예제 #1
def test_four_param():
    tests the intial guess, which fits for rotation, scale , and translation terms

    x = np.random.rand(1000)
    y = np.random.rand(1000)

    #now create translated coordiantes with known translation

    c_x = np.array([30,1,.1])
    c_y = np.array([-40,-.1,1])

    xp = c_x[0] + c_x[1]*x + c_x[2]*y
    yp = c_y[0] + c_y[1]*x + c_y[2]*y

    c_xn, c_yn = high_order.four_param(x,y,xp,yp)


    print c_x, c_xn
    print c_y, c_yn
    assert np.sum(np.abs(c_xn - c_x)) < .001
    assert np.sum(np.abs(c_yn - c_y)) < .001
def test_a2():
    takes starset that is assumed to be linear transfomration
    align a2 uses a four parameter tranform, so for fair comparrison, we use the four parmeter tranform that is implemented as an intitial guess
    then we can compare both output coordiantes of aligna and of high_order

    dat = Table.read('test/data.txt', format='ascii.fixed_width')
    trans = Table.read('test/a2.trans', format='ascii')
    x = dat['xorig']
    y = dat['yorig']
    xref = dat['xref']
    yref = dat['yref']
    xa2 = dat['xa2']
    ya2 = dat['ya2']

    c_x, c_y = high_order.four_param(x, y, xref, yref)
    xev = c_x[0] + c_x[1] * x + c_x[2] * y
    yev = c_y[0] + c_y[1] * x + c_y[2] * y

    #test that the coefficients agree to within 1% for the large linear term, and 2% for the smaller linear term (the linear y term for the s fit)
    assert (c_x[0] - trans['a0']) / c_x[0] < .0001
    assert (c_x[1] - trans['a1']) / c_x[0] < .0001
    assert (c_x[2] - trans['a2']) / c_x[0] < .0001

    assert (c_y[0] - trans['b0']) / c_x[0] < .0001
    assert (c_y[1] - trans['b2']) / c_x[0] < .0001
    assert (c_y[2] - trans['b1']) / c_x[0] < .0001

    #demand that the output coordinates agree to within .2 pixels
    assert np.mean(np.abs(xev - xa2)) < .2, np.mean(np.abs(xev - xa2))
    assert np.mean(np.abs(yev - ya2)) < .2, np.mean(np.abs(yev - ya2))
예제 #3
def test_a2():
    takes starset that is assumed to be linear transfomration
    align a2 uses a four parameter tranform, so for fair comparrison, we use the four parmeter tranform that is implemented as an intitial guess
    then we can compare both output coordiantes of aligna and of high_order

    dat = Table.read('test/data.txt', format='ascii.fixed_width')
    trans = Table.read('test/a2.trans', format='ascii')
    x = dat['xorig']
    y = dat['yorig']
    xref = dat['xref']
    yref = dat['yref']
    xa2 = dat['xa2']
    ya2 = dat['ya2']
    c_x, c_y = high_order.four_param(x,y,xref,yref)
    xev = c_x[0] + c_x[1] * x + c_x[2] * y
    yev = c_y[0] + c_y[1] * x + c_y[2] * y
    #test that the coefficients agree to within 1% for the large linear term, and 2% for the smaller linear term (the linear y term for the s fit)
    assert (c_x[0] - trans['a0']) /c_x[0] < .0001
    assert (c_x[1] - trans['a1']) /c_x[0] < .0001
    assert (c_x[2] - trans['a2']) /c_x[0] < .0001

    assert (c_y[0] - trans['b0']) /c_x[0] < .0001
    assert (c_y[1] - trans['b2']) /c_x[0] < .0001
    assert (c_y[2] - trans['b1']) /c_x[0] < .0001

