예제 #1
def Corrcoef(x, y, axis):
	Different from np.corrcoef()
    from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
    import numpy as np
    from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
    x, y = Asarray(x), Asarray(y)
        x + y
            Exception, 'x.shape=' + str(x.shape) + ', y.shape=' +
            str(y.shape) + ' can NOT broadcast')
    x = x + y * 0
    y = y + x * 0
    if (axis < 0): axis += len(x.shape)
    if (axis >= len(x.shape)):
              'axis=' + str(axis) + ' exceeds x.shape=' + str(x.shape))
    up = ((x - x.mean(axis, keepdims=True)) *
          (y - y.mean(axis, keepdims=True))).sum(axis) / x.shape[axis]
    down = x.std(axis) * y.std(axis)
    r = up / down
    return r
예제 #2
def ConfusionLimit( freq, fwhm=None, D=None, Q=3.35, Sobs=None ):
	freq: MHz
	fwhm: rad
	D   : meter
	Q   : 3~5
		which flux density (Jy) do you want to observe
		Use to select k and gamma

		confusion limit sigma_c [Jy/beam]
	import numpy as np
	from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
	if (Sobs is None) : Sobs = 1
	if (Sobs <= 1e-4) : gamma, k = 1.57, 29500
	elif (1e-4 < Sobs < 1e-3) : gamma, k = 2.23, 60.5
	elif (Sobs > 1e-3) : gamma, k = 1.77, 1300
	if (fwhm is None and D is None) : Raise(Exception, 'One of [fwhm, D] must not be None')
	if (fwhm is None) : fwhm = 1.03*300/freq/D
	sigmac1 = (Q**(3-gamma) * k * 1.133*(gamma-1)*fwhm**2 / (3-gamma))**(1./(gamma-1))
	# http://www.cv.nrao.edu/course/astr534/Radiometers.html
	# At cm wavelengths, the rms confusion in a telescope beam with FHWM is observed to be
	sigmac2 = 1e-3 * 0.2 * (freq*1e-3)**(-0.7) * (fwhm*180/np.pi*60)**2
	return np.array([sigmac1, sigmac2])
예제 #3
파일: Healpix.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
    def SkyRegion(self, lon=None, lat=None, fwhm=None):
			fwhm==None: don't smooth the map

		lon, lat:
			lon: RA  | l
			lat: Dec | b
			Must can be broadcast
        import healpy as hp
        from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
        if (lon is not None and lat is not None):
            if (np.sum((lat < -90) + (lat > 90)) > 0):
                Raise(Exception, 'lat out of [-90, 90] degree')
        self.lonsky, self.latsky = lon, lat
        if (fwhm not in [0, None]):
            self.hpmap = np.array(
                hp.smoothing(self.hpmap, fwhm * np.pi / 180, verbose=False),
        nside = hp.get_nside(self.hpmap)
        if (lon is not None and lat is not None):
            islist = False if (IsType.isnum(lon + lat)) else True
            lon, lat = lon + lat * 0, lon * 0 + lat  # same shape
            lon %= 360
            npix = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.pi / 2 - lat * np.pi / 180,
                              lon * np.pi / 180)
            self.sky = self.hpmap[npix]
            if (not islist): self.sky = self.sky[0]
예제 #4
파일: PCA.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
	def Ymap( self, ymap=None ) : 
			Input y map, must be 2D array/matrix.
			y.shape = (nfreq, npix), row nfreq is the number of frequencies, column npix is the number of pixels at its frequency.
			(1) y is ndarray
			(2) y is list, len(y)==nfreq
		import numpy as np
		from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, SysFrame, IsType
		from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
		from jizhipy.Optimize import Smooth
		if (ymap is None) : 
			if (SysFrame(0,2)[-3][-2]!='') : 
				self.ymap = None
				if (self.verbose) : print('    self.y = None')
			else : return self.ymap
		pstr = '    ' if ('ymap' not in self.__dict__.keys())else '    Change: ' 
		if (IsType.islist(ymap) or IsType.istuple(ymap)) : 
			if (not IsType.isnum(ymap[0])) : 
				ymap, N = list(ymap), 1e15
				for i in range(len(ymap)) : 
					if (len(ymap) < N) : N = len(ymap)
				for i in range(len(ymap)) : 
					ymap[i]=jp.Smooth(ymap[i], 0,reduceshape=N)
		self.ymap = Asarray(ymap, np.float64)  # force bit64
		if (len(self.ymap.shape) not in [1, 2]) : Raise(Exception, 'jizhipy.PCA: ymap must be 1D/2D, but now ymap.shape='+str(self.ymap.shape))
		if (self.verbose) : print(pstr+'self.ymap.shape =', self.ymap.shape)
		return self.ymap
예제 #5
    def Period(self,
		return [ticks, labels]

		x, y:
			is the x/y in plotting: plt.plot(x, y)
			one int value
			For o'clock, set period=24  hour
			For phase,   set period=360 degree
			Value of each major tick/label to be shown
			For o'clock, can set dmajor=12/6/...
			For phase,   can set dmajpr=30/60/...
        from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
        if (x is not None and y is not None):
                'jizhipy.Plt.PeriodicAxes(): can NOT set x and y are NOT None at the same time'
        if (x is None and y is None):
            Raise('jizhipy.Plt.PeriodicAxes(): x = y = None')
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        which = 'x' if (x is not None) else 'y'
        n = 1. * arr[0] / dmajor
        if (n == int(n)): n = int(n)
        else: n = 1 + int(n)
        x0 = n * dmajor
        x0 = np.arange(x0, arr[-1] + dmajor / 10., dmajor)
        x1 = list(x0 % period)
        for i in range(len(x1)):
            x1[i] = (fmt % x1[i])
        ax0 = plt.gca()
        if (which == 'x'): plt.xticks(x0, x1)
        elif (which == 'y'): plt.yticks(x0, x1)
        return [x0, x1]
예제 #6
    def Linecolor(self, num, cmap='jet'):
		Return is from Blue to Red

