예제 #1
def main():
    # def __init__(self, title, call_no, author, num_copies):
    # issue, publisher):
    # def __init__(self, title, call_no, author, num_copies, name,
    #              issue, publisher):
    b1 = Book("Provenance", "342.2", "Anne Leckie", 20)
    b2 = Book("Ancillary Justice", "342.2A", "Anne Leckie", 1)
    j1 = Journal("Individual Psychology", "123.4", "Gabriela Pap", 1,
                 "Journal of Psychology", 23, "SAGE Publications")
    d1 = Dvd("Mad Max: Fury Road", "789.0", "George Miller", 8, "May 15, 2015",
    cat = Catalogue({
        Book("Provenance", "342.2", "Anne Leckie", 20),
        Book("Ancillary Justice", "342.2A", "Anne Leckie", 1),
        Journal("Individual Psychology", "123.4", "Gabriela Pap", 1,
                "Journal of Psychology", 23, "SAGE Publications"),
        Dvd("Mad Max: Fury Road", "789.0", "George Miller", 8, "May 15, 2015",
    vpl = Library(cat)

    display_menu = True

    while display_menu:
        print("What would you like to do?")
        print("1. Find item by title (String)")
        print("2. Add item to catalogue")
        print("3. Remove item from catalogue (call no)")
        print("4. Check out a copy (call no)")
        print("5. Return your copy (call no)")
        print("6. Display library catalogue")
        print("7. Quit menu")

        choice = int(input("Select action: "))

        if choice == 2:
        elif choice == 6:
        elif choice == 7:
            display_menu = False
        elif choice not in range(1, 6):
            print("\nInvalid input.  Try again.\n")
            par = input("Enter parameter: ")
            input_dict = {
                1: vpl.search,
                3: cat.remove_item,
                4: vpl.check_out,
                5: vpl.return_item

예제 #2
def test_journal_add_content():
    if os.path.exists(file_path):
    entry_1 = 'This is my first entry journal entry'
    entry_2 = 'Now we have excellent history features.'
    expected = "{}\n{}\n".format(entry_1, entry_2)
    journal = Journal()
    journal = Journal()
    actual = open(file_path, 'r').read()
    assert expected == actual
예제 #3
	def loadJournals(self):
		journalList = []
		first = True
		with open(self._journalCsv, 'rb') as csvfile:
			journalReader = csv.reader(csvfile)	

			for row in journalReader:
				if first:
					first = False

				journal = Journal(self._xLen, self._yLen, self._zLen)
				print "{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( \
					row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], \
					row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7])

				# Timestamp = row[0]
				journal.work_text = row[1].strip()
				journal.misc_text = row[2].strip()
				journal.eventful = int(row[3])
				journal.moods = self.parseMoodList(row[4], journal)
				date = row[5]
				time = row[6]
				journal.setTimeSec(self.parseDateTime(date, time))				
				journal.weights = [int(w) for w in row[7].split(",")]

		self._journalList = journalList
		print "list: " + str(len(journalList)) + " self: " + str(len(self._journalList))
		return journalList
    def create_item():
        Creates an item.
        :return: an item
            "What kind of items would you like to add to the library catalogue?"
        print("1. Book")
        print("2. DVD")
        print("3. Journal")

        option = int(input("Select type of item: "))

        title = input("Enter title: ")
        call_num = input("Enter call number: ")
        author = input("Enter author name: ")
        num_copies = input("Enter the number of copies: ")

        if option == 1:
            return Book(call_num, title, num_copies, author)

        if option == 2:
            release_date = input("Enter release date: ")
            region_code = input("Enter region code: ")
            return Dvd(call_num, title, num_copies, author, release_date,

        if option == 3:
            names = input("Enter name: ")
            issue_number = input("Enter issue number: ")
            publisher = input("Enter publisher: ")
            return Journal(call_num, title, num_copies, author, names,
                           issue_number, publisher)
예제 #5
def get_fresh_journal_list(scenario, my_jwt):

    from package import Package
    my_package = Package.query.filter(
        Package.package_id == scenario.package_id).scalar()

    journals_to_exclude = ["0370-2693"]
    issn_ls = scenario.data["unpaywall_downloads_dict"].keys()
    issnls_to_build = [
        issn_l for issn_l in issn_ls if issn_l not in journals_to_exclude

