예제 #1
def PYTHONPATH(use=False, notuse=False):

	(1) use=False
			NOT append to sys.path
			NOT remove from sys.path	

	(2) use=None
			append $PYTHONPATH to sys.path	
	(3) use=str | [str, str, ...]
			append it/them to sys.path	

	(4) notuse=None
			like =False, NOT remove from sys.path	
	(5) notuse=str | [str, str, ...]
			remove it/them from sys.path

		Updated sys.path
    import sys, os
    from jizhipy.Basic import IsType, ShellCmd
    if (use is True or use is False): use = []
    elif (use is None):
        use = ShellCmd('echo $PYTHONPATH')[0].split(':')
    elif (IsType.isstr(use)):
        use = [use]
    elif (IsType.istuple(use)):
        use = list(use)
    if (notuse is True or notuse is False or notuse is None): notuse = []
    elif (IsType.isstr(notuse)): notuse = [notuse]
    elif (IsType.istuple(notuse)): notuse = list(notuse)
    n = 0
    while (n < len(use)):
        if (use[n] == ''): use.pop(n)
            if (use[n][-1] == '/'):
                use[n] = use[n][:-1]
                n += 1
    if (len(use) > 0): use = [''] + use
    here = os.path.abspath('')
    notusehere = True if ('' in notuse) else False
    for i in range(len(notuse)):
        notuse[i] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(notuse[i]))
    if (notusehere): notuse.append('')
    sys.path = use + sys.path
    for i in range(len(notuse)):
        while (notuse[i] in sys.path):
    return sys.path[:]
예제 #2
	def _Hdf52Fits( dataset, hduname='' ) : 
		if (hduname in ['', None]) : 
			name = str(dataset.name)
			name = name[name.rfind('/')+1:]
		else : name = str(hduname)
		attrs = dataset.attrs.items()
		data  = dataset.value
		hdulist = []
		try : 
			if (data.dtype.name[:7] == 'complex') : 
				hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU( data.real )
				hdu.name = name+'REAL'
				hdr = hdu.header
				for i in range(len(attrs)) : 
					hdr[str(attrs[i][0])] = attrs[i][1]
				hdulist.append(hdu)  #@#@
				hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU( data.imag )
				hdu.name = name+'IMAG'
				hdr = hdu.header
				for i in range(len(attrs)) : 
					hdr[str(attrs[i][0])] = attrs[i][1]
				hdulist.append(hdu)  #@#@
			else : raise
		except : 
			if (IsType.isndarray(data) or IsType.islist(data) or IsType.istuple(data)) : 
				try : hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU( data )
				except : hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU( np.array(data, np.float32) )
				hdu.name = name
				hdr = hdu.header
				for i in range(len(attrs)) : 
					hdr[str(attrs[i][0])[:8]] = attrs[i][1]
			else : other.header[name[:8]] = data
		return hdulist
예제 #3
파일: PCA.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
	def Ymap( self, ymap=None ) : 
			Input y map, must be 2D array/matrix.
			y.shape = (nfreq, npix), row nfreq is the number of frequencies, column npix is the number of pixels at its frequency.
			(1) y is ndarray
			(2) y is list, len(y)==nfreq
		import numpy as np
		from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, SysFrame, IsType
		from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
		from jizhipy.Optimize import Smooth
		if (ymap is None) : 
			if (SysFrame(0,2)[-3][-2]!='') : 
				self.ymap = None
				if (self.verbose) : print('    self.y = None')
			else : return self.ymap
		pstr = '    ' if ('ymap' not in self.__dict__.keys())else '    Change: ' 
		if (IsType.islist(ymap) or IsType.istuple(ymap)) : 
			if (not IsType.isnum(ymap[0])) : 
				ymap, N = list(ymap), 1e15
				for i in range(len(ymap)) : 
					if (len(ymap) < N) : N = len(ymap)
				for i in range(len(ymap)) : 
					ymap[i]=jp.Smooth(ymap[i], 0,reduceshape=N)
		self.ymap = Asarray(ymap, np.float64)  # force bit64
		if (len(self.ymap.shape) not in [1, 2]) : Raise(Exception, 'jizhipy.PCA: ymap must be 1D/2D, but now ymap.shape='+str(self.ymap.shape))
		if (self.verbose) : print(pstr+'self.ymap.shape =', self.ymap.shape)
		return self.ymap
예제 #4
	def Save( self ) : 
		Save instance to .hdf5
		from jizhipy.Basic import Path, IsType, Raise
		import numpy as np
		import h5py
		self.outname = str(self.outname)
		if (self.outname[-5:] !='.hdf5') : self.outname += '.hdf5'
		Path.ExistsPath(self.outname, old=True)
		if (self.verbose) : print('jizhipy.ClassHdf5: Saveing to  "'+self.outname+'"')
		fo = h5py.File(self.outname, 'w')
		if (self.value is None or self.keys is None): self.Values()
		fo['classinstance'] = str(type(self.classinstance))
		for i in range(len(self.keys)) : 
			if (self.values[i] is None) : 
				fo[self.keys[i]] = '__None__'
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'is None, not str'
			elif (IsType.isdtype(self.values[i])) : 
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.dtype'
			elif (IsType.ismatrix(self.values[i])) : 
				fo[self.keys[i]] = np.array(self.values[i])
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.matrix'
			elif (IsType.ismaskedarray(self.values[i])) : 
				fo[self.keys[i]] = self.values[i].data
				fo[self.keys[i]+'.mask'] = self.values[i].mask
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.MaskedArray .data'
				fo[self.keys[i]+'.mask'].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.MaskedArray .mask'
			elif (IsType.isdict(self.values[i])) : 
				try : fo[self.keys[i]] =self.values[i].values() 
				except : fo[self.keys[i]] = str(self.values[i].values())
				fo[self.keys[i]+'.keys'] = self.values[i].keys()
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type']='dict .values()'
				fo[self.keys[i]+'.keys'].attrs['type']='dict .keys()'
			else : 
				# inside list and tuple, must not contain dict
				try : fo[self.keys[i]] = self.values[i]  # convert to np.ndarray with same dtype, if contains string, will conver to string array
				except : 
					strv = str([self.values[i]])[1:-1]
					Raise(Exception, "fo['"+self.keys[i]+"'] = "+strv)
				if   (IsType.islist(self.values[i])) : 
					fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'list'
				elif (IsType.istuple(self.values[i])) : 
					fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'tuple'
				else : fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.array'
예제 #5
def Array2FitsImage( arraylist, outname, names=None, keys=None, values=None, comments=None, verbose=False ) : 
		(1) isndarray
		(2) list/tuple of ndarray: [array1, array2, ...]
		Otherwise, raise error