			(1) color name:
					in ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'blue', 'purple', 'pink', 'brown', 'black', 'white']
					return () of this color
			(2) int, number of colors:
					return () of colors
			(3) == 'png' : 
					open 'jizhipy_Plt_LineColor.png'
			Use which cmap to generate the linecolor
			(1) None=>'gist_rainbow_r' | Name of cmap (see plt_color.cmap(None))
			(2) <matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap> (cmap instance)
			(3) cmap='my': use my cmap
        from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, IsType, ShellCmd, Path
        import numpy as np
        if (IsType.isstr(num)):
            num = num.lower()
            if ('png' in num):
                uname = ShellCmd('uname')[0].lower()
                figpath = Path.jizhipyPath(
                operate = 'eog ' if (uname == 'linux') else 'open '
                ShellCmd(operate + figpath)
            if (num in self.mycolor.keys()): return self.mycolor[num]
            else: Raise(Exception, num + ' NOT in ' + str(self.mycolor.keys()))
        if (IsType.isstr(cmap) and cmap == 'my'):
            _jet_data_my = np.array([(255, 0, 0), (255, 128, 0), (200, 200, 0),
                                     (0, 200, 0), (0, 250, 250), (0, 0, 255),
                                     (160, 0, 255)]) / 255.
            r, g, b = _jet_data_my.T
            from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
            r, g, b = np.array([r, g, b]) * ratio
            x = np.linspace(0, 1, r.size)
            fr = interp1d(x, r)
            fg = interp1d(x, g)
            fb = interp1d(x, b)
            x = np.linspace(0, 1, num)
            r, g, b = fr(x), fg(x), fb(x)
            color = []
            for i in range(num):
                color += [(r[i], g[i], b[i])]
            return tuple(color)
            cmap = self.Cmap(cmap)
            color = [cmap(x)[:3] for x in np.linspace(0., 1, num)]
            for i in range(len(color)):
                color[i] = (color[i][0], color[i][1], color[i][2])
            return tuple(color)
예제 #7
	def Save( self ) : 
		Save instance to .hdf5
		from jizhipy.Basic import Path, IsType, Raise
		import numpy as np
		import h5py
		self.outname = str(self.outname)
		if (self.outname[-5:] !='.hdf5') : self.outname += '.hdf5'
		Path.ExistsPath(self.outname, old=True)
		if (self.verbose) : print('jizhipy.ClassHdf5: Saveing to  "'+self.outname+'"')
		fo = h5py.File(self.outname, 'w')
		if (self.value is None or self.keys is None): self.Values()
		fo['classinstance'] = str(type(self.classinstance))
		for i in range(len(self.keys)) : 
			if (self.values[i] is None) : 
				fo[self.keys[i]] = '__None__'
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'is None, not str'
			elif (IsType.isdtype(self.values[i])) : 
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.dtype'
			elif (IsType.ismatrix(self.values[i])) : 
				fo[self.keys[i]] = np.array(self.values[i])
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.matrix'
			elif (IsType.ismaskedarray(self.values[i])) : 
				fo[self.keys[i]] = self.values[i].data
				fo[self.keys[i]+'.mask'] = self.values[i].mask
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.MaskedArray .data'
				fo[self.keys[i]+'.mask'].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.MaskedArray .mask'
			elif (IsType.isdict(self.values[i])) : 
				try : fo[self.keys[i]] =self.values[i].values() 
				except : fo[self.keys[i]] = str(self.values[i].values())
				fo[self.keys[i]+'.keys'] = self.values[i].keys()
				fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type']='dict .values()'
				fo[self.keys[i]+'.keys'].attrs['type']='dict .keys()'
			else : 
				# inside list and tuple, must not contain dict
				try : fo[self.keys[i]] = self.values[i]  # convert to np.ndarray with same dtype, if contains string, will conver to string array
				except : 
					strv = str([self.values[i]])[1:-1]
					Raise(Exception, "fo['"+self.keys[i]+"'] = "+strv)
				if   (IsType.islist(self.values[i])) : 
					fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'list'
				elif (IsType.istuple(self.values[i])) : 
					fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'tuple'
				else : fo[self.keys[i]].attrs['type'] = 'numpy.array'
예제 #8
    def AngleMean(self, angle1, angle2=None, axis=0):

			Any shape array

			(1) angle2=None:
					return the mean of angle1
			(2) Can broadcast: angle1-angle2
					return the mean of the difference of two angles (angle1-angle2)

			average the angle along which axis
        import numpy as np
        from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
        from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
        angle, axis = npfmt(angle1), int(axis)
        if (axis < 0): axis += len(angle.shape)
        if (axis > len(angle.shape)):
                Exception, 'axis=' + str(axis) + ' out of angle.shape=' +
        if (angle2 is not None):
            angle2 = npfmt(angle2)
                angle2 = npfmt(angle2) + 0 * angle
                    'angle1.shape=' + str(angle.shape) + ', angle2.shape=' +
                    str(angle2.shape) + ', can NOT broadcast')
            angle = np.exp(1j * angle) * np.exp(-1j * angle2)
            angle = np.exp(1j * angle)
        angle = angle.mean(axis)
        angle = np.angle(angle)
        angle = angle % (2 * np.pi)
        return angle
예제 #9
파일: Beam.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
	def EllipticGaussianBeam( self, fwhm1, fwhm2, theta, phi, normalized=False ) : 
		theta, phi, fwhm1, fwhm2:
			in rad
			theta.shape == phi.shape, can be any shape
			fwhm1.shape == fwhm2.shape, can be any shape
		import numpy as np
		from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
		from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, IsType
		if (IsType.isnum(fwhm1)) : islistfwhm1 = False
		else : islistfwhm1 = True
		if (IsType.isnum(fwhm2)) : islistfwhm2 = False
		else : islistfwhm2 = True
		islistfwhm = bool(islistfwhm1 + islistfwhm2)
		if (IsType.isnum(theta)) : islisttheta = False
		else : islisttheta = True
		if (IsType.isnum(phi)) : islistphi = False
		else : islistphi = True
		islisttheta = bool(islisttheta + islistphi)
		fwhm1, fwhm2, theta, phi = Asarray(fwhm1), Asarray(fwhm2), Asarray(theta), Asarray(phi)
		shape1, shape2, shapet, shapep = fwhm1.shape, fwhm2.shape, theta.shape, phi.shape
		printstr = 'fwhm1.shape='+str(shape1)+', fwhm2.shape='+str(shape2)+', theta.shape='+str(shapet)+', phi.shape='+str(shapep)
		if (shape1 != shape2) : Raise(Exception, 'fwhm1.shape != fwhm2.shape. '+printstr)
		if (shapet != shapep) : Raise(Exception, 'theta.shape != phi.shape. '+printstr)
		fwhm1, fwhm2, theta, phi = fwhm1.flatten(), fwhm2.flatten(), theta.flatten(), phi.flatten()
		b = np.exp(-4*np.log(2) * theta[None,:]**2 * ((np.cos(phi[None,:])/fwhm1[:,None])**2 + (np.sin(phi[None,:])/fwhm2[:,None])**2))
		if (normalized) : 
			a = 4*np.log(2) * ((np.cos(phi[None,:])/fwhm1[:,None])**2 + (np.sin(phi[None,:])/fwhm2[:,None])**2)
			b = b/(np.pi/a)**0.5
			a = 0 #@
		if (not islistfwhm and not islisttheta) : b = b[0,0]
		elif (not islistfwhm and islisttheta) : 
			b = b.reshape(shapet)
		elif (islistfwhm and not islisttheta) : 
			b = b.reshape(shape1)
		else : b = b.reshape(shape1 + shapet)
		return b
예제 #10
def DopplerEffect( f0, df=None, dv=None ) : 
	In astronomy, when the object goes away/recede from us, it has a "positive" relative velocipy, while closing to use has a "negative" velocity
		+df => -dv
		+dv => -df

