def assemble(args): """ %prog assemble pasa_db_name genome.fasta transcripts-dn.fasta [transcript-gg.fasta] Run the PASA alignment assembly pipeline If two transcript fasta files (Trinity denovo and genome guided) are provided and the `--compreh` param is enabled, the PASA Comprehensive Transcriptome DB protocol is followed <> Using the `--prepare` option creates a shell script with the run commands without executing the pipeline """ p = OptionParser(assemble.__doc__) p.set_pasa_opts() p.add_option("--prepare", default=False, action="store_true", help="Prepare PASA run script with commands [default: %default]") p.set_grid() p.set_grid_opts() opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) not in (3, 4): sys.exit(not p.print_help()) pasa_db, genome, dnfasta, = args[:3] ggfasta = args[3] if len(args) == 4 else None PASA_HOME = opts.pasa_home if not op.isdir(PASA_HOME): logging.error("PASA_HOME={0} directory does not exist".format(PASA_HOME)) sys.exit() aligners = opts.aligners.split(",") for aligner in aligners: if aligner not in ALLOWED_ALIGNERS: logging.error("Error: Unknown aligner `{0}`".format(aligner)) logging.error("Can be any of {0}, ".format("|".join(ALLOWED_ALIGNERS)) + \ "combine multiple aligners in list separated by comma") sys.exit() clean = opts.clean seqclean = op.join(opts.tgi_home, "seqclean") accn_extract = which(op.join(PASA_HOME, "misc_utilities", \ "")) launch_pasa = which(op.join(PASA_HOME, "scripts", \ "")) build_compreh_trans = which(op.join(PASA_HOME, "scripts", \ "build_comprehensive_transcriptome.dbi")) fl_accs = opts.fl_accs cpus = opts.cpus grid = opts.grid prepare, runfile = opts.prepare, "" pctcov, pctid = opts.pctcov, opts.pctid compreh_pctid = opts.compreh_pctid compreh_pctcov, bpsplice = opts.compreh_pctcov, opts.bpsplice cmds = [] # set PASAHOME env variable if preparing shell script if prepare: env_cmd = 'export PASAHOME="{0}"'.format(PASA_HOME) cmds.append(env_cmd) if ggfasta: transcripts = FileMerger([dnfasta, ggfasta], tfasta).merge() accn_extract_cmd = "cat {0} | {1} > {2}".format(dnfasta, accn_extract, tdn) cmds.append(accn_extract_cmd) if not prepare: sh(accn_extract_cmd) else: symlink(dnfasta, tfasta) transcripts = tfasta if opts.grid and not opts.threaded: opts.threaded = opts.cpus prjobid = None if clean: ccpus = 16 if cpus >= 16 else cpus cleancmd = "{0} {1} -c {2} -l 60".format(seqclean, transcripts, ccpus) if prepare: cmds.append(cleancmd) else: prjobid = sh(cleancmd, grid=grid, grid_opts=opts) aafw = must_open(aaconf, "w") print(alignAssembly_conf.format("{0}_pasa".format(pasa_db), \ pctcov, pctid, bpsplice), file=aafw) aafw.close() symlink(genome, gfasta) aacmd = "{0} -c {1} -C -R -g {2}".format(launch_pasa, aaconf, gfasta) aacmd += " -t {0}.clean -T -u {0}".format(transcripts) if clean else \ " -t {0}".format(transcripts) if fl_accs: symlink(fl_accs, flaccs) aacmd += " -f {0}".format(flaccs) if ggfasta: aacmd += " --TDN {0}".format(tdn) aacmd += " --ALIGNERS {0} -I {1} --CPU {2}".format(",".join(aligners), \ opts.intron, cpus) if prepare: cmds.append(aacmd) else: opts.hold_jid = prjobid prjobid = sh(aacmd, grid=grid, grid_opts=opts) if opts.compreh and ggfasta: comprehcmd = "{0} -c {1} -t {2}".format(build_compreh_trans, aaconf, transcripts) comprehcmd += " --min_per_ID {0} --min_per_aligned {1}".format(compreh_pctid, compreh_pctcov) if prepare: cmds.append(comprehcmd) else: opts.hold_jid = prjobid prjobid = sh(comprehcmd, grid=grid, grid_opts=opts) if prepare: write_file(runfile, "\n".join(cmds)) # initialize run script
def compare(args): """ %prog compare pasa_db_name genome.fasta transcripts.fasta [annotation.gff] Run the PASA annotation comparison pipeline If annotation.gff file is provided, the PASA database is loaded with the annotations first before starting annotation comparison. Otherwise, it uses previously loaded annotation data. Using the `--prepare` option creates a shell script with the run commands without executing the pipeline """ p = OptionParser(compare.__doc__) p.set_pasa_opts(action="compare") p.add_option("--prepare", default=False, action="store_true", help="Prepare PASA run script with commands [default: %default]") p.set_grid() p.set_grid_opts() opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) not in (3, 4): sys.exit(not p.print_help()) pasa_db, genome, transcripts, = args[:3] annotation = args[3] if len(args) == 4 else None PASA_HOME = opts.pasa_home if not op.isdir(PASA_HOME): logging.error("PASA_HOME={0} directory does not exist".format(PASA_HOME)) sys.exit() launch_pasa = which(op.join(PASA_HOME, "scripts", \ "")) grid = opts.grid prepare, runfile = opts.prepare, "" os.chdir(pasa_db) if prepare: write_file(runfile, "") # initialize run script if opts.grid and not opts.threaded: opts.threaded = opts.cpus acfw = must_open(acconf, "w") print >> acfw, annotCompare_conf.format("{0}_pasa".format(pasa_db), \ opts.pctovl, opts.pct_coding, opts.pctid_prot, opts.pctlen_FL, \ opts.pctlen_nonFL, opts.orf_size, opts.pct_aln, opts.pctovl_gene, \ opts.stompovl, opts.trust_FL, opts.utr_exons) acfw.close() if op.exists("{0}.clean".format(transcripts)): transcripts = "{0}.clean".format(transcripts) accmd = "{0} -c {1} -A -g {2} -t {3} --GENETIC_CODE {4}".format(launch_pasa, \ acconf, genome, transcripts, opts.genetic_code) if annotation: accmd += " -L --annots_gff3 {0}".format(annotation) if prepare: write_file(runfile, accmd, append=True) else: sh(accmd, grid=grid, grid_opts=opts)
