def get_commands(bot): new_commands = [] new_commands.append(Command( 'botman', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('change'), Opt('avatar', optional=True), Opt('status', optional=True), doc='Changes the avatar, status, or both from the list files.'), SubCommand( Opt('nick'), Arg('nickname', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, default=None), doc='Sets or clears the nickname for the current server.', elevated_level=1, allow_direct=False), SubCommand( Opt('name'), Arg('name', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc='Sets the bot\'s name.'), SubCommand( Opt('status'), Arg('text', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, default=None), doc='Sets or clears the bot\'s "now playing" message.'), SubCommand( Opt('avatar'), Arg('url', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL), doc='Sets or clears the bot\'s avatar.')], description='Change simple bot stuff, like the avatar and status.', elevated_level=3, category='bot utilities', function=get_response)) return new_commands
def get_commands(bot): return [ Command( 'autolog', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('channels'), Arg('channel', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.ChannelConverter( constraint=discord.TextChannel), doc='Toggles logging in these channels.'), doc= 'Shows logged channels or toggles logging in the given channel(s).', function=autolog_channels), SubCommand( Opt('messages'), Arg('number', quotes_recommended=False, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 50 <= v <= 500, check_error= 'Must be between 50 and 500 messages inclusive.'), doc='Sets the number of messages to log.', function=autolog_messages), SubCommand(Opt('setchannel'), Arg('channel', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED, convert=utilities.ChannelConverter( constraint=discord.TextChannel)), doc='Sets the logging channel.', function=autolog_setchannel), SubCommand(Opt('dump'), Opt('details', optional=True, attached='text', always_include=True, default='No details provided.'), Opt('query', optional=True, attached='user ID', convert=int, always_include=True, quotes_recommended=False), Arg('channel', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.ChannelConverter( constraint=discord.TextChannel)), doc='Dumps logs.', function=autolog_dump) ], description='Automatically logs chat when a user is banned.', elevated_level=1, allow_direct=False, category='tools') ]
def get_commands(bot): new_commands = [] new_commands.append( Command( 'wolfram', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('pro'), doc= 'Learn about Wolfram|Alpha Pro and what it can help you accomplish.', function=get_pro_info), SubCommand(Opt('ip'), Arg('IP address', quotes_recommended=False), doc='Sets the default IP address used for queries.', allow_direct=False, function=set_ip_address), SubCommand(Opt('units'), doc='Toggles between metric and US standard units.', allow_direct=False, function=set_units), SubCommand( Opt('text', optional=True, doc='Only get textual results.'), Opt('results', attached='number of results', optional=True, default=3, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 1 <= v <= 8, check_error='Must be between 1 and 8 inclusive.', quotes_recommended=False, doc='The number of results to display.'), Arg('query', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc='Uses Wolfram|Alpha to parse the given query.', function=run_query) ], shortcuts=[ Shortcut('wa', '{arguments}', Arg('arguments', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED)), Shortcut('swa', 'text results 1 {query}', Arg('query', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED)) ], description='Wolfram|Alpha integration.', other='API calls are limited. Please use responsibly!', category='tools')) return new_commands
def get_commands(bot): return [ Command( 'commission', subcommands=[ SubCommand(Opt('configure'), Opt('channel', attached='channel name', optional=True, convert=utilities.ChannelConverter( constraint=discord.TextChannel, attribute='id')), Opt('cooldown', attached='seconds', optional=True, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: v > 0, check_error='Must be greater than 0 seconds.', quotes_recommended=False), doc='Configures the commission channel rules.', elevated_level=1, function=commission_configure), SubCommand( Opt('whitelist'), Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.MemberConverter(attribute='id')), doc='Whitelists a user from the commission channel limits.', elevated_level=1, function=commission_whitelist), SubCommand(Opt('reset'), Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.MemberConverter()), doc='Resets a user\'s post cooldown.', elevated_level=1, function=commission_reset), SubCommand( Opt('list'), doc= 'Lists users that have advertised in the commission channel.', elevated_level=1, function=commission_list) ], description='Imposes the limits on the commission channel.', allow_direct=False) ]
