예제 #1
def projection_affine(n_dim, u, n, u_0):

        n_dim: affine transformation space
        u: random point to be projected on n as L
        n: secant normal vector
        u_0: secant starting point


    n_norm = l2_norm(n)
    I = jnp.eye(n_dim)

    p2 = [0 * k for k in range(n_dim)]
    for k in range(n_dim):
        p2[k] = (jnp.dot(n, I[k]) / n_norm ** 2) * n

    p2 = jnp.asarray([p2[i] for i in range(n_dim)])
    u_0 = u_0.reshape(n_dim, 1)
    I = jnp.eye(n_dim)
    t1 = jnp.block([[I, u_0], [jnp.zeros(shape=(1, n_dim)), 1.0]])
    t2 = jnp.block(
        [[p2, jnp.zeros(shape=(n_dim, 1))], [jnp.zeros(shape=(1, n_dim)), 1.0]]
    t3 = jnp.block([[I, -1 * u_0], [jnp.zeros(shape=(1, n_dim)), 1.0]])
    P = jnp.matmul(jnp.matmul(t1, t2), t3)
    pr = jnp.matmul(P, jnp.hstack([u, 1.0]))
    pr = lax.slice(pr, [0], [n_dim])
    return pr
예제 #2
    def variational_expectation(self, y, post_mean, post_cov, cubature=None):
        num_components = int(post_mean.shape[0] / 2)
        if cubature is None:
            x, w = gauss_hermite(num_components, 20)  # Gauss-Hermite sigma points and weights
            x, w = cubature(num_components)

        # subband_mean, modulator_mean = post_mean[:num_components], self.link_fn(post_mean[num_components:])
        subband_mean, modulator_mean = post_mean[:num_components], post_mean[num_components:]  # TODO: CHECK
        subband_cov, modulator_cov = post_cov[:num_components, :num_components], post_cov[num_components:,
        sigma_points = cholesky(modulator_cov) @ x + modulator_mean

        modulator_var = np.diag(subband_cov)[..., None]
        mu = (self.link_fn(sigma_points).T @ subband_mean)[:, 0]
        lognormpdf = -0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * self.variance) - 0.5 * (y - mu) ** 2 / self.variance
        const = -0.5 / self.variance * (self.link_fn(sigma_points).T ** 2 @ modulator_var)[:, 0]
        exp_log_lik = np.sum(w * (lognormpdf + const))

        dE1 = np.sum(w * self.link_fn(sigma_points) * (y - mu) / self.variance, axis=-1)
        dE2 = np.sum(w * (sigma_points - modulator_mean) * modulator_var ** -1
                     * (lognormpdf + const), axis=-1)
        dE_dm = np.block([dE1, dE2])[..., None]

        d2E1 = np.sum(w * - 0.5 * self.link_fn(sigma_points) ** 2 / self.variance, axis=-1)
        d2E2 = np.sum(w * 0.5 * (
                ((sigma_points - modulator_mean) * modulator_var ** -1) ** 2
                - modulator_var ** -1
        ) * (lognormpdf + const), axis=-1)
        dE_dv = np.diag(np.block([d2E1, d2E2]))
        return exp_log_lik, dE_dm, dE_dv
예제 #3
def build_joint(ind, mean, cov, smoother_gain):
    joint posterior (i.e. smoothed) mean and covariance of the states [u_, u+] at time t
    mean_joint = np.block([[mean[ind]], [mean[ind + 1]]])
    cross_cov = smoother_gain[ind] @ cov[ind + 1]
    cov_joint = np.block([[cov[ind], cross_cov], [cross_cov.T, cov[ind + 1]]])
    return mean_joint, cov_joint
예제 #4
    def moment_match(self,
        num_components = int(cav_mean.shape[0] / 2)
        if cubature_func is None:
            x, w = gauss_hermite(num_components,
                                 20)  # Gauss-Hermite sigma points and weights
            x, w = cubature_func(num_components)

