f"files ({', '.join(invalid)}) that were not found in the output "
                    f"type '{self.output_type.id()}' ({', '.join(secs)})"
예제 #4
    def get_tool_tag_from_identifier(cls, identifier):
        i = cls.get_tag_from_identifier(identifier)

        while not Validators.validate_identifier(i):
            i = str(
                    f"The tag for tool: '{i}' (fullID: {identifier}) was invalid, please choose another: "

        return i
예제 #5
    def __init__(
        tag: str,
        input_type: ParseableType,
        position: Optional[int] = None,
        prefix: Optional[str] = None,
        separate_value_from_prefix: bool = None,
        prefix_applies_to_all_elements: bool = None,
        separator: str = None,
        shell_quote: bool = None,
        localise_file: bool = None,
        default: Any = None,
        doc: Optional[str] = None,
        A ``ToolInput`` represents an input to a tool, with parameters that allow it to be bound on the command line.
        The ToolInput must have either a position or prefix set to be bound onto the command line.

        :param tag: The identifier of the input (unique to inputs and outputs of a tool)
        :param input_type: The data type that this input accepts
        :type input_type: ``janis.ParseableType``
        :param position: The position of the input to be applied. (Default = 0, after the base_command).
        :param prefix: The prefix to be appended before the element. (By default, a space will also be applied, see ``separate_value_from_prefix`` for more information)
        :param separate_value_from_prefix: (Default: True) Add a space between the prefix and value when ``True``.
        :param prefix_applies_to_all_elements: Applies the prefix to each element of the array (Array inputs only)
        :param shell_quote: Stops shell quotes from being applied in all circumstances, useful when joining multiple commands together.
        :param separator: The separator between each element of an array (defaults to ' ')
        :param localise_file: Ensures that the file(s) are localised into the execution directory.
        :param default: The default value to be applied if the input is not defined.
        :param doc: Documentation string for the ToolInput, this is used to generate the tool documentation and provide
        hints to the user.

        # if default is not None:
        #     input_type.optional = True

        if not Validators.validate_identifier(tag):
            raise Exception(
                f"The identifier '{tag}' was not validated because {Validators.reason_for_failure(tag)}"

        self.tag: str = tag
        self.input_type: ParseableType = get_instantiated_type(input_type)
        self.default = default
        self.prefix_applies_to_all_elements = prefix_applies_to_all_elements
        self.separator = separator
        self.localise_file = localise_file
예제 #6
    def verify_identifier(self, identifier: str, component: str):

        if identifier in self.__dict__:
            raise Exception(
                f"'{identifier}' is a protected keyword for a janis workflow")

        if identifier in self.nodes:
            existing = self.nodes[identifier]
            raise Exception(
                f"There already exists a node (and component) with id '{identifier}'. The added "
                f"component ('{component}') clashes with '{repr(existing)}').")

        if not Validators.validate_identifier(identifier):
            raise Exception(
                f"The identifier '{identifier}' was invalid because {Validators.reason_for_failure(identifier)}"
예제 #7
파일: parse_help.py 프로젝트: ktrh61/janis
def parse_str(helpstr,
              option_marker: str = None,
    doc = ""
    args = []
    lines = helpstr.replace("\\n", "\n").split("\n")
    options_idx = None
    markers = option_markers
    if option_marker:
        markers = markers.union({option_marker.lower()})
    for il in range(len(lines)):
        line = lines[il]
        if not line.lstrip():

        ll = line.strip().lower()

        if any(ll.startswith(m) for m in markers):
            options_idx = il

        doc += line + "\n"

    if options_idx is None:
        raise Exception("Couldn't find the start of the inputs")

    prev_arg = None
    last_line_was_blank_or_param = True

    while options_idx < len(lines) - 1:
        options_idx += 1

        line = lines[options_idx]

        if not line.lstrip():
            # line is empty
            prev_arg = None
            last_line_was_blank_or_param = True