    # only include things in the counter file
    if my_package.is_demo:
        issnls_to_build = [
            issn_l for issn_l in issnls_to_build
            if issn_l in scenario.data[DEMO_PACKAGE_ID]["counter_dict"].keys()
        package_id = DEMO_PACKAGE_ID
        issnls_to_build = [
            issn_l for issn_l in issnls_to_build if issn_l in scenario.data[
        package_id = scenario.package_id

    journals = [
        Journal(issn_l, package_id=package_id) for issn_l in issnls_to_build
        if issn_l

    for my_journal in journals:

    return journals
예제 #6
    def create_item():
        Create Item based on user input.
        :return: as Item
        print("What type of item would you like to add to"
              "the library catalogue?")
        print("1. Book")
        print("2. DVD")
        print("3. Scientific Journal")

        choice = int(input("Select type of item: "))

        title = input("Enter title: ")
        call_no = input("Enter call number: ")
        author = input("Enter author name: ")
        num_copies = input("Enter the number of copies: ")

        if choice == 1:
            return Book(title, call_no, author, num_copies)

        if choice == 2:
            release = input("Enter release date: ")
            region = input("Enter region code: ")
            return Dvd(title, call_no, author, num_copies, release, region)

        if choice == 3:
            name = input("Enter name of publication: ")
            issue = input("Enter issue number: ")
            publisher = input("Enter publisher: ")
            return Journal(title, call_no, author, num_copies, name, issue,
 def generate_test_items():
     Return a list of items with dummy data.
     :return: a list
     kwargs1 = {
         "call_num": "100.200.300",
         "title": "Harry Potter 1",
         "num_copies": 2
     kwargs2 = {
         "call_num": "425.63.775",
         "title": "Toy Story",
         "num_copies": 2
     kwargs3 = {
         "call_num": "874.234.863",
         "title": "Science Journal",
         "num_copies": 5
     item_list = [
         Book("J K Rowling", **kwargs1),
         Dvd("10-10-2004", "NA", **kwargs2),
         Journal("Dr. Smart", 7, "Pearsons", **kwargs3)
     return item_list
예제 #8
    def generate_item(call_num):
        user_input = None
        # If entered invalid option, loops user back to choices below
        while user_input != 4:
            print("What type of item would you like to add")
            print("1. Book")
            print("2. DVD")
            print("3. Journal")
            print("4. Back")
            string_input = input("Please enter your choice (1-4)")
            user_input = int(string_input)
            title = input("Enter title: ")
            num_copies = int(input("Enter number of copies (positive number): "))
            item_data = (call_num, title, num_copies)

            # creates the item object of input choice
            if user_input == 1:
                author = input("Enter Author Name: ")
                return Book(item_data[0], item_data[1], item_data[2], author)
            if user_input == 2:
                release_date = input("Enter release date (yyyy/mm/dd): ")
                code = input("Enter region code: ")
                return DVD(item_data[0], item_data[1], item_data[2], release_date, code)
            if user_input == 3:
                names = input("Enter names")
                issue_number = input("Please enter issue number")
                publisher = input("Enter publisher")
                return Journal(item_data[0], item_data[1], item_data[2], names, issue_number, publisher)
            # return to menu
            if user_input == 4:
예제 #9
 def __init__(self, sanityModel, startSimThread=True):
     self.journal = Journal(sanityModel)
     self.simulation = Simulation(sanityModel, startSimThread)
     self.localTargets = {
         'simulation': marshal.channel(self.simulation),
         'journal': marshal.channel(self.journal),
예제 #10
def test_journal_save():
    if os.path.exists(file_path):
    expected = True
    actual = os.path.exists(file_path)
    assert expected == actual
예제 #11
 def __init__(self, name, room):
     self.action_index = ACTION_INDEX
     self.base_defense = 10
     self.attack = 0.01
     self.xp = 0
     self.level = 1
     self.xp_to_level = self.set_xp_to_level()
     self.constitution = 10
     self.dexterity = 10
     self.intelligence = 10
     self.strength = 10
     self.find_traps = 50
     self.turn_counter = 1
     self.max_hp = self.set_max_hp()
     # TODO: Figure out how to calculate Stamina and Mana;
     # TODO: Implement stamina and mana drain from certain abilities.
     # TODO: Implement stamina and mana regen during advance_turn().
     self.stamina = 0
     self.mana = 0
     self.inventory = Inventory()
     self.journal = Journal()
     self.explored_rooms = dict()
     self.cooldowns = dict()
     self.messages = None
     super().__init__(name, room, max_hp=self.max_hp)
예제 #12
def login(u_name, password):
    user_details = file_obj.readFile()
    print("Received Password")
    rec_password = crypto.decrypt(password)
    print("Decrypted Password")
    journal_flow = 0
    for user in user_details:
        # if user["uname"] == u_name and user["password"] == password:
            f_uname = user['uname']
            f_pass = user["password"]
            f_pass = crypto.decrypt(f_pass)
            if f_uname==u_name and f_pass==rec_password:
                print("Authentication Successful!")
                journal_flow = 1
    if journal_flow == 0:
        print("login failed")
        while journal_flow == 1:
            list_or_create = int(input("\n Press 1 for listing previous entries \n Press 2 for creating new entry \n Press 3 to login as new User \n Press 5 to exit application \n"))
            if list_or_create == 1:
                print("list codde")
                journal_obj = Journal(u_name)
                entries = journal_obj.read_journal()  
                print("entries are ", entries)
            elif list_or_create == 2:
                print("create code")
                j_entry = str(input("\n Write an entry for the journal"))
                journal_obj = Journal(u_name)
                print("entry written")
            elif list_or_create == 3:
                journal_flow = 0

