def write_connected_lobe(mylock): # neural network inference needs GPU which can not be computed by multi threads, so the # consumer is just the upsampling only. while True: with mylock: ct_fpath = None if len(scan_files): # if scan_files are empty, then threads should not wait any more print(threading.current_thread().name + " gets the lock, thread id: " + str( threading.get_ident()) + " prepare to compute largest 5 lobes , waiting for the data from queue") ct_fpath = scan_files.pop() # wait up to 1 minutes print(threading.current_thread().name + " gets the data, thread id: " + str( threading.get_ident()) + " prepare to release the lock.") if ct_fpath is not None: t1 = time.time() print(threading.current_thread().name + "is computing ...") pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing = cu.load_itk(ct_fpath) pred = largest_connected_parts(pred, nb_need_saved=5) suffex_len = len(os.path.basename(ct_fpath).split(".")[-1]) if target_dir: new_dir = target_dir else: new_dir = os.path.dirname(ct_fpath) + "/biggest_5_lobe" if not os.path.exists(new_dir): os.makedirs(new_dir) print('successfully create directory:', new_dir) write_fpath = new_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(ct_fpath)[:-suffex_len - 1] + '.mhd' cu.save_itk(write_fpath, pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing) t3 = time.time() print("successfully save largest 5 lobes at " + write_fpath) print("it costs tis seconds to compute the largest 5 lobes of the data " + str(t3 - t1)) else: print(threading.current_thread().name + "scan_files are empty, finish the thread") return None
def load_scan(self, file_name): """Load mhd or nrrd 3d scan thread safelly. Output is scan and spacing with shape (z,y,x)""" with self.lock: print(threading.current_thread().name + " get the lock, thread id: " + str(threading.get_ident()) + " prepare to load data") scan, origin, spacing = cu.load_itk(file_name) # all the output shape are (z, y, z) print(threading.current_thread().name + " load data successfully, release the lock") return np.expand_dims(scan, axis=-1), spacing # size=(z,x,y,1)
def main(): task = 'vessel' model = '1591438344_307_lr0.0001ld0m6l0m7l0pm0.5no_label_dirSScao0ds0dr1bn1fn16trszNonetrzszNonetrspNonetrzspNoneptch_per_scan500tr_nb18ptsz144ptzsz96' for file_name in ['52', '53']: pred_file_name = '/data/jjia/new/results/vessel/valid/pred/SSc/' + model + '/SSc_patient_' + file_name + '.mhd' gdth_file_name = '/data/jjia/mt/data/vessel/valid/gdth_ct/SSc/SSc_patient_' + file_name + '.mhd' gdth, gdth_origin, gdth_spacing = cu.load_itk(gdth_file_name) pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing = cu.load_itk(pred_file_name) # pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing = futil.load_itk('/data/jjia/new/results/SSc_51_lobe_segmentation/loberecon/SSc_patient_51.mhd') # connedted_pred = largest_connected_parts(pred, nb_parts_saved=5) # pred[connedted_pred == 0] = 0 # futil.save_itk( # 'results/SSc_51_lobe_segmentation/SSc_patient_51_connected.nrrd', # pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing) # # pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing = futil.load_itk(pred_file_name) # # connedted_pred = largest_connected_parts(pred, nb_parts_saved=5) # pred[connedted_pred==0] = 0 # futil.save_itk('/data/jjia/new/results/lobe/valid/pred/GLUCOLD/' + model + '/GLUCOLD_patients_' + file_name + '_connected.nrrd', pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing) if task == 'vessel': labels = [1] elif task == 'lobe': labels = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8] gdth = one_hot_encode_3D(gdth, labels=labels) pred = one_hot_encode_3D(pred, labels=labels) metrics_dict_all_labels = metrics_dict_all_labels( labels, gdth, pred, spacing=gdth_spacing[::-1]) metrics_dict_all_labels[ 'filename'] = pred_file_name # add a new key to the metrics data_frame = pd.DataFrame(metrics_dict_all_labels) data_frame.to_csv('/data/jjia/new/results/vessel/valid/pred/SSc/' + model + '/SSc_patient_' + file_name + 'connected.csv', index=False)
