예제 #1
class StatusCommand(object):
    def __init__(self, client, provider, log):
        Callable status command object.

        `client`: ZK client connection
        `provider`: machine provider for the environment
        `log`: a Python stdlib logger.

        self.client = client
        self.provider = provider
        self.log = log

        self.service_manager = ServiceStateManager(client)
        self.relation_manager = RelationStateManager(client)
        self.machine_manager = MachineStateManager(client)
        self.charm_manager = CharmStateManager(client)

    def _reset(self, scope=None):
        # init per-run state
        # self.state is assembled by the various process methods
        # intermediate access to state is made more convenient
        # using these references to its internals.
        self.service_data = {}  # service name: service info
        self.machine_data = {}  # machine id: machine state
        self.unit_data = {}  # unit_name :unit_info

        # used in collecting subordinate (which are added to state in a two
        # phase pass)
        self.subordinates = {}  # service : set(principal service names)

        self.state = dict(services=self.service_data,

        # Filtering info
        self.seen_machines = set()
        self.filter_services, self.filter_units = digest_scope(scope)

    def __call__(self, scope=None):
        """Extract status information into nested dicts for rendering.

        `scope`: an optional list of name specifiers. Globbing based wildcards
        supported. Defaults to all units, services and relations.


        # Pass 1 Gather Data (including principals and subordinates)
        # this builds unit info  and container relationships
        # which is assembled in pass 2 below
        yield self._process_services()

        # Pass 2: Nest information according to principal/subordinates
        # rules

        yield self._process_machines()


    def _process_services(self):
        For each service gather the following information::

          <service name>:
            charm: <charm name>
            exposed: <expose boolean>
                 <relation info -- see _process_relations>
                 <unit info -- see _process_units>
        services = yield self.service_manager.get_all_service_states()
        for service in services:
            if len(self.filter_services):
                found = False
                for filter_service in self.filter_services:
                    if fnmatch(service.service_name, filter_service):
                        found = True
                if not found:
            yield self._process_service(service)

    def _process_service(self, service):
        Gather the service info (described in _process_services).

        `service`: ServiceState instance

        relation_data = {}
        service_data = self.service_data

        charm_id = yield service.get_charm_id()
        charm = yield self.charm_manager.get_charm_state(charm_id)

        service_data[service.service_name] = (

        if (yield service.is_subordinate()):
            service_data[service.service_name]["subordinate"] = True

        yield self._process_expose(service)

        relations, rel_svc_map = yield self._process_relation_map(

        unit_matched = yield self._process_units(service,

        # after filtering units check if any matched or remove the
        # service from the output
        if self.filter_units and not unit_matched:
            del service_data[service.service_name]

        yield self._process_relations(service, relations, rel_svc_map)

    def _process_units(self, service, relations, rel_svc_map):
        Gather unit information for a service::

            <unit name>:
                agent-state: <started|pendding|etc>
                machine: <machine id>
                open-ports: ["port/protocol", ...]
                public-address: <public dns name or ip>
                     <optional nested units of subordinate services>

        `service`: ServiceState intance
        `relations`: list of ServiceRelationState instance for this service
        `rel_svc_map`: maps relation internal ids to the remote endpoint
                       service name. This references the name of the remote
                       endpoint and so is generated per service.
        units = yield service.get_all_unit_states()
        unit_matched = False

        for unit in units:
            if len(self.filter_units):
                found = False
                for filter_unit in self.filter_units:
                    if fnmatch(unit.unit_name, filter_unit):
                        found = True
                if not found:
            yield self._process_unit(service, unit, relations, rel_svc_map)
            unit_matched = True

    def _process_unit(self, service, unit, relations, rel_svc_map):
        """ Generate unit info for a single unit of a single service.

