예제 #1
    def get_img_air(self, f_name, px, py, cols, rows, sub_ds_n=0):
            get an array from a geo image.

            f_name : str
                file name
            px : int
                x pixel
            py : int
                y pixel
            cols : int
                number of columns
            rows : int
                number of rows
            sub_ds_n : int
                number of a subdataset
        # print 'f_name:', f_name
        # print np.load(f_name).keys()
        img = np.load(f_name)['air_new_interp'][px:px + cols, py:py + rows]

        d = int(f_name.split('.')[0].split('_')[-1][1:])
        y = int(f_name.split('.')[0].split('_')[-2])
        jd = julday.date2jul(julday.doy2date(y, d))

        return img, jd
예제 #2
    def jul_range(self, jd01, jd02, step=1):
        Define output dates.
        We want to work with whole years

        :param jd01:
        :param jd02:
        :return: t
        year = julday.jul2date2(jd01).year
        jd1 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 1, 1))
        year = julday.jul2date2(jd02).year
        jd2 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 12, 31))
        t = np.arange(jd1, jd2 + 1, step)

        return t
예제 #3
def CalcSun(lat, lon, date, time=12./24., zone=-6):

    #zone - time zone (+ to E)
    #jd = 2452276.25
    #sun_dec - Sun Declin (deg)
    #hour_angle - Hour Angle (deg)
    #tst - True Solar Time (min)
    #et - Eq of time (min)
    #gml - Geom Mean Long Sun (deg)
    #eeo - Eccent Earth Orbit
    #gma - Geom Mean Anom Sun (deg)
    #jc - Julian Century
    #oc - Obliq Corr (deg)
    #moe - Mean Obliq Ecliptic (deg)
    #sal - Sun App Long (deg)
    #stl - Sun True Long (deg)
    #sec - Sun Eq of Ctr

    jd = np.round(julday.date2jul(date))
    jc = (jd-2451545.)/36525.
    gma = 357.52911+jc*(35999.05029 - 0.0001537*jc)
    gml = (280.46646+jc*(36000.76983 + jc*0.0003032))%360
    eeo = 0.016708634-jc*(0.000042037+0.0000001267*jc)
    moe = 23+(26+((21.448-jc*(46.815+jc*(0.00059-jc*0.001813))))/60.)/60
    oc = moe+0.00256*np.cos(radians(125.04-1934.136*jc))
    var_y = np.tan(radians(oc/2.))*np.tan(radians(oc/2.))
    sec = np.sin(radians(gma))*(1.914602-jc*(0.004817+0.000014*jc)) + np.sin(radians(2*gma))*(0.019993-0.000101*jc)+np.sin(radians(3*gma))*0.000289
    stl = gml + sec
    sal = stl-0.00569-0.00478*np.sin(radians(125.04-1934.136*jc))
    sun_dec = degrees(np.arcsin(np.sin(radians(oc))*np.sin(radians(sal))))

    et = 4.*degrees(var_y*np.sin(2.*radians(gml)) - 2.*eeo*np.sin(radians(gma)) + 4.*eeo*var_y*np.sin(radians(gma))*np.cos(2*radians(gml)) -\
            0.5*var_y*var_y*np.sin(4.*radians(gml)) - 1.25*eeo*eeo*np.sin(2.*radians(gma)))

    tst = (time*1440.+et+4*lon-60.*zone)%1440.
    if tst/4. < 0:
        hour_angle = tst/4.+180
        hour_angle = tst/4.-180
    theta_i = degrees(np.arccos(np.sin(radians(lat))*np.sin(radians(sun_dec)) + np.cos(radians(lat))*np.cos(radians(sun_dec))*np.cos(radians(hour_angle))))

    if hour_angle>0:
        phi_i = (degrees(np.arccos(((np.sin(radians(lat))*np.cos(radians(theta_i)))-np.sin(radians(sun_dec)))/(np.cos(radians(lat))*np.sin(radians(theta_i)))))+180)%360.
        phi_i = (540-degrees(np.arccos(((np.sin(radians(lat))*np.cos(radians(theta_i)))-np.sin(radians(sun_dec)))/(np.cos(radians(lat))*np.sin(radians(theta_i))))))%360.
    return theta_i, phi_i
예제 #4
def get_obs_operator_etm(emu_file, state, year, ind_cross, state_file, cost_weight=1):

    wl_misr = [483.0, 560.0, 662.0, 835.0, 1648.0, 2206.0]
    wl_width = [65, 80, 60, 150, 200, 270]
    wl_full = np.arange(400, 2501)
    # Load data a file
    d = np.loadtxt(state_file, skiprows=1)
    d = d[ind_cross, :]

