예제 #1
 def mask_to_tight_box(mask):
     a = mask.nonzero()
     bbox = [
         jt.min(a[:, 1]),
         jt.min(a[:, 0]),
         jt.max(a[:, 1]),
         jt.max(a[:, 0]),
     bbox = list(map(int, bbox))
     return bbox  # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
예제 #2
 def execute(self, x):
     avg_out = jt.mean(x, dim=1, keepdims=1)  # 压缩通道
     max_out = jt.max(x, dim=1, keepdims=1)  # 压缩通道
     x = jt.contrib.concat([avg_out, max_out], dim=1)  # [b, 1, h, w]
     x = self.conv1(x)
     y = self.sigmoid(x)
     return y
예제 #3
    def execute(self, x):
        xyz = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
        batch_size, _, _ = x.size()
        x = self.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))  # B, D, N
        x = self.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x)))  # B, D, N
        x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
        new_xyz, new_feature = sample_and_group(npoint=512,
        feature_0 = self.gather_local_0(new_feature)
        feature = feature_0.permute(0, 2, 1)
        new_xyz, new_feature = sample_and_group(npoint=256,
        feature_1 = self.gather_local_1(new_feature)

        x = self.pt_last(feature_1)
        x = concat([x, feature_1], dim=1)
        x = self.conv_fuse(x)
        x = jt.max(x, 2)
        x = x.view(batch_size, -1)

        x = self.relu(self.bn6(self.linear1(x)))
        x = self.dp1(x)
        x = self.relu(self.bn7(self.linear2(x)))
        x = self.dp2(x)
        x = self.linear3(x)

        return x
예제 #4
    def cc_fast_nms(self,
                    iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
                    top_k: int = 200):
        # Collapse all the classes into 1
        classes, scores = scores.argmax(dim=0)

        idx, _ = scores.argsort(0, descending=True)
        idx = idx[:top_k]

        boxes_idx = boxes[idx]

        # Compute the pairwise IoU between the boxes
        iou = jaccard(boxes_idx, boxes_idx)

        # Zero out the lower triangle of the cosine similarity matrix and diagonal
        iou = iou.triu_(diagonal=1)

        # Now that everything in the diagonal and below is zeroed out, if we take the max
        # of the IoU matrix along the columns, each column will represent the maximum IoU
        # between this element and every element with a higher score than this element.
        iou_max = jt.max(iou, dim=0)

        # Now just filter out the ones greater than the threshold, i.e., only keep boxes that
        # don't have a higher scoring box that would supress it in normal NMS.
        idx_out = idx[iou_max <= iou_threshold]

        return boxes[idx_out], masks[idx_out], classes[idx_out], scores[
예제 #5
    def detect(self, batch_idx, conf_preds, decoded_boxes, mask_data,
        """ Perform nms for only the max scoring class that isn't background (class 0) """
        with timer.env('Slices'):
            cur_scores = conf_preds[batch_idx, 1:]
            conf_scores = jt.max(cur_scores, dim=0)

            keep = (conf_scores > self.conf_thresh)
            keep = jt.where(keep)[0]

            scores = cur_scores[:, keep]
            boxes = decoded_boxes[keep]
            masks = mask_data[batch_idx, keep]

            if inst_data is not None:
                inst = inst_data[batch_idx, keep]

        if scores.shape[1] == 0:
            return None
        if self.use_fast_nms:
            if self.use_cross_class_nms:
                boxes, masks, classes, scores = self.cc_fast_nms(
                    boxes, masks, scores, self.nms_thresh, self.top_k)
                boxes, masks, classes, scores = self.fast_nms(
                    boxes, masks, scores, self.nms_thresh, self.top_k)
            boxes, masks, classes, scores = self.traditional_nms(
                boxes, masks, scores, self.nms_thresh, self.conf_thresh)

            if self.use_cross_class_nms:
                    'Warning: Cross Class Traditional NMS is not implemented.')
        return {'box': boxes, 'mask': masks, 'class': classes, 'score': scores}
예제 #6
    def execute(self, x):
        batchsize = x.shape[0]
        # print ('x shape =', x.shape)
        x = self.conv1(x)
        # print ('x shape =', x.shape)
        x = self.bn1(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x)))
        x = self.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x)))
        # print ('before max shape is', x.shape)
        x = jt.max(x, 2)