        line_args = [l.strip() for l in line.lstrip().split("  ") if l]
        largs = len(line_args)

        if largs == 0:
            raise Exception(
                "No args when should have been filtered by previous step")

        tool_doc = ""

        if (not requires_prev_line_blank_or_param or
                last_line_was_blank_or_param) and line_args[0].startswith("-"):
            # sometimes this section has two items
            processed_tags = [
                get_tag_and_cleanup_prefix(p) for p in line_args[0].split(",")
            processed_tags = [t for t in processed_tags if t is not None]
            if len(processed_tags) < 1:
            tags = sorted(processed_tags,
                          key=lambda l: len(l[1]),
            potential_type = first_or_default([p[3] for p in processed_tags])

            if len(tags) > 1:
                tool_doc += "(" + ", ".join(t[0] for t in tags[1:]) + ") "

            if largs > 1:
                tool_doc += " ".join(line_args[1:])

            prefix, tag, has_equal, guessed_type = tags[0]
            eqifrequired = "=" if has_equal else ""

            if not potential_type:
                potential_type = Boolean

            if len(tag) == 1:
                while not Validators.validate_identifier(tag):
                        f"The tag for '{prefix}' was invalid, we need you to come up with a new identifier for:"
                    print("\t" + tool_doc if tool_doc else line)
                    tag = str(input("New identifier: "))
                prev_arg = ToolInput(
                    prefix=prefix + eqifrequired,
                    separate_value_from_prefix=not has_equal,
                    doc=tool_doc.replace('"', "'"),
                print(f"Skipping '{tag}' as it wasn't validated correctly")
            # we'll get the longer one for the tag

        elif prev_arg:
            prev_arg.doc.doc += " " + line.lstrip()
            last_line_was_blank_or_param = False

    return doc, args
예제 #8
    def __init__(
        tag: str,
        input_type: ParseableType,
        position: Optional[int] = None,
        prefix: Optional[str] = None,
        separate_value_from_prefix: bool = None,
        prefix_applies_to_all_elements: bool = None,
        presents_as: str = None,
        secondaries_present_as: Dict[str, str] = None,
        separator: str = None,
        shell_quote: bool = None,
        localise_file: bool = None,
        default: Any = None,
        doc: Optional[Union[str, InputDocumentation]] = None,
        A ``ToolInput`` represents an input to a tool, with parameters that allow it to be bound on the command line.
        The ToolInput must have either a position or prefix set to be bound onto the command line.

        :param tag: The identifier of the input (unique to inputs and outputs of a tool)
        :param input_type: The data type that this input accepts
        :type input_type: ``janis.ParseableType``
        :param position: The position of the input to be applied. (Default = 0, after the base_command).
        :param prefix: The prefix to be appended before the element. (By default, a space will also be applied, see ``separate_value_from_prefix`` for more information)
        :param separate_value_from_prefix: (Default: True) Add a space between the prefix and value when ``True``.
        :param prefix_applies_to_all_elements: Applies the prefix to each element of the array (Array inputs only)
        :param shell_quote: Stops shell quotes from being applied in all circumstances, useful when joining multiple commands together.
        :param separator: The separator between each element of an array (defaults to ' ')
        :param localise_file: Ensures that the file(s) are localised into the execution directory.
        :param default: The default value to be applied if the input is not defined.
        :param doc: Documentation string for the ToolInput, this is used to generate the tool documentation and provide
        hints to the user.

        self.doc: InputDocumentation = (doc if isinstance(
            doc, DocumentationMeta) else InputDocumentation(doc=doc))