def get_commands(bot): return [Command( 'translate', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('default'), Arg('language', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL), doc='Sets the default translation language. (Default is `en`)', elevated_level=1, function=translate_default), SubCommand( Opt('languages'), doc='Gets a list of valid language codes.', function=translate_languages), SubCommand( Opt('from', attached='language', optional=True), Opt('to', attached='language', optional=True), Arg('text', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc='Translates text.', function=translate)], shortcuts=[Shortcut('ft', 'from igbo {text}', Arg('text', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED))], description='Translates text.', other=LANGUAGE_LINK, category='tools')]
def get_commands(bot): return [Command( 'character', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('create'), Attachment( 'character file', optional=True, doc='If you have a character file saved from the entry creator, ' 'you can use it directly here.'), doc='Creates a character entry under your name.', function=character_create), SubCommand( Opt('remove'), Arg('character name', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED, convert=CharacterConverter()), doc='Removes the given character entry under your name.', function=character_remove), SubCommand( Opt('edit'), Arg('character name', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED, convert=CharacterConverter()), doc='Provides a link that allows you to edit the given character.', function=character_edit), SubCommand( Opt('list'), Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.MemberConverter(server_only=False)), doc='Lists the characters of the given user.', function=character_list), SubCommand( Opt('search'), Arg('tag', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT), doc='Searches for characters with the given tag(s).', function=character_search), SubCommand( Opt('browse'), Arg('letter', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL), doc='Browses all characters.', function=character_browse), SubCommand( Opt('forceremove'), Arg('user', convert=utilities.MemberConverter()), Arg('character name', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc='Forcibly removes the given character.', elevated_level=3, function=character_forceremove), SubCommand( Opt('user', attached='owner name', optional=True, convert=utilities.MemberConverter(server_only=False), doc='Searches for characters this user has made.'), Arg('character name', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL), doc='Displays a list of character entries of the given user.', confidence_threshold=3, function=character_display)], description='Character database.', category='user data')]
def get_commands(bot): return [Command( 'tagremote', subcommands=[ SubCommand(doc='Gets the current remote session.', function=tagremote), SubCommand( Opt('start'), doc='Starts a sound tag remote session.', function=tagremote_start), SubCommand( Opt('stop'), doc='Stops the current sound tag remote session.', function=tagremote_stop), SubCommand( Opt('update'), doc='Provides a refreshed tag list. Updates can be ' 'applied in the settings menu of the tag remote app.', function=tagremote_update) ], description='Call sound tags through your phone.', allow_direct=False )]
def get_commands(bot): """Returns a list of commands associated with this plugin.""" new_commands = [] new_commands.append(Command( 'sheet', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('new'), Arg('family_name'), Arg('daily_pay_value', convert=int, check=lambda n, f, v, *a: 0 <= v <= 5000000, check_error='Daily pay value must be between 0 and 5000000 inclusive.', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc='Updates Google Sheet with a new 10k renewal.', function=update_to_sheet, elevated_level=Elevation.BOT_MODERATORS), SubCommand( Opt('kick'), Arg('family_name'), doc='Kicks a member from the spreadsheet.', function=kick_member, elevated_level=Elevation.GUILD_OWNERS), SubCommand( Opt('add'), Arg('family_name'), Arg('discord_name', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc='Adds a member to sheet', function=invite_member, elevated_level=Elevation.GUILD_OWNERS), SubCommand( Opt('attendance'), doc='Takes attendance in current channel', function=take_attendance, elevated_level=Elevation.GUILD_OWNERS) ], description='Updates from discord to google sheets because influence officers and ' 'helpers are f*****g lazy and can\'t update a f*****g form.' 'Also Sean sucks Boba\'s hard throbbing chocolate fondue.', pre_check=check_whitelist, allow_direct=False)) return new_commands