        # print ('after max shape is', x.shape)
        x = x.reshape(-1, 1024)

        #x = self.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x)))
        x = self.fc1(x)
        x = self.bn4(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x = self.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x)))
        x = self.fc3(x)

        iden = ((jt.array(np.array([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]).astype(np.float32))).reshape(1,9)).repeat(batchsize, 1)
        # print (iden.shape)
        x = x + iden
        # print (x.shape)
        x = x.reshape(-1, 3, 3)
        return x
예제 #7
 def execute(self, x, cls_label):
     batch_size, _, N = x.size()
     x = self.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))  # B, D, N
     x = self.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x)))
     x1 = self.sa1(x)
     x2 = self.sa2(x1)
     x3 = self.sa3(x2)
     x4 = self.sa4(x3)
     x = concat((x1, x2, x3, x4), dim=1)
     x = self.conv_fuse(x)
     x_max = jt.max(x, 2)
     x_avg = jt.mean(x, 2)
     x_max_feature = x_max.view(batch_size,
                                -1).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, N)
     x_avg_feature = x_avg.view(batch_size,
                                -1).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, N)
     cls_label_one_hot = cls_label.view(batch_size, 16, 1)
     cls_label_feature = self.label_conv(cls_label_one_hot).repeat(1, 1, N)
     x_global_feature = concat(
         (x_max_feature, x_avg_feature, cls_label_feature), 1)  # 1024 + 64
     x = concat((x, x_global_feature), 1)  # 1024 * 3 + 64
     x = self.relu(self.bns1(self.convs1(x)))
     x = self.dp1(x)
     x = self.relu(self.bns2(self.convs2(x)))
     x = self.convs3(x)
     return x
예제 #8
파일: pct.py 프로젝트: xiaoxTM/jittor-pcl
 def execute(self, points):
     # points: [batch-size, num-points, num-dims]
     batch_size = points.size(0)
     features = self.input_embeds(points)
     features, points = self.knn_embeds((features, points))
     # [batch-size, num-points, num-dims] -> [batch-size, num-dims, num-points]
     x = self.transformer(features, points)
     x = jt.max(x, 2).view(batch_size, -1)
     return self.classifier(x)
예제 #9
 def execute(self, x):
     b, n, s, d = x.size()  # torch.Size([32, 512, 32, 6])
     x = x.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)
     x = x.reshape(-1, d, s)
     batch_size, _, N = x.size()
     x = self.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))  # B, D, N
     x = self.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x)))  # B, D, N
     x = jt.max(x, 2)
     x = x.view(batch_size, -1)
     x = x.reshape(b, n, -1).permute(0, 2, 1)
     return x
예제 #10
    def execute(self, x):
            avg_out = jt.mean(x, dim=1, keepdims=True)
            max_out = jt.max(x, dim=1, keepdims=True)
            scale = jt.contrib.concat([avg_out, max_out], dim=1)
            scale = self.conv(scale)
            out = x * self.sigmoid(scale)
        except Exception as e:
            out = x

        return out
예제 #11
 def execute(self, x):
     b, c, n = x.size()
     x = self.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))
     x = self.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x)))
     x = self.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x)))
     x = self.relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(x)))
     x = self.relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(x)))
     x = jt.max(x, 2)
     x = x.reshape(b, -1)
     x = self.relu(self.bn6(self.linear1(x)))
     x = self.dp1(x)
     x = self.linear2(x)
     return x
예제 #12
def display_lincomb(proto_data, masks):
    out_masks = jt.matmul(proto_data, masks.t())
    # out_masks = cfg.mask_proto_mask_activation(out_masks)

