예제 #1
파일: Mixins.py 프로젝트: Zenwolf/jasy
def __extendContent(node, call, targetBlock, stopCombineAt):
    Builds up a list of selector/mediaqueries to insert after the extend to produce
    the @content sections on the intended selectors.

    for child in reversed(node):
        if child:
            __extendContent(child, call, targetBlock, stopCombineAt)

    if node.type == "content" and hasattr(call, "rules"):
        # Extends support @content as well. In this case we produce a new selector
        # which matches the position of the content section and append it after
        # the original extended mixin on return

        Console.debug("Inserting content section into new virtual selector")

        selector, media = Util.combineSelector(node, stop=stopCombineAt)

        selectorNode = Node.Node(type="selector")
        selectorNode.name = selector

        selectorNode.append(copy.deepcopy(call.rules), "rules")

        # Support media queries, too
        if media:
            mediaNode = Node.Node(type="media")
            mediaNode.name = media

예제 #2
def __extendContent(node, call, targetBlock, stopCombineAt):
    Builds up a list of selector/@media/@support to insert after
    the extend to produce the @content sections on the intended selectors.

    for child in reversed(list(node)):
        if child:
            __extendContent(child, call, targetBlock, stopCombineAt)

    if node.type == "content" and hasattr(call, "rules"):
        # Extends support @content as well. In this case we produce a new selector
        # which matches the position of the content section and append it after
        # the original extended mixin on return

        Console.debug("Inserting content section into new virtual selector")

        selector, media, supports = Util.combineSelector(node,

        selectorNode = Node.Node(type="selector")
        selectorNode.name = selector

        selectorNode.append(copy.deepcopy(call.rules), "rules")

        # Support @supports
        if supports:
            supportsNode = Node.Node(type="supports")
            supportsNode.name = supports

            supportsBlock = Node.Node(type="block")
            supportsNode.append(supportsBlock, "rules")

            # Update reference
            selectorNode = supportsNode

        # Support @media
        if media:
            mediaNode = Node.Node(type="media")
            mediaNode.name = media

            mediaBlock = Node.Node(type="block")
            mediaNode.append(mediaBlock, "rules")

            # Update reference
            selectorNode = mediaNode

        # Insert selectorNode (or media node or supports node when updated)
        # If all kinds are used we should have the following structure:
        # @media->@supports->selector
예제 #3
def __extendContent(node, call, targetBlock, stopCombineAt):
    Builds up a list of selector/@media/@support to insert after
    the extend to produce the @content sections on the intended selectors.

    for child in reversed(list(node)):
        if child:
            __extendContent(child, call, targetBlock, stopCombineAt)

    if node.type == "content" and hasattr(call, "rules"):
        # Extends support @content as well. In this case we produce a new selector
        # which matches the position of the content section and append it after
        # the original extended mixin on return

        Console.debug("Inserting content section into new virtual selector")

        selector, media, supports = Util.combineSelector(node, stop=stopCombineAt)

        selectorNode = Node.Node(type="selector")
        selectorNode.name = selector

        selectorNode.append(copy.deepcopy(call.rules), "rules")

        # Support @supports
        if supports:
            supportsNode = Node.Node(type="supports")
            supportsNode.name = supports

            supportsBlock = Node.Node(type="block")
            supportsNode.append(supportsBlock, "rules")

            # Update reference
            selectorNode = supportsNode

        # Support @media
        if media:
            mediaNode = Node.Node(type="media")
            mediaNode.name = media

            mediaBlock = Node.Node(type="block")
            mediaNode.append(mediaBlock, "rules")

            # Update reference
            selectorNode = mediaNode

        # Insert selectorNode (or media node or supports node when updated)
        # If all kinds are used we should have the following structure:
        # @media->@supports->selector
예제 #4
파일: Flatter.py 프로젝트: Zenwolf/jasy
    def __flatter(node):
        Moves all selectors to the top tree node while keeping media queries intact 
        and/or making them CSS2 compatible (regarding formatting)

        nonlocal insertIndex

        # Process children first
        for child in list(node):
            if child is not None:

        # Increase index position when reaching new child of tree
        if getattr(node, "parent", None) == tree:
            insertIndex += 1

