def test_print_results_3(self): """Test simple query""" args = Struct(**{"raw": 1, "html_unescape": 1, "bw": 0, "forcecolor": 1}) with captured_output() as (out, err): print_results([{"a": 1}], args) output = out.getvalue().strip() self.assertEqual(output, '{"a": 1}')
def test_handle_broken_pipe(self): """Test simple query""" args = Struct(**{"raw": 1, "html_unescape": 1, "bw": 0, "forcecolor": 1}) with captured_output(BrokenPipeOutput) as (out, err): print_results([{"a": 1}], args)
def test_print_result_list_3(self): """Test simple query""" args = Struct( **{"list": 1, "raw": 1, "html_unescape": 1, "bw": 0, "forcecolor": 1} ) print_results([{"a": 1}], args)
def test_print_results_2(self): """Test simple query""" args = Struct(**{"raw": 1, "html_unescape": 1, "bw": 0, "forcecolor": 1}) print_results(["a"], args)
def main(args=None): """Main JF execution function""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "query", nargs="?", default="I", help="query string for extracting wanted information", ) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="print debug messages") parser.add_argument("-c", "--compact", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--indent", type=int, default=2, help="pretty-printed with given indent level") parser.add_argument("--import_from", help="add path to search imports from") parser.add_argument("--import", help="import custom processing module") parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", action="store_true", help="wrap output to a list") parser.add_argument("-y", "--yaml", action="store_true", help="output yaml") parser.add_argument("--yamli", action="store_true", help="input yaml") parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", action="store_true", help="output json") parser.add_argument("-s", "--sort_keys", action="store_true", help="sort json output values") parser.add_argument("--bw", action="store_true", default=False, help="remove colors") parser.add_argument("--ordered_dict", action="store_true", default=False, help="user ordered dict") parser.add_argument("-r", "--raw", action="store_true", default=False, help="raw output") parser.add_argument("-f", "--cmdfile", help="read command from file") parser.add_argument( "-a", "--ensure_ascii", action="store_true", default=False, help="ensure ascii only characters", ) parser.add_argument("--ipyfake", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument("--forcecolor", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument("-p", "--ipy", action="store_true", help="start IPython shell with data") parser.add_argument( "--html_unescape", action="store_true", default=False, help="unescape html entities", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input", metavar="FILE", help="files to read. Overrides files argument list", ) parser.add_argument("-k", "--kwargs", help="files to read. Overrides files argument list") parser.add_argument( "files", metavar="FILE", nargs="*", default="-", help="files to read, if empty, stdin is used", ) args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.input is not None: args.files = [args.input] if args.indent < 0: args.indent = None if args.compact: args.indent = None set_loggers(args.debug) kwargs = {} if args.kwargs: import re kwargsre = re.compile(r"([^:,]+)") kwargs = kwargsre.subn(r'"\1"', args.kwargs.replace("=", ":"))[0] kwargs = "{%s}" % kwargs kwargs = json.loads(kwargs) inq = read_input(args, ordered_dict=args.ordered_dict, **kwargs) imports = None if "import" in args.__dict__: imports = args.__dict__["import"] if args.cmdfile is None: query = args.query else: query = ", ".join( filter( lambda x: len(x) and x[0] != "#", open(args.cmdfile, "r").read().split("\n"), )) new_imports = list( map( lambda x: x.split()[1], filter( lambda x: len(x) and x.startswith("#import "), open(args.cmdfile, "r").read().split("\n"), ), )) if len(new_imports): if imports is None: imports = [] else: imports = imports.split(",") imports = ",".join(imports + new_imports) if args.query == "": query = "I" data = run_query( query, inq, imports=imports, import_from=args.import_from, ordered_dict=args.ordered_dict, ) if args.ipy or args.ipyfake: banner = "" if not sys.stdin.isatty(): banner = ("\nNotice: You are inputting data from stdin!\n" + "This might cause some trouble since jf will try " + "to get some input from you also.\n" + "To get the full benefit of jf and IPython, " + "consider giving the input as a file instead.\n\n" + "To prevent any unexpected behaviour, jk will " + "load the full dataset in memory.\n" + "This might take a while...\n") data = list(data) try: sys.stdin = open("/dev/tty") except OSError: pass ipy(banner, data, args.ipyfake) return try: print_results(data, args) except FileNotFoundError as ex: logger.warning("%s", ex)