	(1) dv: 
		dv = vobs - vs
		Relative velocity of observer to the source

	(2) f0:
		Original frequency of the source

	(3) f1:
		Observed frequency by observer

	(4) df:
		df = fobs - f0
		Frequency differece of observed frequency to original frequency

	Case 1: 
		DopplerEffect( f0, dv ), return df
	Case 2: 
		DopplerEffect( f0, df ), return dv
	import numpy as np
	from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
	from jizhipy.Basic import IsType, Raise
	from jizhipy.Astro import Const
	c = Const.c/1000.
	if   (df is not None) : 
		islist = False if(IsType.isnum(f0+df))else True
		f0, df = npfmt(f0), npfmt(df)
		f0 = f0 + df*0
		df = f0*0 + df
		dv = -df * c / f0
		if (not islist) : dv = dv[0]
		return dv
	elif (dv is not None) : 
		islist = False if(IsType.isnum(f0+dv))else True
		f0, dv = npfmt(f0), npfmt(dv)
		f0 = f0 + dv*0
		dv = f0*0 + dv
		df = -dv / c * f0	
		if (not islist) : df = df[0]
		return df
	else : Raise(Exception, 'df=None and dv=None')
예제 #11
 def __Move(array, axis1, axis2):
     ''' My old function, insteaded by np.moveaxis() '''
     shape = list(array.shape)
     s1, s2 = shape[axis1], shape[axis2]
     shape = shape[:axis2] + [s1] + shape[axis2:]
     a = np.zeros(shape, array.dtype)
     for i in range(s1):
         if (axis1 == 0):
             if (axis2 == 1): a[:, i] = array[i]
             elif (axis2 == 2): a[:, :, i] = array[i]
             elif (axis2 == 3): a[:, :, :, i] = array[i]
             elif (axis2 == 4): a[:, :, :, :, i] = array[i]
             elif (axis2 == 5): a[:, :, :, :, :, i] = array[i]
         elif (axis1 == 1):
             if (axis2 == 0): a[i] = array[:, i]
             elif (axis2 == 2): a[:, :, i] = array[:, i]
             elif (axis2 == 3): a[:, :, :, i] = array[:, i]
             elif (axis2 == 4): a[:, :, :, :, i] = array[:, i]
             elif (axis2 == 5): a[:, :, :, :, :, i] = array[:, i]
         elif (axis1 == 2):
             if (axis2 == 0): a[i] = array[:, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 1): a[:, i] = array[:, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 3): a[:, :, :, i] = array[:, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 4): a[:, :, :, :, i] = array[:, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 5): a[:, :, :, :, :, i] = array[:, :, i]
         elif (axis1 == 3):
             if (axis2 == 0): a[i] = array[:, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 1): a[:, i] = array[:, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 2): a[:, :, i] = array[:, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 4): a[:, :, :, :, i] = array[:, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 5): a[:, :, :, :, :, i] = array[:, :, :, i]
         elif (axis1 == 4):
             if (axis2 == 0): a[i] = array[:, :, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 1): a[:, i] = array[:, :, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 2): a[:, :, i] = array[:, :, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 3): a[:, :, :, i] = array[:, :, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 5): a[:, :, :, :, :, i] = array[:, :, :, :, i]
         elif (axis1 == 5):
             if (axis2 == 0): a[i] = array[:, :, :, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 1): a[:, i] = array[:, :, :, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 2): a[:, :, i] = array[:, :, :, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 3): a[:, :, :, i] = array[:, :, :, :, :, i]
             elif (axis2 == 4): a[:, :, :, :, i] = array[:, :, :, :, :, i]
                 'ArrayAxis() can just handel 6-D array. For >= 7-D array, you can modify this function by yourself.'
     return a
예제 #12
파일: Distance.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
def Distance( X, Y=None, metric='euclidean', p=2, pairwise=True ):
		if Y=None, return scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(X)

			use sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances() or scipy.spatial.distance.cdist()
			the same as ((X[:,None]-Y[None,:])**2).sum(-1)**0.5
		=False: ((X-Y)**2).sum(-1)**0.5