        # Extended mixin
        if node.type in ("selector", "mixin", "media") and len(node.rules) > 0:
            combinedSelector, combinedMedia = Util.combineSelector(node)

            if node.type == "selector":
                node.name = combinedSelector
            elif node.type == "mixin":
                node.selector = combinedSelector
            elif node.type == "media":

            if node.type == "selector" or node.type == "mixin":
                if combinedMedia:
                    # Share same media element when possible
                    previousMedia = insertIndex > 0 and tree[insertIndex-1]
                    if previousMedia and previousMedia.name[0] == combinedMedia:
                        mediaBlock = previousMedia.rules

                        # Dynamically create matching media query
                        mediaNode = Node.Node(None, "media")
                        mediaNode.name = [combinedMedia]

                        mediaBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                        mediaNode.append(mediaBlock, "rules")

                        # Insert media query node instead of rule node to tree
                        node = mediaNode

            elif node.type == "media":
                # Insert direct properties into new selector:block

                previousMedia = insertIndex > 0 and tree[insertIndex-1]

                selectorNode = Node.Node(None, "selector")
                selectorNode.name = combinedSelector

                selectorBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                selectorNode.append(selectorBlock, "rules")
                # Move all rules from local block into selector block
                for mediaChild in list(node.rules):
                    if mediaChild:

                # Then insert the newly created and filled selector block into the media node

            # When node is not yet in the root tree, append it there
            # and correct insertIndex for next insertion
            if getattr(node, "parent", None) != tree:
                tree.insert(insertIndex, node)
                insertIndex += 1
예제 #5
def __extend(node):
    Finds extend requests for mixins aka.

    - mixins calls without params
    - simple variables in a block

    For all found extend requests it detects the flattened selector and appends
    the selector section of the extendable mixin accordingly. After that it
    removes the original mixin request.


    modified = 0

    for child in reversed(list(node)):
        # Ignore all mixin declarations. Can't operate inside them.
        # For these things to work we have to wait for the include mechanics to resolve them first
        # (which actually just remove these mixin declarations though)
        if child is not None:
            modified += __extend(child)

    if isExtendCall(node):

        name = node.name

        Console.debug("Extend request to mixin %s at: %s", name, node.line)

        mixin = __findMixin(node.parent, name)
        if not mixin:
            raise Exception("Could not find mixin %s as required by extend request at line %s" % (node.name, node.line))

        Console.debug("Found matching mixin declaration at line: %s", mixin.line)

        selector, media, supports = Util.combineSelector(node.parent, stop=mixin.parent)

        # There is no possibility to handle this in a series of CSS selectors. This is why
        # we have to use an include like approach instead of extend to correctly deal
        # with the situation. This should work well, but is not as efficient regarding
        # output file size.
        if media or supports:
            Console.warn("Extending inside a @media/@support structure behaves like including (larger result size): %s %s + %s", media, supports, ", ".join(selector))

            replacements = __resolveMixin(mixin, None)

            Console.debug("Replacing call %s at line %s with mixin from line %s" % (name, node.line, replacements.line))

            # Reverse inject all children of that block
            # at the same position as the original call
            parent = node.parent
            pos = parent.index(node)
            parent.insertAll(pos, replacements)

        elif selector:
            Console.debug("Extending selector of mixin by: %s", ", ".join(selector))

            if hasattr(mixin, "selector"):
                # We iterate from in inverse mode, so add new selectors to the front
                mixin.selector[0:0] = selector

                mixin.selector = selector

            virtualBlock = Node.Node(type="block")
            __extendContent(mixin.rules, node, virtualBlock, mixin)

            if len(virtualBlock) > 0:
                callSelector, callMedia, callSupports = Util.combineSelector(node)

                if callSelector:
                    virtualSelector = Node.Node(type="selector")
                    virtualSelector.name = callSelector

                if callMedia:
                    virtualMedia = Node.Node(type="media")
                    virtualMedia.name = callMedia

                if callSupports:
                    virtualSupports = Node.Node(type="supports")
                    virtualSupports.name = callSupports

                if callSelector:
                    virtualSelector.append(virtualBlock, "rules")
                elif callMedia:
                    virtualMedia.append(virtualBlock, "rules")
                elif callSupports:
                    virtualSupports.append(virtualBlock, "rules")

                if callSupports:
                    virtualTop = virtualSupports
                elif callMedia:
                    virtualTop = virtualMedia
                elif callSelector:
                    virtualTop = virtualSelector

                pos = mixin.parent.index(mixin)
                mixin.parent.insert(pos + 1, virtualTop)


        modified += 1

    return modified
예제 #6
파일: Flatter.py 프로젝트: isabella232/jasy
    def __flatter(node, dest):
        """Moves all selectors to the top tree node while keeping media queries intact and/or making them CSS2
        compatible (regarding structure)"""

        process = node.type in ("selector", "mixin", "media", "supports")