        subband_mean, modulator_mean = cav_mean[:num_components], self.link_fn(
        subband_cov, modulator_cov = cav_cov[:num_components, :
                                             num_components], cav_cov[
        sigma_points = cholesky(modulator_cov) @ x + modulator_mean
        const = power**-0.5 * (2 * pi * hyp)**(0.5 - 0.5 * power)
        mu = (self.link_fn(sigma_points).T @ subband_mean)[:, 0]
        var = hyp / power + (self.link_fn(sigma_points).T**2
                             @ np.diag(subband_cov)[..., None])[:, 0]
        normpdf = const * (2 * pi * var)**-0.5 * np.exp(-0.5 *
                                                        (y - mu)**2 / var)
        Z = np.sum(w * normpdf)
        Zinv = 1. / (Z + 1e-8)
        lZ = np.log(Z + 1e-8)

        dZ1 = np.sum(w * self.link_fn(sigma_points) * (y - mu) / var * normpdf,
        dZ2 = np.sum(w * (sigma_points - modulator_mean) *
                     np.diag(modulator_cov)[..., None]**-1 * normpdf,
        dlZ = Zinv * np.block([dZ1, dZ2])

        d2Z1 = np.sum(w * self.link_fn(sigma_points)**2 *
                      (((y - mu) / var)**2 - var**-1) * normpdf,
        d2Z2 = np.sum(w * (((sigma_points - modulator_mean) *
                            np.diag(modulator_cov)[..., None]**-1)**2 -
                           np.diag(modulator_cov)[..., None]**-1) * normpdf,
        d2lZ = np.diag(-dlZ**2 + Zinv * np.block([d2Z1, d2Z2]))
        id2lZ = inv(
            ensure_positive_precision(-d2lZ) - 1e-10 * np.eye(d2lZ.shape[0]))
        site_mean = cav_mean + id2lZ @ dlZ[
            None]  # approx. likelihood (site) mean (see Rasmussen & Williams p75)
        site_cov = power * (-cav_cov + id2lZ
                            )  # approx. likelihood (site) variance
        return lZ, site_mean, site_cov
예제 #5
def predict_from_state_(x_test, ind, x, post_mean, post_cov, gain, kernel):
    predict the state distribution at time t by projecting from the neighbouring inducing states
    P, T = compute_conditional_statistics(x_test, x, kernel, ind)
    # joint posterior (i.e. smoothed) mean and covariance of the states [u_, u+] at time t:
    mean_joint = np.block([[post_mean[ind]], [post_mean[ind + 1]]])
    cross_cov = gain[ind] @ post_cov[ind + 1]
    cov_joint = np.block([[post_cov[ind], cross_cov],
                          [cross_cov.T, post_cov[ind + 1]]])
    return P @ mean_joint, P @ cov_joint @ P.T + T
예제 #6
    def moment_match(self,
        if cubature_func is None:
            x, w = gauss_hermite(1,
                                 20)  # Gauss-Hermite sigma points and weights
            x, w = cubature_func(1)
        # sigma_points = np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(v) * x + m  # scale locations according to cavity dist.
        sigma_points = np.sqrt(cav_cov[1, 1]) * x + cav_mean[
            1]  # fsigᵢ=xᵢ√cₙ + mₙ: scale locations according to cavity

        f2 = self.link_fn(sigma_points)**2. / power
        obs_var = f2 + cav_cov[0, 0]
        const = power**-0.5 * (2 * pi * self.link_fn(sigma_points)**2.)**(
            0.5 - 0.5 * power)
        normpdf = const * (2 * pi * obs_var)**-0.5 * np.exp(
            -0.5 * (y - cav_mean[0, 0])**2 / obs_var)
        Z = np.sum(w * normpdf)
        Zinv = 1. / np.maximum(Z, 1e-8)
        lZ = np.log(np.maximum(Z, 1e-8))

        dZ_integrand1 = (y - cav_mean[0, 0]) / obs_var * normpdf
        dlZ1 = Zinv * np.sum(w * dZ_integrand1)

        dZ_integrand2 = (sigma_points - cav_mean[1, 0]) / cav_cov[1,
                                                                  1] * normpdf
        dlZ2 = Zinv * np.sum(w * dZ_integrand2)