def get_commands(bot): return [ Command( 'verification', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('check'), Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, quotes_recommended=False, convert=utilities.MemberConverter()), doc='Checks if the given user qualifies for verification.', function=verification_check), SubCommand(Opt('karma'), Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED, quotes_recommended=False), doc='Checks for karma on the r/furry subreddit.', elevated_level=1, function=verification_karma), SubCommand(Opt('set'), Arg('role', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED, quotes_recommended=False, convert=utilities.RoleConverter()), doc='Sets the verification role.', elevated_level=1, function=verification_set) ], shortcuts=[ Shortcut('vc', 'check {user}', Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL)), Shortcut('vk', 'karma {user}', Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED)) ], description='A set of tools for the r/furry Discord server.', allow_direct=False, category='tools') ]
def get_commands(bot): new_commands = [] new_commands.append( Command( 'gdq', subcommands=[ SubCommand(doc='Shows the GDQ menu.'), SubCommand(Opt('about'), doc='Shows some basic information about GDQ.'), SubCommand( Opt('status'), doc= 'Shows the stream status and total amount amount of money raised.' ), SubCommand(Opt('current'), doc='Shows the current game being played.'), SubCommand( Opt('next'), Arg('number', convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 1 <= v <= 5, check_error='Must be between 1 and 5 inclusive.', default=1, argtype=ArgTypes.OPTIONAL, quotes_recommended=False), doc= 'Shows the next game(s). If a number is given (between 1 and 5 ' 'inclusive), it will show the next number of games.'), SubCommand(Opt('search'), Arg('title', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc='Searches for the given game.'), SubCommand( Opt('notify'), Opt('channel', optional=True, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: data.is_mod( b, m.guild,, check_error= 'Only bot moderators can notify the channel.'), Arg('title', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc= 'Sends a message to either the user or the channel for the given ' 'game when it is about to be streamed (approximately 5-10 minutes ' 'beforehand).\nOnly bot moderators can use the channel option.' ) ], description='Games Done Quick for Discord.', category='service')) return new_commands
def get_commands(bot): return [Command( 'role', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('join'), Arg('role name', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT, convert=utilities.RoleConverter()), doc='Join a role (or multiple).', function=role_joinleave, id='join'), SubCommand( Opt('leave'), Arg('role name', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT, convert=utilities.RoleConverter()), doc='Leave a role (or multiple).', function=role_joinleave, id='leave'), SubCommand( Opt('toggle'), Arg('role name', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT, convert=utilities.RoleConverter()), doc='Toggle self-assignable roles.', elevated_level=1, function=role_toggle), SubCommand( Opt('create'), Opt('mentionable', optional=True, group='options'), Opt('hoisted', optional=True, group='options'), Opt('color', optional=True, attached='hex color', group='options', convert=utilities.HexColorConverter()), Arg('role name', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc='Creates roles and allows them to be self-assignable.', elevated_level=1, function=role_create), SubCommand( Opt('delete'), Arg('role name', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT, convert=utilities.RoleConverter()), doc='Deletes the given roles.', elevated_level=1, function=role_delete), SubCommand( Opt('verification'), Arg('role name', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.RoleConverter()), doc='If self-assignable roles requires a role itself, ' 'it can be set or cleared with this command.', elevated_level=1, function=role_verification), SubCommand( Opt('list'), Arg('role name', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.RoleConverter()), doc='Lists available self-assignable roles, or members with the given role.', function=role_list)], allow_direct=False, description='Assigns or removes roles.', category='user tools')]