def write_preds_to_disk(segment, data_dir, preds_dir, number=None, stride=0.25, workers=1, qsize=1, pad=0): """ write predes to disk. Divided into 2 parts: predict (require, using GPU, can not use multi threads), and upsampling (require upsample_crop_save_ct, using cpu, multi threads). :param segment: an object or an instance :param data_dir: directory where ct data is :param preds_dir: directory where prediction result will be saved :param number: number of predicted ct :param stride: stride or overlap ratio during patching :return: None """ scan_files = get_all_ct_names(data_dir, number=number) print("files are: ", scan_files) pad_nb = pad q = queue.Queue(qsize) cooking_flag = False def consumer( mylock ): # neural network inference needs GPU which can not be computed by multi threads, so the # consumer is just the upsampling only. while True: if len(scan_files) or cooking_flag or not q.empty( ): # if scan_files and q are empty, then threads should not wait any more with mylock: print( threading.current_thread().name + " gets the lock, thread id: " + str(threading.get_ident()) + " prepare to upsample data, waiting for the data from queue" ) try: out_mask = q.get(timeout=60) # wait up to 1 minutes t2 = time.time() print(threading.current_thread().name + " gets the data before upsample at time " + str(t2) + ", the thread releases the lock") except: out_mask = None print( threading.current_thread().name + " does not get the data in 60s, check again if " + "the scan_files are still not empty, the thread releases the lock" ) if out_mask is not None: t1 = time.time() out_mask.upsample_crop_save_ct() t3 = time.time() print("it costs tis secons to upsample the data " + str(t3 - t1)) else: print( threading.current_thread().name + "files: empty, cooking flag: False, q:empty, finish the thread" ) return None thd_list = [] mylock = threading.Lock() for i in range(workers): thd = threading.Thread(target=consumer, args=(mylock, )) thd.start() thd_list.append(thd) # for scan_file in scan_files: for i in range(len(scan_files)): print('start iterate') scan_file = scan_files.pop() cooking_flag = True # ct_scan.shape: (717,, 512, 512), spacing: 0.5, 0.741, 0.741 ct_scan, origin, spacing = futil.load_itk(filename=scan_file) ct_scan = np.pad(ct_scan, ((pad_nb, pad_nb), (pad_nb, pad_nb), (pad_nb, pad_nb)), mode='constant', constant_values=-3000) print('Spacing: ', spacing, 'size', ct_scan.shape) # NORMALIZATION ct_scan = futil.normalize(ct_scan) mask, trgt_space_list, original_shape, labels, trgt_sz_list, io, task = segment.predict( ct_scan[..., np.newaxis], ori_space_list=spacing, stride=stride) # shape: (717, 512, 512,1) mask = Mask(mask, scan_file, pad_nb, preds_dir, origin, spacing, trgt_space_list, original_shape, labels, trgt_sz_list, io, task) q.put(mask, timeout=6000) cooking_flag = False for thd in thd_list: thd.join()
def writeFissure(ctFpath, fissureFpath, radiusValue=3, Absdir=None): scan, origin, spacing = cu.load_itk(ctFpath) fissure = get_fissure(scan, radiusValue=radiusValue) cu.save_itk(fissureFpath, fissure, origin, spacing) print('save ct mask at', fissureFpath)
def write_dices_to_csv(step_nb, labels, gdth_path, pred_path, csv_file, gdth_extension='.nrrd', pred_extension='.nrrd'): ''' this function is to calculate dice between the files in gdth_path and pred_mask_path. all the files must be '.nrrd' or '.mhd'. All the files dimensions should be 4, shape is like: (512, 512, 400, 1) or (400, 512, 512, 1) the default extension of masks are '.nrrd' ''' print('start calculate dice and write dices to csv') gdth_names, pred_names = cu.get_gdth_pred_names(gdth_path, pred_path) total_dices_names = ['step_nb'] # dices_names corresponding to total_dices total_dices = [step_nb] dices_values_matrix = [] # for average computation for gdth_name, pred_name in zip(gdth_names, pred_names): gdth_name = gdth_name pred_name = pred_name gdth_file, _, _ = cu.load_itk(gdth_name) pred_file, _, _ = cu.load_itk(pred_name) dices_values = calculate_dices( labels, gdth_file, pred_file) # calculated dices exclude background dices_values_matrix.append(dices_values) dices_names = [gdth_name] for l in labels: # calculated dices exclude background dices_names.append( 'dice_' + str(l) ) # dice_names is a list corresponding to the specific dices_values total_dices_names.extend( dices_names) # extend a list by another small list total_dices.append(True) # place a fixed number under the file name total_dices.extend(dices_values) print('dice_value') print(dices_values) dices_values_matrix = np.array(dices_values_matrix) # average dice of each class and their names ave_dice_of_class = np.average(dices_values_matrix, axis=0) total_dices.extend(ave_dice_of_class) names_ave_of_dice = ['ave_dice_class_' + str(l) for l in labels ] # calculated ave dices exclude background total_dices_names.extend(names_ave_of_dice) # average