        d2Z_integrand1 = (-(f2 + cav_cov[0, 0])**-1 +
                          ((y - cav_mean[0, 0]) / obs_var)**2) * normpdf
        d2lZ1 = -dlZ1**2 + Zinv * np.sum(w * d2Z_integrand1)

        d2Z_integrand2 = (-cav_cov[1, 1]**-1 + (
            (sigma_points - cav_mean[1, 0]) / cav_cov[1, 1])**2) * normpdf
        d2lZ2 = -dlZ2**2 + Zinv * np.sum(w * d2Z_integrand2)

        dlZ = np.block([[dlZ1], [dlZ2]])
        d2lZ = np.block([[d2lZ1, 0], [0., d2lZ2]])
        id2lZ = inv(
            ensure_positive_precision(-d2lZ) - 1e-10 * np.eye(d2lZ.shape[0]))
        site_mean = cav_mean + id2lZ @ dlZ  # approx. likelihood (site) mean (see Rasmussen & Williams p75)
        site_cov = power * (-cav_cov + id2lZ
                            )  # approx. likelihood (site) variance
        return lZ, site_mean, site_cov
예제 #7
    def statistical_linear_regression(self,
        This gives the same result as above - delete
        num_components = int(cav_mean.shape[0] / 2)
        if cubature_func is None:
            x, w = gauss_hermite(num_components,
                                 20)  # Gauss-Hermite sigma points and weights
            x, w = cubature_func(num_components)

        subband_mean, modulator_mean = cav_mean[:num_components], self.link_fn(
        subband_cov, modulator_cov = cav_cov[:num_components, :
                                             num_components], cav_cov[
        sigma_points = cholesky(modulator_cov) @ x + modulator_mean
        lik_expectation, lik_covariance = (
            self.link_fn(sigma_points).T @ subband_mean).T, hyp
        # Compute zₙ via cubature:
        # muₙ = ∫ E[yₙ|fₙ] 𝓝(fₙ|mₙ,vₙ) dfₙ
        #    ≈ ∑ᵢ wᵢ E[yₙ|fsigᵢ]
        mu = np.sum(w * lik_expectation, axis=-1)[:, None]
        # Compute variance S via cubature:
        # S = ∫ [(E[yₙ|fₙ]-zₙ) (E[yₙ|fₙ]-zₙ)' + Cov[yₙ|fₙ]] 𝓝(fₙ|mₙ,vₙ) dfₙ
        #   ≈ ∑ᵢ wᵢ [(E[yₙ|fsigᵢ]-zₙ) (E[yₙ|fsigᵢ]-zₙ)' + Cov[yₙ|fₙ]]
        S = np.sum(w * ((lik_expectation - mu) *
                        (lik_expectation - mu) + lik_covariance),
                   axis=-1)[:, None]
        # Compute cross covariance C via cubature:
        # C = ∫ (fₙ-mₙ) (E[yₙ|fₙ]-zₙ)' 𝓝(fₙ|mₙ,vₙ) dfₙ
        #   ≈ ∑ᵢ wᵢ (fsigᵢ -mₙ) (E[yₙ|fsigᵢ]-zₙ)'
        C = np.sum(w * np.block([[
            self.link_fn(sigma_points) * np.diag(subband_cov)[..., None]
        ], [sigma_points - modulator_mean]]) * (lik_expectation - mu),
                   axis=-1)[:, None]
        # Compute derivative of mu via cubature:
        omega = np.sum(
            w * np.block([[self.link_fn(sigma_points)],
                              np.diag(modulator_cov)[..., None]**-1 *
                              (sigma_points - modulator_mean) * lik_expectation
            axis=-1)[None, :]
        return mu, S, C, omega
예제 #8
def lqr_continuous_time_infinite_horizon(A, B, Q, R, N):
    # Take the last dimension, in case we try to do some kind of broadcasting
    # thing in the future.
    x_dim = A.shape[-1]

    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear%E2%80%93quadratic_regulator#Infinite-horizon,_continuous-time_LQR.
    A1 = A - B @ jp.linalg.solve(R, N.T)
    Q1 = Q - N @ jp.linalg.solve(R, N.T)