    for kdx in range(1):
        jdx = kdx + 0
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        coeffs = masks[jdx].numpy()
        idx = np.argsort(-np.abs(coeffs))
        # plt.bar(list(range(idx.shape[0])), coeffs[idx])
        # plt.show()

        coeffs_sort = coeffs[idx]
        arr_h, arr_w = (4, 8)
        proto_h, proto_w, _ = proto_data.shape
        arr_img = np.zeros([proto_h * arr_h, proto_w * arr_w])
        arr_run = np.zeros([proto_h * arr_h, proto_w * arr_w])
        test = jt.sum(proto_data, -1).numpy()

        for y in range(arr_h):
            for x in range(arr_w):
                i = arr_w * y + x

                if i == 0:
                    running_total = proto_data[:, :,
                                               idx[i]].numpy() * coeffs_sort[i]
                    running_total += proto_data[:, :, idx[i]].numpy(
                    ) * coeffs_sort[i]

                running_total_nonlin = running_total
                if cfg.mask_proto_mask_activation == activation_func.sigmoid:
                    running_total_nonlin = (
                        1 / (1 + np.exp(-running_total_nonlin)))

                arr_img[y * proto_h:(y + 1) * proto_h, x * proto_w:(x + 1) *
                        proto_w] = (proto_data[:, :, idx[i]] / jt.max(
                            proto_data[:, :, idx[i]])).numpy() * coeffs_sort[i]
                arr_run[y * proto_h:(y + 1) * proto_h, x * proto_w:(x + 1) *
                        proto_w] = (running_total_nonlin > 0.5).astype(
        # plt.imshow(arr_run)
        # plt.show()
        # plt.imshow(test)
        # plt.show()
        plt.imshow(out_masks[:, :, jdx].numpy())
예제 #13
파일: pct.py 프로젝트: xiaoxTM/jittor-pcl
 def execute(self, x):
     # points: [batch-size, num-points, num-dims]
     # features: [batch-size, num-points, num-dims]
     features, points = x
     # features: [batch-size, num-points, num-neighbors, num-dims]
     points, features = fops.sample_and_group(self.num_points,
                                              self.num_neighbors, points,
     batch_size, num_points, num_neighbors, num_dims = features.size()
     # features: [batch-size*num_points, num-dims, num_neighbors]
     features = features.permute(0, 1, 3,
                                 2).reshape(-1, num_dims, num_neighbors)
     features = jt.max(self.embeds(features),
                       -1).view(batch_size, num_points, num_dims)
     return features, points
예제 #14
    def execute(self, x):
        batchsize = x.size()[0]
        x = self.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))
        x = self.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x)))
        x = self.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x)))
        x = jt.max(x, 2)
        x = x.reshape(-1, 1024)

        x = self.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x)))
        x = self.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x)))
        x = self.fc3(x)

        iden = jt.array(np.eye(self.k).flatten().astype(np.float32)).reshape(1,self.k*self.k)
        x = x + iden
        x = x.reshape(-1, self.k, self.k)
        return x
예제 #15
    def execute(self, x):

        batch_size, _, N = x.size()
        # print (x.size())
        x = self.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))  # B, D, N
        x = self.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x)))

        x1 = self.sa1(x)
        x2 = self.sa2(x1)
        x3 = self.sa3(x2)
        x4 = self.sa4(x3)

        x = concat((x1, x2, x3, x4), dim=1)

        x = self.conv_fuse(x)
        # x = F.adaptive_max_pool1d(x, 1).view(batch_size, -1)
        x = jt.max(x, 2)
        x = x.view(batch_size, -1)
        x = self.relu(self.bn6(self.linear1(x)))
        x = self.dp1(x)
        x = self.relu(self.bn7(self.linear2(x)))
        x = self.dp2(x)
        x = self.linear3(x)
        return x
예제 #16
def directional_lighting(diffuseLight,
                         light_color=(1, 1, 1),
                         light_direction=(0, 1, 0),
    eye = jt.array(eye, "float32")
    light_color = jt.array(light_color, "float32")
    light_direction = jt.normalize(jt.array(light_direction, "float32"), dim=0)

