예제 #1
    def save( self ):
        """Writes metadata out to photo comments."""

        # load existing comments
        c = jpeg.getComments( self.fname )

        # Find previous metadata and get comments that precede and follow
        # our metadata (so we don't nuke somebody else's comments).
        before = ''
        after = ''
        i = c.find( BEGIN_TAG )
        if i == -1:
            # No previous tags
            before = c

            # Get before
            before = c[:i]

            # And get after
            i = c.find( END_TAG )
            assert i != -1, "Bad metadata"
            after = c[i+len( END_TAG ):]

        # Generate metadata block
        meta = BEGIN_TAG
        for ( name, value ) in self.items():
            meta = '%s<%s>%s</%s>' % ( meta, name, value, name )
        meta = '%s%s' % ( meta, END_TAG )

        # Write comments back out
        jpeg.setComments( '%s%s%s' % ( before, meta, after ), self.fname )
예제 #2
def match_thumb(fb_thumbs, loc_thumbs, picdir):
    Match local thumbnails to facebook thumbnails.
    The algorithm used here is quite rough and ready, but reasonably reliable
    and performant. Local thumbnails are indexed, based on a sample spot. As each
    facebook thumbnail is examined, the most likely matches are those with the
    closest colour on the sample spot. Image comparison is done by the average
    sum of squares difference, for each colour and pixel. The cutoff value is
    determined by experiment.
    diff = lambda a,b: (a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2 + (a[2]-b[2])**2
    def img_diff(x, y):
        xd = x.getdata()
        yd = y.getdata()
        if len(yd) > len(xd):
            yd = list(yd)[:len(xd)]
        if len(xd) > len(yd):
            xd = list(xd)[:len(yd)]
        return reduce(operator.add, map(diff, xd, yd)) / len(xd)
    samp_idx = {}
    for t in loc_thumbs:
        samp_idx.setdefault(t.img.getpixel(samp_spot), []).append(t)
    matches = []
    for i,fb_thumb in enumerate(fb_thumbs):
        if options.verbose:
            print "Matching... [%d/%d]" % (i+1, len(fb_thumbs))
        likely = [(diff(fb_thumb.img.getpixel(samp_spot), s), samp_idx[s]) for s in samp_idx]
        likely.sort(key = lambda x: x[0])
        match = None
        for i,(x,y) in enumerate(likely):
            for loc_thumb in y:
                qqq = img_diff(fb_thumb.img, loc_thumb.img)
                if qqq < match_cutoff:
                    match = loc_thumb
            if match:
        if match:
            matches.append((fb_thumb, loc_thumb, qqq, i))
            print "Warning - no match for %s" % fb_thumb.fname
    matches.sort(key = lambda x: x[1].orig_name.lower())

    for ft,lt,x,y in matches:
        jpeg.setComments(ft.fburl, os.path.join(picdir, lt.orig_name))

    fh = open(os.path.join(workdir, 'check.html'), 'w')
    tmpl = '<img src="%s"/><img src="%s"/>%d %d<br/>'
    cont = '\n'.join(tmpl % (ft.fname, lt.fname, qqq, y) for ft,lt,qqq,y in matches)
    fh.write('<html><body>%s</body></html>' % cont)
예제 #3
def setJpegInfo(path, info):
    @summary: Set exif information into jpef file.
    @param path: Path where information will be set.
    @param info: Tuple with exif info, exif2 info and comments. 

    infoExif, infoExif2, infoComments = info

    if infoExif != None:
        jpeg.setExif(infoExif, path)
        __log__.warning("There is not EXIF information.")

    if infoExif2 != None:
        jpeg.setExif2(infoExif2, path)
        __log__.warning("There is not EXIF2 information.")

    if infoComments != None:
        jpeg.setComments(infoComments, path)
        __log__.warning("There are not comments.")