예제 #1
def _parse_jitlog(fileobj):
    """ JitLog is parsed. if an exception is raised after
    the header has been read, it is saved in the field 'exc' on
    the forest returned.

    This allows to parse an incomplete log file an still display
    everything that was readable!
    If a ParseException is directly raised, this is an error that cannot
    be recovered from!
        is_jit_log = fileobj.read(1) == const.MARK_JITLOG_HEADER
        version = ord(fileobj.read(1)) | (ord(fileobj.read(1)) << 8)
        is_32bit = ord(fileobj.read(1))
        machine = read_string(fileobj, True)
        forest = TraceForest(version, is_32bit, machine)
        ctx = ParseContext(forest)
    except Exception:
        raise ParseException("Header malformed")
    if not is_jit_log:
        raise ParseException("Missing header. Provided input might not be a jitlog!")
    if version < JITLOG_MIN_VERSION:
        raise ParseException("Version %d is not supported" % version)
    while True:
        marker = fileobj.read(1)
        if len(marker) == 0:
            break # end of file!
        if not forest.is_jitlog_marker(marker):
            msg = "marker unknown: 0x%x at pos 0x%x" % \
                      (ord(marker), fileobj.tell())
            forest.exc = ParseException(msg)
        trace = forest.last_trace
            read = marks.get_reader(version, marker)
            read(ctx, trace, fileobj)
        except KeyError as e:
            forest.exc = e
        except ParseException as e:
            forest.exc = e
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            tb = traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback, limit=3)
            msg = "failed at 0x%x with marker %s with exc \"%s\". trace back: \"%s\"" %\
                    (fileobj.tell(), marker, str(e), tb)
            forest.exc = ParseException(msg)

    return forest