예제 #1
def main():
    # Create a grammar and add some rules to it
    grammar = RootGrammar()
    name = HiddenRule("name", AlternativeSet("john", "bob", "anna"))

    # greeting is either: 'hey', 'hey there' or 'hello'
    greeting = HiddenRule("greeting", AlternativeSet(
        Sequence("hey", OptionalGrouping("there")), "hello"))

    # parting_phrase is either: 'good bye' or 'see you'
    parting_phrase = HiddenRule("parting_phrase", AlternativeSet(
        "good bye", "see you"))

    # greet is a greeting followed by a name
    greet = PublicRule("greet", Sequence(RuleRef(greeting), RuleRef(name)))

    # goodbye is a parting phrase followed by a name
    goodbye = PublicRule("goodbye", Sequence(
        RuleRef(parting_phrase), RuleRef(name)))

    grammar.add_rules(name, greeting, parting_phrase, greet, goodbye)

    print("Root grammar compiles to the following:")

    # Try matching some speech strings
    print_matching(grammar, "hey john")
    print_matching(grammar, "hey there john")
    print_matching(grammar, "see you john")

    # Try matching some hidden rules
    print_matching(grammar, "bob")
    print_matching(grammar, "hey there")
    print_matching(grammar, "good bye")
예제 #2
def main():
    # Define a open/close file rule.
    open, close = Literal("open"), Literal("close")
    open.tag, close.tag = "OPEN", "CLOSE"
    cmd = PublicRule("command",
                     Sequence(AlternativeSet(open, close), "the file"))

    # Print the tags of the 'command' rule.
    print("Tags: %s\n" % cmd.tags)

    # Initialise a new grammar and add the rule to it.
    g = Grammar()

    # Print the compiled grammar
    print("Compiled grammar is:\n%s" % g.compile())

    # Find and print rules tagged with "OPEN"
    print("Tagged rules are:\n%s\n" % g.find_tagged_rules("OPEN"))

    # Matching tags can be retrieved using r.get_tags_matching
    # The Rule.matched_tags property can also be used if Rule.matches or
    # Grammar.find_matching_rules has been called first.
    speech = "open the file"
    print("Tags matching '%s' are: %s" %
          (speech, cmd.get_tags_matching(speech)))
예제 #3
def main():
    # Create a simple rule using a Dictation expansion.
    rule = PublicRule("Hello_X", Sequence("hello", Dictation()))

    # Create a new DictationGrammar using the simple rule.
    grammar = DictationGrammar([rule])

    # Print the compiled grammar

    # Match against some speech strings.
    # find_matching_rules has an optional second parameter for advancing to
    # the next part of the rule, which is set to False here.
    matching = grammar.find_matching_rules("hello", False)
    print("Matching rule: %s" % matching[0])  # first part of rule

    # Go to the next part of the rule.

    # Match the dictation part. This can be anything.
    matching = grammar.find_matching_rules("world")
    print("Matching rule: %s" % matching[0])

    # The entire match and the original rule's current_match value will both be
    'hello world'
예제 #4
def main():
    # The Repeat expansion requires one or more matches for its child expansion.
    # The KleeneStar requires zero or more matches. The Sequence expansion
    # requires all of its children expansions to be spoken in sequence.

    # Create a public rule using a Repeat expansion and another using the
    # KleeneStar expansion.
    rule1 = PublicRule("repeat", Sequence(Repeat("please"), "don't crash"))
    rule2 = PublicRule("kleene", Sequence(KleeneStar("please"), "don't crash"))

    # Create a grammar and add the new rules to it
    grammar = Grammar("g")
    grammar.add_rules(rule1, rule2)

    # Compile the grammar using compile()
    print("Grammar '%s' compiles to:" % grammar.name)

    # Find rules in the grammar that match some speech strings
    print_matching(grammar, "don't crash")  # only kleene will match
    print_matching(grammar, "please don't crash")  # both will match
    print_matching(grammar, "please please don't crash")  # both again
예제 #5
def main():
    # Create a simple rule using a Dictation expansion.
    dictation = Dictation()
    dictation.tag = "dictation"  # add a tag to the expansion
    rule = PublicRule("dictation", Sequence("hello", dictation))

    # Print the compiled rule
    print("Compiled rule: %s" % rule.compile())

    # Match a speech string against the rule.
    speech = "hello world"
    print("Rule matches '%s': %s." % (speech, rule.matches(speech)))

    # Print the rule's current_match values using map_expansion.
    def print_match(x):
        print("Match for %s: %s" % (x, x.current_match))

    map_expansion(rule.expansion, print_match)
예제 #6
def main():
    # The Sequence expansion requires all of its children expansions to be spoken
    # in sequence. The OptionalGrouping expansion optionally requires its child
    # expansion to be spoken.

    # Create a public rule using an optional expansion
    rule = PublicRule("greet", Sequence("hey", OptionalGrouping("there")))

    # Create a grammar and add the new rule to it
    grammar = Grammar("g")

    # Compile the grammar using compile()
    print("Grammar '%s' compiles to:" % grammar.name)

    # Use or do not use the optional word 'there'
    print_matching(grammar, "hey")
    print_matching(grammar, "hey there")
def main():
    # Create a new public rule using speech alternatives
    # Note that the Sequence expansion requires all of its children expansions
    # to be spoken in sequence
    rule = PublicRule("greet", Sequence(AlternativeSet("hello", "hey"),

    # Create a grammar and add the new rule to it
    grammar = Grammar("g")

    # Compile the grammar using compile()
    print("Grammar '%s' compiles to:" % grammar.name)

    # Find rules in the grammar that match some speech strings
    print_matching(grammar, "hello there")
    print_matching(grammar, "hey there")

    # 'hello hey there' will not match because only one alternative in an
    # AlternativeSet expansion can be matched
    print_matching(grammar, "hello hey there")
예제 #8
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="matching benchmark.py",
                                     description="pyjsgf matching benchmark")
                        help=("Rule to use for benchmarking. "
                              "Must be a valid JSGF rule ending with ';'."))
                        help="Number of speech strings to generate.")
        help="Suppress output of generated strings.",
            "Whether to run the benchmark through 'cProfile'. If the module is "
            "not available, then 'profile' will be used instead."),

    # Parse the arguments.
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Set up rules for testing.
    if not args.rule_string or args.rule_string == 'default':
        word = Rule("word", False, AlternativeSet(*WORDS))
        number = Rule("number", False, AlternativeSet(*NUMBERS))
        rule = Rule(
            "series", True,
            Repeat(Sequence(RuleRef(word), OptionalGrouping(RuleRef(number)))))
        rule = parse_rule_string(args.rule_string)

    # Generate N speech strings to test how well the matching performs.
    strings = []
    for _ in range(args.n):

    if args.profile:
            # Try 'cProfile'.
            import cProfile as profile_mod
        except ImportError:
            # Fallback on 'profile' (slower) if it isn't available.
            import profile as profile_mod

        # Run the benchmark via the imported module, passing locals and globals.
        now = time.time()
        profile_mod.runctx("do_benchmark(rule, strings, args)", {}, {
            "do_benchmark": do_benchmark,
            "rule": rule,
            "strings": strings,
            "args": args
        # Run the benchmark without profiling.
        now = time.time()
        do_benchmark(rule, strings, args)

    # Print the time it took to match N generated strings.
    after = time.time()
    print("Matched %d generated strings in %.3f seconds." %
          (args.n, after - now))