    #demand that the output coordinates agree to within .2 pixels
    assert np.mean(np.abs(xev-xa2)) < .2, np.mean(np.abs(xev-xa2))
    assert np.mean(np.abs(yev-ya2)) < .2,  np.mean(np.abs(yev-ya2)) 
def test_four_param():
    tests the intial guess, which fits for rotation, scale , and translation terms

    x = np.random.rand(1000)
    y = np.random.rand(1000)

    #now create translated coordiantes with known translation

    c_x = np.array([30, 1, .1])
    c_y = np.array([-40, -.1, 1])

    xp = c_x[0] + c_x[1] * x + c_x[2] * y
    yp = c_y[0] + c_y[1] * x + c_y[2] * y

    c_xn, c_yn = high_order.four_param(x, y, xp, yp)

    print c_x, c_xn
    print c_y, c_yn
    assert np.sum(np.abs(c_xn - c_x)) < .001
    assert np.sum(np.abs(c_yn - c_y)) < .001
예제 #5
def match2hst_err(lis_f,
    lis_f is the name of the fits table containing the Nirc2 coordiantes form a single pointing
    ref is the "distortion free" reference (either Nirc2 or HST)
    ecut (arcseconds) is the error cut that must be met for stars to be included in the 4 parameter tranfomtion between reference and lis_f
    ref_scale is scale if refernce catalog in arcsconds/pixel
    if not mat_new: Simply return the matches that were previosly known, this is only different by a few data points then rematching.

    xinit = ref['Xarc']
    yinit = ref['Yarc']

    stf = Table.read(lis_f, format='fits')

    stf_pix_scale = .01

    idhst = match_by_name(stf['col0'], ref['Name'])

    if not mat_new:
        hst_ebool = (ref['xerr'][idhst] < ecut / ref_scale) * (
            ref['yerr'][idhst] < ecut / ref_scale)
        stf_ebool = (stf['col2'] < ecut / stf_pix_scale) * (
            stf['col4'] < ecut / stf_pix_scale)
        tbool = hst_ebool * stf_ebool
        xhst, yhst = applyDAR_coo(fits_file, xinit * ref_scale,
                                  yinit * ref_scale)
        cx, cy = high_order.four_param(xhst[idhst][tbool], yhst[idhst][tbool],
                                       stf['col1'][tbool], stf['col3'][tbool])
        xnew = cx[0] + cx[1] * xhst + cx[2] * yhst
        ynew = cy[0] + cy[1] * xhst + cy[2] * yhst

        return stf['col1'], stf['col3'], xnew[idhst], ynew[idhst], ref['Name'][
            idhst], stf['col5'], ref['Mag'][idhst], (
                ref['xerr'][idhst] * ref_scale) / stf_pix_scale, (
                    ref['yerr'][idhst] *
                    ref_scale) / stf_pix_scale, stf['col2'], stf['col4']

    if ap_dar:
        #this applies DAR to space coordinates, to make thme comparable to the Nirc2 distorted frames

        #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
        xhst, yhst = applyDAR_coo(fits_file, xinit * ref_scale,
                                  yinit * ref_scale)

        xhst = xinit * ref_scale
        yhst = yinit * ref_scale

    #do error cut, then recalulcate 4 parameter tranforamtion of HST
    hst_ebool = (ref['xerr'][idhst] < ecut / ref_scale) * (ref['yerr'][idhst] <
                                                           ecut / ref_scale)
    stf_ebool = (stf['col2'] < ecut / stf_pix_scale) * (stf['col4'] <
                                                        ecut / stf_pix_scale)
    tbool = hst_ebool * stf_ebool

    cx, cy = high_order.four_param(xhst[idhst][tbool], yhst[idhst][tbool],
                                   stf['col1'][tbool], stf['col3'][tbool])
    xnew = cx[0] + cx[1] * xhst + cx[2] * yhst
    ynew = cy[0] + cy[1] * xhst + cy[2] * yhst

    idx1, idx2, dm, dr = jay.match(stf['col1'], stf['col3'], stf['col5'], xnew,
                                   ynew, ref['Mag'], 3)

