def update(path, dryRun=False): try: say("Downloading test suite data...") shepherd = APIClient( "", version="vnd.csswg.shepherd.v1", ca_cert_path=certifi.where(), ) res = shepherd.get("test_suites") if (not res) or (406 == res.status_code): die("This version of the test suite API is no longer supported. Please update Bikeshed." ) return if res.content_type not in testSuiteDataContentTypes: die("Unrecognized test suite content-type '{0}'.", res.content_type) return rawTestSuiteData = except Exception as e: die("Couldn't download test suite data. Error was:\n{0}", str(e)) return testSuites = dict() for rawTestSuite in rawTestSuiteData.values(): if "specs" not in rawTestSuite: # Looks like test-suites might not have spec data at first. # Useless, so just drop them. continue testSuite = { "vshortname": rawTestSuite["name"], "title": rawTestSuite.get("title"), "description": rawTestSuite.get("description"), "status": rawTestSuite.get("status"), "url": rawTestSuite.get("uri"), "spec": rawTestSuite["specs"][0], } testSuites[testSuite["spec"]] = testSuite if not dryRun: try: with open(os.path.join(path, "test-suites.json"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write( json.dumps(testSuites, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) except Exception as e: die("Couldn't save test-suite database to disk.\n{0}", e) say("Success!")
def update(path, dryRun=False): try: say("Downloading anchor data...") shepherd = APIClient("", version="vnd.csswg.shepherd.v1") res = shepherd.get("specifications", anchors=True, draft=True) #, for manual looking if ((not res) or (406 == res.status_code)): die("Either this version of the anchor-data API is no longer supported, or (more likely) there was a transient network error. Try again in a little while, and/or update Bikeshed. If the error persists, please report it on GitHub." ) return if res.content_type not in anchorDataContentTypes: die("Unrecognized anchor-data content-type '{0}'.", res.contentType) return rawSpecData = except Exception as e: die("Couldn't download anchor data. Error was:\n{0}", str(e)) return specs = dict() anchors = defaultdict(list) headings = defaultdict(dict) for rawSpec in rawSpecData.values(): spec = genSpec(rawSpec) specs[spec['vshortname']] = spec specHeadings = headings[spec['vshortname']] def setStatus(obj, status): obj['status'] = status return obj rawAnchorData = ([ setStatus(x, "snapshot") for x in linearizeAnchorTree(rawSpec.get('anchors', [])) ] + [ setStatus(x, "current") for x in linearizeAnchorTree(rawSpec.get('draft_anchors', [])) ]) for rawAnchor in rawAnchorData: rawAnchor = fixupAnchor(rawAnchor) linkingTexts = rawAnchor['linking_text'] if linkingTexts[0] is None: # Happens if it had no linking text at all originally continue if len(linkingTexts) == 1 and linkingTexts[0].strip() == "": # Happens if it was marked with an empty lt and Shepherd still picked it up continue if 'section' in rawAnchor and rawAnchor['section'] == True: addToHeadings(rawAnchor, specHeadings, spec=spec) if rawAnchor['type'] not in ["heading"]: addToAnchors(rawAnchor, anchors, spec=spec) cleanSpecHeadings(headings) methods = extractMethodData(anchors) fors = extractForsData(anchors) if not dryRun: writtenPaths = set() try: p = os.path.join(path, "specs.json") writtenPaths.add(p) with, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write( json.dumps(specs, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) except Exception as e: die("Couldn't save spec database to disk.\n{0}", e) return try: for spec, specHeadings in headings.items(): p = os.path.join(path, "headings", "headings-{0}.json".format(spec)) writtenPaths.add(p) with, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write( json.dumps(specHeadings, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) except Exception as e: die("Couldn't save headings database to disk.\n{0}", e) return try: writtenPaths.update(writeAnchorsFile(anchors, path)) except Exception as e: die("Couldn't save anchor database to disk.\n{0}", e) return try: p = os.path.join(path, "methods.json") writtenPaths.add(p) with, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write( json.dumps(methods, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) except Exception as e: die("Couldn't save methods database to disk.\n{0}", e) return try: p = os.path.join(path, "fors.json") writtenPaths.add(p) with, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write( json.dumps(fors, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) except Exception as e: die("Couldn't save fors database to disk.\n{0}", e) return say("Success!") return writtenPaths
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 from json_home_client import Client if __name__ == "__main__": # called from the command line github = Client('', version='vnd.github.beta') print(repr(github)) print(repr(github.get('user_url', user='******').data)) shepherd = Client('', version='vnd.csswg.shepherd.v1') print(repr(shepherd)) print(repr(shepherd.get('specifications', spec='compositing-1', anchors=False).data)) print(repr(shepherd.get('test_suites', spec='css-shapes-1').data))