def get_commands(bot): new_commands = [] new_commands.append(Command( 'find', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('start'), Arg('character_name'), Arg('bell'), doc='Initalizes the search for a given user.', function=to_be_named), SubCommand( Opt('stop'), Arg('character_name'), doc='Stops searching for a given user.', function=to_be_stopped), SubCommand( Opt('clear'), Arg('character_name'), Arg('server'), # optional all doc='Resets a server or the entire search', function=to_be_cleared), SubCommand( Opt('call'), Arg('character_name'), Arg('server'), Arg('status'), doc='Calls wether or not a user has been found to be there or not', function=to_be_called), SubCommand( Opt('bell'), Arg('server'), Arg('bell_minutes'), doc='Calls out a server for having a bell.', function=to_be_belled), SubCommand( Opt('clearbell'), Arg('server'), doc='Clears a bell from a server', function=to_be_bellcleared), SubCommand( Opt('info') Arg('character_name'), doc='Gets basic info on a character and their search history.', function=to_be_info), SubCommand( Opt('list') doc='Gets a list of names for who has been searched for in the past.', function=to_be_list) ], description='Keep track of what servers has been searched in BDO'))
def get_commands(bot): return [ Command( 'awoo', subcommands=[ SubCommand(doc='Get fined.', allow_direct=False, function=awoo), SubCommand( Opt('stats'), Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.MemberConverter(server_only=False)), doc='See how much money you or the given user owes.', function=awoo_stats), SubCommand(Opt('leaderboard'), doc='See the list of worst offenders.', function=awoo_leaderboard), SubCommand(Opt('toggle'), Arg('channel', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.ChannelConverter( constraint=discord.TextChannel), doc='Toggles detection in this channel.'), doc='Toggles awoo detection.', function=awoo_toggle, elevated_level=1), SubCommand(Opt('whitelist'), Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, convert=utilities.MemberConverter()), doc='Whitelist users from detection.', function=awoo_whitelist, elevated_level=1), SubCommand(Opt('reset'), Arg('user', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED, convert=utilities.MemberConverter()), function=awoo_reset, elevated_level=3) ], shortcuts=[ Shortcut('astats', 'stats {arguments}', Arg('arguments', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL)), Shortcut('aleaderboard', 'leaderboard') ], description='Consult the criminal database.') ]
def get_commands(bot): """Returns a list of commands associated with this plugin.""" new_commands = [] return [ Command( 'txyz', subcommands=[ SubCommand(Opt('cycle'), Arg('type', convert=TXYZTypeConverter(), quotes_recommended=False), function=cycle), SubCommand( Opt('add'), Arg('type', convert=TXYZTypeConverter(), quotes_recommended=False), Arg('text', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 1 <= len(v) <= 99, check_error= "Text must be between 2 and 100 characters long."), function=add_text), SubCommand(Opt('remove'), Arg('type', convert=TXYZTypeConverter(), quotes_recommended=False), Arg('id', convert=int, quotes_recommended=False), function=remove_text), SubCommand(Opt('list'), function=list_text), SubCommand(Opt('live'), Opt('disable'), doc='Disables the live page.', function=live_disable), SubCommand( Opt('live'), Opt('invisible', optional=True), Opt('fullscreen', attached='value', optional=True, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 0 <= v <= 2, default=0, always_include=True, quotes_recommended=False, doc= '0: Default, 1: Hides nav bar, 2: Viewport fullscreen.' ), Opt('theme', attached='value', optional=True, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 0 <= v <= 4, default=0, always_include=True, quotes_recommended=False, doc= '0: Default, 1: Auto, 2: Light, 3: Dark, 4: Migraine.' ), Opt('weather', attached='value', optional=True, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 0 <= v <= 4, default=0, always_include=True, quotes_recommended=False, doc='0: Default, 1: Clear, 2: Rain, 3: Storm, 4: Snow.' ), Opt('audio', attached='value', optional=True, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 0 <= v <= 2, default=0, always_include=True, quotes_recommended=False, doc='0: Default, 1: Silence, 2: Rain.'), Attachment('HTML', doc='HTML file to show.'), function=live_enable) ], elevated_level=3, hidden=True, category='tools') ]
def get_commands(bot): return [Command('playtest', subcommands=[SubCommand(Arg('url'))])]