		['braycurtis',  'canberra',    'chebyshev', 
		 'cityblock',   'correlation', 'cosine', 
		 'dice',        'euclidean',   'hamming', 
		 'jaccard',     'kulsinski',   'mahalanobis', 
		 'matching',    'minkowski',   'rogerstanimoto', 
		 'russellrao',  'seuclidean',  'sokalmichener', 
		 'sokalsneath', 'sqeuclidean', 'yule']
	import numpy as np
	import scipy.spatial
	from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
	#import sklearn.metrics
	X = np.array(X)
	if (Y is None): 
		D = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(X, metric=metric, p=p)
		return D
	Y = np.array(Y)
	if (not pairwise):
		# Broadcase
		X = X + 0*Y
		Y = Y + 0*X
		shape = X.shape
		if (X.shape != Y.shape): Raise(Exception, 'pairwise=False, must need X.shape==Y.shape, but now X.shape='+str(X.shape)+', Y.shape='+str(Y.shape))
		if (len(shape) !=2):
			X = X.reshape(int(np.prod(shape[:-1])), shape[-1])
			Y = Y.reshape(int(np.prod(shape[:-1])), shape[-1])
		D, n, step = [], 0, 10000
		while (n < len(X)):
			d = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X[n:n+step], Y[n:n+step], metric=metric, p=p)
			n += step
		D = np.concatenate(D)
		if (len(shape) !=2): D = D.reshape(shape[:-1])
		return D
		D = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X, Y, metric=metric, p=p)
		return D
예제 #13
def Sample(array, axis, per=None, size=None):
	Reduce the size of array

		Any shape, any dtype
		int/float/complex ndarray

		Sampling along which axis?

	per, size:
		Use one of them
		(1) per, size=None:
				Sampling every per ponts
		(2) per=None, size:
				Sampled array.shape[axis] == size
    import numpy as np
    from jizhipy.Basic import IsType, Raise
    from jizhipy.Array import ArrayAxis
    if (not IsType.isndarray(array) and not IsType.isnmaskedarray(array)
            and not IsType.ismatrix(array)):
        array = np.array(array)
    if (len(array.shape) == 1): axis = 0
    elif (axis < 0): axis += len(array.shape)
    if (axis >= len(array.shape)):
              'axis=' + str(axis) + ' out of array.shape=' + str(array.shape))
    if (per is None and size is None):
        return array
    elif (per is None and array.shape[axis] >= size):
        return Smooth(array, axis, reduceshape=size)
    elif (per is not None):
        per += 0
        n = np.arange(0, array.shape[axis], per)
        size += 0
        n = np.linspace(0, array.shape[axis] - 1, size)
    n = n.astype(int)
    array = ArrayAxis(array, axis, 0)
    array = array[n]
    array = ArrayAxis(array, 0, axis)
    return array
예제 #14
	def SetLevel(self, level, **kwargs):
		self.level = 'DEBUG/INFO/...'
		self._level = 10/20/...

			[str] or [int]
		import logging
		from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, IsType
		if   (level is True): level ='INFO'
		elif (level is None): level =logging.getLogger().level
		elif (level ==0): level = False
		elif (level ==1): level = True
		if (not IsType.isnum(level)): 
			if (level is not False):
				level, level0 = str(level).upper(), level
				if   (level =='CRITICAL'): 
					_level = logging.CRITICAL
				elif (level =='ERROR'): 
					_level = logging.ERROR
				elif (level =='WARNING'): 
					_level = logging.WARNING
				elif (level =='DEBUG'): 
					_level = logging.DEBUG
				elif (level =='INFO'): 
					_level = logging.INFO
				elif (level =='NOTSET'): 
					_level = logging.NOTSET
				else: Raise(Exception, "level='"+str(level0)+"' not in ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'NOTSET']")
			else: _level = False
			if   (   level<= 0): level, _level= 'NOTSET' , 0
			elif ( 0<level<=10): level, _level= 'DEBUG'  , 10
			elif (10<level<=20): level, _level= 'INFO'   , 20
			elif (20<level<=30): level, _level= 'WARNING', 30
			elif (30<level<=40): level, _level= 'ERROR'  , 40
			elif (40<level<=50): level, _level= 'CRITICAL',50
			elif (50<level    ): level, _level= False, False
		if ('verbose' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['verbose'] is True): pass
		else: self.level, self._level = level, _level
		return (level, _level)
예제 #15
def ArrayAxis(array, axis1, axis2, act='move'):
		Any dimension array (real, complex, masked)