    jul = d[:, 0].astype(int)
    dt = datetime
    # Find difference between first day of an year and array of all julian days
    day_diff = jul - julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 1, 1))
    # Find days for this year
    ind = np.logical_and(day_diff > 0, day_diff < 366)
    # Find unique days in an year. Landsat data can contain two observations for one day.
    # This is not supported in the new generation...
    (arr, ind_u) = np.unique(jul, return_index=True)
    # array of not unique indices
    ind_z = np.zeros(jul.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    ind_z[:] = True
    # set all unique indices to False
    ind_z[ind_u] = False
    # set all not unique indices to False
    ind[ind_z] = False
    doys = []
    for day1 in jul[ind]:
        doys = np.append(doys, julday.jul2doy(day1))
    print "doys=", doys

    vza = np.round(d[ind, 2])
    sza = np.round(d[ind, 4])
    vaa = np.round(d[ind, 3])
    saa = np.round(d[ind, 5])
    raa = np.round(abs(vaa - saa))
    rho = d[ind, 6:]
    # print 'vza=', vz
    print "rho.shape (etm):", rho.shape
    # 446nm +-21, 558nm +-15, 672nm +-11, 866nm +-20
    b_min = np.array(wl_misr) - np.array(wl_width)
    b_max = np.array(wl_misr) + np.array(wl_width)

    n_bands = b_min.shape[0]
    band_pass = np.zeros((n_bands, 2101), dtype=np.bool)
    bw = np.zeros(n_bands)
    bh = np.zeros(n_bands)
    for i in xrange(n_bands):
        band_pass[i, :] = np.logical_and(wl_full >= b_min[i], wl_full <= b_max[i])
        bw[i] = b_max[i] - b_min[i]
        bh[i] = (b_max[i] + b_min[i]) / 2.0

    sigma_min = 0.001
    sigma_max = 0.04
    sigma_obs = (sigma_max - sigma_min) * (bh - bh.min()) / (bh.max() - bh.min())
    sigma_obs += sigma_min
    bu = sigma_obs
    print bu
    bu = [0.0041, 0.0045, 0.0047, 0.0053, 0.0079, 0.0097]
    print bu
    rho_big = np.zeros((365, n_bands))
    mask = np.zeros((365, 4))
    for i in state.state_grid:
        if i in doys:
            r = rho[doys == i, :].squeeze()
            print doys
            rho_big[i - 1, :] = r
            # mask[ i, :] = [ i, raa[doys==i], np.round(sza[doys==i]/5.)*5, np.round(vza[doys==i]/5.)*5 ]
            mask[i - 1, :] = [i, raa[doys == i], np.round(sza[doys == i]), np.round(vza[doys == i])]

    ind = np.where(mask != 0)

    emulators = {}
    for i in range(doys.shape[0]):

        tag = tuple([np.round(sza[i]), np.round(vza[i])])

        file_emu = emu_file % (sza[i], vza[i], raa[i])
        print sza[i], vza[i], raa[i]
        if os.path.isfile(file_emu):
            print file_emu
            print tag
            emulators[tag] = MultivariateEmulator(dump=file_emu)
            print "emulator file " + file_emu + " does not exist"
            print sza[i], vza[i], raa[i]
            print vaa[i], saa[i]
    obs = ObservationOperatorMax(state.state_grid, state, rho_big, mask, emulators, bu, band_pass, bw, cost_weight)
    return obs, doys
예제 #5
def do_average(file_in, file_out, year, step=30, ref_file='', meter_file=''):
    get an array from a geo image.

    f_name : str
        file name
    px : int
        x pixel
    py : int
        y pixel
    cols : int
        number of columns
    rows : int
        number of rows
    sub_ds_n : int
        number of a subdataset

    print 'Read input file:'
    ds_in = h5py.File(file_in, 'r')

    # ds_out = nc.Dataset(path_out + 'lst_average_%s_%d_%dday.nc' % (tile, year, step), 'w')
    ds_out = nc.Dataset(file_out, 'w')
    ds_out.createDimension('x', 1200)
    ds_out.createDimension('y', 1200)
    # date_step = np.arange(1, ds_in['doy'].shape[0] + 1, step)
    date_step = np.arange(1, 366, step)
    ds_out.createDimension('time', date_step.shape[0])

    print 'Create variables:'
    lstVar = ds_out.createVariable('lst', 'f8', ('time', 'x', 'y'), zlib=True)
    lstVar.standard_name = 'LST'
    lstVar.long_name = 'Land Surface Temperature'
    lstVar.units = 'K'

    ds_out.createVariable('lst_sd', 'f8', ('time', 'x', 'y'), zlib=True)
    lstVar.standard_name = 'LST SD'
    lstVar.long_name = 'Land Surface Temperature Uncertainty'
    lstVar.units = 'K'

    timeVar = ds_out.createVariable('time', 'f8', 'time')
    timeVar.units = 'days since -4712-01-01 00:00:00'

