예제 #1
def project(geom, mesh, gprj, mprj, pmid):
    PROJECT: projection of GEOM/MESH objects to a 2d. plane.

    Modifies GPRJ, MPRJ objects "inplace".

    # Authors: Darren Engwirda

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

    mprj.point = np.full(
        mesh.point.size, +0, dtype=mprj.VERT2_t)

    mprj.point["coord"] = \
            geom.radii, mesh.point["coord"])

    proj.prjID = "stereographic"
    proj.radii = np.mean(geom.radii)
    proj.xbase = pmid[0] * np.pi / +180.
    proj.ybase = pmid[1] * np.pi / +180.

    jigsawpy.project(gprj, proj, "fwd")
    jigsawpy.project(mprj, proj, "fwd")

예제 #2
def setgeom():

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    poly = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

#------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    geom.mshID = "euclidean-mesh"
#------------------------------------ set watershed boundary

    print("BUILDING MESH GEOM.")

    filename = os.path.join(
        "NHD_H_0204_HU4_Shape", "Shape", "WBDHU8.shp")

    loadshp(filename, poly, filt_WDBHU8)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    addpoly(geom, poly, +1)

#------------------------------------ approx. stream network
    filename = os.path.join(
        "data", "namerica_rivers", "narivs.shp")

    loadshp(filename, poly, filt_narivs)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    itag = innerto(poly.vert2["coord"], geom)

    keep = np.logical_and.reduce((
        itag[poly.edge2["index"][:, 0]] > +0,
        itag[poly.edge2["index"][:, 1]] > +0
    poly.edge2 = poly.edge2[keep]

    addline(geom, poly, +1)

#------------------------------------ proj. to local 2-plane
    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()
    proj.prjID = "stereographic"
    proj.radii = FULL_SPHERE_RADIUS
    proj.xbase = PROJ_CENTRE[0] * np.pi / +180.
    proj.ybase = PROJ_CENTRE[1] * np.pi / +180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")

    GEOM[0] = geom                      # save a "pointer"

    return geom
예제 #3
def case_6_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-6: generate a 2-dim. grid for the Australian coastal
    # region, using scaled ocean-depth as a mesh-resolution
    # heuristic. A local stereographic projection is employed.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "geom.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "aust.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "aust.msh"), geom)

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    xmin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])
    xmax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])

    zlev = topo.value

    xmsk = np.logical_and(topo.xgrid > xmin, topo.xgrid < xmax)
    ymsk = np.logical_and(topo.ygrid > ymin, topo.ygrid < ymax)

    zlev = zlev[:, xmsk]
    zlev = zlev[ymsk, :]

    #------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    hmat.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hmat.radii = np.full(+3, +6371.0, dtype=jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.REALS_t)

    hmat.xgrid = \
        topo.xgrid[xmsk] * np.pi / 180.
    hmat.ygrid = \
        topo.ygrid[ymsk] * np.pi / 180.

    hmin = +1.0E+01
    hmax = +1.0E+02

    hmat.value = \
        np.sqrt(np.maximum(-zlev, 0.)) / 0.5

    hmat.value = \
        np.maximum(hmat.value, hmin)
    hmat.value = \
        np.minimum(hmat.value, hmax)

    hmat.slope = np.full(hmat.value.shape,

    #------------------------------------ do stereographic proj.

    geom.point["coord"][:, :] *= np.pi / 180.

    proj.prjID = 'stereographic'
    proj.radii = +6.371E+003
    proj.xbase = \
        +0.500 * (xmin + xmax) * np.pi / 180.
    proj.ybase = \
        +0.500 * (ymin + ymax) * np.pi / 180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")
    jigsawpy.project(hmat, proj, "fwd")

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ set HFUN grad.-limiter

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.mesh_eps1 = +1.

    ttic = time.time()

