예제 #1
    def __init__(self, *vargs, **kvargs):
        Device object constructor.

        :param str vargs[0]: host-name or ipaddress.  This is an
                             alternative for **host**

        :param str host:
            **REQUIRED** host-name or ipaddress of target device

        :param str user:
            *OPTIONAL* login user-name, uses $USER if not provided

        :param str passwd:
            *OPTIONAL* if not provided, assumed ssh-keys are enforced

        :param int port:
            *OPTIONAL* NETCONF port (defaults to 830)

        :param bool gather_facts:
            *OPTIONAL* For ssh mode default is ``True``. In case of console
            connection over telnet/serial it defaults to ``False``.
            If ``False`` and old-style fact gathering is in use then facts are
            not gathered on call to :meth:`open`. This argument is a no-op when
            new-style fact gathering is in use (the default.)

        :param str fact_style:
            *OPTIONAL*  The style of fact gathering to use. Valid values are:
            'new', 'old', or 'both'. The default is 'new'. The value 'both' is
            only present for debugging purposes. It will be removed in a future
            release. The value 'old' is only present to workaround bugs in
            new-style fact gathering. It will be removed in a future release.

        :param str mode:
            *OPTIONAL*  mode, mode for console connection (telnet/serial)

        :param int baud:
            *OPTIONAL*  baud, Used during serial console mode, default baud
            rate is 9600

        :param int attempts:
            *OPTIONAL*  attempts, for console connection. default is 10

        :param bool auto_probe:
            *OPTIONAL*  if non-zero then this enables auto_probe at time of
            :meth:`open` and defines the amount of time(sec) for the
            probe timeout

        :param str ssh_private_key_file:
            *OPTIONAL* The path to the SSH private key file.
            This can be used if you need to provide a private key rather than
            loading the key into the ssh-key-ring/environment.  if your
            ssh-key requires a password, then you must provide it via

        :param str ssh_config:
            *OPTIONAL* The path to the SSH configuration file.
            This can be used to load SSH information from a configuration file.
            By default ~/.ssh/config is queried.

        :param bool normalize:
            *OPTIONAL* default is ``False``.  If ``True`` then the
            XML returned by :meth:`execute` will have whitespace normalized

        # ----------------------------------------
        # setup instance connection/open variables
        # ----------------------------------------

        hostname = vargs[0] if len(vargs) else kvargs.get('host')

        self._port = kvargs.get('port', 830)
        self._gather_facts = kvargs.get('gather_facts', True)
        self._normalize = kvargs.get('normalize', False)
        self._auto_probe = kvargs.get('auto_probe', self.__class__.auto_probe)
        self._fact_style = kvargs.get('fact_style', 'new')
        if self._fact_style != 'new':
            warnings.warn('fact-style %s will be removed in a future '
                          'release.' %

        if self.__class__.ON_JUNOS is True and hostname is None:
            # ---------------------------------
            # running on a Junos device locally
            # ---------------------------------
            self._auth_user = None
            self._auth_password = None
            self._hostname = 'localhost'
            self._ssh_private_key_file = None
            self._ssh_config = None
            # --------------------------
            # making a remote connection
            # --------------------------
            if hostname is None:
                raise ValueError("You must provide the 'host' value")
            self._hostname = hostname
            # user will default to $USER
            self._auth_user = os.getenv('USER')
            self._conf_auth_user = None
            self._conf_ssh_private_key_file = None
            # user can get updated by ssh_config
            self._ssh_config = kvargs.get('ssh_config')
            # but if user or private key is explicit from call, then use it.
            self._auth_user = kvargs.get('user') or self._conf_auth_user or \
            self._ssh_private_key_file = kvargs.get('ssh_private_key_file') \
                or self._conf_ssh_private_key_file
            self._auth_password = kvargs.get(
                'password') or kvargs.get('passwd')

        # -----------------------------
        # initialize instance variables
        # ------------------------------

        self._conn = None
        self._j2ldr = _Jinja2ldr
        self._manages = []
        self._ofacts = {}

        # public attributes
        self.connected = False
        self.rpc = _RpcMetaExec(self)
        if self._fact_style == 'old':
            self.facts = self.ofacts
            self.facts = _FactCache(self)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, **kvargs):
        NoobDevice object constructor.

        :param str host:
            **REQUIRED** host-name or ipaddress of target device

        :param str user:
            *OPTIONAL* login user-name, uses root if not provided

        :param str passwd:
            *OPTIONAL* in console connection for device at zeroized state
            password is not required

        :param int port:
            *OPTIONAL*  port, defaults to '23' for telnet mode and
            '/dev/ttyUSB0' for serial.

        :param int baud:
            *OPTIONAL*  baud, default baud rate is 9600

        :param str mode:
            *OPTIONAL*  mode, mode of connection (telnet/serial)
            default is telnet

        :param int timeout:
            *OPTIONAL*  timeout, default is 0.5

        :param int attempts:
            *OPTIONAL*  attempts, default is 10

        :param str ssh_config:
            *OPTIONAL* The path to the SSH configuration file.
            This can be used to load SSH information from a configuration file.
            By default ~/.ssh/config is queried it will be used by SCP class.
            So its assumed ssh is enabled by the time we use SCP functionality.