    # See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebraic_Riccati_equation#Solution.
    H = jp.block([[A1, -B @ jp.linalg.solve(R, B.T)], [-Q1, -A1]])
    eigvals, eigvectors = jp.linalg.eig(H)

    # For large-ish systems (eg x_dim = 7), sometimes we find some values that
    # have an imaginary component. That's an unfortunate consequence of the
    # numerical instability in the eigendecomposition. Still,
    # assert (eigvals.imag == jp.zeros_like(eigvals, dtype=jp.float32)).all()
    # assert (eigvectors.imag == jp.zeros_like(eigvectors, dtype=jp.float32)).all()

    # Now it should be safe to take out only the real components.
    eigvals = eigvals.real
    eigvectors = eigvectors.real

    argsort = jp.argsort(eigvals)
    ix = argsort[:x_dim]
    U = eigvectors[:, ix]
    P = U[x_dim:, :] @ jp.linalg.inv(U[:x_dim, :])

    K = jp.linalg.solve(R, (B.T @ P + N.T))
    return K, P, eigvals[ix]
def materialize_matrix(symmetric_matrix):
    """Returns a materialized symmetric matrix.

    symmetric_matrix: the matrix represented by lower-triangular block slices.
    block_rows = symmetric_matrix.block_rows
    block_size = block_rows[0].shape[-2]
    num_blocks = len(block_rows)

    # Slice the lower-triangular and diagonal blocks into blocks.
    blocks = [[
        block_row[Ellipsis, i * block_size:(i + 1) * block_size]
        for i in range(k + 1)
    ] for k, block_row in enumerate(block_rows)]

    # Generate the (off-diagonal) upper-triangular blocks.
    off_diags = [[] for _ in range(num_blocks - 1)]
    for k, block_row in enumerate(block_rows[1:]):
        for i in range(k + 1):
                                         i * block_size:(i + 1) * block_size],

    return jnp.block(
        [row + row_t
         for row, row_t in zip(blocks[:-1], off_diags)] + [blocks[-1]])
예제 #10
 def endptChart(self, p):
     return self.chartFInv(
                 jnp.matmul(self.DchartS(self.XStart), p)
예제 #11
 def measurement_model(self):
     H = self.kernel0.measurement_model()
     for i in range(1, self.num_kernels):
         kerneli = eval("self.kernel" + str(i))
         H_ = kerneli.measurement_model()
         H = np.block([H, H_])
     return H
예제 #12
def test_nFS():
    from pOP import nFS as pnFS
    dim = 2
    nC = -1 * np.ones((dim, 1), dtype=np.int32)
    d = np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.int32)
    c = np.ones(dim)
    d2 = np.array([2, 3], dtype=np.int32)
    nC2Py = np.array([4, 7], dtype=np.int32)
    nC2 = np.block([[np.arange(4), -1. * np.ones(3)],
    n = np.array([10] * dim)
    N = np.prod(n)
    z = np.linspace(0, 2. * np.pi, num=n[0])
    x = onp.zeros((N, dim))
    for k in range(dim):
        nProd = np.prod(n[k + 1:])
        nStack = np.prod(n[0:k])
        dark = np.hstack([z] * nProd)
        x[:, k] = onp.array([dark] * nStack).flatten()
    c = (2. * np.pi) / (x[-1, :] - x[0, :])
    z = (x - x[0, :]) * c - np.pi

    nfs1 = nFS(x[0, :], x[-1, :], nC, 5)
    nfs2 = nFS(x[0, :], x[-1, :], nC2, 10)
    Fc1 = nfs1.H(x.T, d, False)
    Fc2 = nfs2.H(x.T, d2, False)