	axis1, axis2, act:
	  act='move': old a[axis1] becomes new b[axis2]
		b = ArrayAxis(a, 3, 1, 'move')
	  act='exchange' : exchange a[axis1] with a[axis2]
		b = ArrayAxis(a, 3, 1, 'exchange')
    import numpy as np
    from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
    from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, IsType
    ismatrix = IsType.ismatrix(array)
    array = Asarray(array)
    shapeo = array.shape
    if (len(shapeo) <= 1): return array
    if (axis1 < 0): axis1 = len(shapeo) + axis1
    if (axis2 < 0): axis2 = len(shapeo) + axis2
    if (axis1 == axis2): return array
    if (axis1 >= len(shapeo) or axis2 >= len(shapeo)):
            Exception, 'axis1=' + str(axis1) + ', axis2=' + str(axis2) +
            ' out of array.shape=' + str(shapeo) + '=>' + str(len(shapeo)) +
    if (len(shapeo) == 2): return array.T
    if (len(shapeo) == 3
            and ((axis1 == 0 and axis2 == 2) or (axis1 == 2 and axis2 == 0))
            and act.lower() == 'exchange'):
        return array.T
    axis = list(range(len(shapeo)))
    if (act.lower() == 'move'):
        axis = axis[:axis2] + [axis1] + axis[axis2:]
    elif (act.lower() == 'exchange'):
        axis[axis1] = axis2
        axis[axis2] = axis1
    array = np.transpose(array, axis)
    if (ismatrix): array = np.matrix(array)
    return array
예제 #16
파일: Healpix.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
 def _UnitCheck(self, unitin=None, unitout=None):
     ''' return [unitin, unitout, k_in2out] '''
     from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
     doraise = []
     if (unitin is None):
             unitin = self.unitin
         unitin = str(unitin)
         if (unitin.lower() == 'k'): unitin = 'K'
         elif (unitin.lower() == 'mk'): unitin = 'mK'
         elif (unitin.lower() == 'uk'): unitin = 'uK'
         else: doraise.append('in')
     if (unitout is None):
             unitout = self.unit
         unitout = str(unitout)
         if (unitout.lower() == 'k'): unitout = 'K'
         elif (unitout.lower() == 'mk'): unitout = 'mK'
         elif (unitout.lower() == 'uk'): unitout = 'uK'
         else: doraise.append('out')
     printstr = ''
     if ('in' in doraise): printstr += "unitin = '" + unitinin + "', "
     if ('out' in doraise): printstr += "unitout = '" + unitout + "', "
     if (printstr != ''):
         Raise(Exception, printstr[:-2] + " not in ['K', 'mK', 'uK']")
     if (unitin is None or unitout is None): k_in2out = 1
     elif (unitin == 'K' and unitout == 'K'): k_in2out = 1
     elif (unitin == 'K' and unitout == 'mK'): k_in2out = 1e3
     elif (unitin == 'K' and unitout == 'uK'): k_in2out = 1e6
     elif (unitin == 'mK' and unitout == 'K'): k_in2out = 1e-3
     elif (unitin == 'mK' and unitout == 'mK'): k_in2out = 1
     elif (unitin == 'mK' and unitout == 'uK'): k_in2out = 1e3
     elif (unitin == 'uK' and unitout == 'K'): k_in2out = 1e-6
     elif (unitin == 'uK' and unitout == 'mK'): k_in2out = 1e-3
     elif (unitin == 'uK' and unitout == 'uK'): k_in2out = 1
     return [unitin, unitout, k_in2out]
예제 #17
파일: Pinv.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
def Pinv(array, leastsq=False):
		pseudo-inverse (np.ndarray format)
    import scipy.linalg as spla
    from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
    import numpy as np
    if (len(array.shape) != 2):
            Exception, 'jizhipy.Pinv(): len(array.shape) = ' +
            str(len(array.shape)) + ' != 2')
    if (not leastsq): return spla.pinv2(array)
        At = np.matrix(np.conj(array.T))
        b = At * np.matrix(array)
        b = np.matrix(spla.inv(b)) * At
        return b
예제 #18
파일: Healpix.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
 def _OrderingCheck(self, orderingin=None, orderingout=None):
     ''' '''
     from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
     doraise = []
     if (orderingin is None):
             orderingin = self.orderingin
         orderingin = str(orderingin)
         if (orderingin.upper() not in ['RING', 'NESTED', 'NEST']):
             orderingin = orderingin.upper()
             if ('NEST' in orderingin): orderingin = 'NESTED'
     if (orderingout is None):
             orderingout = self.ordering
         orderingout = str(orderingout)
         if (orderingout.upper() not in ['RING', 'NESTED', 'NEST']):
             orderingout = orderingout.upper()
             if ('NEST' in orderingout): orderingout = 'NESTED'
     printstr = ''
     if ('in' in doraise): printstr += "orderingin = '" + orderingin + "', "
     if ('out' in doraise):
         printstr += "orderingout = '" + orderingout + "', "
     if (printstr != ''):
         Raise(Exception, printstr[:-2] + " not in ['RING', 'NESTED']")
     if (orderingin is None): nestin = None
     elif (orderingin == 'RING'): nestin = False
     else: nestin = True
     if (orderingout is None): nestout = None
     elif (orderingout == 'RING'): nestout = False
     else: nestout = True
     return [orderingin, nestin, orderingout, nestout]
예제 #19
파일: Beam.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
	def FeedBeam( self, *args, **kwargs ) : 
		each beam of feed OR combined beam of pair, depending on self.feedpos and self.baseline

		For baseline case, self.beam must be real, NOT complex

		*args: give fwhm: 
			in [rad]
			(1) 1 value: all beam are the same
					args = (1, )
			(2) fwhm.size = Nfeed: each feed has its fwhm
					args = (1, 2, 3, 4, ...)

			sqrt=True: return beam**0.5
			Default  : return power beam

		(1) FeedBeam(): Uniform beam
		(2)	FeedBeam(fwhm): GaussianBeam, NOT SincBeam
		(3) FeedBeam(fwhm1, fwhm2): EllipticGaussianBeam

			(case 1) =1
			(case 2) .shape = (1, N_incident_direction)
			(case 3) .shape = (Nfeed/Nbl, N_incident_direction)
		import numpy as np
		from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
		from jizhipy.Basic import IsType, Raise
		from jizhipy.Astro import Beam
		if (len(args) == 0 or args[0] is None) : 
			self.beam = 1
		if ('thetaphi' not in self.__dict__.keys()) : Raise(Exception, 'NOT exists  self.thetaphi,  set it by SyntheticBeam.WaveVector()')
		if (len(args) == 1) : fwhm1 = fwhm2 = Asarray(args[0])
		else : fwhm1, fwhm2 = args[:2]
		self.beam = []
		for i in range(len(fwhm1)) : 
			self.beam.append( Beam.EllipticGaussianBeam(fwhm1[i], fwhm2[i], self.thetaphi[0], self.thetaphi[1]) )
		self.beam = np.array(self.beam)
		if ('sqrt' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['sqrt']) : 
			self.beam = abs(self.beam)**0.5
		return self.beam
예제 #20
def _GaussianFilter(per, times, method=2):
	a(n) = S(n) - S(n-1)
	S(n) = a(n) + a(n-1) + a(n-2) + ... + a(2) + a(1)

		per >=2, can be odd or even

		times >=1

		method = 1 : non-normalized
		method = 2 : normalized: 1/(sigma*(2*pi)**0.5)

		gaussianfilter.size = (per-1) * times + 1
    import numpy as np
    from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
    per, times = np.array([per, times]).round().astype(int)
    if (per < 2 or times < 1):
            Warning, 'GaussianFilter(per, times), per=' + str(per) +
            ', times=' + str(times) + ', return gaussianfilter=[1]')
        return np.array([1])
    if (method == 1): a0 = np.ones(per)
    elif (method == 2): a0 = np.ones(per) / per
    for n in range(2, times + 1):
        n1 = (per - 1) * n + 1
        a1 = np.zeros([per, n1])
        for i in range(per):
            a1[i, i:i + a0.size] = a0
        if (method == 1): a0 = a1.sum(0)
        elif (method == 2): a0 = a1.sum(0) / per