        :param bool gather_facts:
            *OPTIONAL* Defaults to ``False``. If ``False`` and old-style fact
            gathering is in use then facts are not gathered on call to
            :meth:`open`. This argument is a no-op when new-style fact gathering
            is in use (the default.)

        :param str fact_style:
            *OPTIONAL*  The style of fact gathering to use. Valid values are:
            'new', 'old', or 'both'. The default is 'new'. The value 'both' is
            only present for debugging purposes. It will be removed in a future
            release. The value 'old' is only present to workaround bugs in
            new-style fact gathering. It will be removed in a future release.

        :param bool console_has_banner:
            *OPTIONAL* default is ``False``.  If ``False`` then in case of a
            hung state, <close-session/> rpc is sent to the console.
            If ``True``, after sleep(5), a new-line is sent


        # ----------------------------------------
        # setup instance connection/open variables
        # ----------------------------------------

        self._tty = None
        self._ofacts = {}
        self.connected = False
        self._skip_logout = False
        self.results = dict(changed=False, failed=False, errmsg=None)

        # hostname is not required in serial mode connection
        self._hostname = kvargs.get('host')
        self._auth_user = kvargs.get('user', 'root')
        self._auth_password = kvargs.get('password', '') or kvargs.get(
            'passwd', '')
        self._port = kvargs.get('port', '23')
        self._baud = kvargs.get('baud', '9600')
        self._mode = kvargs.get('mode', 'telnet')
        self._timeout = kvargs.get('timeout', '0.5')
        self._normalize = kvargs.get('normalize', False)
        self._norm_transform = lambda: JXML.normalize_xslt.encode('UTF-8')
        self.transform = self._norm_transform
        # self.timeout needed by PyEZ utils
        #self.timeout = self._timeout
        self._attempts = kvargs.get('attempts', 10)
        self._gather_facts = kvargs.get('gather_facts', False)
        self._fact_style = kvargs.get('fact_style', 'new')
        if self._fact_style != 'new':
                'fact-style %s will be removed in a future release.' %
                (self._fact_style), RuntimeWarning)
        self.console_has_banner = kvargs.get('console_has_banner', False)
        self.rpc = _RpcMetaExec(self)
        self._ssh_config = kvargs.get('ssh_config')
        self._manages = []
        self.junos_dev_handler = JunosDeviceHandler(device_params={
            'name': 'junos',
            'local': False
        if self._fact_style == 'old':
            self.facts = self.ofacts
            self.facts = _FactCache(self)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, **kvargs):
        NoobDevice object constructor.

        :param str host:
            **REQUIRED** host-name or ipaddress of target device

        :param str user:
            *OPTIONAL* login user-name, uses root if not provided

        :param str passwd:
            *OPTIONAL* in console connection for device at zeroized state
            password is not required

        :param int port:
            *OPTIONAL*  port, defaults to '23' for telnet mode and
            '/dev/ttyUSB0' for serial.

        :param int baud:
            *OPTIONAL*  baud, default baud rate is 9600

        :param str mode:
            *OPTIONAL*  mode, mode of connection (telnet/serial)
            default is telnet

        :param int timeout:
            *OPTIONAL*  timeout, default is 0.5

        :param int attempts:
            *OPTIONAL*  attempts, default is 10

        :param str ssh_config:
            *OPTIONAL* The path to the SSH configuration file.
            This can be used to load SSH information from a configuration file.
            By default ~/.ssh/config is queried it will be used by SCP class.
            So its assumed ssh is enabled by the time we use SCP functionality.

        :param bool gather_facts:
            *OPTIONAL* Defaults to ``False``. If ``False`` and old-style fact
            gathering is in use then facts are not gathered on call to
            :meth:`open`. This argument is a no-op when new-style fact gathering
            is in use (the default.)

        :param str fact_style:
            *OPTIONAL*  The style of fact gathering to use. Valid values are:
            'new', 'old', or 'both'. The default is 'new'. The value 'both' is
            only present for debugging purposes. It will be removed in a future
            release. The value 'old' is only present to workaround bugs in
            new-style fact gathering. It will be removed in a future release.

