def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks):
        Burp initialisation function. Gets called when the extension is loaded and
        is in charge of building the UI.

            callbacks: contains a burp callbacks object, as documented here


        utility.log("Loaded Benteveo Toolbox v0.2.2")

        state = State()

        # Endpoint table models are in charge of storing and disiplaying information in tables.
        state.endpointTableModel = EndpointTableModel(state, callbacks)
        state.requestTableModel = RequestTableModel(state, callbacks)
        state.replacementRuleTableModel = ReplacementRuleTableModel()

        # ToolboxUI handles building the Swing UI.
        ui = ToolboxUI()
        splitpane = ui.buildUi(state, callbacks)

        # Burp callbacks, to handle interactions with Burp.
        callbacks.registerHttpListener(HttpListener(state, callbacks))
        callbacks.setExtensionName("Benteveo Toolbox")

        # Periodically check for new issues and report to slack.
        issueChecker = IssueChecker(state, callbacks)
        state.timer = Timer()
        state.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(issueChecker, 1000, 1000)
from java.lang import Thread
from java.util import Date
from java.util import Timer
from java.util import TimerTask

class MyTask(TimerTask):
    def __init__(self, message):
        self.message = message

    def run(self):
        print Date(self.scheduledExecutionTime()), self.message

# start a new timer 'daemon'
my_timer = Timer(1)

# add some tasks to the time queue
start_time = Date()
my_timer.schedule(MyTask("Python rules!"), start_time, 1000)
my_timer.schedule(MyTask("... and Java too :)"), start_time, 3000)

print "Start executing the tasks at", start_time