    print 'found ', len(idx1), ' matches out of  ', len(stf['col4'])

    return stf['col1'][idx1], stf['col3'][idx1], xnew[idx2], ynew[idx2], ref[
        'Name'][idx2], stf['col5'][idx1], ref['Mag'][idx2], (
            ref['xerr'][idx2] * ref_scale) / stf_pix_scale, (
                ref['yerr'][idx2] * ref_scale
            ) / stf_pix_scale, stf['col2'][idx1], stf['col4'][idx1]
예제 #6
def precision_stack(lis_files,
    Primary purpose of this code is to stack NIRC2 catalogs taken at the same position, and write the stacked catalogs.
    go through all the starfinder , match into hst
    Then keep only stars with a match for stacking in the Nirc2 frames
    THen find all frames that have >20 matches ( from triangle), and also have average dr < pix_range pixels and combine them

    xstf = []
    ystf = []
    xref = []
    yref = []
    rms_x = []
    rms_y = []
    nstf = []
    mstf = []
    #hst_tab = Table.read(hst_file, format='ascii')
    long_in = 0
    long_length = 0
    lis_used = []

    xstf = []
    ystf = []
    xref = []
    yref = []
    hxerr = []
    hyerr = []
    for i, lis_i in enumerate(lis_files):
        x, y, xr, yr, name, hst_bool, m_idx, mag, hst_mag, hst_xerr, hst_yerr = match2hst(
            lis_i, hst_tab_ref, hst_tab_red, ap_dar=ap_dar)

        if len(x) > 5:
            if len(x) > long_length:
                long_in = i

    #we have a reference now, need to match into it

    if long_in_set != None:
        long_in = long_in_set
    #create matching dictionary
    lis_bool = np.ones(len(lis_used), dtype='bool')

    fnum = 0
    fits_frames_index = []
    mname = []
    while np.sum(lis_bool) > 0:
        #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
        m_dict = {}
        x_dict = {}
        y_dict = {}
        hste_dict = {}
        hst_pos_dict = {}
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if lis_bool[fnum]:
            lis_bool[fnum] = False
            for i in range(len(xstf[fnum])):
                x_dict[nstf[fnum][i]] = [xstf[fnum][i]]
                y_dict[nstf[fnum][i]] = [ystf[fnum][i]]
                m_dict[nstf[fnum][i]] = [mstf[fnum][i]]
                hst_pos_dict[nstf[fnum][i]] = (xref[fnum][i], yref[fnum][i])
                hste_dict[nstf[fnum][i]] = (hxerr[fnum][i], hyerr[fnum][i])

            for ii in range(1, 20):
                #go through next 20 frames to make sure that we get the next frames we are looking for, should only be 4 frames for our observing frame
                #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
                if ii + fnum < len(xstf):
                    N, x1m, y1m, m1m, x2m, y2m, m2m = jay.miracle_match_briteN(
                        xstf[fnum], ystf[fnum], mstf[fnum], xstf[ii + fnum],
                        ystf[ii + fnum], mstf[ii + fnum], 60)

                    if N > 9:
                        print N, '  matches found'
                        #tranform coordinates for final matching
                        cx, cy = high_order.four_param(x2m, y2m, x1m, y1m)
                        #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
                        if np.mean(x2m - x1m)**2 + np.mean(
                                y2m - y1m)**2 < pix_range**2:
                            lis_bool[ii + fnum] = False
                            xnew = cx[0] + cx[1] * xstf[
                                ii + fnum] + cx[2] * ystf[ii + fnum]
                            ynew = cy[0] + cy[1] * xstf[
                                ii + fnum] + cy[2] * ystf[ii + fnum]

                            idx1, idx2, dm, dr = jay.match(
                                xstf[fnum], ystf[fnum], mstf[fnum], xnew, ynew,
                                mstf[ii + fnum], 2)