    Fp1 = pnFS(z, 4, d, nC.flatten() * 0.)
    Fp2 = pnFS(z, 9, d2, nC2Py)

    assert (np.linalg.norm(Fc1 - Fp1, ord='fro') < 1e-14)
    assert (np.linalg.norm(Fc2 - Fp2, ord='fro') < 5e-13)
예제 #13
 def analytical_linearisation(self, m, sigma=None, hyp=None):
     Compute the Jacobian of the state space observation model w.r.t. the
     function fₙ and the noise term σₙ.
     return np.block([[np.array(1.0),
                       self.dlink_fn(m[1]) * sigma]
                      ]), self.link_fn(np.array([m[1]]))
예제 #14
 def gamma_f(p: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
     gamma_f_arr = jnp.block([[zeros5],
                              ], [zeros51]])
     return gamma_f_arr
예제 #15
def predict_from_state_infinite_horizon_(x_test, ind, x, post_mean, kernel):
    predict the state distribution at time t by projecting from the neighbouring inducing states
    P, T = compute_conditional_statistics(x_test, x, kernel, ind)
    # joint posterior (i.e. smoothed) mean and covariance of the states [u_, u+] at time t:
    mean_joint = np.block([[post_mean[ind]], [post_mean[ind + 1]]])
    return P @ mean_joint
예제 #16
 def analytical_linearisation(self, m, sigma=None):
     Compute the Jacobian of the state space observation model w.r.t. the
     function fₙ and the noise term σₙ.
     num_components = int(m.shape[0] / 2)
     Jf = np.block([[self.link_fn(m[num_components:])], [m[:num_components] * self.dlink_fn(m[num_components:])]]).T
     Jsigma = np.array([[self.variance ** 0.5]])
     return Jf, Jsigma
예제 #17
 def mat(self, s, n):
     p = n // 2
     A = super().mat(s, p)
     B = super().mat(s, n - p)
     self._p = p
     return jnp.block([
         [A, jnp.zeros((p, n - p))],
         [jnp.zeros((n - p, p)), B],
예제 #18
 def integral_weights(self, theta: np.ndarray, t: float) -> np.ndarray:
     self._current_q = self._q(theta, t)
     self._current_r = self._r(theta, t)
     self._current_s = self._s(theta, t)
     q = self._current_q
     r = self._current_r
     s = self._current_s
     weights = jnp.block([[q, s], [s.T.conj(), r]])
     return weights
예제 #19
 def analytical_linearisation(self, m, sigma=None, hyp=None):
     obs_noise_var = hyp if hyp is not None else self.hyp
     num_components = int(m.shape[0] / 2)
     subbands, modulators = m[:num_components], self.link_fn(
     Jf = np.block([[modulators],
                    [subbands * self.dlink_fn(m[num_components:])]])
     Jsigma = np.array([[np.sqrt(obs_noise_var)]])
     return np.atleast_2d(Jf).T, np.atleast_2d(Jsigma).T
예제 #20
 def kernel_to_state_space(self, R=None):
     F, L, Qc, H, Pinf = self.kernel0.kernel_to_state_space(R)
     for i in range(1, self.num_kernels):
         kerneli = eval("self.kernel" + str(i))
         F_, L_, Qc_, H_, Pinf_ = kerneli.kernel_to_state_space(R)
         F = block_diag(F, F_)
         L = block_diag(L, L_)
         Qc = block_diag(Qc, Qc_)
         H = np.block([H, H_])
         Pinf = block_diag(Pinf, Pinf_)
     return F, L, Qc, H, Pinf
    def __init__(self, d):
        self.d = d
        self.mean = np.zeros(d)

        self.xcov = np.eye(d - 1) * np.exp(9 / 2)
        self.ycov = 9
        if d == 2:
            self.cov = np.block([[self.xcov, np.zeros((d - 1, 1))],
                                 [np.zeros((1, d - 1)), self.ycov]])
            self.cov = None
예제 #22
파일: internal.py 프로젝트: mgierada/sella
def _rotation_q(pos: jnp.ndarray, indices: jnp.ndarray,
                refpos: jnp.ndarray) -> float:
    dx = pos[indices[:-1]] - pos[indices[:-1]].mean(0)
    R = dx.T @ refpos
    Rtr = jnp.trace(R)
    Ftop = jnp.array([R[1, 2] - R[2, 1], R[2, 0] - R[0, 2], R[0, 1] - R[1, 0]])
    F = jnp.block([
        [Rtr, Ftop[None, :]],
        [Ftop[:, None], -Rtr * jnp.eye(3) + R + R.T],
    q = eigh_rightmost(F)
    return q * jnp.sign(q[0])
예제 #23
    def Scheme(self, z):
        qn = z[:self.n]
        q = z[self.n:]