def compare(args): """ %prog compare pasa_db_name [--annots_gff3=annotation.gff3] Run the PASA annotation comparison pipeline This assumes that PASA alignment assembly has alredy been completed and run directory contains `genome.fasta` and `transcript.fasta` files. If `--annots_gff3` is specified, the PASA database is loaded with the annotations first before starting annotation comparison. Otherwise, it uses previously loaded annotation data. Using the `--prepare` option creates a shell script with the run commands without executing the pipeline """ p = OptionParser(compare.__doc__) p.set_pasa_opts(action="compare") p.add_option("--prepare", default=False, action="store_true", help="Prepare PASA run script with commands [default: %default]") p.set_grid() p.set_grid_opts() opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) < 1: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) pasa_db, = args PASA_HOME = opts.pasa_home if not op.isdir(PASA_HOME): logging.error("PASA_HOME={0} directory does not exist".format(PASA_HOME)) sys.exit() launch_pasa = which(op.join(PASA_HOME, "scripts", \ "")) annots_gff3 = opts.annots_gff3 grid = opts.grid prepare, runfile = opts.prepare, "" os.chdir(pasa_db) if prepare: write_file(runfile, "", append=True, skipcheck=True) # initialize run script acfw = must_open(acconf, "w") print(annotCompare_conf.format("{0}_pasa".format(pasa_db), \ opts.pctovl, opts.pct_coding, opts.pctid_prot, opts.pctlen_FL, \ opts.pctlen_nonFL, opts.orf_size, opts.pct_aln, opts.pctovl_gene, \ opts.stompovl, opts.trust_FL, opts.utr_exons), file=acfw) acfw.close() if not op.exists(gfasta): sys.exit("Genome fasta file `{0}` does not exist".format(gfasta)) transcripts = tfasta if not op.exists(transcripts): sys.exit("Transcript fasta file `{0}` does not exist".format(transcripts)) if op.exists("{0}.clean".format(transcripts)): transcripts = "{0}.clean".format(transcripts) accmd = "{0} -c {1} -A -g {2} -t {3} --GENETIC_CODE {4}".format(launch_pasa, \ acconf, gfasta, transcripts, opts.genetic_code) if annots_gff3: if not op.exists(annots_gff3): sys.exit("Annotation gff3 file `{0}` does not exist".format(annots_gff3)) symlink(annots_gff3, annotation) accmd += " -L --annots_gff3 {0}".format(annotation) if prepare: write_file(runfile, accmd, append=True) else: sh(accmd, grid=grid, grid_opts=opts)
def compare(args): """ %prog compare pasa_db_name genome.fasta transcripts.fasta [annotation.gff] Run the PASA annotation comparison pipeline If annotation.gff file is provided, the PASA database is loaded with the annotations first before starting annotation comparison. Otherwise, it uses previously loaded annotation data. Using the `--prepare` option creates a shell script with the run commands without executing the pipeline """ p = OptionParser(compare.__doc__) p.set_pasa_opts(action="compare") p.add_option( "--prepare", default=False, action="store_true", help="Prepare PASA run script with commands [default: %default]") p.set_grid() p.set_grid_opts() opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) not in (3, 4): sys.exit(not p.print_help()) pasa_db, genome, transcripts, = args[:3] annotation = args[3] if len(args) == 4 else None PASA_HOME = opts.pasa_home if not op.isdir(PASA_HOME): logging.error( "PASA_HOME={0} directory does not exist".format(PASA_HOME)) sys.exit() launch_pasa = which(op.join(PASA_HOME, "scripts", \ "")) grid = opts.grid prepare, runfile = opts.prepare, "" os.chdir(pasa_db) if prepare: write_file(runfile, "") # initialize run script if opts.grid and not opts.threaded: opts.threaded = opts.cpus acfw = must_open(acconf, "w") print >> acfw, annotCompare_conf.format("{0}_pasa".format(pasa_db), \ opts.pctovl, opts.pct_coding, opts.pctid_prot, opts.pctlen_FL, \ opts.pctlen_nonFL, opts.orf_size, opts.pct_aln, opts.pctovl_gene, \ opts.stompovl, opts.trust_FL, opts.utr_exons) acfw.close() if op.exists("{0}.clean".format(transcripts)): transcripts = "{0}.clean".format(transcripts) accmd = "{0} -c {1} -A -g {2} -t {3} --GENETIC_CODE {4}".format(launch_pasa, \ acconf, genome, transcripts, opts.genetic_code) if annotation: accmd += " -L --annots_gff3 {0}".format(annotation) if prepare: write_file(runfile, accmd, append=True) else: sh(accmd, grid=grid, grid_opts=opts)