def handle_noargs(self, **options): class User: is_active = True is_staff = True is_superuser = True def has_module_perms(self, app): return True def has_perm(self, object): return True class Request: user = User() app_list = get_original_menu_items({ "request": Request(), "user": None }) self.stdout.write( "# Add this to your to customize applications and models list" ) self.stdout.write("JET_SIDE_MENU_ITEMS = [") for app in app_list: self.stdout.write(" {'app_label': '%s', 'items': [" % (app["app_label"])) for model in app["models"]: self.stdout.write(" {'name': '%s'}," % (model["name"])) self.stdout.write(" ]},") self.stdout.write("]")
def handle_noargs(self, **options): class User: is_active = True is_staff = True is_superuser = True def has_module_perms(self, app): return True def has_perm(self, object): return True class Request: user = User() app_list = get_original_menu_items({ 'request': Request(), 'user': None }) self.stdout.write( '# Add this to your to customize applications and models list' ) self.stdout.write('JET_SIDE_MENU_ITEMS = [') for app in app_list: self.stdout.write(' {\'app_label\': \'%s\', \'items\': [' % (app['app_label'])) for model in app['models']: self.stdout.write(' {\'name\': \'%s\'},' % (model['name'])) self.stdout.write(' ]},') self.stdout.write(']')
def handle_noargs(self, **options): class User: is_active = True is_staff = True is_superuser = True def has_module_perms(self, app): return True def has_perm(self, object): return True class Request: user = User() app_list = get_original_menu_items({ 'request': Request(), 'user': None }) self.stdout.write('# Add this to your to customize applications and models list') self.stdout.write('JET_SIDE_MENU_ITEMS = [') for app in app_list: self.stdout.write(' {\'app_label\': \'%s\', \'items\': [' % ( app['app_label'] )) for model in app['models']: self.stdout.write(' {\'name\': \'%s\'},' % ( model['name'] )) self.stdout.write(' ]},') self.stdout.write(']')
def get_menu_items(context): pinned_apps = PinnedApplication.objects.filter(user=context['user'].pk).values_list('app_label', flat=True) original_app_list = OrderedDict(map(lambda app: (app['app_label'], app), get_original_menu_items(context))) custom_app_list = settings.JET_SIDE_MENU_ITEMS custom_app_list_deprecated = settings.JET_SIDE_MENU_CUSTOM_APPS if custom_app_list not in (None, False): if isinstance(custom_app_list, dict): admin_site = get_admin_site(context) custom_app_list = custom_app_list.get(, []) app_list = [] def get_menu_item_app_model(app_label, data): item = {'has_perms': True} if 'name' in data: parts = data['name'].split('.', 2) if len(parts) > 1: app_label, name = parts else: name = data['name'] if app_label in original_app_list: models = dict(map( lambda x: (x['name'], x), original_app_list[app_label]['models'] )) if name in models: item = models[name].copy() if 'label' in data: item['label'] = data['label'] if 'materialicon' in data: item['materialicon'] = data['materialicon'] if 'url' in data: item['url'] = get_menu_item_url(data['url'], original_app_list) if 'url_blank' in data: item['url_blank'] = data['url_blank'] if 'permissions' in data: item['has_perms'] = item.get('has_perms', True) and context['user'].has_perms(data['permissions']) return item def get_menu_item_app(data): app_label = data.get('app_label') if not app_label: if 'label' not in data: raise Exception('Custom menu items should at least have \'label\' or \'app_label\' key') app_label = 'custom_%s' % slugify(data['label'], allow_unicode=True) if app_label in original_app_list: item = original_app_list[app_label].copy() else: item = {'app_label': app_label, 'has_perms': True} if 'label' in data: item['label'] = data['label'] if 'items' in data: item['items'] = list(map(lambda x: get_menu_item_app_model(app_label, x), data['items'])) if 'url' in data: item['url'] = get_menu_item_url(data['url'], original_app_list) if 'url_blank' in data: item['url_blank'] = data['url_blank'] if 'permissions' in data: item['has_perms'] = item.get('has_perms', True) and context['user'].has_perms(data['permissions']) item['pinned'] = item['app_label'] in pinned_apps return item for data in custom_app_list: item = get_menu_item_app(data) app_list.append(item) elif custom_app_list_deprecated not in (None, False): app_dict = {} models_dict = {} for app in original_app_list.values(): app_label = app['app_label'] app_dict[app_label] = app for model in app['models']: if app_label not in models_dict: models_dict[app_label] = {} models_dict[app_label][model['object_name']] = model app['items'] = [] app_list = [] if isinstance(custom_app_list_deprecated, dict): admin_site = get_admin_site(context) custom_app_list_deprecated = custom_app_list_deprecated.get(, []) for item in custom_app_list_deprecated: app_label, models = item if app_label in app_dict: app = app_dict[app_label] for model_label in models: if model_label == '__all__': app['items'] = models_dict[app_label].values() break elif model_label in models_dict[app_label]: model = models_dict[app_label][model_label] app['items'].append(model) app_list.append(app) else: def map_item(item): item['items'] = item['models'] return item app_list = list(map(map_item, original_app_list.values())) current_found = False for app in app_list: if not current_found: for model in app['items']: if not current_found and model.get('url') and context['request'].path.startswith(model['url']): model['current'] = True current_found = True else: model['current'] = False if not current_found and app.get('url') and context['request'].path.startswith(app['url']): app['current'] = True current_found = True else: app['current'] = False return app_list