        # compute Lagrange multipliers
        den = self.dt**2 * jnp.dot(self.b**3, q**2)
        dff = 2 * q - qn
        m1 = jnp.dot(self.b**2 * q, dff) / den
        m2 = 1 / self.dt**2 * (jnp.dot(self.b * dff, dff) - 1) / den
        lam = -m1 + jnp.sqrt(m1**2 - m2)

        return jnp.block([q, 2 * q - qn + self.dt**2 * self.b * q * lam])
예제 #24
def cuspCond(f1, Xa, ds):

    # shorthands
    x = Xa[:3]
    a = Xa[3:]

    f2 = lambda x: jvp(f1, (x, ), (a, ))[1]  # 1st derivative in direction a
    c1 = f2(x)
    c2 = (sum(a**2) - 1) / ds
    f3 = lambda x: jvp(f2, (x, ), (a, ))[1]  # 2nd derivative in direction a
    c3 = jnp.matmul(f3(x), a)

    return jnp.block([c1, c2, c3])
예제 #25
def rp_to_se3(R: jnp.ndarray, p: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray:
  """Rotation and translation to homogeneous transform.

    R: (3, 3) An orthonormal rotation matrix.
    p: (3,) A 3-vector representing an offset.

    X: (4, 4) The homogeneous transformation matrix described by rotating by R
      and translating by p.
  p = jnp.reshape(p, (3, 1))
  return jnp.block([[R, p], [jnp.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])]])
예제 #26
def projection_affine(n_dim, u, n, u_0):
        n_dim: affine transformation space
        u: random point to be projected on n as L
        n: secant normal vector
        u_0: secant starting point
    n_norm = l2_norm(n)
    I = jnp.eye(n_dim)
    p2 = jnp.dot(I, n)[:, None] / n_norm**2 * n
    u_0 = lax.reshape(u_0, (n_dim, 1))
    I = jnp.eye(n_dim)
    t1 = jnp.block([[I, u_0], [jnp.zeros(shape=(1, n_dim)), 1.0]])
    t2 = jnp.block([[p2, jnp.zeros(shape=(n_dim, 1))],
                    [jnp.zeros(shape=(1, n_dim)), 1.0]])
    t3 = jnp.block([[I, -1 * u_0], [jnp.zeros(shape=(1, n_dim)), 1.0]])
    P = jnp.matmul(jnp.matmul(t1, t2), t3)
    pr = jnp.matmul(P, jnp.hstack([u, 1.0]))
    pr = lax.slice(pr, [0], [n_dim])
    return pr
예제 #27
def kalman_filter_pairs(dt, kernel, y, noise_cov, use_sequential=True):
    A Kalman filter over pairs of states, in which y is [2state_dim, 1] and noise_cov is [2state_dim, 2state_dim]
    :param dt: step sizes [N, 1]
    :param kernel: an instantiation of the kernel class, used to determine the state space model
    :param y: observations [N, 2state_dim, 1]
    :param noise_cov: observation noise covariances [N, 2state_dim, 2state_dim]
    :param use_sequential: flag to switch between parallel and sequential implementation of Kalman filter
        ell: the log-marginal likelihood log p(y), for hyperparameter optimisation (learning) [scalar]
        means: marginal state filtering means [N, state_dim, 1]
        covs: marginal state filtering covariances [N, state_dim, state_dim]
    Pinf = kernel.stationary_covariance()
    state_dim = Pinf.shape[0]
    minf = np.zeros([state_dim, 1])
    zeros = np.zeros([state_dim, state_dim])
    Pinfpair = np.block([[Pinf, zeros], [zeros, Pinf]])
    minfpair = np.block([[minf], [minf]])