            elif list_or_create == 5:

                journal_flow = 1
                print("invalid input")
예제 #13
def test_journal_add_new_content():
    if os.path.exists(file_path):
    entry_1 = 'This is my first entry journal entry'
    expected = 'Your 1 journal entry\n\n1. {}\n'.format(entry_1)
    journal = Journal()
    actual = journal.list()
    assert expected == actual
 def create_journal(item_info: dict) -> Journal:
     Creates a Journal.
     issue_number = input("Enter Issue Number: ")
     publisher = input("Enter Publisher Name: ")
     item_info["issue_number"] = issue_number
     item_info["publisher"] = publisher
     return Journal(**item_info)
예제 #15
def test_journal_save_content():
    if os.path.exists(file_path):
    entry_1 = 'This is my first entry journal entry'
    expected = '{}\n'.format(entry_1)
    journal = Journal()
    actual = open(file_path, 'r').read()
    assert expected == actual
 def create_journal() -> Journal:
     Creates a Journal.
     call_number = input("Enter Call Number: ")
     title = input("Enter Journal Name: ")
     num_copies = int(input("Enter Number of Copies: "))
     issue_number = input("Enter Issue Number: ")
     publisher = input("Enter Publisher Name: ")
     return Journal(call_number, title, num_copies, issue_number, publisher)
예제 #17
def main():
    journal = Journal()
    menu = Menu()
    selection = menu.prompt()
    while selection != 'x':
        if selection == 'l':
        elif selection == 'a':
            journal.add(input('Enter your journal entry:\n'))
        selection = menu.prompt()
예제 #18
def test_journal_list():
    if os.path.exists(file_path):
    entry_1 = 'This is my first entry journal entry'
    entry_2 = 'Now we have excellent history features.'
    entry_3 = 'What a sunny Saturday. Time for some exercise!'
    entries = [entry_1, entry_2, entry_3]
    listing = '1. {}\n2. {}\n3. {}\n'.format(entry_3, entry_2, entry_1)
    expected = 'Your 3 journal entries\n\n{}'.format(listing)
    actual = Journal(entries).list()
    assert expected == actual
예제 #19
 def create():
     title = input("Enter a title: ")
     call_num = input("Enter a call number: ")
     num_copies = input("Enter number of copies: ")
     issue = input("Enter Issue Number: ")
     publisher = input("Enter Publisher Name: ")
     return Journal(title=title,
예제 #20
	def __init__(self, xLen, yLen, zLen, journalCsv):
		self._xLen = xLen
		self._yLen = yLen
		self._zLen = zLen
		self._journalCsv = journalCsv
		self._moodFactory = MoodFactory(self._xLen, self._yLen, self._zLen)
		self._journalList = []

		self._testJournal =  Journal(self._xLen, self._yLen, self._zLen, 0)
		self._testJournal.addMood(self._moodFactory.makeMood("TestMood"), 100)
예제 #21
def run_event_loop():
    my_journal = Journal('personal')
    command = query_user()
    while command != 'x':
        if command == 'l':
        elif command == 'a':
            my_journal.add(input('Enter your journal entry:\n'))
        command = query_user()