    xVar = ds_out.createVariable('x', 'f8', ('x'), zlib=True)
    xVar.standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate'
    xVar.long_name = 'x distance on the projection plane from the origin'
    xVar.units = 'm'
    yVar = ds_out.createVariable('y', 'f8', ('y'), zlib=True)
    yVar.standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate'
    yVar.long_name = 'y distance on the projection plane from the origin'
    yVar.units = 'm'

    meters = np.load(meter_file)
    xVar[:] = meters['mx']
    yVar[:] = meters['my']

    lonVar = ds_out.createVariable('lon', 'f8', ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)
    latVar = ds_out.createVariable('lat', 'f8', ('y', 'x'), zlib=True)

    lonVar.long_name = "longitude"
    lonVar.units = 'degrees_east'

    latVar.long_name = "latitude"
    latVar.units = 'degrees_north'

    # lat = np.zeros((yVar.shape[0], xVar.shape[0]))
    # lon = np.zeros((yVar.shape[0], xVar.shape[0]))
    # get lat-lon by projected (map) coordinates
    print 'Get Lat/Lon:'
    for i in xrange(xVar.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(yVar.shape[0]):
            # print 'xVar[i], yVar[j]', xVar[i], yVar[j]
            latVar[j, i], lonVar[j, i] = get_latlon(xVar[i], yVar[j])

    # lonVar[:] = dsin['lon'][:]
    # latVar[:] = dsin['lat'][:]
    print 'Create crs:'
    crs = ds_out.createVariable('crs', 'S1')
    crs.grid_mapping_name = 'sinusoidal'
    crs.longitude_of_central_meridian = '0.0'
    crs.longitude_of_prime_meridian = '0.0'
    crs.semi_major_axis = '6371007.181'
    crs.false_easting = '0.0'
    crs.false_northing = '0.0'
    crs.earth_radius = '6371.229'
    gds = gdal.Open(ref_file)
    geo_ref = gds.GetGeoTransform()
    crs.spatial_ref = gds.GetProjection()
    crs.GeoTransform = gds.GetGeoTransform()

    print 'Do average:'
    for i, d in enumerate(date_step):
        ind = np.logical_and(ds_in['doy'][:] >= d, ds_in['doy'][:] <
                             (d + step))
        if np.max(ind) == True:
            img = ds_in['lst'][ind, :, :] * 0.02
            img[img == 0] = np.NaN
            ds_out['lst'][i, :, :] = np.nanmean(img, axis=0)
            ds_out['lst_sd'][i, :, :] = np.nanstd(img, axis=0)
            ds_out['lst'][i, :, :] = np.NaN
            ds_out['lst_sd'][i, :, :] = np.NaN

        ds_out['lst'][i, :, :][np.isnan(ds_out['lst'][i, :, :])] = ma.masked

        ds_out['time'][i] = julday.date2jul(julday.doy2date(year, d))

    return 0
예제 #6
    def do_job(self, ncd_file, mod11_dir, air_dir, mod11_file, site, year0, tile, ulpx, ulpy, lrpx, lrpy, cc, rr,\
               do_cross=True, do_plot = True, step=1):
        Run regularization for a block with size (cc x rr) of a MOD11 image

        :param mod11_dir: str; Directory of MOD11 files
        :param mod11_file: str; Pattern for files search
        :param ulpx: int; upper left x pixel of a block
        :param ulpy: int; upper left y pixel of a block
        :param cc: int; number of  columns
        :param rr: int; number o rows

        print 'ulpx, ulpy:', ulpx, ulpy

        # Get lists of files of a current year and +/-

        # f_list = []
        # f_list1 = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(mod11_dir + 'MOD11A1.A%d*.hdf' % (year0 - 1))])
        # f_list2 = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(mod11_dir + mod11_file)])
        # f_list3 = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(mod11_dir + 'MOD11A1.A%d*.hdf' % (year0 + 1))])
        # f_list = np.concatenate((f_list1, f_list2, f_list3))
        # f_list = f_list2

        # get file lists of air temperature
        # air_dir = '/group_workspaces/cems/baci/sigil/air_temperature/1_km/'
        f_list_air = []
        f_list_air_1 = np.array([
            file for file in glob.glob(air_dir + 'air_new_%s_%d_d*.npz' %
                                       (tile, (year0 - 1)))
        f_list_air_2 = np.array([
            file for file in glob.glob(air_dir + 'air_new_%s_%d_d*.npz' %
                                       (tile, year0))
        f_list_air_3 = np.array([
            file for file in glob.glob(air_dir + 'air_new_%s_%d_d*.npz' %
                                       (tile, (year0 + 1)))

        def sort_files(flst):
            sort filesnames in flst in ascending order
            :param flst:
            days = []
            for ss in flst:
                days = np.append(
            ind = np.argsort(days)
            flst = flst[ind]
            return flst

        f_list_air_1 = sort_files(f_list_air_1)
        f_list_air_2 = sort_files(f_list_air_2)
        f_list_air_3 = sort_files(f_list_air_3)