    As = vmap(kernel.state_transition)(dt)
    Qs = vmap(process_noise_covariance, [0, None])(As, Pinf)

    def construct_pair(A, Q):
        Apair = np.block([[zeros, np.eye(state_dim)], [zeros, A]])
        Qpair = np.block([[zeros, zeros], [zeros, Q]])
        return Apair, Qpair

    Apairs, Qpairs = vmap(construct_pair)(As, Qs)
    H = np.eye(2 * state_dim)
    masks = np.zeros_like(y, dtype=bool)

    if use_sequential:
        ell, means, covs = _sequential_kf(Apairs, Qpairs, H, y, noise_cov,
                                          minfpair, Pinfpair, masks)
        raise NotImplementedError("Parallel KF not implemented yet")
    return ell, (means[1:, :state_dim], covs[1:, :state_dim, :state_dim])
예제 #28
def symmetric_cubature_third_order(dim=1, kappa=None):
    Return weights and sigma-points for the symmetric cubature rule of order 5, for
    dimension dim with parameter kappa (default 0).
    if kappa is None:
        # kappa = 1 - dim
        kappa = 0  # CKF
    if (dim == 1) and (kappa == 0):
        weights = np.array([0., 0.5, 0.5])
        sigma_pts = np.array([0., 1., -1.])
        # sigma_pts = np.array([-1., 0., 1.])
        # weights = np.array([0.5, 0., 0.5])
        # u = 1
    elif (dim == 2) and (kappa == 0):
        weights = np.array([0., 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
        sigma_pts = np.block([[0., 1.4142, 0., -1.4142, 0.],
                              [0., 0., 1.4142, 0., -1.4142]])
        # u = 1.4142
    elif (dim == 3) and (kappa == 0):
        weights = np.array(
            [0., 0.1667, 0.1667, 0.1667, 0.1667, 0.1667, 0.1667])
        sigma_pts = np.block([[0., 1.7321, 0., 0., -1.7321, 0., 0.],
                              [0., 0., 1.7321, 0., 0., -1.7321, 0.],
                              [0., 0., 0., 1.7321, 0., 0., -1.7321]])
        # u = 1.7321
        # weights
        weights = np.zeros([1, 2 * dim + 1])
        weights = index_add(weights, index[0, 0], kappa / (dim + kappa))
        for j in range(1, 2 * dim + 1):
            wm = 1 / (2 * (dim + kappa))
            weights = index_add(weights, index[0, j], wm)
        # Sigma points
        sigma_pts = np.block([np.zeros([dim, 1]), np.eye(dim), -np.eye(dim)])
        sigma_pts = np.sqrt(dim + kappa) * sigma_pts
        # u = np.sqrt(n + kappa)
    return sigma_pts, weights  # , u
예제 #29
def create_spatiotemporal_grid(X, Y):
    create a grid of data sized [T, R1, R2]
    note that this function removes full duplicates (i.e. where all dimensions match)
    TODO: generalise to >5D
    if Y.ndim < 2:
        Y = Y[:, None]
    num_spatial_dims = X.shape[1] - 1
    if num_spatial_dims == 4:
        sort_ind = nnp.lexsort(
            (X[:, 4], X[:, 3], X[:, 2], X[:, 1], X[:,
                                                   0]))  # sort by 0, 1, 2, 4
    elif num_spatial_dims == 3:
        sort_ind = nnp.lexsort(
            (X[:, 3], X[:, 2], X[:, 1], X[:, 0]))  # sort by 0, 1, 2, 3
    elif num_spatial_dims == 2:
        sort_ind = nnp.lexsort((X[:, 2], X[:, 1], X[:, 0]))  # sort by 0, 1, 2