        # Insert all children of top-level nodes into a helper element first
        # This is required to place mixins first, before the current node and append
        # all remaining nodes afterwards
        if process:
            chdest = Node.Node(None, "helper")
            chdest = dest

        # Process children first
        if len(node) > 0:
            for child in list(node):
                if child is not None:
                    __flatter(child, chdest)

        # Filter out empty nodes from processing
        if process and hasattr(node, "rules") and len(node.rules) > 0:

            # Combine selector and/or media query
            combinedSelector, combinedMedia, combinedSupports = Util.combineSelector(

            if node.type == "selector":
                node.name = combinedSelector
            elif node.type == "mixin":
                node.selector = combinedSelector
            elif node.type == "media":
            elif node.type == "supports":

            if (combinedMedia or
                    combinedSupports) and node.type in ("selector", "mixin"):

                if combinedSupports:
                    # Dynamically create matching media query
                    supportsNode = Node.Node(None, "supports")
                    supportsNode.name = combinedSupports

                    supportsBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                    supportsNode.append(supportsBlock, "rules")

                    node = supportsNode

                if combinedMedia:
                    # Dynamically create matching media query
                    mediaNode = Node.Node(None, "media")
                    mediaNode.name = combinedMedia

                    mediaBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                    mediaNode.append(mediaBlock, "rules")

                    node = mediaNode

            elif node.type == "media" or node.type == "supports":
                # Insert direct properties into new selector block
                # Goal is to place in this structure: @media->@supports->selector

                # Update media query of found media queries as it might
                # contain more than the local one (e.g. queries in parent nodes)
                if node.type == "media":
                    node.name = combinedMedia

                # Update support query of found supports query as it might
                # contain more than the local one (e.g. queries in parent nodes)
                elif node.type == "supports":
                    node.name = combinedSupports

                # Create new selector node where we move all rules into
                selectorNode = Node.Node(None, "selector")
                selectorNode.name = combinedSelector

                selectorBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                selectorNode.append(selectorBlock, "rules")

                # Move all rules from local media/supports block into new selector block
                for nonSelectorChild in list(node.rules):
                    if nonSelectorChild:

                if node.type == "supports" and combinedMedia:
                    # Dynamically create matching mediaquery node
                    mediaNode = Node.Node(None, "media")
                    mediaNode.name = combinedMedia

                    mediaBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                    mediaNode.append(mediaBlock, "rules")

                    # Replace current node with media node
                    node.parent.replace(node, mediaNode)

                    # Then append this node to the media node

                    # Selector should be placed inside this node

                    # Update node reference to new outer node for further processing
                    node = mediaNode

                elif node.type == "media" and combinedSupports:
                    # Dynamically create matching supports node
                    supportsNode = Node.Node(None, "supports")
                    supportsNode.name = combinedSupports

                    supportsBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                    supportsNode.append(supportsBlock, "rules")

                    # Move supports node into this node

                    # The supports block is the parent of the selector


        if process:

            # Place any mixins before the current node
            for child in list(chdest):
                if child.type == "mixin":

            # The append self

            # Afterwards append any children
            for child in list(chdest):
예제 #7
파일: Mixins.py 프로젝트: Zenwolf/jasy
def __extend(node, scanMixins=False):
    Finds extend requests for mixins aka 

    - mixins calls without params
    - simple variables in a block

    For all found extend requests it detects the flattened selector and appends 
    the selector section of the extendable mixin accordingly. After that it 
    removes the original mixin request.