        `unit`: ServiceUnitState
        see `_process_units` for an explanation of other arguments.

        u = self.unit_data[unit.unit_name] = dict()
        container = yield unit.get_container()

        if container:
            u["container"] = container.unit_name

        machine_id = yield unit.get_assigned_machine_id()
        u["machine"] = machine_id
        unit_workflow_client = WorkflowStateClient(self.client, unit)
        unit_state = yield unit_workflow_client.get_state()
        if not unit_state:
            u["agent-state"] = "pending"
            unit_connected = yield unit.has_agent()
            u["agent-state"] = unit_state.replace("_", "-") \
                               if unit_connected else "down"

        exposed = self.service_data[service.service_name].get("exposed")
        if exposed:
            open_ports = yield unit.get_open_ports()
            u["open-ports"] = ["{port}/{proto}".format(**port_info)
                               for port_info in open_ports]

        u["public-address"] = yield unit.get_public_address()

        # indicate we should include information about this
        # machine later

        # collect info on each relation for the service unit
        yield self._process_unit_relations(service, unit,
                                           relations, rel_svc_map)

    def _process_relation_map(self, service):
        """Generate a mapping from a services relations to the service name of
        the remote endpoints.

        returns: ([ServiceRelationState, ...], mapping)
        relation_data = self.service_data[service.service_name]["relations"]
        relation_mgr = self.relation_manager
        relations = yield relation_mgr.get_relations_for_service(service)
        rel_svc_map = {}

        for relation in relations:
            rel_services = yield relation.get_service_states()

            # A single related service implies a peer relation. More
            # imply a bi-directional provides/requires relationship.
            # In the later case we omit the local side of the relation
            # when reporting.
            if len(rel_services) > 1:
                # Filter out self from multi-service relations.
                rel_services = [
                    rsn for rsn in rel_services if rsn.service_name !=

            if len(rel_services) > 1:
                raise ValueError("Unexpected relationship with more "
                                 "than 2 endpoints")

            rel_service = rel_services[0]
            relation_data.setdefault(relation.relation_name, set()).add(
            rel_svc_map[relation.internal_relation_id] = (

        returnValue((relations, rel_svc_map))

    def _process_relations(self, service, relations, rel_svc_map):
        """Generate relation information for a given service

        Each service with relations will have a relations dict
        nested under it with one or more relations described::

              <relation name>:
              - <remote service name>

        relation_data = self.service_data[service.service_name]["relations"]

        for relation in relations:
            rel_services = yield relation.get_service_states()

            # A single related service implies a peer relation. More
            # imply a bi-directional provides/requires relationship.
            # In the later case we omit the local side of the relation
            # when reporting.
            if len(rel_services) > 1:
                # Filter out self from multi-service relations.
                rel_services = [
                    rsn for rsn in rel_services if rsn.service_name !=

            if len(rel_services) > 1:
                raise ValueError("Unexpected relationship with more "
                                 "than 2 endpoints")

            rel_service = rel_services[0]
                relation.relation_name, set()).add(
            rel_svc_map[relation.internal_relation_id] = (

        # Normalize the sets back to lists
        for r in relation_data:
            relation_data[r] = sorted(relation_data[r])

    def _process_unit_relations(self, service, unit, relations, rel_svc_map):
        """Collect UnitRelationState information per relation and per unit.

        Includes information under each unit for its relations including
        its relation state and information about any possible errors.

        see `_process_relations` for argument information
        u = self.unit_data[unit.unit_name]
        relation_errors = {}

        for relation in relations:
                relation_unit = yield relation.get_unit_state(unit)
            except UnitRelationStateNotFound:
                # This exception will occur when relations are
                # established between services without service
                # units, and therefore never have any
                # corresponding service relation units.
                # UPDATE: common with subordinate services, and
                # some testing scenarios.
            relation_workflow_client = WorkflowStateClient(
                self.client, relation_unit)
            workflow_state = yield relation_workflow_client.get_state()

            rel_svc_name = rel_svc_map.get(relation.internal_relation_id)
            if rel_svc_name and workflow_state not in ("up", None):
                    relation.relation_name, set()).add(rel_svc_name)

        if relation_errors:
            # Normalize sets and store.
            u["relation-errors"] = dict(
                [(r, sorted(relation_errors[r])) for r in relation_errors])

    def _process_subordinates(self):
        """Properly nest subordinate units under their principal service's
        unit nodes. Services and units are generated in one pass, then
        iterated by this method to structure the output data to reflect
        actual unit containment.