			Array2FitsImage( [1,2,3] ), means there are 3 arrays, array1=1, array2=2, array3=3
				FITS can save int/float number to ImageHDU, but will raise error "IOError: Header missing END card." when pyfits.open() it.
			You must convert to
					Array2FitsImage( np.array([1,2,3]), 'test.fits' )
			OR		Array2FitsImage(         [[1,2,3]], 'test.fits' )

		None | Same shape as arraylist
		Name of each ImageHDU in fo.info()

		None | Same shape as arraylist
		(1) arraylist isndarray: keys=['key1', 'key2', ...], list of str
		(2) arraylist is list/tuple of ndarray: [array1, array2, ...], then keys=[arraykey1, arraykey2, ...], arraykey1=['key1', 'key2', ...] (list of list)

		Same shape as keys

		None | same shape as keys even though is ''
	from jizhipy.Basic import Path, IsType
	import pyfits
	outname = Path.AbsPath(outname)
	if (outname[-5:].lower() != '.fits') : outname += '.fits'
	Path.ExistsPath(outname, True)
	if (verbose) : print('Saving  "'+outname+'"')
	if (IsType.isstr(keys)) :
		keys, values = [keys], [values]
		if (comments is not None) : comments = [comments]
		else : comments = ['']
	if (not IsType.islist(arraylist) and not IsType.istuple(arraylist)) : 
		arraylist = [arraylist]
		if (names is not None) : names = [names]
		keys = [keys for i in range(len(arraylist))]
		values = [values for i in range(len(arraylist))]
		comments = [comments for i in range(len(arraylist))]
	hdulist = pyfits.HDUList()
	for i in range(len(arraylist)) : 
		data = arraylist[i]
		try : name = str(names[i])
		except : name = 'hdu'+str(i)
		if (data.dtype.name[:7] == 'complex') : 
			hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU( data.real )
			hdu.name = name+'REAL'
			hdr = hdu.header
			for j in range(len(keys[i])) : 
				key, value = keys[i][j], values[i][j]
				try : comment = comments[i][j]
				except : comment = ''
				hdr.set(key, value, comment)
			hdulist.append(hdu)  # Real part
			hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU( data.imag )
			hdu.name = name+'IMAG'
			hdr = hdu.header
			try : 
				for j in range(len(keys[i])) : 
					key, value = keys[i][j], values[i][j]
					try : comment = comments[i][j]
					except : comment = ''
					hdr.set(key, value, comment)
			except : pass
			hdulist.append(hdu)  # Imag part
		else : 
			hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU( data )
			hdu.name = name
			hdr = hdu.header
			try : 
				for j in range(len(keys[i])) : 
					key, value = keys[i][j], values[i][j]
					try : comment = comments[i][j]
					except : comment = ''
					hdr.set(key, value, comment)
			except : pass
	hdulist.writeto( outname )