#	if   (method == 1) : gaussianfilter = a0 / (1.*per)**times
    gaussianfilter = a0
    std = 1. / ((2 * np.pi)**0.5 * gaussianfilter.max())
    return [gaussianfilter, std]
예제 #21
 def lcm(self, *args):
     ''' lcm: lowest common multiple '''
     import numpy as np
     from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, IsType
     from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
     a = []
     for i in range(len(args)):
     a = np.concatenate(a)
     if (not IsType.isint(a[0])):
             'jizhipy.CommonFactor.lcm(): input number must be "int", but now is "'
             + a.dtype.name + '"')
     a = a[a > 0]
     if (a.size == 0): return 1
     elif (a.size == 1): return 1
     b = a.prod() / a
     v = self.gcd(b)
     v = a.prod() / v
     return v
예제 #22
파일: Healpix.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
 def _CoordsysCheck(self, coordsysin=None, coordsysout=None):
     ''' '''
     from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
     doraise = []
     if (coordsysin is None):
             coordsysin = self.coordsysin
         coordsysin = str(coordsysin)
         if (coordsysin.lower() not in ['galactic', 'equatorial']):
             coordsysin = coordsysin.lower()
     if (coordsysout is None):
             coordsysout = self.coordsys
         coordsysout = str(coordsysout)
         if (coordsysout.lower() not in ['galactic', 'equatorial']):
             coordsysout = coordsysout.lower()
     printstr = ''
     if ('in' in doraise): printstr += "coordsysin = '" + coordsysin + "', "
     if ('out' in doraise):
         printstr += "coordsysout = '" + coordsysout + "', "
     if (printstr != ''):
               printstr[:-2] + " not in ['galactic', 'equatorial']")
         return [coordsysin, coordsysout]
예제 #23
 def gcd(self, *args):
     ''' gcd: greatest  common divisor '''
     import numpy as np
     from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, IsType
     from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
     a = []
     for i in range(len(args)):
     a = np.concatenate(a)
     if (not IsType.isint(a[0])):
             'jizhipy.CommonFactor.gcd(): input number must be "int", but now is "'
             + a.dtype.name + '"')
     a = abs(a.astype(float))
     a = a[a > 0]
     if (a.size == 0): return 1
     elif (a.size == 1): return int(a[0])
     vmin = int(a.min())
     for v in range(vmin, 0, -1):
         b = a / v
         b = abs(b - b.astype(int)).sum()
         if (b < 1e-6): break
     return v
예제 #24
파일: Gaussian.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
	def _SigmaR( self, dimension, std_a, sigma_a, std_b, sigma_g=None, r=None ) :
			standard deviation of data a: a.std()
			unit: pixel
			resolution of the input data
			sigma_in = fwhm_in / (8 ln2)**0.5
		*** a can be signal convolved by beam, sigma_a~sigma_beam, OR pure noise, sigma_a=0=None
			standard deviation of Gaussian-Noise b: b.std()
		*** b must be pure noise, therefore NOT sigma_b
		*** r is signal to noise ratio (SNR)

		(case 1) sigma_g != None and r == None:
			use sigma_g to smooth a then obtain a1
			use sigma_g to smooth b then obtain b1
			return: SNR=a1.std()/b1.std()
		(case 2) r != None and sigma_g == None:
			want r = a1.std()/b1.std()
			need how large sigma_g (return)

		(case 3) r == None and sigma_g == None:
			return [r_limit, sigma_g_limit]
		import numpy as np
		from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
		# case 1
		if (sigma_g is not None) : 
			stda = self._ReduceSTD(dimension, std_a, sigma_a, sigma_g)
			stdb = self._ReduceSTD(dimension, std_b, None, sigma_g)
			r = stda / stdb
			return r
		else : 
			def wei3( x ) : 
				x = ('%.9f' % x).split('.')
				if (len(x[0]) >= 3) : x = x[0]
				elif (len(x[0]) == 2) : x = x[0]+'.'+x[1][0]
				else : 
					if (x[0] != '0') : x = x[0]+'.'+x[1][:2]
					else : 
						for i in range(len(x[1])) : 
							if (x[1][i] != '0') : break
						x = '0.' + i*'0' + x[1][i:i+3]
				return x
			if (str(dimension).lower() == '1d') : 
				n0 = (np.pi * sigma_a)**0.5 * std_a / std_b
				n0 *= 0.9  # r_limit
				relim = True if(r is None)else False
				if (r is None) : r = n0
				elif (r > n0) : 
					n0str = wei3(n0)
					Raise(Warning, 'input n='+('%.1f' % n)+' reaches n_limit='+n0str, top=True)
					r = n0
				up = r**4 * std_b**4 * sigma_a**2
				down0 = np.pi**2 * std_a**4 * sigma_a**2
				down1 = r**4 * std_b**4
				sigma_g = (up / (down0 - down1))**0.5
				if (relim) : return [n0, sigma_g]
				else : return sigma_g
			elif (str(dimension).lower() == '2d') : 
				n0 = 2 * np.pi**0.5 * sigma_a * std_a / std_b
				n0 *= 0.9
				relim = True if(r is None)else False
				if (r is None) : r = n0
				elif (r > n0) : 
					n0str = wei3(n0)
					Raise(Warning, 'input n='+('%.1f' % n)+' reaches n_limit='+n0str, top=True)
					r = n0
				up = r**2 * std_b**2 * sigma_a**2
				down0 = 4*np.pi * std_a**2 * sigma_a**2
				down1 = r**2 * std_b**2
				sigma_g = (up / (down0 - down1))**0.5
				if (relim) : return [n0, sigma_g]
				else : return sigma_g
예제 #25
파일: Gaussian.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
	def LogNormalValue( self, x, mean, std ) : 
		from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
		import numpy as np
		if (x.min() < 0) : Raise(Exception, 'x.min() < 0')
		y = 1/(2*np.pi)**0.5 /std /x *np.exp(-(np.log(x)-mean)**2 /(2*std**2))
		return y
예제 #26
def ConjugateSymmetrize( array ) : 
	This function is used to symmetrize the array which will be used to do the inverse Fourier transform.