        Subordinate units will include the follow::
           subordinate: true
            - <principal service names>

        Principal services that have subordinates will include::

              <subordinate unit name>:
                agent-state: <agent state>
        service_data = self.service_data

        for unit_name, u in self.unit_data.iteritems():
            container = u.get("container")
            if container:
                d = self.unit_data[container].setdefault("subordinates", {})
                d[unit_name] = u

                # remove keys that don't appear in output or come from container
                for key in ("container", "machine", "public-address"):
                    u.pop(key, None)
                service_name = parse_service_name(unit_name)
                service_data[service_name]["units"][unit_name] = u

        for sub_service, principal_services in self.subordinates.iteritems():
            service_data[sub_service]["subordinate-to"] = sorted(principal_services)
            service_data[sub_service].pop("units", None)

    def _process_expose(self, service):
        """Indicate if a service is exposed or not."""
        exposed = yield service.get_exposed_flag()
        if exposed:

    def _process_machines(self):
        """Gather machine information.

          <machine id>:
            agent-state: <agent state>
            dns-name: <dns name>
            instance-id: <provider specific instance id>
            instance-state: <instance state>

        machines = yield self.machine_manager.get_all_machine_states()
        for machine_state in machines:
            if (self.filter_services or self.filter_units) and \
                    machine_state.id not in self.seen_machines:
            yield self._process_machine(machine_state)

    def _process_machine(self, machine_state):
        `machine_state`: MachineState instance
        instance_id = yield machine_state.get_instance_id()
        m = {"instance-id": instance_id \
             if instance_id is not None else "pending"}
        if instance_id is not None:
                pm = yield self.provider.get_machine(instance_id)
                m["dns-name"] = pm.dns_name
                m["instance-state"] = pm.state
                if (yield machine_state.has_agent()):
                    # if the agent's connected, we're fine
                    m["agent-state"] = "running"
                    units = (
                        yield machine_state.get_all_service_unit_states())
                    for unit in units:
                        unit_workflow_client = WorkflowStateClient(
                            self.client, unit)
                        if (yield unit_workflow_client.get_state()):
                            # for unit to have a state, its agent must
                            # have run, which implies the machine agent
                            # must have been running correctly at some
                            # point in the past
                            m["agent-state"] = "down"
                        # otherwise we're probably just still waiting
                        m["agent-state"] = "not-started"
            except ProviderError:
                # The provider doesn't have machine information
                    "Machine provider information missing: machine %s" % (

        self.machine_data[machine_state.id] = m
예제 #2
파일: status.py 프로젝트: mcclurmc/juju
def collect(scope, machine_provider, client, log):
    """Extract status information into nested dicts for rendering.

       `scope`: an optional list of name specifiers. Globbing based
       wildcards supported. Defaults to all units, services and

       `machine_provider`: machine provider for the environment

       `client`: ZK client connection

       `log`: a Python stdlib logger.
    service_manager = ServiceStateManager(client)
    relation_manager = RelationStateManager(client)
    machine_manager = MachineStateManager(client)
    charm_manager = CharmStateManager(client)

    service_data = {}
    machine_data = {}
    state = dict(services=service_data, machines=machine_data)

    seen_machines = set()
    filter_services, filter_units = digest_scope(scope)

    services = yield service_manager.get_all_service_states()
    for service in services:
        if len(filter_services):
            found = False
            for filter_service in filter_services:
                if fnmatch(service.service_name, filter_service):
                    found = True
            if not found:

        unit_data = {}
        relation_data = {}

        charm_id = yield service.get_charm_id()
        charm = yield charm_manager.get_charm_state(charm_id)

        service_data[service.service_name] = dict(units=unit_data,
        exposed = yield service.get_exposed_flag()
        if exposed:

        units = yield service.get_all_unit_states()
        unit_matched = False

        relations = yield relation_manager.get_relations_for_service(service)

        for unit in units:
            if len(filter_units):
                found = False
                for filter_unit in filter_units:
                    if fnmatch(unit.unit_name, filter_unit):
                        found = True
                if not found:

            u = unit_data[unit.unit_name] = dict()
            machine_id = yield unit.get_assigned_machine_id()
            u["machine"] = machine_id
            unit_workflow_client = WorkflowStateClient(client, unit)
            unit_state = yield unit_workflow_client.get_state()
            if not unit_state:
                u["state"] = "pending"
                unit_connected = yield unit.has_agent()
                u["state"] = unit_state if unit_connected else "down"
            if exposed:
                open_ports = yield unit.get_open_ports()
                u["open-ports"] = ["{port}/{proto}".format(**port_info)
                                   for port_info in open_ports]

            u["public-address"] = yield unit.get_public_address()

            # indicate we should include information about this
            # machine later
            unit_matched = True

            # collect info on each relation for the service unit
            relation_status = {}
            for relation in relations:
                    relation_unit = yield relation.get_unit_state(unit)
                except UnitRelationStateNotFound:
                    # This exception will occur when relations are
                    # established between services without service
                    # units, and therefore never have any
                    # corresponding service relation units. This
                    # scenario does not occur in actual deployments,
                    # but can happen in test circumstances. In
                    # particular, it will happen with a misconfigured
                    # provider, which exercises this codepath.
                    continue  # should not occur, but status should not fail
                relation_workflow_client = WorkflowStateClient(
                    client, relation_unit)
                relation_workflow_state = \
                    yield relation_workflow_client.get_state()
                relation_status[relation.relation_name] = dict(
            u["relations"] = relation_status

        # after filtering units check if any matched or remove the
        # service from the output
        if filter_units and not unit_matched:
            del service_data[service.service_name]

        for relation in relations:
            rel_services = yield relation.get_service_states()

            # A single related service implies a peer relation. More
            # imply a bi-directional provides/requires relationship.
            # In the later case we omit the local side of the relation
            # when reporting.
            if len(rel_services) > 1:
                # Filter out self from multi-service relations.
                rel_services = [
                    rsn for rsn in rel_services if rsn.service_name !=

            if len(rel_services) > 1:
                raise ValueError("Unexpected relationship with more "
                                 "than 2 endpoints")

            rel_service = rel_services[0]
            relation_data[relation.relation_name] = rel_service.service_name

    machines = yield machine_manager.get_all_machine_states()
    for machine_state in machines:
        if (filter_services or filter_units) and \
                machine_state.id not in seen_machines:

        instance_id = yield machine_state.get_instance_id()
        m = {"instance-id": instance_id \
             if instance_id is not None else "pending"}
        if instance_id is not None:
                pm = yield machine_provider.get_machine(instance_id)
                m["dns-name"] = pm.dns_name
                m["instance-state"] = pm.state
                if (yield machine_state.has_agent()):
                    # if the agent's connected, we're fine
                    m["state"] = "running"
                    units = (yield machine_state.get_all_service_unit_states())
                    for unit in units:
                        unit_workflow_client = WorkflowStateClient(client, unit)
                        if (yield unit_workflow_client.get_state()):
                            # for unit to have a state, its agent must have
                            # run, which implies the machine agent must have
                            # been running correctly at some point in the past
                            m["state"] = "down"
                        # otherwise we're probably just still waiting
                        m["state"] = "not-started"
            except ProviderError:
                # The provider doesn't have machine information
                    "Machine provider information missing: machine %s" % (

        machine_data[machine_state.id] = m

예제 #3
def collect(scope, machine_provider, client, log):
    """Extract status information into nested dicts for rendering.

       `scope`: an optional list of name specifiers. Globbing based
       wildcards supported. Defaults to all units, services and