    elif num_spatial_dims == 1:
        sort_ind = nnp.lexsort((X[:, 1], X[:, 0]))  # sort by 0, 1
        raise NotImplementedError
    X = X[sort_ind]
    Y = Y[sort_ind]
    unique_time = np.unique(X[:, 0])
    unique_space = nnp.unique(X[:, 1:], axis=0)
    N_t = unique_time.shape[0]
    N_r = unique_space.shape[0]
    if num_spatial_dims == 4:
        R = np.tile(unique_space, [N_t, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    elif num_spatial_dims == 3:
        R = np.tile(unique_space, [N_t, 1, 1, 1])
    elif num_spatial_dims == 2:
        R = np.tile(unique_space, [N_t, 1, 1])
    elif num_spatial_dims == 1:
        R = np.tile(unique_space, [N_t, 1])
        raise NotImplementedError
    R_flat = R.reshape(-1, num_spatial_dims)
    Y_dummy = np.nan * np.zeros([N_t * N_r, 1])
    time_duplicate = np.tile(unique_time, [N_r, 1]).T.flatten()
    X_dummy = np.block([time_duplicate[:, None], R_flat])
    X_all = np.vstack([X, X_dummy])
    Y_all = np.vstack([Y, Y_dummy])
    X_unique, ind = nnp.unique(X_all, axis=0, return_index=True)
    Y_unique = Y_all[ind]
    grid_shape = (unique_time.shape[0], ) + unique_space.shape
    R_grid = X_unique[:, 1:].reshape(grid_shape)
    Y_grid = Y_unique.reshape(grid_shape[:-1] + (1, ))
    return unique_time[:, None], R_grid, Y_grid
예제 #30
 def variational_expectation(self, y, m, v, hyp=None, cubature_func=None):
     if cubature_func is None:
         x, w = gauss_hermite(1,
                              20)  # Gauss-Hermite sigma points and weights
         x, w = cubature_func(1)
     m0, m1, v0, v1 = m[0, 0], m[1, 0], v[0, 0], v[1, 1]
     sigma_points = np.sqrt(
     ) * x + m1  # fsigᵢ=xᵢ√(2vₙ) + mₙ: scale locations according to cavity dist.
     # pre-compute wᵢ log p(yₙ|xᵢ√(2vₙ) + mₙ)
     var = self.link_fn(sigma_points)**2
     log_lik = np.log(var) + var**-1 * ((y - m0)**2 + v0)
     weighted_log_likelihood_eval = w * log_lik
     # Compute expected log likelihood via cubature:
     # E[log p(yₙ|fₙ)] = ∫ log p(yₙ|fₙ) 𝓝(fₙ|mₙ,vₙ) dfₙ
     #                 ≈ ∑ᵢ wᵢ p(yₙ|fsigᵢ)
     exp_log_lik = -0.5 * np.log(
         2 * pi) - 0.5 * np.sum(weighted_log_likelihood_eval)
     # Compute first derivative via cubature:
     dE_dm1 = np.sum((var**-1 * (y - m0 + v0)) * w)
     # dE[log p(yₙ|fₙ)]/dmₙ = ∫ (fₙ-mₙ) vₙ⁻¹ log p(yₙ|fₙ) 𝓝(fₙ|mₙ,vₙ) dfₙ
     #                      ≈ ∑ᵢ wᵢ (fₙ-mₙ) vₙ⁻¹ log p(yₙ|fsigᵢ)
     dE_dm2 = -0.5 * np.sum(weighted_log_likelihood_eval * v1**-1 *
                            (sigma_points - m1))
     # Compute derivative w.r.t. variance:
     dE_dv1 = -0.5 * np.sum(var**-1 * w)
     # dE[log p(yₙ|fₙ)]/dvₙ = ∫ [(fₙ-mₙ)² vₙ⁻² - vₙ⁻¹]/2 log p(yₙ|fₙ) 𝓝(fₙ|mₙ,vₙ) dfₙ
     #                        ≈ ∑ᵢ wᵢ [(fₙ-mₙ)² vₙ⁻² - vₙ⁻¹]/2 log p(yₙ|fsigᵢ)
     dE_dv2 = -0.25 * np.sum(
         (v1**-2 *
          (sigma_points - m1)**2 - v1**-1) * weighted_log_likelihood_eval)
     dE_dm = np.block([[dE_dm1], [dE_dm2]])
     dE_dv = np.block([[dE_dv1, 0], [0., dE_dv2]])
     return exp_log_lik, dE_dm, dE_dv