dice of each image and their names ave_dice_of_imgs = np.average(dices_values_matrix, axis=1) total_dices.extend(ave_dice_of_imgs) names_ave_of_imgs = [ 'ave_dice_img_' + str(i) for i in range(len(pred_names)) ] total_dices_names.extend(names_ave_of_imgs) # average dices of total class and images ave_dice_total = np.average(dices_values_matrix) total_dices.append(ave_dice_total) name_ave_total = 'ave_total' total_dices_names.append(name_ave_total) if not os.path.exists(csv_file): with open(csv_file, 'a+', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(total_dices_names) with open(csv_file, 'a+', newline='') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(total_dices) print('finish writing dices to csv file at ' + csv_file) return None
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 11/12/20 3:17 PM # @Author : Jingnan # @Email : [email protected] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import random from jjnutils.util import load_itk img, _, _ = load_itk( "/data/jjia/mt/data/lesion/valid/ori_ct/Covid_lesion/volume-covid19-A-0698.nii.gz" ) img = img[20, :, :, ...] noise = np.random.normal(0, 0.05, img.shape) img_addnnoise = img + noise plt.figure() plt.subplot(3, 3, 1) plt.imshow(noise) plt.subplot(3, 3, 2) plt.imshow(img) plt.subplot(3, 3, 3) plt.imshow(img_addnnoise) normized_img = (img - np.mean(img)) / np.std(img) normized_img_addnoise = normized_img + noise plt.subplot(3, 3, 4) plt.imshow(noise) plt.subplot(3, 3, 5)
def write_all_metrics_for_one_ct(mylock, labels, gdth_name, pred_name, csv_file, lung, fissure): gdth, gdth_origin, gdth_spacing = cu.load_itk(gdth_name) pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing = cu.load_itk(pred_name) if lung: # gdth is lung, so pred need to convert to lung from lobes, labels need to be [1], # size need to be the same the the gdth size (LOLA11 mask resolutin is 1 mm, 1mm, 1mm) pred = get_lung_from_lobe(pred) labels = [1] if not gdth.shape == pred.shape: # sometimes the gdth size is different with preds. pred = cu.downsample( pred, ori_sz=pred.shape, trgt_sz=gdth.shape, order=1, labels=labels, train=False ) # use shape to upsampling because the space is errors sometimes in LOLA11 suffex_len = len(os.path.basename(pred_name).split(".")[-1]) lung_file_dir = os.path.dirname(pred_name) + "/lung" lung_file_fpath = lung_file_dir + "/" + os.path.basename( pred_name)[:-suffex_len - 1] + '.mhd' if not os.path.exists(lung_file_dir): os.makedirs(lung_file_dir) cu.save_itk(lung_file_fpath, pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing) elif fissure and ('LOLA11' in gdth_name or "lola11" in gdth_name): # only have slices annotations pred_cp = copy.deepcopy(pred) slic_nb = 0 for i in range(gdth.shape[1]): # gdth.shape=(600, 512, 512) gdth_slice = gdth[:, i, :] if not gdth_slice.any(): # the slice is all black pred_cp[:, i, :] = 0 else: slic_nb += 1 # print("gdth slice sum"+str(np.sum(gdth_slice))) for j in range( gdth.shape[2] ): # some times only one lobe is annotated in the same slice. gdth_line = gdth_slice[:, j] if not gdth_line.any(): pred_cp[:, i, j] = 0 if slic_nb > 30: print('slice number of valuable lobe is greater than 30: ' + str(slic_nb) + ", change to another axis") pred_cp = copy.deepcopy(pred) slic_nb = 0 for i in range(gdth.shape[2]): # gdth.shape=(600, 512, 512) gdth_slice = gdth[:, :, i] if not gdth_slice.any(): # the slice is all black pred_cp[:, :, i] = 0 else: slic_nb += 1 # print("gdth slice sum" + str(np.sum(gdth_slice))) for j in range( gdth.shape[1] ): # some times only one lobe is annotated in the same slice. gdth_line = gdth_slice[:, j] if not gdth_line.any(): pred_cp[:, j, i] = 0 if slic_nb > 30: raise Exception("cannot get fissure points") pred = pred_cp cu.save_itk( pred_name.split(".mh")[0] + "_points.mha", pred, pred_origin, pred_spacing) print('slice number of valuable lobe: ', slic_nb) gdth = one_hot_encode_3D(gdth, labels=labels) pred = one_hot_encode_3D(pred, labels=labels) print('start calculate all metrics for image: ', pred_name) metrics_dict_all_labels = get_metrics_dict_all_labels( labels, gdth, pred, spacing=pred_spacing[::-1]) metrics_dict_all_labels[ 'filename'] = pred_name # add a new key to the metrics data_frame = pd.DataFrame(metrics_dict_all_labels) with mylock: data_frame.to_csv(csv_file, mode='a', header=not os.path.exists(csv_file), index=False) print(threading.current_thread().name + "successfully write metrics to csv " + csv_file)