def get_commands(bot): return [ Command( 'pride', subcommands=[ SubCommand(Opt('flags'), doc='Shows which pride flags are available.', function=pride_flags), SubCommand( Opt('analyze'), Arg('user or URL', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, group='user or image'), Attachment('Image', optional=True, group='user or image'), doc='Analyzes an image or profile picture of the given user ' 'to show pride flag coverage.', function=pride_analyze), SubCommand( Opt('overlay'), Opt('opacity', attached='percentage', optional=True, default="50%", convert=utilities.PercentageConverter(), always_include=True, group='style', quotes_recommended=False, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 0.1 <= v <= 1.0, check_error= 'Overlay opacity must be between 10% and 100% inclusive.' ), Opt('mask', optional=True, group='style', doc= 'Composites the pride flag and the opaque pixels in the given image.' ), Opt('rotation', attached='angle', optional=True, group='style', always_include=True, default=0, quotes_recommended=False, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 0 <= v <= 360, check_error= 'Rotation angle must be between 0 and 360 inclusive.'), Arg('flag type', convert=FlagConverter()), Arg('user or URL', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, group='user or image'), Attachment('Image', optional=True, group='user or image'), doc= 'Overlays a semi-transparent pride flag over the given image.', function=pride_overlay), SubCommand( Opt('circle'), Opt('size', attached='level', optional=True, default=1, group='style', quotes_recommended=False, convert=int, always_include=True, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 1 <= v <= 3, check_error= 'Circle size level must be between 1 and 3 inclusive.', doc= 'Thickness of the circle between 1 and 3 inclusive (defaults to 1).' ), Opt('resize', optional=True, group='style', doc= 'Resizes the image so that the vertical and horizontal extremes ' 'are not cut off by the drawn circle.'), Opt('full', optional=True, group='style', doc= 'Fills in any transparency of the given image with the pride flag.' ), Opt('rotation', attached='angle', optional=True, group='style', always_include=True, default=0, quotes_recommended=False, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 0 <= v <= 360, check_error= 'Rotation angle must be between 0 and 360 inclusive.'), Arg('flag type', convert=FlagConverter()), Arg('user or URL', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, group='user or image'), Attachment('Image', optional=True, group='user or image'), doc='Draws a pride flag circle around the given image.', function=pride_circle), SubCommand( Opt('fill'), Opt('rotation', attached='angle', optional=True, always_include=True, default=0, quotes_recommended=False, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 0 <= v <= 360, check_error= 'Rotation angle must be between 0 and 360 inclusive.'), Arg('flag type', convert=FlagConverter()), Arg('user or URL', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, group='user or image'), Attachment('Image', optional=True, group='user or image'), doc= 'Fills in the background of the given image with the pride flag', function=pride_fill), SubCommand(Arg('user or URL', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, group='user or image'), Attachment('Image', optional=True, group='user or image'), doc='Interactive pride flag image generator.', function=pride_interactive) ], description='Add pride flair to images.', allow_direct=True, category='tools') ]
def get_commands(bot): new_commands = [] new_commands.append( Command( 'random', subcommands=[ SubCommand(doc='Gets a random float value [0.0-1.0)', function=get_random_float), SubCommand( Opt('roll'), Arg('specifier', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, default='d6', convert=RollConverter()), doc= 'Rolls a die based on the specifier following the D&D dice ' 'rolling syntax (*x*d*y* + *z*). If no specifier is given, ' 'this rolls a regular 6-sided die.', function=get_roll), SubCommand( Opt('pick'), Arg('option', additional='more options', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT), doc= 'Picks an option. Items must be wrapped in quotes if they ' 'have spaces in them.', function=get_pick), SubCommand( Opt('number'), Arg('bounds', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL, default='1 100', convert=BoundsConverter()), doc= 'Gets a random number from 1 to 100, or from the given bounds.', function=get_number), SubCommand( Opt('flip'), Arg('times', argtype=ArgTypes.OPTIONAL, quotes_recommended=False, convert=int, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: 1 <= v <= 100, default='1', check_error='Must be between 1 and 100 inclusive.'), doc='Flips a virtual coin.', function=get_flip) ], shortcuts=[ Shortcut('roll', 'roll {specifier}', Arg('specifier', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL)), Shortcut('pick', 'pick {arguments}', Arg('arguments', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED)), Shortcut('flip', 'flip {times}', Arg('times', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL)) ], description='Get random stuff.', category='tools')) return new_commands