                            #now I need to go through the names of the matched stars, and add coordinates for stars that are in the refernce list
                            for kk in range(len(idx2)):
                                if nstf[ii + fnum][idx2][kk] in x_dict.keys():
                                    x_dict[nstf[ii + fnum][idx2][kk]].append(
                                    y_dict[nstf[ii + fnum][idx2][kk]].append(
                                    m_dict[nstf[ii + fnum][idx2][kk]].append(
                                        mstf[ii + fnum][idx2][kk])

        #now calc precisions for all lists and write a series of files !
            print 'base of catalog ', fnum
            print 'number of matched measurements for an arbitrary star ', len(
            xerr = []
            yerr = []
            x = []
            y = []
            mag = []
            N = []
            name_f = []
            xref1 = []
            yref1 = []
            xrerr = []
            yrerr = []

            for i in x_dict.keys():
                if len(x_dict[i]) > 1:


            if x != []:
                #tab = Table(data=[name_f, x, xerr, y, yerr, mag, N], names = ['Name', 'x', 'xerr','y','yerr','mag','N'])
                tab = Table(data=[name_f, x, xerr, y, yerr, mag, N])

                mname.append('match_' + str(fnum) + '.fits')
                tab.write('match_' + str(fnum) + '.fits', format='fits')
                tab.write('match_' + str(fnum) + '.txt',
        fnum += 1

    out_fits = []
    lis_used = np.array(lis_used)
    for s in lis_used[fits_frames_index]:
        out_fits.append('../../Data/april/' +
                        str(s).replace('_0.8_stf.lis', '.fits.gz'))

    tab2 = Table(data=[out_fits, mname])
    tab2.write('first_fits_m.lis', format='ascii.no_header')
    return xerr, yerr, mag, N
예제 #7
def match2hst(lis_f, hst_tab_ref, hst_tab_red):
    lis_f is the name of the text file catalog of nirc2 positions
    matches the lis file from Starfinder with the HST reference
    uses the fact that the first star is in the HST Reference (by name) to trim down the Stars from HST for matching
    Note: the HST coordiantes for this are not DAR corrected
    I use a matching raius of 4 Nirc2 pixels (20 mas)

    Looked_twice = False
    stf = Table.read(lis_f, format='ascii')
    refname = stf['col1'][0]

    hst = hst_tab_red

    ref_in = np.argmax(hst['Name'] == refname)
    xcen = hst_tab_ref['Xarc'][ref_in]
    ycen = hst_tab_ref['Yarc'][ref_in]
    hpix_scale = .05  #arcseconds/pixel

    #want a 20 arcsecond box, to make sure we get all stars that could match
    pix_r = 10 / hpix_scale
    hst_bool = (hst['Xarc'] < xcen + pix_r) * (hst['Xarc'] > xcen - pix_r) * (
        hst['Yarc'] < ycen + pix_r) * (hst['Yarc'] > ycen - pix_r)
    #hst_bool = np.ones(hst['Xarc'].shape, dtype=bool)

    N, x1m, y1m, m1m, x2m, y2m, m2m = jay.miracle_match_briteN(
        stf['col4'], stf['col5'], stf['col2'], hst['Xarc'][hst_bool],
        hst['Yarc'][hst_bool], hst['Mag'][hst_bool], 60)
    if N < 5:
        looked_twice = True
        N, x1m, y1m, m1m, x2m, y2m, m2m = search_for_mat(hst, stf, num=60)

        if N == None:
            N, x1m, y1m, m1m, x2m, y2m, m2m = search_for_mat(hst,

    dm = np.average(m1m - m2m)