    modified = 0

    for child in reversed(node):
        # Ignore all mixin declarations. Can't operate inside them.
        # For these things to work we have to wait for the include mechanics to resolve them first 
        # (which actually just remove these mixin declarations though)
        if child is not None and (scanMixins or child.type != "mixin"):
            modified += __extend(child)

    if isExtendCall(node):

        name = node.name

        Console.debug("Extend request to mixin %s at: %s", name, node.line)

        mixin = __findMixin(node.parent, name)
        if not mixin:
            raise Exception("Could not find mixin %s as required by extend request at line %s" % (node.name, node.line))

        Console.debug("Found matching mixin declaration at line: %s", mixin.line)

        # selector, media = Util.combineSelector(node.parent, stop=node.parent)
        selector, media = Util.combineSelector(node.parent)

        if media:
            Console.warn("Extending inside media query behaves like including (less efficient): %s + %s", media, ", ".join(selector))

            replacements = __resolveMixin(mixin, None)

            Console.debug("Replacing call %s at line %s with mixin from line %s" % (name, node.line, replacements.line))

            # Reverse inject all children of that block
            # at the same position as the original call
            parent = node.parent
            pos = parent.index(node)
            for child in reversed(replacements):
                parent.insert(pos, child)

            Console.debug("Extending selector of mixin by: %s", ", ".join(selector))

            if hasattr(mixin, "selector"):
                # We iterate from in inverse mode, so add new selectors to the front
                mixin.selector[0:0] = selector

                mixin.selector = selector

            virtualBlock = Node.Node(type="block")
            __extendContent(mixin.rules, node, virtualBlock, mixin)

            if len(virtualBlock) > 0:
                callSelector, callMedia = Util.combineSelector(node)

                if callSelector:
                    virtualSelector = Node.Node(type="selector")
                    virtualSelector.name = callSelector

                if callMedia:
                    virtualMedia = Node.Node(type="media")
                    virtualMedia.name = callMedia

                if callSelector:
                    virtualSelector.append(virtualBlock, "rules")
                elif callMedia:
                    virtualMedia.append(virtualBlock, "rules")

                if callMedia:
                    virtualTop = virtualMedia
                elif callSelector:
                    virtualTop = virtualSelector

                pos = mixin.parent.index(mixin)
                mixin.parent.insert(pos+1, virtualTop)


        modified += 1

    return modified
예제 #8
    def __flatter(node, dest):
        """Moves all selectors to the top tree node while keeping media queries intact and/or making them CSS2
        compatible (regarding structure)"""

        process = node.type in ("selector", "mixin", "media", "supports")

        # Insert all children of top-level nodes into a helper element first
        # This is required to place mixins first, before the current node and append
        # all remaining nodes afterwards
        if process:
            chdest = Node.Node(None, "helper")
            chdest = dest

        # Process children first
        if len(node) > 0:
            for child in list(node):
                if child is not None:
                    __flatter(child, chdest)

        # Filter out empty nodes from processing
        if process and hasattr(node, "rules") and len(node.rules) > 0:

            # Combine selector and/or media query
            combinedSelector, combinedMedia, combinedSupports = Util.combineSelector(node)

            if node.type == "selector":
                node.name = combinedSelector
            elif node.type == "mixin":
                node.selector = combinedSelector
            elif node.type == "media":
            elif node.type == "supports":

            if (combinedMedia or combinedSupports) and node.type in ("selector", "mixin"):

                if combinedSupports:
                    # Dynamically create matching media query
                    supportsNode = Node.Node(None, "supports")
                    supportsNode.name = combinedSupports

                    supportsBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                    supportsNode.append(supportsBlock, "rules")

                    node = supportsNode

                if combinedMedia:
                    # Dynamically create matching media query
                    mediaNode = Node.Node(None, "media")
                    mediaNode.name = combinedMedia

                    mediaBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                    mediaNode.append(mediaBlock, "rules")

                    node = mediaNode

            elif node.type == "media" or node.type == "supports":
                # Insert direct properties into new selector block
                # Goal is to place in this structure: @media->@supports->selector

                # Update media query of found media queries as it might
                # contain more than the local one (e.g. queries in parent nodes)
                if node.type == "media":
                    node.name = combinedMedia

                # Update support query of found supports query as it might
                # contain more than the local one (e.g. queries in parent nodes)
                elif node.type == "supports":
                    node.name = combinedSupports

