예제 #1
파일: event.py 프로젝트: code2u/jsb
 def parsesocket(self, handler, message):
     """ parse request/response into a WebEvent. """
     self.handler = handler
     try: data = LazyDict(json.loads(message))
     except Exception, ex: logging.error("failed to parse data: %s - %s" % (message, str(ex))) ; return self
     logging.info("incoming: %s" % message)
     self.div = data.target
     self.userhost = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(handler.current_user)
     if not self.userhost: raise Exception("no current user.")
     self.isweb = True
     input = data.cmnd
     self.how = data.how or self.how
     logging.info("cmnd is %s - how is %s" % (input, self.how))
     self.origtxt = fromenc(input.strip(), self.bot.encoding)
     self.txt = self.origtxt
     self.usercmnd = self.txt and self.txt.split()[0]
     self.groupchat = False
     self.nick = self.userhost.split("@")[0]
     self.auth = fromenc(self.userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
     self.domain = None
     self.channel = stripped(self.userhost)
     logging.debug(u'tornado - parsed - %s - %s' % (self.txt, self.userhost)) 
     return self
예제 #2
파일: event.py 프로젝트: code2u/jsb
 def parse(self, response, request):
     """ parse request/response into a WebEvent. """
     logging.warn("parsing %s" % request.body)
     body = getpostdata_gae(request)
     logging.warn("body is %s" % body)
     data = LazyDict(getjson().loads(body))
     self.target = data.target
     self.how = data.how
     if not self.how:
         self.how = "channel"
     input = data.cmnd
     self.isweb = True
     self.origtxt = fromenc(input.strip(), self.bot.encoding)
     self.txt = self.origtxt
     self.usercmnd = self.txt and self.txt.split()[0]
     self.groupchat = False
     self.response = response
     self.request = request
     (userhost, user, u, nick) = checkuser(response, request, self)
     self.userhost = fromenc(userhost)
     self.nick = fromenc(nick)
     self.auth = fromenc(userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
     self.domain = None
     self.channel = stripped(userhost)
     logging.debug(u"web - parsed - %s - %s" % (self.txt, self.userhost))
     return self
예제 #3
파일: event.py 프로젝트: code2u/jsb
 def parse(self, handler, request):
     """ parse request/response into a WebEvent. """
     self.handler = handler
     self.request = request
     self.userhost = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(handler.current_user)
     if not self.userhost: raise Exception("no current user.")
     try: how = request.arguments['how'][0]
     except KeyError: how = "background"
     if not how: how = "background"
     self.how = how
     if self.how == "undefined": self.how = "overwrite"
     logging.warn("web - how is %s" % self.how)
     #self.webchan = request.headers.get('webchan')
     #input = request.headers.get('content') or request.headers.get('cmnd')
     if not input:
         try: input = request.arguments['content'] or request.arguments['cmnd']
         except KeyError: pass
     self.isweb = True
     logging.warn("input is %s" % input)
     self.origtxt = fromenc(input[0].strip(), self.bot.encoding)
     self.txt = self.origtxt
     self.usercmnd = self.txt and self.txt.split()[0]
     self.groupchat = False
     self.nick = self.userhost.split("@")[0]
     self.auth = fromenc(self.userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
     self.domain = None
     self.channel = stripped(self.userhost)
     logging.debug(u'tornado - parsed - %s - %s' % (self.txt, self.userhost)) 
     return self
예제 #4
파일: bot.py 프로젝트: NURDspace/jsonbot
 def handle_message(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
     """ message handler. """   
     if '<delay xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"' in str(data): logging.debug("ignoring delayed message") ; return
     m = Message()
     m.parse(data, self)
     if m.type == 'groupchat' and m.subject:
         logging.debug("%s - checking topic" % self.cfg.name)
         nm = Message(m)   
         callbacks.check(self, nm)
     if m.isresponse:
         logging.debug("%s - message is a response" % self.cfg.name)
     jid = None
     m.origjid = m.jid
     #if self.cfg.user in m.jid or (m.groupchat and self.cfg.nick == m.nick):
     #    logging.error("%s - message to self .. ignoring" % self.cfg.name)
     #    return 0
     if self.cfg.fulljids and not m.msg:
         utarget = self.userhosts.get(m.nick)
         if utarget: m.userhost = m.jid = m.auth = stripped(utarget)
         else: m.userhost = m.jid
     if m.msg: m.userhost = stripped(m.userhost)
     logging.debug("using %s as userhost" % m.userhost)
     m.dontbind = False
예제 #5
 def parse(self, handler, request, path=None):
     """ parse request/response into a WebEvent. """
     self.handler = handler
     self.request = request
     self.userhost = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(handler.current_user)
     if not self.userhost: raise Exception("no current user.")