       `machine_provider`: machine provider for the environment

       `client`: ZK client connection

       `log`: a Python stdlib logger.
    service_manager = ServiceStateManager(client)
    relation_manager = RelationStateManager(client)
    machine_manager = MachineStateManager(client)
    charm_manager = CharmStateManager(client)

    service_data = {}
    machine_data = {}
    state = dict(services=service_data, machines=machine_data)

    seen_machines = set()
    filter_services, filter_units = digest_scope(scope)

    services = yield service_manager.get_all_service_states()
    for service in services:
        if len(filter_services):
            found = False
            for filter_service in filter_services:
                if fnmatch(service.service_name, filter_service):
                    found = True
            if not found:

        unit_data = {}
        relation_data = {}

        charm_id = yield service.get_charm_id()
        charm = yield charm_manager.get_charm_state(charm_id)

        service_data[service.service_name] = dict(units=unit_data,
        exposed = yield service.get_exposed_flag()
        if exposed:

        units = yield service.get_all_unit_states()
        unit_matched = False

        relations = yield relation_manager.get_relations_for_service(service)

        for unit in units:
            if len(filter_units):
                found = False
                for filter_unit in filter_units:
                    if fnmatch(unit.unit_name, filter_unit):
                        found = True
                if not found:

            u = unit_data[unit.unit_name] = dict()
            machine_id = yield unit.get_assigned_machine_id()
            u["machine"] = machine_id
            unit_workflow_client = WorkflowStateClient(client, unit)
            unit_state = yield unit_workflow_client.get_state()
            if not unit_state:
                u["state"] = "pending"
                unit_connected = yield unit.has_agent()
                u["state"] = unit_state if unit_connected else "down"
            if exposed:
                open_ports = yield unit.get_open_ports()
                u["open-ports"] = [
                    for port_info in open_ports

            u["public-address"] = yield unit.get_public_address()

            # indicate we should include information about this
            # machine later
            unit_matched = True

            # collect info on each relation for the service unit
            relation_status = {}
            for relation in relations:
                    relation_unit = yield relation.get_unit_state(unit)
                except UnitRelationStateNotFound:
                    # This exception will occur when relations are
                    # established between services without service
                    # units, and therefore never have any
                    # corresponding service relation units. This
                    # scenario does not occur in actual deployments,
                    # but can happen in test circumstances. In
                    # particular, it will happen with a misconfigured
                    # provider, which exercises this codepath.
                    continue  # should not occur, but status should not fail
                relation_workflow_client = WorkflowStateClient(
                    client, relation_unit)
                relation_workflow_state = \
                    yield relation_workflow_client.get_state()
                relation_status[relation.relation_name] = dict(
            u["relations"] = relation_status

        # after filtering units check if any matched or remove the
        # service from the output
        if filter_units and not unit_matched:
            del service_data[service.service_name]

        for relation in relations:
            rel_services = yield relation.get_service_states()

            # A single related service implies a peer relation. More
            # imply a bi-directional provides/requires relationship.
            # In the later case we omit the local side of the relation
            # when reporting.
            if len(rel_services) > 1:
                # Filter out self from multi-service relations.
                rel_services = [
                    rsn for rsn in rel_services
                    if rsn.service_name != service.service_name

            if len(rel_services) > 1:
                raise ValueError("Unexpected relationship with more "
                                 "than 2 endpoints")

            rel_service = rel_services[0]
            relation_data[relation.relation_name] = rel_service.service_name

    machines = yield machine_manager.get_all_machine_states()
    for machine_state in machines:
        if (filter_services or filter_units) and \
                machine_state.id not in seen_machines:

        instance_id = yield machine_state.get_instance_id()
        m = {"instance-id": instance_id \
             if instance_id is not None else "pending"}
        if instance_id is not None:
                pm = yield machine_provider.get_machine(instance_id)
                m["dns-name"] = pm.dns_name
                m["instance-state"] = pm.state
                if (yield machine_state.has_agent()):
                    # if the agent's connected, we're fine
                    m["state"] = "running"
                    units = (yield machine_state.get_all_service_unit_states())
                    for unit in units:
                        unit_workflow_client = WorkflowStateClient(
                            client, unit)
                        if (yield unit_workflow_client.get_state()):
                            # for unit to have a state, its agent must have
                            # run, which implies the machine agent must have
                            # been running correctly at some point in the past
                            m["state"] = "down"
                        # otherwise we're probably just still waiting
                        m["state"] = "not-started"
            except ProviderError:
                # The provider doesn't have machine information
                log.error("Machine provider information missing: machine %s" %

        machine_data[machine_state.id] = m