                # Create new selector node where we move all rules into
                selectorNode = Node.Node(None, "selector")
                selectorNode.name = combinedSelector

                selectorBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                selectorNode.append(selectorBlock, "rules")

                # Move all rules from local media/supports block into new selector block
                for nonSelectorChild in list(node.rules):
                    if nonSelectorChild:

                if node.type == "supports" and combinedMedia:
                    # Dynamically create matching mediaquery node
                    mediaNode = Node.Node(None, "media")
                    mediaNode.name = combinedMedia

                    mediaBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                    mediaNode.append(mediaBlock, "rules")

                    # Replace current node with media node
                    node.parent.replace(node, mediaNode)

                    # Then append this node to the media node

                    # Selector should be placed inside this node

                    # Update node reference to new outer node for further processing
                    node = mediaNode

                elif node.type == "media" and combinedSupports:
                    # Dynamically create matching supports node
                    supportsNode = Node.Node(None, "supports")
                    supportsNode.name = combinedSupports

                    supportsBlock = Node.Node(None, "block")
                    supportsNode.append(supportsBlock, "rules")

                    # Move supports node into this node

                    # The supports block is the parent of the selector


        if process:

            # Place any mixins before the current node
            for child in list(chdest):
                if child.type == "mixin":

            # The append self

            # Afterwards append any children
            for child in list(chdest):
예제 #9
def __extend(node):
    Finds extend requests for mixins aka.

    - mixins calls without params
    - simple variables in a block

    For all found extend requests it detects the flattened selector and appends
    the selector section of the extendable mixin accordingly. After that it
    removes the original mixin request.


    modified = 0

    for child in reversed(list(node)):
        # Ignore all mixin declarations. Can't operate inside them.
        # For these things to work we have to wait for the include mechanics to resolve them first
        # (which actually just remove these mixin declarations though)
        if child is not None:
            modified += __extend(child)

    if isExtendCall(node):

        name = node.name

        Console.debug("Extend request to mixin %s at: %s", name, node.line)

        mixin = __findMixin(node.parent, name)
        if not mixin:
            raise Exception(
                "Could not find mixin %s as required by extend request at line %s"
                % (node.name, node.line))

        Console.debug("Found matching mixin declaration at line: %s",

        selector, media, supports = Util.combineSelector(node.parent,

        # There is no possibility to handle this in a series of CSS selectors. This is why
        # we have to use an include like approach instead of extend to correctly deal
        # with the situation. This should work well, but is not as efficient regarding
        # output file size.
        if media or supports:
                "Extending inside a @media/@support structure behaves like including (larger result size): %s %s + %s",
                media, supports, ", ".join(selector))

            replacements = __resolveMixin(mixin, None)

                "Replacing call %s at line %s with mixin from line %s" %
                (name, node.line, replacements.line))

            # Reverse inject all children of that block
            # at the same position as the original call
            parent = node.parent
            pos = parent.index(node)
            parent.insertAll(pos, replacements)

        elif selector:
            Console.debug("Extending selector of mixin by: %s",
                          ", ".join(selector))

            if hasattr(mixin, "selector"):
                # We iterate from in inverse mode, so add new selectors to the front
                mixin.selector[0:0] = selector

                mixin.selector = selector

            virtualBlock = Node.Node(type="block")
            __extendContent(mixin.rules, node, virtualBlock, mixin)

            if len(virtualBlock) > 0:
                callSelector, callMedia, callSupports = Util.combineSelector(

                if callSelector:
                    virtualSelector = Node.Node(type="selector")
                    virtualSelector.name = callSelector

                if callMedia:
                    virtualMedia = Node.Node(type="media")
                    virtualMedia.name = callMedia

                if callSupports:
                    virtualSupports = Node.Node(type="supports")
                    virtualSupports.name = callSupports

                if callSelector:
                    virtualSelector.append(virtualBlock, "rules")
                elif callMedia:
                    virtualMedia.append(virtualBlock, "rules")
                elif callSupports:
                    virtualSupports.append(virtualBlock, "rules")

                if callSupports:
                    virtualTop = virtualSupports
                elif callMedia:
                    virtualTop = virtualMedia
                elif callSelector:
                    virtualTop = virtualSelector

                pos = mixin.parent.index(mixin)
                mixin.parent.insert(pos + 1, virtualTop)


        modified += 1

    return modified