	array is a N dimension array (real matrix or complex matrix), N can just be 1,2,3
	from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
	shape = np.array(array.shape) % 2
	if (shape.max() != 0) : Raise(Exception, 'Length of each dimension of input array must be even')
	func = len(array.shape)
	if (func > 3) : Raise(Exception, 'dimension of array must be 1D or 2D or 3D')

	def conjugate_symmetrize_axis( a ) : 
		a = np.append(a[:a.size/2+1], a[1:a.size/2][::-1].conjugate())
		a[a.size/2] = 0
		return a
	def conjugate_symmetrize_plane( a ) : 
		# x and y axis
		x = a[0,:]
		y = a[:,0]
		a[0,:] = conjugate_symmetrize_axis( x )
		a[:,0] = conjugate_symmetrize_axis( y )
		# xy plane exclude x and y axis
		xy = a[1:y.size/2+1,1:]
		a[1:,1:] = np.append(xy, xy[:-1][::-1,::-1].conjugate(), 0)
		# vertical medium axis
		axisp = a[y.size/2]
		a[y.size/2] = conjugate_symmetrize_axis( axisp )
		return a
	def conjugate_symmetrize_solid( a ) : 
		# x, y, z axis
		x = a[0,0,:]
		y = a[0,:,0]
		z = a[:,0,0]
		a[0,0,:] = conjugate_symmetrize_axis( x )
		a[0,:,0] = conjugate_symmetrize_axis( y )
		a[:,0,0] = conjugate_symmetrize_axis( z )
		# xy, xz, yz planes
		xy = a[0]
		xz = a[:,0]
		yz = a[:,:,0]
		a[0]     = conjugate_symmetrize_plane( xy )
		a[:,0]   = conjugate_symmetrize_plane( xz )
		a[:,:,0] = conjugate_symmetrize_plane( yz )
		# solid
		xyz = a[1:len(a)/2+1,1:,1:]
		a[1:,1:,1:] = np.append( xyz, xyz[:-1][::-1,::-1,::-1].conjugate(), 0 )
		# medium plane
		mplane = a[len(a)/2]
		a[len(a)/2] = conjugate_symmetrize_plane( mplane )
		return a

	if ( func == 1 ) : 
		array = conjugate_symmetrize_axis( array )
		array[0] = 0
	elif ( func == 2 ) : 
		array = conjugate_symmetrize_plane( array )
		array[0,0] = 0
	elif ( func == 3 ) : 
		array = conjugate_symmetrize_solid( array )
		array[0,0,0] = 0
	return array
예제 #27
파일: Random.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
    def RandomShuffle(self, a, axis=None, kFold=None):
			(1) int: a = range(a)
			(2) ndarray with any shape, any dtype

			[int], shuffle along which axis?
			axis=None: shuffle a.flatten() (all elements)

			None: don't split
			=[int]: split into xx pieces
				except (a is n-D array and axis=None)

		randomly shuffle all elements
        if (axis is not None): axis = int(axis)
        if (kFold is not None): kFold = int(kFold)
        import numpy as np
        from jizhipy.Basic import IsType, Raise
        if (IsType.isint(a)): a = np.arange(a)
        else: a = np.array(a)
        shape = a.shape
        if (len(shape) == 1): axis = None
        if (axis is not None):
            if (axis < 0): axis += len(shape)
            if (axis >= len(shape)):
                    Exception, 'a.shape=' + str(shape) + ', but axis=' +
                    str(axis) + ' exceeds the dimension')
            b = np.arange(shape[axis])
            b = np.arange(a.size)
        if (len(shape) > 1 and axis is None and kFold is not None):
                Exception, 'when a.shape=' + str(shape) +
                ' is n-D array and axis=None, can NOT use kFold')
        b = np.random.random(b.size) + 1j * b
        b = np.sort(b).imag.astype(int)
        if (kFold is None): b = [b]
            c, n = [], np.linspace(0, len(b), kFold + 1).astype(int)
            for i in range(len(n) - 1):
                c.append(b[n[i]:n[i + 1]])
            n = np.random.random(len(c)) + 1j * np.arange(len(c))
            n = np.sort(n).imag.astype(int)
            b = []
            for i in n:
        if (len(shape) > 1 and axis is None):
            return a.flatten()[b[0]].reshape(shape)
        if (len(shape) > 1 and axis is not None and axis != 0):
            tranaxis = range(len(shape))
            tranaxis[0], tranaxis[axis] = axis, 0
            a = np.transpose(a, tranaxis)
        for i in range(len(b)):
            b[i] = a[b[i]]
            if (axis is not None and axis != 0):
                b[i] = np.transpose(b[i], tranaxis)
        if (kFold is None): b = b[0]
        return b
예제 #28
    def _setTick(self,
		Set Tick by hand

		plt.xticks(), plt.yticks()

			'x' | 'y' | 'both'

			(case 1): list to be shown / xylabel ndarray
			(case 2): ==None: return xlabel or/and ylabel

			'str' like '%i', '%.3f', '%6.3f'

			'in' | 'out' | 'inout'

		length, width, color:
			of ticks' size  (length=8, width=1)

		left, right, bottom, top:
			True/False | 'on'/'off'
			Turn on/off the ticks
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from jizhipy.Basic import IsType, Raise
        import numpy as np
        from jizhipy.Optimize import Sample, Interp1d
        xy = self._gxy(xy)
        ax = self._gca(ax)
        ax0 = plt.gca()
        if (len(ax.lines) != 0):
            xdata, ydata = ax.lines[-1].get_data()
            xdata = ax.collections[-1]._coordinates[0, :, 0]
            ydata = ax.collections[-1]._coordinates[:, 0, 1]
        if (which is None):
            xydata = []
            if ('x' in xy): xydata.append(xdata.copy())
            if ('y' in xy): xydata.append(ydata.copy())
            if (len(xydata) == 1): xydata = xydata[0]
            return xydata
        which = np.array(which)
        if (len(which.shape) == 1): which = which[None, :]
        if ('xy' in xy and len(which) == 1): xy = 'x'
        kwargs = {
            'direction': direction,
            'left': left,
            'right': right,
            'bottom': bottom,
            'top': top
        if (color is not None): kwargs['color'] = color
        if (length is not None): kwargs['length'] = length
        if (width is not None): kwargs['width'] = width
        if ('x' in xy):
            loc = plt.xticks()[0]
            xlabel = which[0]
            if (loc.size != xlabel.size):
                if (xdata.size != xlabel.size):
                    #	Raise(Exception, 'xdata.size='+str(xdata.size)+' != xlabel.size='+str(xlabel.size))
                    xlabel = Sample(xlabel, 0, size=xdata.size)
                n = Interp1d(xdata, np.arange(xdata.size), loc)
                xlabel = Interp1d(np.arange(xlabel.size), xlabel, n)
            if (fmt is not None):
                    fmt % 0
                    fmt = '%.1f'
                xlabel = list(xlabel)
                for i in range(len(xlabel)):
                    xlabel[i] = fmt % xlabel[i]
            plt.xticks(loc, xlabel)
            ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', **kwargs)
        if ('y' in xy):
            loc = plt.yticks()[0]
            ylabel = which[-1]
            if (loc.size != ylabel.size):
                if (ydata.size != ylabel.size):
                        Exception, 'ydata.size=' + str(ydata.size) +
                        ' != ylabel.size=' + str(ylabel.size))
                    ylabel = Sample(ylabel, 0, size=ydata.size)
                n = Interp1d(ydata, np.arange(ydata.size), loc)
                ylabel = Interp1d(np.arange(ylabel.size), ylabel, n)
            if (fmt is not None):
                    fmt % 0
                    fmt = '%.1f'
                ylabel = list(ylabel)
                for i in range(len(ylabel)):
                    ylabel[i] = fmt % ylabel[i]
            plt.yticks(loc, ylabel)
            ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', **kwargs)
예제 #29
파일: Beam.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
def BeamMap( pointRA=None, pointDec=None, dwl=None, freq=None, uniform=False, Bmap0=None, dtype='float32', nside=None ) : 
	pointRA, pointDec:
		Where does the antenna point to?
		default points to (RA, Dec) = (0, 0)

