def delete_task(task_id): """ delete task""" task = get_task(task_id) stmt = "DELETE FROM task WHERE task_id=%s" params = task_id mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) # delete files if task.task_type == "Upload": path = "janta/static/uploaded-files/" stmt = "SELECT * FROM user_task_map WHERE task_id=%s" params = task_id rows = mydb.execute_query(stmt, params) for row in rows: path += row.submission if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) stmt = "DELETE FROM user_task_map WHERE task_id=%s" params = task_id mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) # send notification to all mapped user noti_type = "Task Deleted" text = "Task Id:" + task_id + " has been deleted by moderator:" + task.owner notify_mapped_users(moderator=task.owner, noti_type=noti_type, text=text)
def admin_del_task(task_id): """ delete task for task_id""" stmt = "DELETE FROM task WHERE task_id=%s" params = task_id mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) stmt = "DELETE FROM user_task_map WHERE task_id=%s" params = task_id mydb.execute_update(stmt, params)
def remove_user(user, moderator): """ remove user""" stmt = "DELETE FROM user_moderator_map WHERE user=%s and moderator=%s" params = (user, moderator) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) stmt = "DELETE FROM user_task_map WHERE handle=%s and task_id IN (SELECT task_id FROM task WHERE owner=%s)" params = (user, moderator) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params)
def accept_submission(task_id, handle): """ accept submission""" stmt = "UPDATE user_task_map SET accepted=1 WHERE task_id=%s AND handle=%s" params = (task_id, handle) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) noti_type = "Submission Accepted" text = "Your submission for task id:" + task_id + " has been accepted." sent_notification(handle=handle, noti_type=noti_type, text=text)
def send_message(sender, receiver, text): """ send message""" stmt = "INSERT INTO messages (sender, receiver, text, msg_time)" \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, NOW())" params = (sender, receiver, text) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) noti_type = "New Message" text = sender + " sent a message." sent_notification(handle=receiver, noti_type=noti_type, text=text)
def mark_as_read(noti_id, handle): """ update the notifications mark as read""" stmt = "UPDATE notifications SET marked=1 WHERE id=%s" params = noti_id mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) # delete read notification more than 10 stmt = "DELETE FROM notifications WHERE marked=1 AND handle=%s AND id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM " \ "(SELECT id FROM notifications WHERE handle=%s AND marked=1 ORDER BY noti_time DESC LIMIT 10) foo)" params = (handle, handle) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params)
def validate_credentials(handle, password): """ validate Credentials""" stmt = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE handle=%s and password=%s" params = (handle, password) row = mydb.execute_query(stmt, params) if len(row) == 1: stmt = "UPDATE user SET last_login=NOW() WHERE handle=%s" params = handle mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) return True return False
def change_password(handle, old_password, new_password): """ change password""" stmt = 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE handle=%s AND password=%s' params = (handle, old_password) row = mydb.execute_query(stmt, params) if len(row) == 0: return False stmt = 'UPDATE user SET password=%s WHERE handle=%s AND password=%s' params = (new_password, handle, old_password) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) return True
def add_users(moderator, user_handles): """ add user""" count = 0 invalid_handles = [] stmt = "INSERT INTO user_moderator_map (user, moderator, map_time)" \ "values (%s, %s, NOW())" for handle in user_handles: params = (handle, moderator) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) count += 1 return "Add count: " + str(count)
def insert_task(task_id, owner, description, task_type, deadline): """ insert task""" deadline_datetime = datetime.combine(deadline, datetime.min.time()) # now = # formatted_now = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') formatted_deadline = deadline_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') stmt = "INSERT INTO task (task_id, owner, task_type, description, deadline, creation_time)" \ "values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW())" params = (task_id, owner, task_type, description, formatted_deadline) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) # send notification to all mapped user noti_type = "Task Created" text = "Task Id:" + task_id + " has been created by moderator:" + owner notify_mapped_users(moderator=owner, noti_type=noti_type, text=text)
def reject_submission(task_id, handle): """ reject submission """ task = get_task(task_id) user_task_map = get_user_task_map(task_id=task_id, handle=handle) stmt = "DELETE FROM user_task_map WHERE task_id=%s AND handle=%s" params = (task_id, handle) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) # delete file if task is not None and task.task_type == "Upload": path = "janta/static/uploaded-files/" + user_task_map.submission if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) noti_type = "Submission Rejected" text = "Your submission for task id:" + task_id + " has been rejected." sent_notification(handle=handle, noti_type=noti_type, text=text)
def modify_task(task_id, owner, description, task_type, deadline): """ modify task""" task = get_task(task_id) deadline_datetime = datetime.combine(deadline, datetime.min.time()) formatted_deadline = deadline_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') stmt = "UPDATE task SET task_type=%s, description=%s, deadline=%s WHERE task_id=%s" params = (task_type, description, formatted_deadline, task_id) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) if task.task_type != task_type or task.description != description: stmt = "DELETE FROM user_task_map WHERE task_id=%s" params = task_id mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) # send notification to all mapped user noti_type = "Task Modified" text = "Task Id:" + task_id + " has been modified by moderator:" + owner notify_mapped_users(moderator=owner, noti_type=noti_type, text=text)
def admin_del_moderator(handle): """ delete Moderator """ stmt = "DELETE FROM user WHERE handle=%s" params = handle mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) stmt = "DELETE FROM user_moderator_map WHERE moderator=%s" params = handle mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) stmt = "DELETE FROM task WHERE owner=%s" params = handle mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) stmt = "DELETE FROM messages WHERE sender=%s or receiver=%s" params = (handle, handle) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params) stmt = "DELETE FROM notifications WHERE handle=%s" params = handle mydb.execute_update(stmt, params)
def delete_message(msg_id, handle): """ delete message""" stmt = "DELETE FROM messages WHERE (sender=%s OR receiver=%s) AND id=%s" params = (handle, handle, msg_id) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params)
def profile_edit(handle, name, emailid, gender, about, git_link, linkedin_link): """ Edit Profile""" stmt = 'UPDATE user SET name=%s, email_id=%s, gender=%s, about=%s, git_link=%s, linkedin_link=%s WHERE handle=%s' params = (name, emailid, gender, about, git_link, linkedin_link, handle) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params)
def user_register(handle, password, user_type, name, emailid, gender): """ User Register""" stmt = 'INSERT INTO user (handle, password, user_type, name, email_id, gender, last_login, reg_time)' \ 'values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW(), NOW())' params = (handle, password, user_type, name, emailid, gender) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params)
def submit_task(task_id, handle, submission): """ submit task""" stmt = "INSERT INTO user_task_map (task_id, handle, completion_time, submission, accepted)" \ "VALUES (%s, %s, NOW(), %s, 0)" params = (task_id, handle, submission) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params)
def sent_notification(handle, noti_type, text): """ send notification """ stmt = "INSERT INTO notifications (handle, noti_type, text, noti_time, marked)" \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, NOW(), 0)" params = (handle, noti_type, text) mydb.execute_update(stmt, params)