예제 #1
    def test_exclude_from_page(self):

        # Add in a rule to exclude files in other_* dir
        yaml_data = copy.deepcopy(self.YAML_DATA)
        yaml_data['exclude_from_page'] = 'other_[^/]*/.*'

        # Create an in-memory YAML file from the data
        yaml_file = self._yaml_buffer(yaml_data)

        # Create the suite description using the YAML file
        desc = SuiteDescription(yaml_file, self.temp_dir)

        # Check that the root directory is stored
        self.assertEqual(desc.root_dir(), self.temp_dir)

        # Check that we find the files we expect
        expected_lib = self.LIB_FILES[:]

        expected_src = self.SRC_FILES[:]

        expected_spec = self.SPEC_FILES[:]

        self.assertEqual(desc.lib_paths(only_in_page=True), expected_lib)
        self.assertEqual(desc.src_paths(only_in_page=True), expected_src)
        self.assertEqual(desc.spec_paths(only_in_page=True), expected_spec)
예제 #2
    def test_valid_description(self):

        # Create an in-memory YAML file from the data
        yaml_file = self._yaml_buffer(self.YAML_DATA)

        # Create the suite description using the YAML file
        desc = SuiteDescription(yaml_file, self.temp_dir)

        # Check that the root directory is stored
        self.assertEqual(desc.root_dir(), self.temp_dir)

        # Check that we find the files we expect
        self.assertEqual(desc.suite_name(), self.YAML_DATA['test_suite_name'])
        self.assertEqual(desc.lib_paths(), self.LIB_FILES)
        self.assertEqual(desc.src_paths(), self.SRC_FILES)
        self.assertEqual(desc.spec_paths(), self.SPEC_FILES)
        self.assertEqual(desc.fixture_paths(), self.FIXTURE_FILES)
        self.assertEqual(desc.test_runner(), self.YAML_DATA['test_runner'])
        self.assertEqual(desc.prepend_path(), '')
예제 #3
    def test_include_and_exclude_from_page(self):

        # Add in a rule to exclude files in other_* dir
        yaml_data = copy.deepcopy(self.YAML_DATA)
        yaml_data['exclude_from_page'] = 'other_[^/]*/.*'

        # Add an override rule to always include other_*/test.js
        yaml_data['include_in_page'] = 'other_[^/]*/test.js'

        # Create an in-memory YAML file from the data
        yaml_file = self._yaml_buffer(yaml_data)

        # Create the suite description using the YAML file
        desc = SuiteDescription(yaml_file, self.temp_dir)

        # Check that the root directory is stored
        self.assertEqual(desc.root_dir(), self.temp_dir)

        # Check that we still get all the files back
        # (the include rule overrides the exclude rule)
        self.assertEqual(desc.lib_paths(only_in_page=True), self.LIB_FILES)
        self.assertEqual(desc.src_paths(only_in_page=True), self.SRC_FILES)
        self.assertEqual(desc.spec_paths(only_in_page=True), self.SPEC_FILES)