    if len(light_color.shape) == 1:
        light_color = light_color.unsqueeze(0)
    if len(light_direction.shape) == 1:
        light_direction = light_direction.unsqueeze(0)

    cosine = nn.relu(jt.sum(normals * light_direction, dim=2))
    if with_specular:
        if len(metallic_textures.shape) == 4:
            total = metallic_textures.shape[2] * 1.0
            metallic_textures = jt.sum(metallic_textures, dim=2) / total
            roughness_textures = jt.sum(roughness_textures, dim=2) / total
        elif len(metallic_textures.shape) == 6:
            total = metallic_textures.shape[2] * metallic_textures.shape[
                3] * metallic_textures.shape[4] * 1.0
            metallic_textures = jt.sum(metallic_textures, dim=2)
            metallic_textures = jt.sum(metallic_textures, dim=2)
            metallic_textures = jt.sum(metallic_textures, dim=2)
            metallic_textures = metallic_textures / total
            roughness_textures = jt.sum(roughness_textures, dim=2)
            roughness_textures = jt.sum(roughness_textures, dim=2)
            roughness_textures = jt.sum(roughness_textures, dim=2)
            roughness_textures = roughness_textures / total

    #Microfacet model
    if with_specular and (eye is not None) and (positions is not None) and (
            metallic_textures is not None) and (roughness_textures
                                                is not None):
        N = normals
        if len(eye.shape) == 2:
            eye = eye.unsqueeze(1)
        V = jt.normalize(eye - positions, dim=2)
        L = light_direction
        H = jt.normalize(V + L, dim=2)

        #Default Setting
        metallic = metallic_textures
        roughness = roughness_textures
        F0 = jt.array((0.04, 0.04, 0.04), "float32")
        albedo = jt.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0), "float32")

        F0 = F0.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) * (
            1 - metallic) + albedo.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) * metallic
        radiance = light_intensity * (light_color.unsqueeze(1) *

        #Cook-Torrance BRDF
        NDF = GGX(N, H, roughness)
        G = GeometrySmith(N, V, L, roughness)
        F = fresnelSchlick(nn.relu(jt.sum(H * V, dim=2)), F0)
        KS = F
        KD = 1.0 - KS
        KD *= (1.0 - metallic)

        diffuseLight += KD * radiance
        numerator = NDF * G * F
        denominator = (4.0 * nn.relu(jt.sum(N * V, dim=2)) *
                       nn.relu(jt.sum(N * L, dim=2))).unsqueeze(2)
        specular = numerator / jt.clamp(denominator, 0.01)
        specularLight += specular * radiance
        diffuseLight += light_intensity * (light_color.unsqueeze(1) *
    if Gbuffer == "normal":
        specularLight *= 0.0
        diffuseLight = normals * 0.5 + 0.5
    elif Gbuffer == "depth":
        specularLight *= 0.0
        viewpos = transform.tranpos(positions)
        diffuseLight = viewpos / jt.max(viewpos[..., 2])
        diffuseLight[..., 0] = viewpos[..., 2] / jt.max(viewpos[..., 2])
        diffuseLight[..., 1] = viewpos[..., 2] / jt.max(viewpos[..., 2])
    return [diffuseLight, specularLight]
예제 #17
    def execute(self, net, predictions, targets, masks, num_crowds):
        """Multibox Loss
            predictions (tuple): A tuple containing loc preds, conf preds,
            mask preds, and prior boxes from SSD net.
                loc shape: jt.size(batch_size,num_priors,4)
                conf shape: jt.size(batch_size,num_priors,num_classes)
                masks shape: jt.size(batch_size,num_priors,mask_dim)
                priors shape: jt.size(num_priors,4)
                proto* shape: jt.size(batch_size,mask_h,mask_w,mask_dim)

            targets (list<tensor>): Ground truth boxes and labels for a batch,
                shape: [batch_size][num_objs,5] (last idx is the label).