    #now use matched coordiantes to tranform the sftarfinder lists into hst frame.
    #then match again, only on coordiantes?  keep it tight to avoid fake matches, also mind the potential for color terms between K and HST

    stfx = stf['col4']
    stfy = stf['col5']

    cx, cy = high_order.four_param(x2m, y2m, x1m, y1m)
    xnew = cx[0] + cx[1] * hst['Xarc'] + cx[2] * hst['Yarc']
    ynew = cy[0] + cy[1] * hst['Xarc'] + cy[2] * hst['Yarc']
    #now tranform hst into Nirc2 frame
    mbool = np.zeros(stf['col4'].shape, dtype='bool')
    hstin = []
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    idx1, idx2, dm, dr = jay.match(stf['col4'], stf['col5'], stf['col2'], xnew,
                                   ynew, hst['Mag'], 4)

    #if we matched less than 20% of the stars, try matching again because something almost certainly went wrong

    print 'found ', len(idx1), ' matches out of  ', len(stf['col4'])
    #assert len(idx1) > 5
    #now we have more matches
    #what I need for the distortion solution is the delta to HST
    #and I also need the original pixel location on the chip
    #return those things, let everything go
    #consider savinf star name from hst list, to give chance to eliminate stars with bad measurements (Saturated, etc.)

    return stf['col4'][idx1], stf['col5'][idx1], xnew[idx2], ynew[idx2], hst[
        'Name'][idx2], np.ones(len(hst), dtype='bool'), idx2, stf['col2'][
            idx1], hst['Mag'][idx2], hst['xerr'][idx2], hst['yerr'][idx2]
예제 #8
def match2hst_err_ret_hst(lis_f,
    matches the lis_f is the stacked measurements from frames at a single pointing
    matches stars by name to the HST reference
    corrects for distortion based on tx,ty
    then corrects for DAR based on the information in the header of fits_file
    then tranforams the lis_f catalogs to the HST frame using a four parameter tranformation on stars with positional errors < ecut (arcseconds)
    returns coordinates in  arcseconds in the HST frame 
    called by mk_reference

    stf = Table.read(lis_f, format='fits')
    hpix_scale = .05
    stf_pix_scale = .01

    idhst = match_by_name(stf['col0'], hst['Name'])

    xorig = stf['col1']
    yorig = stf['col3']
    #first apply distortion solution, then apply DAR to get to space ref frame
    if not spline:
        dx, dy = tx.evaluate(xorig, yorig)
        xin = dx + xorig
        yin = dy + yorig
        xin = tx.ev(xorig, yorig) + xorig
        yin = ty.ev(xorig, yorig) + yorig

    (pa, darCoeffL, darCoeffQ) = nirc2dar(fits_file)

    sina = math.sin(pa)
    cosa = math.cos(pa)

    xnew2 = xin * cosa + yin * sina
    ynew2 = -xin * sina + yin * cosa

    # Apply DAR correction along the y axis
    xnew3 = xnew2
    ynew3 = ynew2 * (1 + darCoeffL) + ynew2 * np.abs(ynew2) * darCoeffQ

    # Rotate coordinates counter-clockwise by PA back to original
    xstf = xnew3 * cosa - ynew3 * sina
    ystf = xnew3 * sina + ynew3 * cosa

    hst_ebool = (hst['xerr'][idhst] <
                 ecut / hpix_scale) * (hst['yerr'][idhst] < ecut / hpix_scale)
    stf_ebool = (stf['col2'] < ecut / stf_pix_scale) * (stf['col4'] <
                                                        ecut / stf_pix_scale)
    tbool = hst_ebool * stf_ebool

    #cx,cy = high_order.four_param(xin[tbool], yin[tbool],xhst[idhst][tbool], yhst[idhst][tbool])
    cx, cy = high_order.four_param(xstf[tbool], ystf[tbool],
    xnew = (cx[0] + cx[1] * xstf + cx[2] * ystf) * hpix_scale
    ynew = (cy[0] + cy[1] * xstf + cy[2] * ystf) * hpix_scale

    #idx1 , idx2 , dm, dr = jay.match(stf['col1'], stf['col3'] ,stf['col5'], xnew, ynew, hst['Mag'], 8)

    return xnew, ynew, stf['col0'], hst['Mag'][idhst], stf['col5']