		d - diameter: for dish: one value
		w - width, l - length: for cylinder: (w,l)

		Used to get FWHM

		True | False
		If ==True: return =1 map

		Use this Bmap0 as the basic and rotate it to (pointRA, pointDec)
	import healpy as hp
	import numpy as np
	from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
	from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
	from jizhipy.Transform import CoordTrans
	try : dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
	except : dtype = np.dtype(None)
	if (nside is not None) : nside = int(round(nside))
	elif (Bmap0 is not None) : nside = hp.get_nside(Bmap0)
	else : Raise(Exception, 'nside = None')
	if (uniform) : 
		Bmap = np.ones(12*nside**2, dtype)
		if (Bmap0 is not None) : Bmap *= Bmap0[Bmap0.size/2]
		return Bmap
	if (Bmap0 is not None) : 
		nside0 = hp.get_nside(Bmap0)
		if (nside0 != nside) : Bmap0 = hp.ud_grade(nside, Bmap0)
		Bmap0 = Bmap0.astype(dtype)
	else : 
		n = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.pi/2, 0)
		Bmap0 = np.zeros(12*nside**2, dtype)
		Bmap0[n] = 10000
		D = Asarray(dwl)[0]
		fwhm = 1.03 * 300/freq / D
		Bmap0 = hp.smoothing(Bmap0, fwhm, verbose=False)
		Bmap0[Bmap0<0] = 0
		Bmap0 /= Bmap0.sum()
	if (pointRA is None) : pointRA = 0
	if (pointDec is None) : pointDec = 0
	if (abs(pointRA)<1e-4 and abs(pointDec)<1e-4) : return Bmap0
	theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(12*nside**2))
	theta, phi = CoordTrans.thetaphiRotation([theta, phi], az=pointRA, ay=-pointDec)
	n = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi)
	Bmap = Bmap0[n]
	return Bmap
예제 #30
파일: Beam.py 프로젝트: jizhi/jizhipy
	def SyntheticBeam(self, comm=None, per=30, verbose=False):
			to speed up the calculate

		SyntheticBeam = |\sum_{i=1}^{Nfeed} \exp{1j \vec{k} \vec{r}_i} B_i }|^2

		self.k.shape = (3, N_incident_direction)
		self.feedpos.shape = (3, Nfeed)
		self.beam.shape = (Nfeed, N_incident_direction)

		kr.shape = (Nfeed, N_incident_direction)
		import numpy as np
		from jizhipy.Process import ProgressBar, MPI
		from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, IsType
		if (comm is not None) : 
			rank, Nprocess, host, info = MPI.Comm(comm)
		else : rank = 0
		onebeam = True
		if ('beam' not in self.__dict__.keys() or IsType.isnum(self.beam)) : beam = 1
		elif (len(self.beam)==1) : beam = self.beam[0]
		else : onebeam = False
		try : R, isbl = self.feedpos+0, False
		except : 
			try : R, isbl = self.baseline+0, True
			except : Raise(Exception, 'self.feedpos and self.baseline are NOT valid')
		k = self.k[:,None]
		R = R.reshape( R.shape + (1,)*len(k.shape[2:]) )
		if (isbl) : Bsyn_sqrt = np.zeros(k.shape[2:])
		else : Bsyn_sqrt = np.zeros(k.shape[2:], complex)
		n = np.arange(0, R.shape[1], per)
		n = np.append(n, [R.shape[1]])
		Nfor = n.size - 1
		if (verbose) : progressbar = ProgressBar('jizhipy.Beam.SyntheticBeam:', Nfor)
		for i in range(Nfor) : 
			if (verbose) : progressbar.Progress()
			n1, n2 = n[i], n[i+1]
			kr = (k*R[:,n1:n2]).sum(0)
			if (not isbl) : 
				if (onebeam) : Bsyn_sqrt_i = np.exp(1j*kr)
				else: Bsyn_sqrt_i = np.exp(1j*kr) *beam[n1:n2]
			else : 
				if (onebeam) : Bsyn_sqrt_i = 2*np.cos(kr)
				else : Bsyn_sqrt_i = 2*np.cos(kr) *beam[n1:n2]
			Bsyn_sqrt += Bsyn_sqrt_i.sum(0)
		if (onebeam) : Bsyn_sqrt *= beam
		if (comm is None) : 
			if (not isbl) : self.synbeam = abs(Bsyn_sqrt)**2
			else : self.synbeam = Bsyn_sqrt
			self.synbeam /= self.synbeam.max()  # normalsized
		Bsyn_sqrt = MPI.Gather(Bsyn_sqrt[None,:], comm, 0, 0)
		if (rank == 0) : 
			Bsyn_sqrt = Bsyn_sqrt.sum(0)
			if (not isbl) : self.synbeam = abs(Bsyn_sqrt)**2
			else : self.synbeam = Bsyn_sqrt
			self.synbeam /= self.synbeam.max()
		else : self.synbeam = None
		self.synbeam = MPI.Bcast(self.synbeam, comm, 0)
		return self.synbeam