        # if default is not None:
        #     input_type.optional = True

        if not Validators.validate_identifier(tag):
            raise Exception(
                f"The identifier '{tag}' was not validated because {Validators.reason_for_failure(tag)}"

        self.tag: str = tag
        self.input_type: ParseableType = get_instantiated_type(input_type)
        self.default = default
        self.prefix_applies_to_all_elements = prefix_applies_to_all_elements
        self.separator = separator

        self.localise_file = localise_file
        self.presents_as = presents_as
        self.secondaries_present_as = secondaries_present_as

        if self.secondaries_present_as:
            if not self.input_type.secondary_files():
                raise Exception(
                    f"The ToolOutput '{self.id()}' requested a rewrite of secondary file extension through "
                    f"'secondaries_present_as', but the type {self.input_type.id()} not have any secondary files."
            secs = set(self.input_type.secondary_files())
            to_remap = set(self.secondaries_present_as.keys())
            invalid = to_remap - secs
            if len(invalid) > 0:
                raise Exception(
                    f"Error when constructing output '{self.id()}', the secondaries_present_as contained secondary "
                    f"files ({', '.join(invalid)}) that were not found in the output "
                    f"type '{self.input_type.id()}' ({', '.join(secs)})")
예제 #9
    def __init__(
        tag: str,
        output_type: ParseableType,
        selector: Optional[Union[Selector, str]] = None,
        presents_as: str = None,
        secondaries_present_as: Dict[str, str] = None,
        doc: Optional[Union[str, OutputDocumentation]] = None,
        glob: Optional[Union[Selector, str]] = None,
        A ToolOutput instructs the the engine how to collect an output and how
        it may be referenced in a workflow.

        :param tag: The identifier of a output, must be unique in the inputs and outputs.
        :param output_type: The type of output that is being collected.
        :param selector: How to collect this output, can accept any :class:`janis.Selector`.
        :param glob: (DEPRECATED) An alias for `selector`
        :param doc: Documentation on what the output is, used to generate docs.
        :param _skip_output_quality_check: DO NOT USE THIS PARAMETER, it's a scapegoat for parsing CWL ExpressionTools when an cwl.output.json is generated

        if not Validators.validate_identifier(tag):
            raise Exception(
                f"The identifier '{tag}' was invalid because {Validators.reason_for_failure(tag)}"

        self.tag = tag
        self.output_type: ParseableType = get_instantiated_type(output_type)
        self._skip_output_quality_check = _skip_output_quality_check

        if selector is None and glob is not None:
            selector = glob
        elif selector is not None and glob is not None:
            raise TypeError(
                f"ToolInput({tag}) received inputs for both selector and glob. Please only use glob"

        if (not _skip_output_quality_check and selector is None
                and not (isinstance(self.output_type, Stdout)
                         or isinstance(self.output_type, Stderr))):
            raise Exception(
                "ToolOutput expects a 'selector=' param when the output type is not Stdout / Stderr"

        self.selector = selector
        self.presents_as = presents_as
        self.secondaries_present_as = secondaries_present_as
        self.doc = (doc if isinstance(doc, OutputDocumentation) else

        if isinstance(selector, Operator) and self.presents_as:
            raise Exception(
                f"Error when constructing output '{self.id()}', Janis does not support 'presents_as' AND "
                "operators within a ToolOutput selector. Please raise an issue if you think this is in error."

        if self.secondaries_present_as:
            if not self.output_type.secondary_files():
                raise Exception(
                    f"The ToolOutput '{self.id()}' requested a rewrite of secondary file extension through "
                    f"'secondaries_present_as', but the type {self.output_type.id()} not have any secondary files."
            secs = set(self.output_type.secondary_files())
            to_remap = set(self.secondaries_present_as.keys())
            invalid = to_remap - secs
            if len(invalid) > 0:
                raise Exception(
                    f"Error when constructing output '{self.id()}', the secondaries_present_as contained secondary "
                    f"files ({', '.join(invalid)}) that were not found in the output "
                    f"type '{self.output_type.id()}' ({', '.join(secs)})")
예제 #10
 def test_invalid_identifiers(self):
예제 #11
 def test_valid_identifiers(self):
예제 #12
 def test_invalid_sample_name(self):