예제 #1
def test_export_recent_uploads():


    rec_upl = load_json(WEB_ROOT + '/json/recent_uploads.json')
    assert rec_upl
    assert rec_upl[0]['uploadDate']
    assert rec_upl[0]['rda']
예제 #2
def test_export_rankings():


    rankings = load_json(WEB_ROOT + '/json/rankings.json')
    act = rankings['activator']['total']['total'][0]
    assert act['rank'] == 1
    assert act['callsign']

    hunt = rankings['hunter']['total']['total'][0]
    assert hunt['rank'] == 1
    assert hunt['callsign']
예제 #3
def test_ext_loggers():
    callsign = 'R7AB'

    def request(update=None, delete=None):
        data = {'token': create_token({'callsign': callsign})}
        if update:
            data['update'] = update
        if delete:
            data['delete'] = delete
        return requests.post(API_URI + '/loggers',\

    logging.debug('ext_loggers insert')
    lotw_login = load_json(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)) + '/lotw_login.json')
    update = {'logger': 'LoTW', 'loginData': {}}
    rsp = request(update)
    assert rsp.status_code == 200
    data = json.loads(rsp.text)
    assert not data['state']
    assert data['id']
    id = data['id']

    logging.debug('ext_loggers list')
    rsp = request()
    assert rsp.status_code == 200
    data = json.loads(rsp.text)
    assert data
    assert 'loggers' in data
    assert 'accounts' in data
    assert data['accounts'][0]['logger'] == 'LoTW'
    assert data['accounts'][0]['loginData']
    for k in update['loginData']:
        assert data['accounts'][0]['loginData'][k] == update['loginData'][k]
    logging.debug('ext_loggers update bad login')
    update['loginData']['password'] += '_'
    update['id'] = id
    rsp = request(update)
    assert rsp.status_code == 200
    data = json.loads(rsp.text)
    assert data['state']

    logging.debug('ext_loggers delete')
    rsp = request(delete=id)
    assert rsp.status_code == 200
    assert data['state']
예제 #4
def _json_validator(schemas_path):

    schemas = load_json(schemas_path)

    def _validate_dict(data, schema):
        """validates dict data with one of predefined jsonschemas
        return true/false"""
            jsonschema.validate(data, schemas[schema])
            return (True, None)
        except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as exc:
            logging.error('Error validating json data. Schema: ' + schema)
            return (False, exc.message)

    return _validate_dict
예제 #5
def scrape_slack(token, slack_args, filter_func=lambda x: x):
    sc = SlackClient(token)
    results = get_messages(sc, slack_args, [], filter_func)

    while results['last_ts']:
        slack_args['latest'] = results['last_ts']
        results = get_messages(sc, slack_args, results['messages'],

    print('Done fetching messages. Found {} in total.'.format(
    return results['messages']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    config = load_json('./env.json')

    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    ap.add_argument('-c', '--channel', help='channel id to scrape')
    ap.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='file to save out')
    args = vars(ap.parse_args())
    channel = args['channel']
    output = args['output']

        old_json = load_json(output)
    except Exception as e:
        old_json = []
        print('No existing messages, starting from scratch...')

    slack_args = {
예제 #6
#!/usr/bin/env python
from json_utils import load_json, dump_json
from slackscrape import scrape_slack
from slackclient import SlackClient
import operator
import argparse
import os

config = load_json('./env.json')

def ensure_dir(directory):
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

    return directory

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                    help='update channels',
    args = vars(ap.parse_args())

    channel_args = {
        'exclude_archived': 0,

    sc = SlackClient(config['token'])
예제 #7
#!/usr/bin/env python
from json_utils import load_json, dump_json
from slackclient import SlackClient
import operator
import os
import argparse

def ensure_dir(directory):
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

    return directory

config = load_json('./env.json')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                    help='update channels',
    args = vars(ap.parse_args())

    slack_args = {'presence': 1}

    sc = SlackClient(config['token'])
    response = sc.api_call('users.list', **slack_args)
    users = response['members']
예제 #8

from json_utils import load_json, save_json

rda = load_json('/var/www/cfmrda-dev/public/json/rda.json')

new = []

for group in rda:
    new_group = {'group': group['group']}
    last_value = int(group['values'][-1]['displayValue'])
    if last_value != len(group['values']):
        skip = []
        c_el = 1
        c_no = 1
        while c_no < last_value:
            if int(group['values'][c_el - 1]['displayValue']) != c_no:
                c_el += 1
            c_no += 1
        new_group['skip'] = skip
    new_group['last'] = last_value

save_json(new, '/var/www/cfmrda-dev/src/rdaShort.json')

def apply_range_modifier(container, modifier_ele):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("methodology")

    if container is None:
        return "template_processing_functions.apply_range_modifier " + \
            "requires an StmTemplateConfig.  Received invalid element (None)."
    if not container.IsTypeOf("StmTemplateConfig"):
        return "template_processing_functions.apply_range_modifier " + \
            "requires an StmTemplateConfig.  Received an object of type: " + \
            container.GetType() + "."
    if modifier_ele is None:
        return "template_processing_functions.apply_range_modifier " + \
            "requires an ElementTree modifier_ele (ModifierInfo).   " + \
            "Received invalid element (None)."

    tag_name = modifier_ele.get("TagName")
    md_json = modifier_ele.get("ModifierInfo")

    if tag_name is None:
        return "TagName attribute is required in the ModifierInfo"
    if md_json is None:
        err_str = "ModifierInfo is required in the StmPropertyModifier: " + \
        return err_str

    # Validate the ModifierInfo against the schema
    res = json_utils.validate_json(md_json,
    if res != "":
        err_str = "ModifierInfo JSON is invalid or does not conform " + \
            "to the schema: " + res
        return err_str

    # Load the JSON
    err_str, md_dict = json_utils.load_json(md_json)
    if err_str != "":
        return err_str
    plLogger.LogDebug("md_dict: " + str(md_dict))

    obj_name = md_dict.get("objectName")
    prop_name = md_dict.get("propertyName")
    if not CMeta.ClassExists(obj_name):
        err_str = "Class " + obj_name + " does not exist."
        return err_str
    if prop_name not in CMeta.GetProperties(obj_name):
        err_str = "Property " + prop_name + " does not exist on " + \
        return err_str
    # prop_range = CMeta.GetPropertyRange(obj_name, prop_name)
    is_collection = dm_utils.is_property_collection(obj_name, prop_name)

    plLogger.LogDebug("obj_name: " + obj_name)
    plLogger.LogDebug("prop_name: " + prop_name)

    # Determine the property type
    prop_dict = CMeta.GetPropertyMeta(obj_name, prop_name)
    plLogger.LogDebug("prop_dict: " + str(prop_dict))
    prop_type = prop_dict["type"]

    # Process the propertyValueDict
    prop_val_dict = md_dict.get("propertyValueDict", {})

    # start (required)
    start = prop_val_dict["start"]
    if isinstance(start, basestring):
        start_list = [start]
        start_list = start

    # Truncate the list of start values based on whether the
    # property is a collection.
    if not is_collection:
        start_list = [start_list[0]]

    # Count for all lists will depend on how many items are
    # in the start_list
    count = len(start_list)

    # step (required)
    step = prop_val_dict["step"]
    if isinstance(step, basestring):
        step_list = [step]
        step_list = step

    # repeat
    repeat = prop_val_dict.get("repeat", None)
    if repeat is None:
        repeat = [0]
    if isinstance(repeat, int):
        repeat_list = [repeat]
        repeat_list = repeat

    # recycle
    recycle = prop_val_dict.get("recycle", None)
    if recycle is None:
        recycle = [0]
    if isinstance(recycle, int):
        recycle_list = [recycle]
        recycle_list = recycle

    # targetObjectStep (use default value if nothing specified)
    target_step = prop_val_dict.get("targetObjectStep", None)
    if target_step is None:
        err_str, zero_val = get_zero_value(prop_type)
        if err_str != "":
        target_step = [str(zero_val)]
    if isinstance(target_step, basestring):
        target_step_list = [target_step]
        target_step_list = target_step

    # Default for reset is True
    reset = prop_val_dict.get("resetOnNewTargetObject", True)

    # Turn everything into lists and even them out based on start_list
    # prop_type takes precedence unless the required list/scalar is
    # unspecified.
    # len(start_list) determines list length; shorter lists will be
    # extended.  Longer lists will be truncated.
    # (start_list and start are processed above)
    step_list = build_range_parameter_list(is_collection,
                                           step_list, count=count)
    repeat_list = build_range_parameter_list(is_collection,
                                             repeat_list, count=count)
    recycle_list = build_range_parameter_list(is_collection,
                                              recycle_list, count=count)
    target_step_list = build_range_parameter_list(is_collection,
    # Check the values
    for val in start_list:
        res = check_value_type(prop_type, val)
        if res != "":
            return "Invalid value " + str(val) + \
                " in start: " + res
    for val in step_list:
        res = check_value_type(prop_type, val)
        if res != "":
            return "Invalid value " + str(val) + \
                " in step: " + res
    for val in target_step_list:
        res = check_value_type(prop_type, val)
        if res != "":
            return "Invalid value " + str(val) + \
                " in targetObjectStep: " + res

    plLogger.LogDebug("count: " + str(count))
    plLogger.LogDebug("is_collection: " + str(is_collection))
    plLogger.LogDebug("start_list: " + str(start_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("step_list: " + str(step_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("repeat_list: " + str(repeat_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("recycle_list: " + str(recycle_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("target_step_list: " + str(target_step_list))
    plLogger.LogDebug("reset: " + str(reset))

    target_dict = get_modify_objects(container, obj_name, tag_name)
    if target_dict == {}:
        plLogger.LogWarn("No objects to modify")
        return ""

    if prop_type == "u8" or \
       prop_type == "u16" or \
       prop_type == "u32" or \
       prop_type == "u64":
            target_dict, start_list, step_list, repeat_list,
            recycle_list, target_step_list, reset,
            obj_name, prop_name)
    elif prop_type == "ip" or prop_type == "ipv6":
            target_dict, start_list, step_list, repeat_list,
            recycle_list, target_step_list, reset,
            obj_name, prop_name)
    elif prop_type == "mac":
            target_dict, start_list, step_list, repeat_list,
            recycle_list, target_step_list, reset,
            obj_name, prop_name)
        return "Unsupported property type: " + prop_type + \
            ".  Please fix the template_processing_functions." + \
            "apply range modifier."
    return ""
def get_range_modifier_json_schema():

    info = {}
    info["objectName"] = "Name of the object type that contains " + \
        "the property to be modified."
    info["propertyName"] = "Name of the property to be modified."
    info["modifierType"] = "Type of modifier to apply.  Currently, " + \
        "only RANGE is supported."
    info["propertyValueDict"] = "Properties specific to the type " + \
        "of modifier being applied."
    info["start"] = "Scalar start value or list of start values.  " + \
        "When a list is used, the number of values in the list " + \
        "indicate how long the generated list will be."
    info["step"] = "Scalar step value or list of step values.  " + \
        "When a list is specified, these are applied to elements " + \
        "in the same index in the start list.  If there are not " + \
        "enough values, the values are repeated."
    info["repeat"] = "Scalar repeat value or list of repeat values.  " + \
        "When a list is specified, these are applied to elements " + \
        "in the same index in the start list.  If there are not " + \
        "enough values, the values are repeated."
    info["recycle"] = "Scalar repeat value or list of repeat values.  " + \
        "When a list is specified, these are applied to elements " + \
        "in the same index in the start list.  If there are not " + \
        "enough values, the values are repeated."
    info["targetObjectStep"] = "Scalar target object step value or " + \
        "list of target object step values.  This step will be applied " + \
        "when a new target (usually parent) object of the objects " + \
        "being modified is encountered.  Usually used with " + \
        "resetOnNewTargetObject.  When a list is specified, these " + \
        "are applied to elements in the same index in the " + \
        "start list.  If there are not enough values, the values " + \
        "are repeated."
    info["resetOnNewTargetObject"] = "Reset the start value each time " + \
        "a new target (usually parent) object of the objects being " + \
        "modified is encountered."

    schema_str = """
  "title": "Schema for range-type ModifierInfo of the StmPropertyModifier.",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "objectName": {
      "type": "string"
    "propertyName": {
      "type": "string"
    "modifierType": {
      "enum": [
    "propertyValueDict": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "start": {
          "oneOf": [
              "type": "string"
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "string"
        "step": {
          "oneOf": [
              "type": "string"
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "string"
        "repeat": {
          "oneOf": [
              "type": "integer"
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "integer"
        "recycle": {
          "oneOf": [
              "type": "integer"
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "integer"
        "targetObjectStep": {
          "oneOf": [
              "type": "string"
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "string"
        "resetOnNewTargetObject": {
          "type": "boolean"
      "required": [
  "required": [
    err_str, j_schema = json_utils.load_json(schema_str)
    prop_dict = j_schema["properties"]
    for key in ["propertyName", "objectName", "modifierType",
        prop_dict[key]["description"] = info[key]
    pv_prop_dict = prop_dict["propertyValueDict"]["properties"]
    for key in ["start", "step", "repeat", "recycle",
                "targetObjectStep", "resetOnNewTargetObject"]:
        pv_prop_dict[key]["description"] = info[key]
    return json.dumps(j_schema)
예제 #11
def test_export_msc():


    data = load_json(WEB_ROOT + '/json/msc.json')
    assert data['qsoCount']
예제 #12
import logging
from os import path
import pytest

from ext_logger import ExtLogger, ExtLoggerException
from json_utils import load_json

LOGINS = load_json(
    path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)) + '/loggers_logins.json')

def test_lotw_login():
    lotw = ExtLogger('LoTW')
    logging.warning('test LOTW login')
    login_ssn = lotw.login(LOGINS['LoTW'])
    assert login_ssn
    logging.warning('test LOTW bad login')
    lotw = ExtLogger('LoTW')
    bad_login = {}
    bad_login['password'] += '_'
        bad_login_ssn = lotw.login(bad_login)
    except ExtLoggerException as e:
        assert str(e) == 'Login failed.'

def test_hamlog_login():
    lotw = ExtLogger('HamLOG')
예제 #13
PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description="lenfer device software index builder")
ARGS = PARSER.parse_args()

if not ARGS.path:
    sys.exit('Path is required.')

if not os.path.isdir(ARGS.path):
    sys.exit('Path does not exist')

INDEX_PATH = os.path.join(ARGS.path, 'index.json')
SOFTWARE_ROOT_PATH = os.path.join(ARGS.path, 'software')
INDEX = {}
if not INDEX_PREV:
    INDEX_PREV = {}

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(SOFTWARE_ROOT_PATH):
    for file_name in files:
        file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
        file_web_path = os.path.relpath(file_path, SOFTWARE_ROOT_PATH)
        file_hash = None
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as file_handle:
            file_hash = hashlib.md5(file_handle.read()).hexdigest()
        INDEX[file_web_path] = INDEX_PREV[
            file_web_path] if file_web_path in INDEX_PREV else {}
        INDEX[file_web_path]['hash'] = file_hash
예제 #14
            'emojis': {},
            'emojis_reactions': {},

    if not master_count.get(channel).get(hit_type).get(hit):
        master_count[channel][hit_type][hit] = 0

    master_count[channel][hit_type][hit] += 1

def filter_emojis(text):
    return Set(text.replace(':', '')).issubset(allowed_chars) and len(text) > 2

for idx, dump in enumerate(os.listdir('./output/channels')):
        messages = load_json('./output/channels/{}/messages/{}.json'.format(dump, dump))
        print('ANALYZING {}'.format(dump))
    except Exception as e:
        print('ERROR GETTING MESSSAGES IN {}'.format(dump))

    for message in messages:
        emojis = []
        emojis_reactions = []

        if message.get('text'):
            text_emojis = re.findall('\:.*?\:', message['text'])
            text_emojis = list(filter(lambda x: filter_emojis(x), text_emojis))
            if len(text_emojis):
                text_emojis = list(map(lambda x: x.replace(':', ''), text_emojis))
예제 #15
def test_chat():

    chat_path = WEB_ROOT + '/json/chat.json'
    active_users_path = WEB_ROOT + '/json/active_users.json'

    logging.debug('chat -- post from logged user')
    data = {\
        'token': create_token({'callsign': 'R7CL'}),\
        'message': 'blah 0',\
        'name': 'Name 0'}
    rsp = requests.post(API_URI + '/chat',\
    assert rsp.status_code == 200
    chat = load_json(chat_path)
    assert chat
    assert chat[0]
    assert chat[0]['callsign'] == 'R7CL'
    assert chat[0]['admin']
    assert chat[0]['text'] == data['message']
    assert chat[0]['name'] == data['name']
    assert chat[0]['ts']
    assert chat[0]['date']
    assert chat[0]['time']
    au = load_json(active_users_path)
    assert au
    assert au['R7CL']
    assert int(au['R7CL']['ts']) - int(chat[0]['ts']) < 2

    logging.debug('chat -- post from not logged user')
    data = {\
        'callsign': 'B1AH',\
        'message': 'blah 0',\
        'name': 'Name 1'}
    rsp = requests.post(API_URI + '/chat',\
    assert rsp.status_code == 200
    chat = load_json(chat_path)
    assert chat
    assert chat[0]
    assert chat[0]['callsign'] == data['callsign']
    assert not chat[0]['admin']
    assert chat[0]['name'] == data['name']
    assert chat[0]['text'] == data['message']
    assert chat[0]['ts']
    assert chat[0]['date']
    assert chat[0]['time']
    au = load_json(active_users_path)
    assert au
    assert au[data['callsign']]
    assert int(au[data['callsign']]['ts']) - int(chat[0]['ts']) < 2

    del_ts = chat[0]['ts']
    logging.debug('chat -- admin deletes post')
    data = {\
        'token': create_token({'callsign': 'R7CL'}),\
        'delete': del_ts,}
    rsp = requests.post(API_URI + '/chat',\
    assert rsp.status_code == 200
    chat = load_json(chat_path)
    assert chat
    assert chat[0]['ts'] != del_ts

    logging.debug('chat -- user leaves chat')
    data = {\
        'callsign': 'B1AH',\
        'exit': True}
    rsp = requests.post(API_URI + '/chat',\
    assert rsp.status_code == 200
    au = load_json(active_users_path)
    assert au
    assert data['callsign'] not in au
    logging.debug('chat -- user status update')
    data = {\
        'callsign': 'B1AH',\
        'typing': True}
    rsp = requests.post(API_URI + '/chat',\
    assert rsp.status_code == 200
    au = load_json(active_users_path)
    assert au
    assert au[data['callsign']]['typing']
예제 #16
from validator import validate, bad_request
from db import DBConn, splice_params
from conf import CONF, APP_NAME, APP_ROOT, start_logging
from secret import get_secret, create_token
import send_email
from hash import data_hash
from json_utils import load_json

APP.secret_key = get_secret(CONF['files']['secret'])
APP.json_encoder = JSONEncoder
APP.json_decoder = JSONDecoder

HASHIDS = Hashids(salt=APP.secret_key.decode('utf-8'), min_length=6)
TIMEZONES = load_json(APP_ROOT + '/timezones.json')

with APP.app_context():
    start_logging('srv', CONF['logs']['srv_level'])
logging.debug('starting in debug mode')

DB = DBConn(CONF.items('db'))
DB.verbose = False
APP.db = DB

def tz_shift(tzone):
    return TIMEZONES[tzone] if tzone in TIMEZONES else ''