            masks (list<tensor>): Ground truth masks for each object in each image,
                shape: [batch_size][num_objs,im_height,im_width]

            num_crowds (list<int>): Number of crowd annotations per batch. The crowd
                annotations should be the last num_crowds elements of targets and masks.
            * Only if mask_type == lincomb

        loc_data  = predictions['loc']
        conf_data = predictions['conf']
        mask_data = predictions['mask']
        priors    = predictions['priors']

        if cfg.mask_type == mask_type.lincomb:
            proto_data = predictions['proto']

        score_data = predictions['score'] if cfg.use_mask_scoring   else None   
        inst_data  = predictions['inst']  if cfg.use_instance_coeff else None
        labels = [None] * len(targets) # Used in sem segm loss

        batch_size = loc_data.shape[0]
        num_priors = priors.shape[0]
        num_classes = self.num_classes

        # Match priors (default boxes) and ground truth boxes
        # These tensors will be created with the same device as loc_data
        loc_t = jt.empty((batch_size, num_priors, 4),dtype=loc_data.dtype)
        gt_box_t = jt.empty((batch_size, num_priors, 4),dtype=loc_data.dtype)
        conf_t = jt.empty((batch_size, num_priors)).int32()
        idx_t = jt.empty((batch_size, num_priors)).int32()

        if cfg.use_class_existence_loss:
            class_existence_t = jt.empty((batch_size, num_classes-1),dtype=loc_data.dtype)

        # jt.sync(list(predictions.values()))

        for idx in range(batch_size):
            truths      = targets[idx][:, :-1]
            labels[idx] = targets[idx][:, -1].int32()

            if cfg.use_class_existence_loss:
                # Construct a one-hot vector for each object and collapse it into an existence vector with max
                # Also it's fine to include the crowd annotations here
                class_existence_t[idx,:] = jt.eye(num_classes-1)[labels[idx]].max(dim=0)[0]

            # Split the crowd annotations because they come bundled in
            cur_crowds = num_crowds[idx]
            if cur_crowds > 0:
                split = lambda x: (x[-cur_crowds:], x[:-cur_crowds])
                crowd_boxes, truths = split(truths)

                # We don't use the crowd labels or masks
                _, labels[idx] = split(labels[idx])
                _, masks[idx]  = split(masks[idx])
                crowd_boxes = None

            match(self.pos_threshold, self.neg_threshold,
                  truths, priors, labels[idx], crowd_boxes,
                  loc_t, conf_t, idx_t, idx, loc_data[idx])
            gt_box_t[idx,:,:] = truths[idx_t[idx]]

        # wrap targets

        pos = conf_t > 0
        num_pos = pos.sum(dim=1, keepdims=True)
        # Shape: [batch,num_priors,4]
        pos_idx = pos.unsqueeze(pos.ndim).expand_as(loc_data)
        losses = {}

        # Localization Loss (Smooth L1)
        if cfg.train_boxes:
            loc_p = loc_data[pos_idx].view(-1, 4)
            loc_t = loc_t[pos_idx].view(-1, 4)
            # print(loc_t)
            losses['B'] = nn.smooth_l1_loss(loc_p, loc_t, reduction='sum') * cfg.bbox_alpha

        if cfg.train_masks:
            if cfg.mask_type == mask_type.direct:
                if cfg.use_gt_bboxes:
                    pos_masks = []
                    for idx in range(batch_size):
                        pos_masks.append(masks[idx][idx_t[idx, pos[idx]]])
                    masks_t = jt.contrib.concat(pos_masks, 0)
                    masks_p = mask_data[pos, :].view(-1, cfg.mask_dim)
                    losses['M'] = nn.bce_loss(jt.clamp(masks_p, 0, 1), masks_t, size_average=False) * cfg.mask_alpha
                    losses['M'] = self.direct_mask_loss(pos_idx, idx_t, loc_data, mask_data, priors, masks)
            elif cfg.mask_type == mask_type.lincomb:
                ret = self.lincomb_mask_loss(pos, idx_t, loc_data, mask_data, priors, proto_data, masks, gt_box_t, score_data, inst_data, labels)
                if cfg.use_maskiou:
                    loss, maskiou_targets = ret
                    loss = ret