     try: how = request.arguments['how'][0]
     except KeyError: how = "background"
     if not how: how = "background"
     self.how = how
     if self.how == "undefined": self.how = "overwrite"
     logging.warn("web - how is %s" % self.how)
     input = request.headers.get('content') or request.headers.get('cmnd')
     if not input:
         try: input = request.arguments['content'] or request.arguments['cmnd']
         except KeyError: pass
     self.isweb = True
     if not input: logging.warn("input is %s" % input) ; raise NoInput(input)
     self.txt = fromenc(input[0].strip(), self.bot.encoding)
     self.nick = self.userhost.split("@")[0]
     self.auth = fromenc(self.userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
     self.channel = stripped(self.userhost)
     logging.debug(u'tornado - parsed - %s - %s' % (self.txt, self.userhost)) 
     return self
예제 #6
파일: bot.py 프로젝트: Petraea/jsonbot
 def handle_message(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
     """ message handler. """
     if '<delay xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"' in str(data):
         logging.debug("ignoring delayed message")
     m = Message()
     m.parse(data, self)
     if m.type == 'groupchat' and m.subject:
         logging.debug("%s - checking topic" % self.cfg.name)
         nm = Message(m)
         callbacks.check(self, nm)
     if m.isresponse:
         logging.debug("%s - message is a response" % self.cfg.name)
     jid = None
     m.origjid = m.jid
     #if self.cfg.user in m.jid or (m.groupchat and self.cfg.nick == m.nick):
     #    logging.error("%s - message to self .. ignoring" % self.cfg.name)
     #    return 0
     if self.cfg.fulljids and not m.msg:
         utarget = self.userhosts.get(m.nick)
         if utarget: m.userhost = m.jid = m.auth = stripped(utarget)
         else: m.userhost = m.jid
     if m.msg: m.userhost = stripped(m.userhost)
     logging.debug("using %s as userhost" % m.userhost)
     m.dontbind = False
예제 #7
파일: event.py 프로젝트: Petraea/jsonbot
 def parse(self, handler, request, path=None):
     """ parse request/response into a WebEvent. """
     self.handler = handler
     self.request = request
     self.userhost = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(handler.current_user)
     if not self.userhost: raise Exception("no current user.")
     try: how = request.arguments['how'][0]
     except KeyError: how = "background"
     if not how: how = "background"
     self.how = how
     if self.how == "undefined": self.how = "overwrite"
     logging.warn("web - how is %s" % self.how)
     input = request.headers.get('content') or request.headers.get('cmnd')
     if not input:
         try: input = request.arguments['content'] or request.arguments['cmnd']
         except KeyError: pass
     self.isweb = True
     if not input: logging.warn("input is %s" % input) ; raise NoInput(input)
     self.txt = fromenc(input[0].strip(), self.bot.encoding)
     self.nick = self.userhost.split("@")[0]
     self.auth = fromenc(self.userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
     self.channel = stripped(self.userhost)
     logging.debug(u'tornado - parsed - %s - %s' % (self.txt, self.userhost)) 
     return self
예제 #8
 def parseAPI(self, handler, apitype, path):
     """ parse request/response into a WebEvent. """
     self.handler = handler
     self.request = handler.request
     self.query = self.request.query
     self.upath = path
     self.apitype = apitype
     self.userhost = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(handler.current_user)
     if not self.userhost: raise Exception("no current user.")
     input = path
     self.isweb = True
     logging.warn("input is %s" % input)
     if not input: raise NoInput(input)
     self.txt = fromenc(input.strip(), self.bot.encoding)
     self.nick = self.userhost.split("@")[0]
     self.auth = fromenc(self.userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
     self.channel = stripped(self.userhost)
     logging.debug(u'tornado - parsed - %s - %s' % (self.txt, self.userhost)) 
     return self
예제 #9
파일: event.py 프로젝트: Petraea/jsonbot
 def parseAPI(self, handler, apitype, path):
     """ parse request/response into a WebEvent. """
     self.handler = handler
     self.request = handler.request
     self.query = self.request.query
     self.upath = path
     self.apitype = apitype
     self.userhost = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(handler.current_user)
     if not self.userhost: raise Exception("no current user.")
