def update(self): ''' Updates Image. ''' if self.hasproxy(): img = Image() imageData = self.proxy.getImageData(self.imgFormat) img.height = imageData.description.height img.width = imageData.description.width img.format = imageData.description.format # Format jdpeg input if img.format == "jpeg": data = cv2.imdecode(imageData.pixelData) = cv.cvtColor(data, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img.format = "RGB8" # When NOT Jpeg format input else: = np.frombuffer(imageData.pixelData, dtype=np.uint8) = img.height, img.width, 3 img.timeStamp = imageData.timeStamp.seconds + imageData.timeStamp.useconds * 1e-9 self.lock.acquire() self.image = img self.lock.release()
def __init__(self, jdrc, prefix): ''' Camera Contructor. Exits When it receives a Exception diferent to Ice.ConnectionRefusedException @param jdrc: Comm Communicator @param prefix: Name of client in config file @type jdrc: Comm Communicator @type prefix: String ''' self.lock = threading.Lock() self.image = Image() try: ic = jdrc.getIc() proxyStr = jdrc.getConfig().getProperty(prefix + ".Proxy") basecamera = ic.stringToProxy(proxyStr) self.proxy = jderobot.CameraPrx.checkedCast(basecamera) self.imgFormat = jdrc.getConfig().getPropertyWithDefault( prefix + ".Format", "RGB8") self.update() if not self.proxy: print('Interface ' + prefix + ' not configured') except Ice.ConnectionRefusedException: print(prefix + ': connection refused') except: traceback.print_exc() exit(-1)
def __init__(self, ic, prefix): ''' Camera Contructor. Exits When it receives a Exception diferent to Ice.ConnectionRefusedException @param ic: Ice Communicator @param prefix: prefix name of client in config file @type ic: Ice Communicator @type prefix: String ''' self.lock = threading.Lock() self.image = Image() try: basecamera = ic.propertyToProxy(prefix + ".Proxy") self.proxy = jderobot.CameraPrx.checkedCast(basecamera) prop = ic.getProperties() self.imgFormat = prop.getProperty(prefix + ".Format") if not self.imgFormat: self.imgFormat = "RGB8" self.update() if not self.proxy: print('Interface ' + prefix + ' not configured') except Ice.ConnectionRefusedException: print(prefix + ': connection refused') except: traceback.print_exc() exit(-1)
def imageMsg2Image(img, bridge): ''' Translates from ROS Image to JderobotTypes Image. @param img: ROS Image to translate @param bridge: bridge to do translation @type img: sensor_msgs.msg.Image @type brige: CvBridge @return a JderobotTypes.Image translated from img ''' image = Image() image.width = img.width image.height = img.height image.format = "RGB8" image.timeStamp = img.header.stamp.secs + (img.header.stamp.nsecs * 1e-9) cv_image = 0 if (img.encoding[-2:] == "C1"): gray_img_buff = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, img.encoding) cv_image = depthToRGB8(gray_img_buff, img.encoding) else: cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, "rgb8") = cv_image return image
def imageMsg2Image(img, bridge): ''' Translates from ROS Image to JderobotTypes Image. @param img: ROS Image to translate @param bridge: bridge to do translation @type img: sensor_msgs.msg.Image @type brige: CvBridge @return a JderobotTypes.Image translated from img ''' image = Image() image.width = img.width image.height = img.height image.format = "RGB8" image.timeStamp = img.header.stamp.secs + (img.header.stamp.nsecs *1e-9) cv_image=0 if (img.encoding == "32FC1"): gray_img_buff = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, "32FC1") cv_image = depthToRGB8(gray_img_buff) else: cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img, "rgb8") = cv_image return image
def getImage(self): ''' Returns last Image. @return last JdeRobotTypes Image saved ''' img = Image() if self.hasproxy(): self.lock.acquire() img = self.image self.lock.release() return img
def __init__(self, topic): ''' ListenerCamera Constructor. @param topic: ROS topic to subscribe @type topic: String ''' self.topic = topic = Image() self.sub = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.bridge = CvBridge() self.start()
def __init__(self, topic, ros2node): ''' ListenerCamera Constructor. @param topic: ROS2 topic to subscribe @type topic: String ''' self.topic = topic = Image() self.sub = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.__noderos2 = ros2node self.bridge = CvBridge() self.start() self.spin_thread = None # variable to handle thread
def update(self): ''' Updates Image. ''' if self.hasproxy(): img = Image() imageData = self.proxy.getImageData(self.imgFormat) img.height = imageData.description.height img.width = imageData.description.width img.format = imageData.description.format = np.frombuffer(imageData.pixelData, dtype=np.uint8) = img.height, img.width, 3 img.timeStamp = imageData.timeStamp.seconds + imageData.timeStamp.useconds * 1e-9 self.lock.acquire() self.image = img self.lock.release()
def imageComp2Image(img, bridge): ''' Translates from ROS CompressedImage to JderobotTypes Image. @param img: ROS CompressedImage to translate @param bridge: bridge to do translation @type img: sensor_msgs.msg.CompressedImage @type brige: CvBridge @return a JderobotTypes.Image translated from img ''' image = Image() image.format = "RGB8" = bridge.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(img, "rgb8") image.width =[0] image.height =[1] return image