        :param bool console_has_banner:
            *OPTIONAL* default is ``False``.  If ``False`` then in case of a
            hung state, <close-session/> rpc is sent to the console.
            If ``True``, after sleep(5), a new-line is sent


        # ----------------------------------------
        # setup instance connection/open variables
        # ----------------------------------------

        self._tty = None
        self._ofacts = {}
        self.connected = False
        self._skip_logout = False
        self.results = dict(changed=False, failed=False, errmsg=None)

        # hostname is not required in serial mode connection
        self._hostname = kvargs.get('host')
        self._auth_user = kvargs.get('user', 'root')
        self._auth_password = kvargs.get(
            '') or kvargs.get(
        self._port = kvargs.get('port', '23')
        self._baud = kvargs.get('baud', '9600')
        self._mode = kvargs.get('mode', 'telnet')
        self._timeout = kvargs.get('timeout', '0.5')
        self._normalize = kvargs.get('normalize', False)
        self._norm_transform = lambda: JXML.normalize_xslt.encode('UTF-8')
        self.transform = self._norm_transform
        # self.timeout needed by PyEZ utils
        #self.timeout = self._timeout
        self._attempts = kvargs.get('attempts', 10)
        self._gather_facts = kvargs.get('gather_facts', False)
        self._fact_style = kvargs.get('fact_style', 'new')
        if self._fact_style != 'new':
            warnings.warn('fact-style %s will be removed in a future release.' %
        self.console_has_banner = kvargs.get('console_has_banner', False)
        self.rpc = _RpcMetaExec(self)
        self._ssh_config = kvargs.get('ssh_config')
        self._manages = []
        self.junos_dev_handler = JunosDeviceHandler(device_params=
                                                    {'name': 'junos',
                                                     'local': False})
        if self._fact_style == 'old':
            self.facts = self.ofacts
            self.facts = _FactCache(self)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, **kvargs):
        NoobDevice object constructor.

        :param str host:
            **REQUIRED** host-name or ipaddress of target device

        :param str user:
            *OPTIONAL* login user-name, uses root if not provided

        :param str passwd:
            *OPTIONAL* in console connection for device at zeroized state
            password is not required

        :param int port:
            *OPTIONAL*  port, defaults to '23' for telnet mode and
            '/dev/ttyUSB0' for serial.

        :param int baud:
            *OPTIONAL*  baud, default baud rate is 9600

        :param str mode:
            *OPTIONAL*  mode, mode of connection (telnet/serial)
            default is telnet

        :param int timeout:
            *OPTIONAL*  timeout, default is 0.5

        :param int attempts:
            *OPTIONAL*  attempts, default is 10

        :param str ssh_config:
            *OPTIONAL* The path to the SSH configuration file.
            This can be used to load SSH information from a configuration file.
            By default ~/.ssh/config is queried it will be used by SCP class.
            So its assumed ssh is enabled by the time we use SCP functionality.

        :param bool gather_facts:
            *OPTIONAL* Defaults to ``False``. If ``False`` and old-style fact
            gathering is in use then facts are not gathered on call to
            :meth:`open`. This argument is a no-op when new-style fact
            gathering is in use (the default.)

        :param str fact_style:
            *OPTIONAL*  The style of fact gathering to use. Valid values are:
            'new', 'old', or 'both'. The default is 'new'. The value 'both' is
            only present for debugging purposes. It will be removed in a future
            release. The value 'old' is only present to workaround bugs in
            new-style fact gathering. It will be removed in a future release.

        :param bool console_has_banner:
            *OPTIONAL* default is ``False``.  If ``False`` then in case of a
            hung state, <close-session/> rpc is sent to the console.
            If ``True``, after sleep(5), a new-line is sent


        # ----------------------------------------
        # setup instance connection/open variables
        # ----------------------------------------

        self._tty = None
        self._ofacts = {}
        self.connected = False
        self._skip_logout = False
        self.results = dict(changed=False, failed=False, errmsg=None)

        # hostname is not required in serial mode connection
        self._hostname = kvargs.get("host")
        self._auth_user = kvargs.get("user", "root")
        self._conf_auth_user = None
        self._conf_ssh_private_key_file = None
        self._auth_password = kvargs.get("password", "") or kvargs.get(
            "passwd", "")
        self.cs_user = kvargs.get("cs_user")
        self.cs_passwd = kvargs.get("cs_passwd")
        self._port = kvargs.get("port", "22" if self.cs_user else "23")
        self._mode = kvargs.get("mode", None if self.cs_user else "telnet")
        self._baud = kvargs.get("baud", "9600")
        if self._hostname:
            self._ssh_config = kvargs.get("ssh_config")
        self._ssh_private_key_file = (kvargs.get("ssh_private_key_file")
                                      or self._conf_ssh_private_key_file)
        self._timeout = kvargs.get("timeout", "0.5")
        self._normalize = kvargs.get("normalize", False)
        self._attempts = kvargs.get("attempts", 10)
        self._gather_facts = kvargs.get("gather_facts", False)
        self._fact_style = kvargs.get("fact_style", "new")
        self._huge_tree = kvargs.get("huge_tree", False)
        if self._fact_style != "new":
                "fact-style %s will be removed in "
                "a future release." % (self._fact_style),
        self.console_has_banner = kvargs.get("console_has_banner", False)
        self.rpc = _RpcMetaExec(self)
        self._manages = []
        self.junos_dev_handler = JunosDeviceHandler(device_params={
            "name": "junos",
            "local": False
        self._conn = None
        self._j2ldr = _Jinja2ldr
        if self._fact_style == "old":
            self.facts = self.ofacts
            self.facts = _FactCache(self)