def get_commands(bot): """Returns a list of commands associated with this plugin.""" new_commands = [] new_commands.append( Command( 'mycommand', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Opt('myoption'), doc= 'This is a simple command with a single required option.'), SubCommand( Opt('custom', optional=True), Opt('attached', optional=True, attached='attached argument'), doc= 'This has two different optional options, one without an attached ' 'parameter, and the other requiring an attached parameter.' ), SubCommand( Opt('trailing'), Arg('arg 1'), Arg('arg 2'), Arg('arg 3', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT, additional='more args'), doc='This command requires a lot of trailing arguments.'), SubCommand( Opt('grouped'), Arg('grouped arguments', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc= 'This will group all given arguments as a single string.'), SubCommand( Opt('complex', attached='attached'), Opt('other', optional=True, attached='also required'), Arg('arg 1'), Arg('arg 2', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT_OPTIONAL, additional='more args'), doc= 'The complex option has a required attached parameter, and the ' '\'other\' option also has a required attached parameter if ' '\'other\' is included. Additionally, there will be a requirement ' 'of at least 1 trailing argument.'), SubCommand( Opt('marquee'), Arg('text', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED, check=lambda b, m, v, *a: len(v) <= 100, check_error= "Marquee message must be less than 100 characters long." ), doc='Creates a marquee that loops 3 times.') ], shortcuts=[ Shortcut('complex', 'complex {attached} other {other} {arg 1} {arg 2}', Arg('attached'), Arg('other'), Arg('arg 1'), Arg('arg 2', argtype=ArgTypes.SPLIT_OPTIONAL)), Shortcut('marquee', 'marquee {text}', Arg('text', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED)) ], description='Your command description here.', other='This text is optional - it just shows up after everything ' 'else. Quick note, all of the commands here can only be used by ' 'bot moderators or above, as indicated by elevated_level. A ' 'level of 2 would mean only server owners or above can use the ' 'command, and a level of 3 would restrict the command to only ' 'the bot owners.', elevated_level=1, category='demo')) new_commands.append( Command( 'myothercommand', subcommands=[ SubCommand( Arg('text', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED_OPTIONAL), doc='This traps all further commands from being executed.' ), SubCommand( Opt('order'), Opt('matters'), doc= 'It is impossible to access this command because the first ' 'subcommand will always be satisfied first. Order of the ' 'subcommand matters!'), SubCommand( Opt('sample'), Opt('foo'), Opt('bar'), doc= 'Also impossible to access. This subcommand just adds some ' 'keywords to the command.') ], description='Only bot owners can see this text!', other= 'Note that no shortcuts were defined. They, too, are optional. ' 'Also, this command is hidden, which means that only the bot ' 'owners can see this command listed from the help command. ' 'However, unless the command is configured with an elevated ' 'permissions level, any user can still execute the command. ' 'Users still will not be able to see the specific help for this ' 'command, though. Lastly, this command is disabled in DMs.', hidden=True, allow_direct=False, category='demo')) new_commands.append( Command( 'notify', subcommands=[ SubCommand(Arg('text', argtype=ArgTypes.MERGED), doc='Notify the owners with some text!') ], other='This command uses a custom function. It is called with the ' 'same arguments as get_response. The command will show up to ' 'all users in the help command, but can only be used by server ' 'owners, as it is disallowed in direct messages.', elevated_level=2, allow_direct=False, function=custom_notify, category='demo')) new_commands.append( Command('wait', other='Use this command to demo the wait_for functionality', category='demo')) return new_commands