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    ttoc = time.time()

    print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))

    cost = jigsawpy.triscr2(  # quality metrics!
        mesh.point["coord"], mesh.tria3["index"])

    print("TRISCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    cost = jigsawpy.pwrscr2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("PWRSCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    tbad = jigsawpy.centre2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("OBTUSE =", +np.count_nonzero(np.logical_not(tbad)))

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_6a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_6a.vtk"), mesh)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_6b.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_6b.vtk"), hmat)

예제 #4
def case_6_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-6: generate a multi-part mesh of the (contiguous) USA
    # using state boundaries to partition the mesh. A local
    # stereographic projection is employed. The domain is meshed
    # using uniform resolution.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(src_path, "proj.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "us48.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "us48.msh"), geom)

    xmin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])
    xmax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])

    geom.point["coord"][:, :] *= np.pi / 180.

    proj.prjID = 'stereographic'
    proj.radii = +6.371E+003
    proj.xbase = \
        +0.500 * (xmin + xmax) * np.pi / 180.
    proj.ybase = \
        +0.500 * (ymin + ymax) * np.pi / 180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_hmax = .005

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.mesh_eps1 = +1 / 6.

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_6a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_6a.vtk"), mesh)

예제 #5
def case_7_(src_path, dst_path):

    # DEMO-7: generate a multi-part mesh of the (contiguous) USA
    # using state boundaries to partition the mesh. A local
    # stereographic projection is employed. The domain is meshed
    # using uniform resolution.

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "geom.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "us48.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "us48.msh"), geom)

    xmin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])
    xmax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])

    geom.point["coord"][:, :] *= np.pi / 180.

    proj.prjID = 'stereographic'
    proj.radii = +6.371E+003
    proj.xbase = \
        +0.500 * (xmin + xmax) * np.pi / 180.
    proj.ybase = \
        +0.500 * (ymin + ymax) * np.pi / 180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_hmax = .005

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes
    opts.mesh_eps1 = +1 / 6.

    ttic = time.time()

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    ttoc = time.time()

    print("CPUSEC =", (ttoc - ttic))

    cost = jigsawpy.triscr2(  # quality metrics!
        mesh.point["coord"], mesh.tria3["index"])

    print("TRISCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    cost = jigsawpy.pwrscr2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("PWRSCR =", np.min(cost), np.mean(cost))

    tbad = jigsawpy.centre2(mesh.point["coord"], mesh.power,

    print("OBTUSE =", +np.count_nonzero(np.logical_not(tbad)))

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_7a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_7a.vtk"), mesh)

예제 #6
def ex_9():

    # DEMO-9: generate a 2-dim. grid for the Australian coastal
    # region, using scaled ocean-depth as a mesh-resolution
    # heuristic. A local stereographic projection is employed.

    dst_path = \

    src_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "files")
    dst_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "cache")

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    msph = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hmat = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

    #------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "proj.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "aust.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

    #------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "aust.msh"), geom)

    jigsawpy.loadmsh(os.path.join(src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    xmin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])
    xmax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    ymax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])

    zlev = topo.value

    xmsk = np.logical_and(topo.xgrid > xmin, topo.xgrid < xmax)
    ymsk = np.logical_and(topo.ygrid > ymin, topo.ygrid < ymax)

    zlev = zlev[:, xmsk]
    zlev = zlev[ymsk, :]

    #------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    hmat.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hmat.radii = np.full(+3, +6371.0, dtype=jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.REALS_t)

    hmat.xgrid = \
        topo.xgrid[xmsk] * np.pi / 180.
    hmat.ygrid = \
        topo.ygrid[ymsk] * np.pi / 180.

    hmin = +1.0E+01
    hmax = +1.0E+02

    hmat.value = \
        np.sqrt(np.maximum(-zlev, 0.)) / 0.5

    hmat.value = \
        np.maximum(hmat.value, hmin)
    hmat.value = \
        np.minimum(hmat.value, hmax)

    hmat.slope = np.full(hmat.value.shape,

    #------------------------------------ do stereographic proj.

