예제 #1
    def __call__(
        args: 'argparse.Namespace',
        is_started: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'],
        is_shutdown: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'],
        is_ready: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'],
        is_cancelled: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'],
        envs: Optional[Dict] = None,
        """Method responsible to manage a remote Pod

        This method is the target for the Pod's `thread` or `process`

        .. note::
            Please note that env variables are process-specific. Subprocess inherits envs from
            the main process. But Subprocess's envs do NOT affect the main process. It does NOT
            mess up user local system envs.

        :param args: namespace args from the Pod
        :param is_started: concurrency event to communicate runtime is properly started. Used for better logging
        :param is_shutdown: concurrency event to communicate runtime is terminated
        :param is_ready: concurrency event to communicate runtime is ready to receive messages
        :param is_cancelled: concurrency event to receive cancelling signal from the Pod. Needed by some runtimes
        :param envs: a dictionary of environment variables to be passed to remote Pod
        self.args = args
        self.envs = envs
        self.is_started = is_started
        self.is_shutdown = is_shutdown
        self.is_ready = is_ready
        self.is_cancelled = is_cancelled
        self.pod_id = None
        self._logger = JinaLogger('RemotePod', **vars(args))
예제 #2
def test_run_async():
    async def dummy():

    p = psutil.Process()

    first_fd_count = p.num_fds()

    for i in range(10):

    end_fd_count = p.num_fds()
    assert first_fd_count == end_fd_count
예제 #3
    def dry_run(self, **kwargs) -> bool:
        """Sends a dry run to the Flow to validate if the Flow is ready to receive requests

        :param kwargs: potential kwargs received passed from the public interface
        :return: boolean indicating the health/readiness of the Flow
        return run_async(self.client._dry_run, **kwargs)
예제 #4
파일: mixin.py 프로젝트: vishalbelsare/jina
    def func(self, func_name, *args, **kwargs):
        """convert async method `func_name` to a normal method

        :param func_name: name of method in super
        :param args: positional args
        :param kwargs: keyword args
        :return: run func_name from super
        f = getattr(super(), func_name, None)
        if f:
            return run_async(f, any_event_loop=True, *args, **kwargs)
예제 #5
    def post(
        on: str,
        inputs: Optional['InputType'] = None,
        on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None,
        on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None,
        on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None,
        parameters: Optional[Dict] = None,
        target_executor: Optional[str] = None,
        request_size: int = 100,
        show_progress: bool = False,
        continue_on_error: bool = False,
        return_responses: bool = False,
    ) -> Optional[Union['DocumentArray', List['Response']]]:
        """Post a general data request to the Flow.

        :param inputs: input data which can be an Iterable, a function which returns an Iterable, or a single Document.
        :param on: the endpoint which is invoked. All the functions in the executors decorated by `@requests(on=...)` with the same endpoint are invoked.
        :param on_done: the function to be called when the :class:`Request` object is resolved.
        :param on_error: the function to be called when the :class:`Request` object is rejected.
        :param on_always: the function to be called when the :class:`Request` object is either resolved or rejected.
        :param parameters: the kwargs that will be sent to the executor
        :param target_executor: a regex string. Only matching Executors will process the request.
        :param request_size: the number of Documents per request. <=0 means all inputs in one request.
        :param show_progress: if set, client will show a progress bar on receiving every request.
        :param continue_on_error: if set, a Request that causes callback error will be logged only without blocking the further requests.7
        :param return_responses: if set to True, the result will come as Response and not as a `DocumentArray`

        :param kwargs: additional parameters
        :return: None or DocumentArray containing all response Documents

        .. warning::
            ``target_executor`` uses ``re.match`` for checking if the pattern is matched. ``target_executor=='foo'`` will match both deployments with the name ``foo`` and ``foo_what_ever_suffix``.

        c = self.client

        if c.args.return_responses and not return_responses:
                'return_responses was set in the Client constructor. Therefore, we are overriding the `.post()` input '
                'parameter `return_responses`. This argument will be deprecated from the `constructor` '
                'soon. We recommend passing `return_responses` to the `post` method.'
            return_responses = True

        c.show_progress = show_progress
        c.continue_on_error = continue_on_error

        parameters = _include_results_field_in_param(parameters)
        on_error = _wrap_on_error(
            on_error) if on_error is not None else on_error

        from jina import DocumentArray

        return_results = (on_always is None) and (on_done is None)

        async def _get_results(*args, **kwargs):
            result = [] if return_responses else DocumentArray()
            async for resp in c._get_results(*args, **kwargs):
                if return_results:
                    if return_responses:
            if return_results:
                return result

        return run_async(
예제 #6
파일: mixin.py 프로젝트: srbhr/jina
    def post(
        on: str,
        inputs: Optional['InputType'] = None,
        on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None,
        on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None,
        on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None,
        parameters: Optional[Dict] = None,
        target_executor: Optional[str] = None,
        request_size: int = 100,
        show_progress: bool = False,
        continue_on_error: bool = False,
        return_results: bool = False,
    ) -> Optional[Union['DocumentArray', List['Response']]]:
        """Post a general data request to the Flow.

        :param inputs: input data which can be an Iterable, a function which returns an Iterable, or a single Document id.
        :param on: the endpoint is used for identifying the user-defined ``request_type``, labeled by ``@requests(on='/abc')``
        :param on_done: the function to be called when the :class:`Request` object is resolved.
        :param on_error: the function to be called when the :class:`Request` object is rejected.
        :param on_always: the function to be called when the :class:`Request` object is either resolved or rejected.
        :param parameters: the kwargs that will be sent to the executor
        :param target_executor: a regex string. Only matching Executors will process the request.
        :param request_size: the number of Documents per request. <=0 means all inputs in one request.
        :param show_progress: if set, client will show a progress bar on receiving every request.
        :param continue_on_error: if set, a Request that causes callback error will be logged only without blocking the further requests.
        :param return_results: if set, the Documents resulting from all Requests will be returned as a DocumentArray. This is useful when one wants process Responses in bulk instead of using callback.
        :param kwargs: additional parameters
        :return: None or DocumentArray containing all response Documents

        .. warning::
            ``target_executor`` uses ``re.match`` for checking if the pattern is matched.
             ``target_executor=='foo'`` will match both deployments with the name ``foo`` and ``foo_what_ever_suffix``.
        async def _get_results(*args, **kwargs):
            result = []
            c = self.client
            c.show_progress = show_progress
            c.continue_on_error = continue_on_error
            async for resp in c._get_results(*args, **kwargs):
                if return_results:

            if return_results:
                if c.args.results_as_docarray:
                    docs = [r.data.docs for r in result]
                    if len(docs) < 1:
                        return docs
                        return docs[0].reduce_all(docs[1:])
                    return result

        if (on_always is None) and (on_done is None):
            return_results = True

        parameters = _include_results_field_in_param(parameters)

        return run_async(