     input = path
     self.isweb = True
     logging.warn("input is %s" % input)
     if not input: raise NoInput(input)
     self.txt = fromenc(input.strip(), self.bot.encoding)
     self.nick = self.userhost.split("@")[0]
     self.auth = fromenc(self.userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
     self.channel = stripped(self.userhost)
     logging.debug(u'tornado - parsed - %s - %s' % (self.txt, self.userhost)) 
     return self
예제 #10
파일: bot.py 프로젝트: Petraea/jsonbot
 def handle_presence(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
     """ message handler. """
         p = Presence()
         p.parse(data, self)
         frm = p.fromm
         nickk = ""
         nick = p.nick
         if self.cfg.user in frm: self.pongcheck = True
         if nick:
             self.userhosts[nick] = stripped(frm)
             nickk = nick
         jid = p.fromm
         if nickk and jid and self.cfg.fulljids:
             channel = p.channel
             if not self.jids.has_key(channel):
                 self.jids[channel] = {}
             self.jids[channel][nickk] = jid
             self.userhosts[nickk] = stripped(jid)
                 '%s - setting jid of %s (%s) to %s' %
                 (self.cfg.name, nickk, channel, self.userhosts[nickk]))
         if p.type == 'subscribe':
             pres = Presence({'to': p.fromm, 'type': 'subscribed'})
             pres = Presence({'to': p.fromm, 'type': 'subscribe'})
         nick = p.resource
         if p.type != 'unavailable':
             p.joined = True
             p.type = 'available'
         elif self.cfg.user in p.userhost:
                 del self.jids[p.channel]
                 logging.debug('%s - removed %s channel jids' %
                               (self.cfg.name, p.channel))
             except KeyError:
                 del self.jids[p.channel][p.nick]
                 logging.debug('%s - removed %s jid' %
                               (self.cfg.name, p.nick))
             except KeyError:
     except Exception, ex:
예제 #11
파일: bot.py 프로젝트: NURDspace/jsonbot
 def handle_presence(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
     """ message handler. """   
         p = Presence()
         p.parse(data, self)
         frm = p.fromm
         nickk = ""   
         nick = p.nick
         if self.cfg.user in frm: self.pongcheck = True
         if nick: 
             self.userhosts[nick] = stripped(frm)
             nickk = nick
         jid = p.fromm
         if nickk and jid and self.cfg.fulljids:
             channel = p.channel
             if not self.jids.has_key(channel):
                 self.jids[channel] = {}
             self.jids[channel][nickk] = jid
             self.userhosts[nickk] = stripped(jid)
             logging.debug('%s - setting jid of %s (%s) to %s' % (self.cfg.name, nickk, channel, self.userhosts[nickk]))
         if p.type == 'subscribe':
             pres = Presence({'to': p.fromm, 'type': 'subscribed'})
             pres = Presence({'to': p.fromm, 'type': 'subscribe'})
         nick = p.resource
         if p.type != 'unavailable':
             p.joined = True
             p.type = 'available'
         elif self.cfg.user in p.userhost:
                 del self.jids[p.channel]
                 logging.debug('%s - removed %s channel jids' % (self.cfg.name, p.channel))
             except KeyError: pass
                 del self.jids[p.channel][p.nick]
                 logging.debug('%s - removed %s jid' % (self.cfg.name, p.nick))
             except KeyError: pass
     except Exception, ex: logging.error(str(ex))
예제 #12
파일: event.py 프로젝트: Petraea/jsonbot
 def parsesocket(self, handler, message):
     """ parse request/response into a WebEvent. """
     self.handler = handler
     try: data = LazyDict(json.loads(message))
     except Exception, ex: logging.error("failed to parse data: %s - %s" % (message, str(ex))) ; return self
     logging.info("incoming: %s" % message)
     self.div = data.target
     self.userhost = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(handler.current_user)
     if not self.userhost: raise Exception("no current user.")