    geom.point["coord"][:, :] *= np.pi / 180.

    proj.prjID = 'stereographic'
    proj.radii = +6.371E+003
    proj.xbase = \
        +0.500 * (xmin + xmax) * np.pi / 180.
    proj.ybase = \
        +0.500 * (ymin + ymax) * np.pi / 180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")
    jigsawpy.project(hmat, proj, "fwd")

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ set HFUN grad.-limiter

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, hmat)

    #------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")  # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2  # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.mesh_eps1 = +1.0E+00  # relax edge error

    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

    #------------------------------------ do stereographic proj.

    msph = copy.deepcopy(mesh)

    jigsawpy.project(msph, proj, "inv")

    radii = np.full(+3, proj.radii, dtype=jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t.REALS_t)

    msph.vert3 = np.zeros((msph.vert2.size),

    msph.vert3["coord"] = \
            radii, msph.point["coord"])

    msph.vert2 = None

    #------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_9a.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_9a.vtk"), mesh)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_9b.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_9b.vtk"), hmat)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_9c.vtk")

    jigsawpy.savevtk(os.path.join(dst_path, "case_9c.vtk"), msph)

예제 #7
def setspac():

    spac_wbd = 2.5                      # watershed km
    spac_pfz = 1.                       # PFZ km
    elev_pfz = 25.                      # PFZ elev. thresh
    dhdx_lim = 0.0625                   # |dH/dx| thresh

    bbox = [-77.5, 37.5, -72.5, 42.5]

    spac = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()
    poly = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = GEOM[0]

    opts.jcfg_file = os.path.join(TDIR, "opts.jig")
    opts.hfun_file = os.path.join(TDIR, "spac.msh")

#------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    print("BUILDING MESH SPAC.")

    print("Loading elevation assets...")
    data = nc.Dataset(os.path.join(
        "etopo_gebco", "etopo_gebco_tiled.nc"), "r")

    zlev = np.array(data.variables["z"])

    spac.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"       # use elev. grid
    spac.radii = np.full(
        +3, FULL_SPHERE_RADIUS, dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    spac.xgrid = np.array(
        data.variables["x"][:], dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    spac.ygrid = np.array(
        data.variables["y"][:], dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    xmsk = np.logical_and.reduce((
        spac.xgrid >= bbox[0] - 1.,
        spac.xgrid <= bbox[2] + 1.

    ymsk = np.logical_and.reduce((
        spac.ygrid >= bbox[1] - 1.,
        spac.ygrid <= bbox[3] + 1.

    spac.xgrid = spac.xgrid[xmsk]       # only bbox part
    spac.ygrid = spac.ygrid[ymsk]
    zlev = zlev[:, xmsk]
    zlev = zlev[ymsk, :]
    spac.xgrid *= np.pi / +180.
    spac.ygrid *= np.pi / +180.

    xgrd, ygrd = np.meshgrid(spac.xgrid, spac.ygrid)

    spac.value = +10. * np.ones(
        (spac.ygrid.size, spac.xgrid.size))

    grid = np.concatenate((             # to [x, y] list
        xgrd.reshape((xgrd.size, +1)),
        ygrd.reshape((ygrd.size, +1))), axis=+1)

#------------------------------------ push watershed spacing

    print("Compute watersheds h(x)...")

    shed = np.full(
        (grid.shape[0]), False, dtype=bool)

    filename = os.path.join(
        "NHD_H_0204_HU4_Shape", "Shape", "WBDHU4.shp")

    loadshp(filename, poly)

    poly.point["coord"] *= np.pi / +180.

    mask, _ = inpoly2(
        grid, poly.point["coord"], poly.edge2["index"])

    shed[mask] = True

    shed = np.reshape(shed, spac.value.shape)

    spac.value[shed] = \
        np.minimum(spac_wbd, spac.value[shed])

#------------------------------------ partially flooded zone

    mask = np.logical_and(shed, zlev < elev_pfz)

    spac.value[mask] = \
        np.minimum(spac_pfz, spac.value[mask])