    def add_journal(self):
		Add a brand new journal to the library with a unique call number.
		:return: a Journal
        journal_data = self.add_basic_info()
        issue_number = input("Enter Issue Number: ")
        publisher = input("Enter publisher")
        new_journal = Journal(journal_data[0], journal_data[1],
                              journal_data[2], issue_number, publisher)
        return new_journal
    def create_journal(cls):
        Prompts user to create a dvd item
        :return: a dvd item
        title = input("input journal title\n")
        call_num = input("input journal call number\n")
        num_copies = input("input number of copies\n")
        issue_num = input("input issue number\n")
        publisher = input("input publisher\n")

        return Journal(title, call_num, int(num_copies), issue_num, publisher)
예제 #24
    def create_item(self):
        call_number = input("Enter Call Number: ")
        title = input("Enter title: ")
        num_copies = int(input("Enter number of copies "
                               "(positive number): "))
        author = input("Enter Author Name: ")
        issue_number = input("Enter Issue Number: ")
        publisher = input("Enter Publisher: ")
        kwargs = {"call_num": call_number, "title": title, "num_copies": num_copies}
        new_journal = Journal(author, issue_number, publisher, kwargs)

        return new_journal
예제 #25
def generate_test_items():
    Return a list of items with dummy data.
    :return: a list
    item_list = [
        Book("100.200.300", "Harry Potter 1", 2, "J K Rowling"),
        Book("999.224.854", "Harry Potter 2", 5, "J K Rowling"),
        Journal("631.495.302", "Harry Potter 3", 4, "53434", "Router"),
        DVD("123.02.204", "The Cat in the Hat", 1, "2014-01-05", "342DV")
    return item_list
예제 #26
 def create_item(self):
     item_type = input("Enter an item type:\n1: Book\n2: Dvd\n3: Journal")
     item = "invalid input given"
     if item_type == "1":
         item = Book(self._title, input("Enter Authour name: "),
                     self._call_num, self._num_copies)
     elif item_type == "2":
         item = DVD(self._title, input("Enter Release Date: "), input("Enter Region Code: "),\
                    self._call_num, self._num_copies)
     elif item_type == "3":
         item = Journal(self._title, input("Enter Issue Number: "),
                        input("Enter Publisher Name: "), self._call_num,
     return item
예제 #27
def generate_test_books() -> list:
    Return a list of books with dummy data.
    :return: a list
    book_list = [
        Book("100.200.300", "Harry Potter 1", 2, "J K Rowling"),
        Book("999.224.854", "Harry Potter 2", 5, "J K Rowling"),
        Book("631.495.302", "Harry Potter 3", 4, "J K Rowling"),
        Book("123.02.204", "The Cat in the Hat", 1, "Dr. Seuss"),
        Journal("100.132.126", "My Travel", 5, "123.1231.614a", "Luke"),
        DVD("123.456.123", "My Dream", 10, "2020-03-10", "123")
    return book_list
 def generate_test_items():
     Return a list of items with dummy data.
     :return: a list
     item_list = [
         Book("100.200.300", "Harry Potter 1", 2, "J K Rowling"),
         Book("999.224.854", "Harry Potter 2", 5, "J K Rowling"),
         Book("631.495.302", "Harry Potter 3", 4, "J K Rowling"),
         Book("123.02.204", "The Cat in the Hat", 1, "Dr. Seuss"),
         Dvd("425.63.775", "Toy Story", 2, "10-10-2004", "NA"),
         Journal("874.234.863", "Science Journal", 1, "Dr. Smart", 7,
     return item_list
    def __create_journal():
        Creates a journal
        :return: a journal
        call_number = input("Enter Call Number: ")
        title = input("Enter title: ")
        num_copies = int(input("Enter number of copies "
                               "(positive number): "))
        author = input("Enter Author Name: ")
        issue_number = input("Enter Issue Number: ")
        publisher = input("Enter Publisher: ")
        new_journal = Journal(call_number, title, num_copies, author,
                              issue_number, publisher)

        return new_journal
예제 #30
def main():
    This is where all the user input going to be coded

    :return: None
    # Ask for user input
    # assuming the user input is always valid

    journal = Journal()

    loop = True
    while loop:
        loop = user_input(journal)
