예제 #1
def write(queue_in, queue_out, filename, cpus):
    from jcvi.utils.progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar, ETA

    fw = must_open(filename, "w")
    isize = queue_in.qsize()
    logging.debug("A total of {0} items to compute.".format(isize))
    isize = isize or 1
    widgets = [
        'Queue: ',
        Percentage(), ' ',
        Bar(marker='>', left='[', right=']'), ' ',
    p = ProgressBar(maxval=isize, term_width=60, widgets=widgets).start()
    poisons = 0
    while True:
        res = queue_out.get()
        qsize = queue_in.qsize()
        p.update(isize - qsize)
        if isinstance(res, Poison):
            poisons += 1
            if poisons == cpus:  # wait all workers finish
        elif res:
            print(res, file=fw)
예제 #2
파일: tgbs.py 프로젝트: zhaotao1987/jcvi
def weblogo(args):
    %prog weblogo [fastafile|fastqfile]

    Extract base composition for reads
    import numpy as np
    from jcvi.utils.progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar, ETA

    p = OptionParser(weblogo.__doc__)
    p.add_option("-N", default=10, type="int",
                 help="Count the first and last N bases")
    p.add_option("--nreads", default=1000000, type="int",
                 help="Parse first N reads")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    fastqfile, = args
    N = opts.N
    nreads = opts.nreads

    pat = "ATCG"
    L = np.zeros((4, N), dtype="int32")
    R = np.zeros((4, N), dtype="int32")
    p = dict((a, i) for (i, a) in enumerate(pat))
    L4, R3 = Counter(), Counter()
    widgets = ['Parse reads: ', Percentage(), ' ',
               Bar(marker='>', left='[', right=']'), ' ', ETA()]
    pr = ProgressBar(maxval=nreads, term_width=60, widgets=widgets).start()

    k = 0
    fw_L = open("L.fasta", "w")
    fw_R = open("R.fasta", "w")
    fastq = fastqfile.endswith(".fastq")
    it = iter_fastq(fastqfile) if fastq else \
           SeqIO.parse(must_open(fastqfile), "fasta")
    for rec in it:
        k += 1
        if k % 1000 == 0:
        if k > nreads:
        if rec is None:
        s = str(rec.seq)
        for i, a in enumerate(s[:N]):
            if a in p:
                a = p[a]
                L[a][i] += 1
        for j, a in enumerate(s[-N:][::-1]):
            if a in p:
                a = p[a]
                R[a][N - 1 - j] += 1
        l4, r3 = s[:4], s[-3:]
        L4[l4] += 1
        R3[r3] += 1
        print >> fw_L, ">{0}\n{1}".format(k, s[:N])
        print >> fw_R, ">{0}\n{1}".format(k, s[-N:])


    cmd = "weblogo -F png -s large -f {0}.fasta -o {0}.png"
    cmd += " --color-scheme classic --composition none -U probability"
    cmd += " --title {1}"
    sh(cmd.format('L', "First_10_bases"))
    sh(cmd.format('R', "Last_10_bases"))

    np.savetxt("L.{0}.csv".format(pat), L, delimiter=',', fmt="%d")
    np.savetxt("R.{0}.csv".format(pat), R, delimiter=',', fmt="%d")

    fw = open("L4.common", "w")
    for p, c in L4.most_common(N):
        print >> fw, "\t".join((p, str(c)))

    fw = open("R3.common", "w")
    for p, c in R3.most_common(N):
        print >> fw, "\t".join((p, str(c)))