#------------------------------------ push |DH/DX| threshold

    print("Impose |DH/DX| threshold...")

    spac.slope = np.full(
        spac.value.shape, dhdx_lim, dtype=spac.REALS_t)

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, spac,
                     "precision = 9")

    jigsawpy.cmd.marche(opts, spac)

    spac.slope = \
        np.empty((+0), dtype=spac.REALS_t)

#------------------------------------ proj. to local 2-plane
    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()
    proj.prjID = "stereographic"
    proj.radii = FULL_SPHERE_RADIUS
    proj.xbase = PROJ_CENTRE[0] * np.pi / +180.
    proj.ybase = PROJ_CENTRE[1] * np.pi / +180.

    jigsawpy.project(spac, proj, "fwd")

    SPAC[0] = spac                      # save a "pointer"

    return spac
예제 #8
def ex_8():

# DEMO-8: build regional meshes via stereographic projection

    dst_path = \

    src_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "files")
    dst_path = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "..", "cache")

    opts = jigsawpy.jigsaw_jig_t()

    topo = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    geom = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    hfun = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    mesh = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()
    msph = jigsawpy.jigsaw_msh_t()

    proj = jigsawpy.jigsaw_prj_t()

#------------------------------------ setup files for JIGSAW

    opts.geom_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "proj.msh")

    opts.jcfg_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "paci.jig")

    opts.mesh_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "mesh.msh")

    opts.hfun_file = \
        os.path.join(dst_path, "spac.msh")

#------------------------------------ define JIGSAW geometry

        src_path, "paci.msh"), geom)

        src_path, "topo.msh"), topo)

    xmin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])
    xmax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 0])

    xlon = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)

    ymin = np.min(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])
    ymax = np.max(geom.point["coord"][:, 1])

    ylat = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 100)

#------------------------------------ define spacing pattern

    hfun.mshID = "ellipsoid-grid"
    hfun.radii = np.full(
        +3, 6.371E+003,

    hfun.xgrid = xlon * np.pi / 180.
    hfun.ygrid = ylat * np.pi / 180.

    hfun.value = np.full(
        (ylat.size, xlon.size), 200.,

#------------------------------------ do stereographic proj.

    geom.point["coord"][:, :] *= np.pi / 180.

    proj.prjID = 'stereographic'
    proj.radii = +6.371E+003
    proj.xbase = \
        +0.500 * (xmin + xmax) * np.pi / 180.
    proj.ybase = \
        +0.500 * (ymin + ymax) * np.pi / 180.

    jigsawpy.project(geom, proj, "fwd")
    jigsawpy.project(hfun, proj, "fwd")

    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.geom_file, geom)
    jigsawpy.savemsh(opts.hfun_file, hfun)

#------------------------------------ make mesh using JIGSAW

    opts.hfun_scal = "absolute"
    opts.hfun_hmax = float("inf")       # null HFUN limits
    opts.hfun_hmin = float(+0.00)

    opts.mesh_dims = +2                 # 2-dim. simplexes

    opts.mesh_eps1 = +1.0E+00           # relax edge error

    opts.optm_iter = +32
    opts.optm_qtol = +1.0E-05

    jigsawpy.cmd.jigsaw(opts, mesh)

#------------------------------------ do stereographic proj.

    msph = copy.deepcopy(mesh)

    jigsawpy.project(msph, proj, "inv")

    radii = np.full(
        +3, proj.radii,

    msph.vert3 = np.zeros(

    msph.vert3["coord"] = \
            radii, msph.point["coord"])

    msph.vert2 = None

#------------------------------------ save mesh for Paraview

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_8a.vtk")

        dst_path, "case_8a.vtk"), mesh)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_8b.vtk")

        dst_path, "case_8b.vtk"), hfun)

    print("Saving to ../cache/case_8c.vtk")

        dst_path, "case_8c.vtk"), msph)