     self.isweb = True
     input = data.cmnd
     self.how = data.how or self.how
     logging.warn("cmnd is %s - how is %s" % (input, self.how))
     self.txt = fromenc(input.strip(), self.bot.encoding)
     self.nick = self.userhost.split("@")[0]
     self.auth = fromenc(self.userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
     self.channel = stripped(self.userhost)
     logging.debug(u'tornado - parsed - %s - %s' % (self.txt, self.userhost)) 
     return self
예제 #13
파일: event.py 프로젝트: melmothx/jsonbot
 def parse(self, request, response):
     """ parse incoming request/response into a XMPPEvent. """
     (userhost, user, u, nick) = checkuser(response, request)
     self.userhost = self['from']
     self.origin = self.channel
     if user: self.auth = user.email()
     else: self.auth = stripped(self.userhost)
     logging.info('xmpp - auth is %s' % self.auth)
     self.resource = resource(self['from'])
     self.jid = self['from']
     self.to = stripped(self['to'])
     self.channel = stripped(self.userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.userhost)
     self.nick = self.stripped.split("@")[0]
     self.origin = self.channel
     input = self.body or self.stanza
     input = input.strip()
     self.origtxt = input
     self.txt = input
     self.usercmnd = self.txt.split()[0].lower()
     logging.debug(u'xmpp - in - %s - %s' % (self.userhost, self.txt))
     return self
예제 #14
 def parse(self, request, response):
     """ parse incoming request/response into a XMPPEvent. """
     (userhost, user, u, nick) = checkuser(response, request)
     self.userhost = self['from']
     self.origin = self.channel
     if user: self.auth = user.email()
     else: self.auth = stripped(self.userhost)
     logging.info('xmpp - auth is %s' % self.auth)
     self.resource = resource(self['from'])
     self.jid = self['from']
     self.to = stripped(self['to'])
     self.channel = stripped(self.userhost)
     self.stripped = stripped(self.userhost)
     self.nick = self.stripped.split("@")[0]
     self.origin = self.channel
     input = self.body or self.stanza
     input = input.strip()
     self.origtxt = input
     self.txt = input
     self.usercmnd = self.txt.split()[0].lower()
     logging.debug(u'xmpp - in - %s - %s' % (self.userhost, self.txt))
     return self
예제 #15
파일: event.py 프로젝트: melmothx/jsonbot
            if not input:
                try: input = request.GET['content'] or request.GET['cmnd']
                except KeyError: pass
        self.isweb = True
        self.origtxt = fromenc(input.strip(), self.bot.encoding)
        self.txt = self.origtxt
        self.usercmnd = self.txt and self.txt.split()[0]
        self.groupchat = False
        self.response = response
        self.request = request
        (userhost, user, u, nick) = checkuser(response, request, self)
        self.userhost = fromenc(userhost)
        self.nick = fromenc(nick)
        self.auth = fromenc(userhost)
        self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
        self.domain = None
        self.channel = stripped(userhost)
        logging.debug(u'web - parsed - %s - %s' % (self.txt, self.userhost)) 
        return self

    def reply(self, txt, result=[], event=None, origin="", dot=u", ", nr=600, extend=0, *args, **kwargs):
        """ reply to this event """#
        if self.checkqueues(result): return
        if not txt: return
        if self.how == "background":
            txt = self.bot.makeoutput(self.channel, txt, result, origin=origin, nr=nr, extend=extend, *args, **kwargs)
            self.bot.outnocb(self.channel, txt, self.how, response=self.response)
예제 #16
                    input = request.GET['content'] or request.GET['cmnd']
                except KeyError:
        self.isweb = True
        self.origtxt = fromenc(input.strip(), self.bot.encoding)
        self.txt = self.origtxt
        self.usercmnd = self.txt and self.txt.split()[0]
        self.groupchat = False
        self.response = response
        self.request = request
        (userhost, user, u, nick) = checkuser(response, request, self)
        self.userhost = fromenc(userhost)
        self.nick = fromenc(nick)
        self.auth = fromenc(userhost)
        self.stripped = stripped(self.auth)
        self.domain = None
        self.channel = stripped(userhost)
        logging.debug(u'web - parsed - %s - %s' % (self.txt, self.userhost))
        return self

    def reply(self,
              dot=u", ",