def asJSON(tree):
  """ Return a String with a JSON map containing the name, id, and list of connections. """
  json = StringBuilder()
  json.append('{"id" : "').append('",\n')
  json.append(' "name" : "').append(getTitle(tree)).append('",\n')  
  tableOut, tableIn = findConnections(tree)
  json.append(' "outgoing" : [')
  for target, num in sortMapByValue(tableOut, True):
    json.append(' ["').append(getTitle(target)).append('", ').append(num).append('],\n')
  if len(tableOut) > 0:
  json.append(' "incoming" : [')
  for origin, num in sortMapByValue(tableIn, True):
    json.append(' ["').append(getTitle(origin)).append('", ').append(num).append('],\n')
  if len(tableIn) > 0:
  return json.toString()
예제 #2
 def preprocess(text):
     """Tokenize and stop the input text."""
     ts = StandardTokenizer(Lucene.get_version(), StringReader(text.lower()))
     ts = StopFilter(Lucene.get_version(), ts,  StopAnalyzer.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS_SET)
     string_builder = StringBuilder()
     char_term_attr = ts.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class_)
     while ts.incrementToken():
         if string_builder.length() > 0:
             string_builder.append(" ")
     return string_builder.toString()
예제 #3
class FormattingVisitor(NodeVisitor):

    # Name: __init__()
    # Role: constructor
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.result = StringBuilder()
        self.header = re.compile('[hH][1-6]$')
        self.h3Text = ''

    # Name: append()
    # Role: Add to the text
    def append(self, text):
        newline = ['', '\n'][self.result.length() > 0]
        self.result.append(newline + text)

    # Name: head()
    # Role: Invoked when open tag is first seen
    # Note: node.text() = "the combined text of this element and all its children"
    def head(self, node, depth):
        name = node.nodeName()
        if re.match(self.header, name):
            if name[1] == '3':
                text = self.h3Text = node.text()
                if text.find('inherited') < 0:
                    print '%s %s' % (name, text)
                    self.append('%s: %s' % (name, text))
                self.h3Text = ''

    # Name: tail()
    # Role: Invoked when end tag is seen
    def tail(self, node, depth):
        name = node.nodeName()
        if self.h3Text and name == 'table':
            print node
            print '-' * 50

    # Name: toString()
    # Role: Return the accumulated string
    def toString(self):
        return str(self.result)
예제 #4
    def buildPostDataFortoken(self, encodedJWT, softwareStatementId) :
		postParameters = LinkedHashMap()
		postParameters.put("scope", self.clientScopes)
		postParameters.put("client_assertion_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer")
		postParameters.put("grant_type", "client_credentials")
		postParameters.put("client_id", softwareStatementId)
		postParameters.put("client_assertion", encodedJWT)

		postData = StringBuilder()
		for param in postParameters.entrySet():
			if postData.length() != 0:
			postData.append(URLEncoder.encode(param.getKey(), "UTF-8"))
			postData.append(URLEncoder.encode(String(param.getValue()), "UTF-8").replace("+", "%20"))
		print "Post data: "+postData.toString()
		return postData.toString()
예제 #5
class FormattingVisitor(NodeVisitor):

    # Name: __init__()
    # Role: constructor
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.result = StringBuilder()

    # Name: append()
    # Role: Add to the text
    def append(self, text):
        newline = ['', '\n'][self.result.length() > 0]
        self.result.append(newline + text)

    # Name: head()
    # Role: Invoked when tag is first seen
    def head(self, node, depth):
        name = node.nodeName()
        if name == 'h3' and node.hasText():
            text = node.text()
            if text.find('inherited') < 0:
                self.append('%s: %s' % (name, text))

    # Name: tail()
    # Role: Invoked when end tag is seen
    def tail(self, node, depth):
        name = node.nodeName()
        if name == 'table':
            print node
#       What do we want / need to do here ?

# Name: toString()
# Role: Return the accumulated string

    def toString(self):
        return str(self.result)