                if cfg.mask_proto_loss is not None:
                    if cfg.mask_proto_loss == 'l1':
                        losses['P'] = jt.mean(jt.abs(proto_data)) / self.l1_expected_area * self.l1_alpha
                    elif cfg.mask_proto_loss == 'disj':
                        losses['P'] = -jt.mean(jt.max(nn.log_softmax(proto_data, dim=-1), dim=-1)[0])

        # Confidence loss
        if cfg.use_focal_loss:
            if cfg.use_sigmoid_focal_loss:
                losses['C'] = self.focal_conf_sigmoid_loss(conf_data, conf_t)
            elif cfg.use_objectness_score:
                losses['C'] = self.focal_conf_objectness_loss(conf_data, conf_t)
                losses['C'] = self.focal_conf_loss(conf_data, conf_t)
            if cfg.use_objectness_score:
                losses['C'] = self.conf_objectness_loss(conf_data, conf_t, batch_size, loc_p, loc_t, priors)
                losses['C'] = self.ohem_conf_loss(conf_data, conf_t, pos, batch_size)

        # Mask IoU Loss
        if cfg.use_maskiou and maskiou_targets is not None:
            losses['I'] = self.mask_iou_loss(net, maskiou_targets)

        # These losses also don't depend on anchors
        if cfg.use_class_existence_loss:
            losses['E'] = self.class_existence_loss(predictions['classes'], class_existence_t)
        if cfg.use_semantic_segmentation_loss:
            losses['S'] = self.semantic_segmentation_loss(predictions['segm'], masks, labels)

        # Divide all losses by the number of positives.
        # Don't do it for loss[P] because that doesn't depend on the anchors.
        total_num_pos = num_pos.sum().float()
        for k in losses:
            if k not in ('P', 'E', 'S'):
                losses[k] /= total_num_pos
                losses[k] /= batch_size

        # Loss Key:
        #  - B: Box Localization Loss
        #  - C: Class Confidence Loss
        #  - M: Mask Loss
        #  - P: Prototype Loss
        #  - D: Coefficient Diversity Loss
        #  - E: Class Existence Loss
        #  - S: Semantic Segmentation Loss
        return losses
예제 #18
        anchors = [
            make_priors(cs, s, ar)
            for cs, s, ar in zip(conv_sizes, scales, aspect_ratios)
        anchors = np.concatenate(anchors, axis=0)
        anchors = jt.array(anchors)

        bboxes_rel = jt.array(bboxes_rel)
        perGTAnchorMax = jt.zeros(bboxes_rel.shape[0])

        chunk_size = 1000
        for i in range((bboxes_rel.size(0) // chunk_size) + 1):
            start = i * chunk_size
            end = min((i + 1) * chunk_size, bboxes_rel.size(0))

            ious = jaccard(bboxes_rel[start:end], anchors)
            maxes, maxidx = jt.max(ious, dim=1)

            perGTAnchorMax[start:end] = maxes

        hits = (perGTAnchorMax > 0.5).float()

        print('Total recall: %.2f' % (jt.sum(hits) / hits.size(0) * 100))

        for i, metric in zip(range(3), ('small', 'medium', 'large')):
            _hits = hits[sizes == i]
            _size = (1 if _hits.size(0) == 0 else _hits.size(0))
            print(metric + ' recall: %.2f' % ((jt.sum(_hits) / _size) * 100))
예제 #19
def compute_hits(bboxes, anchors, iou_threshold=0.5):
    ious = jaccard(bboxes, anchors)
    perGTAnchorMax, _ = jt.max(ious, dim=1)
    return (perGTAnchorMax > iou_threshold)