예제 #1
                for addrvalue in wallet.unspent.values():
                    if addr == addrvalue["address"]:
                        balance += addrvalue["value"]
                used = " used" if balance > 0.0 else "empty"
                balance_depth += balance
                wip_privkey = (
                    btc.encode_privkey(privkey, "wif_compressed", get_p2pk_vbyte()) if options.showprivkey else ""
                cus_print(" " * 13 + "%-35s%s %.8f btc %s" % (addr, used, balance / 1e8, wip_privkey))
        total_balance += balance_depth
        print("for mixdepth=%d balance=%.8fbtc" % (m, balance_depth / 1e8))
    print("total balance = %.8fbtc" % (total_balance / 1e8))
elif method == "generate" or method == "recover":
    if method == "generate":
        seed = btc.sha256(os.urandom(64))[:32]
        words = mn_encode(seed)
        print("Write down this wallet recovery seed\n\n" + " ".join(words) + "\n")
    elif method == "recover":
        words = raw_input("Input 12 word recovery seed: ")
        words = words.split()  # default for split is 1 or more whitespace chars
        if len(words) != 12:
            print("ERROR: Recovery seed phrase must be exactly 12 words.")
        seed = mn_decode(words)
    password = getpass.getpass("Enter wallet encryption passphrase: ")
    password2 = getpass.getpass("Reenter wallet encryption passphrase: ")
    if password != password2:
        print("ERROR. Passwords did not match")
    password_key = btc.bin_dbl_sha256(password)
예제 #2
            raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default)

        while True:
            sys.stdout.write(question + prompt)
            choice = raw_input().lower()
            if default is not None and choice == '':
                return valid[default]
            elif choice in valid:
                return valid[choice]
                sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' "
                                 "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")

    if method == 'generate':
        seed = btc.sha256(os.urandom(64))[:32]
        words = mn_encode(seed)
        print('Write down this wallet recovery seed\n\n' + ' '.join(words) +
    elif method == 'recover':
        words = raw_input('Input 12 word recovery seed: ')
        words = words.split(
        )  # default for split is 1 or more whitespace chars
        if len(words) != 12:
            print('ERROR: Recovery seed phrase must be exactly 12 words.')
        seed = mn_decode(words)
    password = getpass.getpass('Enter wallet encryption passphrase: ')
    password2 = getpass.getpass('Reenter wallet encryption passphrase: ')
    if password != password2:
        print('ERROR. Passwords did not match')