예제 #1
def _apply_decorators(context, node):
    Returns the function, that should to be executed in the end.
    This is also the places where the decorators are processed.
    if node.type == 'classdef':
        decoratee_value = ClassValue(
        decoratee_value = FunctionValue.from_context(context, node)
    initial = values = ValueSet([decoratee_value])

    if is_big_annoying_library(context):
        return values

    for dec in reversed(node.get_decorators()):
        debug.dbg('decorator: %s %s', dec, values, color="MAGENTA")
        with debug.increase_indent_cm():
            dec_values = context.infer_node(dec.children[1])
            trailer_nodes = dec.children[2:-1]
            if trailer_nodes:
                # Create a trailer and infer it.
                trailer = tree.PythonNode('trailer', trailer_nodes)
                trailer.parent = dec
                dec_values = infer_trailer(context, dec_values, trailer)

            if not len(dec_values):
                code = dec.get_code(include_prefix=False)
                # For the short future, we don't want to hear about the runtime
                # decorator in typing that was intentionally omitted. This is not
                # "correct", but helps with debugging.
                if code != '@runtime\n':
                    debug.warning('decorator not found: %s on %s', dec, node)
                return initial

            values = dec_values.execute(arguments.ValuesArguments([values]))
            if not len(values):
                debug.warning('not possible to resolve wrappers found %s', node)
                return initial

        debug.dbg('decorator end %s', values, color="MAGENTA")
    if values != initial:
        return ValueSet([Decoratee(c, decoratee_value) for c in values])
    return values
예제 #2
def _stub_to_python_value_set(stub_value, ignore_compiled=False):
    stub_module_context = stub_value.get_root_context()
    if not stub_module_context.is_stub():
        return ValueSet([stub_value])

    decorates = None
    if isinstance(stub_value, Decoratee):
        decorates = stub_value._original_value

    was_instance = stub_value.is_instance()
    if was_instance:
        arguments = getattr(stub_value, '_arguments', None)
        stub_value = stub_value.py__class__()

    qualified_names = stub_value.get_qualified_names()
    if qualified_names is None:
        return NO_VALUES

    was_bound_method = stub_value.is_bound_method()
    if was_bound_method:
        # Infer the object first. We can infer the method later.
        method_name = qualified_names[-1]
        qualified_names = qualified_names[:-1]
        was_instance = True
        arguments = None

    values = _infer_from_stub(stub_module_context, qualified_names, ignore_compiled)
    if was_instance:
        values = ValueSet.from_sets(
            c.execute_with_values() if arguments is None else c.execute(arguments)
            for c in values
            if c.is_class()
    if was_bound_method:
        # Now that the instance has been properly created, we can simply get
        # the method.
        values = values.py__getattribute__(method_name)
    if decorates is not None:
        values = ValueSet(Decoratee(v, decorates) for v in values)
    return values