def promotion_detail_groups_ajax(request,pk,*kwargs): json = MyJson(request) try: promotion = Promotion.objects.get(pk=pk) user = Login(request).getUser() inPromotion = promotion.userInPromotion(user) friendsInPromotion = [] if inPromotion: friendsInPromotion = user.promotion_group_users.get(promotion=promotion).users.exclude(user=user).all() data = render(request, 'facebook/promotion/tab_groups.html', { 'promotion': promotion, 'product': promotion.product, 'retailer': promotion.retailer, 'inPromotion':inPromotion, 'friendsInPromotion':friendsInPromotion, 'friendsNeed':promotion.elements_number-1-len(friendsInPromotion) }, ).content json.setOk() json.addData(data) except Exception,e: json.setError() json.addError(str(e))
def promotion_detail_groups_create_ajax(request,pk,*kwargs): json = MyJson(request) try: promotion = Promotion.objects.get(pk=pk) if not promotion.promotionIsActive(): raise Exception('Promotion is not active') user = Login(request).getUser() groups = promotion.promotionGroups.filter(users__in = [user]) for g in groups.all(): if g.win_date is None and g.users.remove(user) else: raise Exception('You are in a group that wins the promotion or the promotion is not active') pg,c = PromotionGroup.objects.get_or_create(user = user, promotion = promotion) if c: pg.users.add(user) pg.postSave() data = {} json.addData(data) json.addMessage('You create a group with successfull') json.setOk() except Exception,e: json.setError() json.addError(str(e))
def promotion_detail_groups_join_ajax(request,pk,*kwargs): json = MyJson(request) try: promotion = Promotion.objects.get(pk=pk) if not promotion.promotionIsActive(): raise Exception('Promotion is not active') user = Login(request).getUser() if 'group' not in request.POST: raise Exception('Group don\'t exists') #user.promotions = group_id = int( request.POST.get('group',None) ) print group_id groups = promotion.promotionGroups.filter(users__in = [user]) for g in groups.all(): if g.win_date is None and g.users.remove(user) else: raise Exception('You are in a group that wins the promotion or the promotion is not active') pg = PromotionGroup.objects.get(promotion = promotion, pk=group_id,active=True,win_date__exact = None) pg.users.add(user) pg.postSave() data = {} json.addData(data) json.addMessage('You join with successfull') json.setOk() except Exception,e: json.setError() json.addError(str(e))
def wishlist(request,product_pk,*kwargs): json = MyJson(request) try: product = Product.objects.get(pk= int(product_pk) ) except Exception,e: json.setError() json.addError('Product don\'t exit.')
def promotions(request,product_pk,retailer_pk,*kwargs): json = MyJson(request) promotions = [] product = None retailer = None if product_pk is not None: try: product = Product.objects.get(pk= int(product_pk) ) promotions = product.promotion_set.all() except Exception,e: json.setError() json.addError('Product don\'t exist.')
except Exception,e: pass wishlist = user.wishlist_set.all() for w in wishlist: w.hasProduct = w.products.filter( data = render(request,'facebook/ajax/wishlists.html',{ 'wishlists':wishlist, 'wishlistform':wishlistform, 'product':product, } ).content json.setOk() json.addData(data) except Exception,e: json.setError() json.addError(str(e)) return json.getJsonRequest() @access_required_ajax def promotions(request,product_pk,retailer_pk,*kwargs): json = MyJson(request) promotions = [] product = None retailer = None if product_pk is not None: try: product = Product.objects.get(pk= int(product_pk) ) promotions = product.promotion_set.all() except Exception,e: