def test_semantic_validations(self): data = """{ "type": "string", "format": "email" }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, ['It must be formatted as email'])
def test_array_validations3(self): data = """{ "type": "array", "items": [ { "type": "number" } ], "additionalItems": false }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, [])
def test_array_validations2(self): data = """{ "type": "array", "items": [ { "type": "number" } ], "additionalItems": true }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, ['It allows additional items'])
def test_number_validations3(self): data = """{ "type": "number", "maximum": 100, "exclusiveMaximum": true, "minimum": 0, "exclusiveMinimum": true }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual( schema.validations, ['It must be lower than 100', 'It must be greater than 0'])
def test_array_validations4(self): data = """{ "type": "array", "items": { "type": "number", "maximum": 100 }, "additionalItems": false }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, ['It must be lower than or equal to 100'])
def test_number_validations1(self): data = """{ "type": "number", "multipleOf": 20, "maximum": 100, "minimum": 0 }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, [ 'It must be multiple of 20', 'It must be lower than or equal to 100', 'It must be greater than or equal to 0' ])
def test_string_validations(self): data = """{ "type": "string", "maxLength": 100, "minLength": 0, "pattern": "sources/.*\\\\.rst" }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, [ 'Its length must be less than or equal to 100', 'Its length must be greater than or equal to 0', 'It must match to regexp "sources/.*\\.rst"' ])
def test_array_validations1(self): data = """{ "type": "array", "items": { "type": "number" }, "maxItems": 100, "minItems": 0, "uniqueItems": true }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, [ 'Its size must be less than or equal to 100', 'Its size must be greater than or equal to 0', 'Its elements must be unique' ])
def test_list_object_properties1(self): data = """{ "type": "array", "items": { "type": "number", "multipleOf": 1 }, "uniqueItems": false }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) props = list(schema) self.assertEqual(len(props), 1) self.assertEqual(props[0].name, '') self.assertEqual(props[0].type, 'array[number]')
def test_list_object_properties2(self): data = """{ "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "title": "Human" }, "uniqueItems": false }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) props = list(schema) self.assertEqual(len(props), 1) self.assertEqual(props[0].name, '') self.assertEqual(props[0].type, 'array[Human]')
def test_object_validations1(self): data = """{ "type": "object", "maxProperties": 5, "minProperties": 2, "dependencies": { "subclass": ["class"], "total_price": ["price", "tax"] } }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, [ 'Its numbers of properties must be less than or equal to 5', 'Its numbers of properties must be greater than or equal to 2', 'The "subclass" property depends on ["class"]', 'The "total_price" property depends on ["price", "tax"]' ])
def test_object_validations2(self): data = """{ "type": "object", "maxProperties": 5, "minProperties": 2, "dependencies": { "subclass": { "type": "string", "minLength": 5 } } }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, [ 'Its numbers of properties must be less than or equal to 5', 'Its numbers of properties must be greater than or equal to 2', 'The "subclass" property must match to {"type": "string", "minLength": 5}' ])
def test_enum_validation(self): data = """{ "type": "object", "enum": [ "string", { "type": "object", "maxProperties": 3 }, null, 42 ] }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, [ 'It must be equal to one of the elements ' + 'in ["string", {"type": "object", "maxProperties": 3}, null, 42]' ])
def test_list_object_properties(self): data = """{ "type": "object", "properties": { "name": "string", "password": "******", "address" : { "type": "object", "properties": { "prefecture": "string", "postal_code": "string" } } }, "required": ["name"] }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) props = list(schema) self.assertEqual(len(props), 5) self.assertEqual(props[0].name, 'name') self.assertEqual(props[0].type, 'string') self.assertEqual(props[0].required, True) self.assertEqual(props[1].name, 'password') self.assertEqual(props[1].type, 'string') self.assertEqual(props[1].required, False) self.assertEqual(props[2].name, 'address') self.assertEqual(props[2].type, 'object') self.assertEqual(props[2].required, False) self.assertEqual(props[3].name, 'address/prefecture') self.assertEqual(props[3].type, 'string') self.assertEqual(props[3].required, False) self.assertEqual(props[4].name, 'address/postal_code') self.assertEqual(props[4].type, 'string') self.assertEqual(props[4].required, False)
def test_instantiate(self): try: tmpdir = mkdtemp() tmpfile = NamedTemporaryFile('w+t', dir=tmpdir) data = {'type': 'string'} tmpfile.write(json.dumps(data)) # load from string schema = JSONSchema.loads(json.dumps(data)) self.assertEqual(data, schema.attributes) # load from readable object schema = JSONSchema.load(tmpfile) self.assertEqual(data, schema.attributes) # load from file schema = JSONSchema.loadfromfile( self.assertEqual(data, schema.attributes) finally: tmpfile.close() rmtree(tmpdir)
def test_attributes(self): data = """{ "description": "test data", "title": "test-data-2001", "type": "number", "multipleOf": 20, "maximum": 100, "exclusiveMaximum": true, "default": 50, "example": null, "user_defined_attr_255": "255" }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(, '') self.assertEqual(schema.description, 'test data') self.assertEqual(schema.title, 'test-data-2001') self.assertEqual(schema.type, 'number') self.assertEqual(schema.multipleOf, 20) self.assertEqual(schema.maximum, 100) self.assertEqual(schema.exclusiveMaximum, True) self.assertEqual(schema.default, 50) self.assertEqual(schema.example, None) self.assertEqual(schema.user_defined_attr_255, "255")
def test_union_validations(self): data = """{ "type": ["number", "string"], "title": "union title", "description": "union description", "maximum": 100, "minimum": 0, "maxLength": 100, "minLength": 0 }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) self.assertEqual(schema.description, 'union description') self.assertEqual(schema.title, 'union title') self.assertEqual(schema.type, '[number, string]') self.assertEqual(schema.maximum, 100) self.assertEqual(schema.minimum, 0) self.assertEqual(schema.maxLength, 100) self.assertEqual(schema.minLength, 0) self.assertEqual(schema.validations, [ 'It must be lower than or equal to 100', 'It must be greater than or equal to 0', 'Its length must be less than or equal to 100', 'Its length must be greater than or equal to 0' ])
def test_list_object_properties4(self): data = """{ "type": "array", "items": [ { "type": "number" }, { "type": "string" }, { "type": "number" } ], "additionalItems": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": "string" } } }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) props = list(schema) self.assertEqual(len(props), 6) self.assertEqual(props[0].name, '') self.assertEqual(props[0].type, 'array[number,string,number,object+]') self.assertEqual(props[1].name, '[0]') self.assertEqual(props[1].type, 'number') self.assertEqual(props[2].name, '[1]') self.assertEqual(props[2].type, 'string') self.assertEqual(props[3].name, '[2]') self.assertEqual(props[3].type, 'number') self.assertEqual(props[4].name, '[3+]') self.assertEqual(props[4].type, 'object') self.assertEqual(props[5].name, '[3+]/name') self.assertEqual(props[5].type, 'string')
def test_list_object_properties3(self): data = """{ "type": "array", "items": [ { "type": "number" }, { "type": "string" }, { "type": "number" } ] }""" schema = JSONSchema.loads(data) props = list(schema) self.assertEqual(len(props), 4) self.assertEqual(props[0].name, '') self.assertEqual(props[0].type, 'array[number,string,number]') self.assertEqual(props[1].name, '[0]') self.assertEqual(props[1].type, 'number') self.assertEqual(props[2].name, '[1]') self.assertEqual(props[2].type, 'string') self.assertEqual(props[3].name, '[2]') self.assertEqual(props[3].type, 'number')