        # if we don't have first or last year, assert an empty list to middle year
        f_list_air = f_list_air_2
        if f_list_air_1.shape[0] == 0:
            f_list_air_1 = f_list_air_2
        if f_list_air_3.shape[0] == 0:
            f_list_air_3 = f_list_air_2

        # make a range of julian days from first to last day of year
        jd0 = julday.date2jul(julday.doy2date(year0, 1))
        n_days, date_range = self.get_n_days(year0)
        jd1 = julday.date2jul(julday.doy2date(year0, n_days))
        # input temporal grid (jul days)
        t = self.jul_range(jd0, jd1, step=1)
        # output  temporal grid with specific step
        t_out = self.jul_range(jd0, jd1, step=step)

        fname = mod11_dir + mod11_file % year0
        fname1 = mod11_dir + mod11_file % (year0 - 1)
        fname2 = mod11_dir + mod11_file % (year0 + 1)

        img, img_qc, doys = self.get_img(fname, ulpx, ulpy, cc, rr, sub_ds_n=0)

        # LST array
        # img = np.zeros((t.shape[0], cc, rr))

        # img_qc = np.zeros(img.shape).astype(int)

        img_out = np.zeros((t_out.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]))
        img_out_sd = np.zeros(img_out.shape)

        # Go to Kelvins
        img = img * 0.02
        img_qc = img_qc.astype(int)
        # img[doys-1, :, :] = img0 * 0.02
        # img_qc[doys - 1, :, :] = img_qc0

        # jul_days = np.zeros(t.shape[0])
        jul_days = []

        for doy in doys:
            # jul_days[doy - 1] = julday.date2jul(julday.doy2date(year0, doy))
            jul_days = np.append(jul_days,
                                 julday.date2jul(julday.doy2date(year0, doy)))

        jul_days[0] = jd0
        jul_days[-1] = jd1

        # array for air temperature
        # img_air = np.zeros((t.shape[0], cc, rr))
        img_air = np.zeros((f_list_air.shape[0], cc, rr))
        jd_air = []

        for i, fname in enumerate(f_list_air):
            data_tmp, dd = self.get_img_air(fname,
            # img_air[dd - 1, :, :] = data_tmp
            img_air[i, :, :] = data_tmp
            jd_air = np.append(jd_air, dd)

        # copy temperature from last day of previous year where QC is good

        if os.path.isfile(fname1):
            print 'copy temperature from last day of previous year where QC is good'
            ii = -1
            qc0 = 2
            # tmp_qc = self.get_img(fname1, ulpx, ulpy, cc, rr, sub_ds_n=1).astype(int)
            tmp_img, tmp_qc, tmp_doys = self.get_img(fname1,

            while np.logical_or(qc0 == 2, qc0 == 3):
                # tmp = self.get_img(f_list1[ii], ulpx, ulpy, cc, rr, sub_ds_n=1).astype(int)
                qc0 = tmp_qc[ii, cc / 2, rr / 2]
                # img[:, :, 0] = self.get_img(f_list1[ii], ulpx, ulpy, cc, rr, sub_ds_n=0) * 0.02
                img[0, :, :] = tmp_img[ii, :, :] * 0.02
                img_air[0, :, :], jd = self.get_img_air(f_list_air_1[ii],
                img_qc[0, :, :] = tmp_qc[ii, :, :]
                ii = ii - 1
                if ii * (-1) >= tmp_img.shape[0]:

        img_orig = img[:].copy()

        # f_list1 = np.array([])
        # f_list3 = np.array([])

        # LST uncertainty
        img_err = self.get_lst_unc(img_qc)

        # Make an array of uncertainties
        # ind = img_air == 0
        for ii in xrange(jd_air.shape[0]):
            if np.logical_and(0 in img_air[ii, :, :], jd_air[ii] in jul_days):
                img_err[jul_days == jd_air[ii], :, :] = 999

        ind = img_orig == 0
        img_err[ind] = 999

        # ind = img != 0
        ind = img_err != 999

        img_diff = np.zeros(img.shape)
        ind_air = []
        for ii, jj in enumerate(jul_days):
            if jj in jd_air:
                    ii, :, :] = img_air[jd_air == jj, :, :] - img[ii, :, :]
                ind_air = np.append(ind_air, jj)
                print jj

        # Go to difference between LST and air temperature
        # img = img_air - img

        # remove water etc from input data
        ind_err = img_err == 999
        img_diff[ind_err] = 0

        # find uncertaities of LST and air difference as percentage of LST uncertainties.
        perc = (img_err * 100) / (np.max(img_orig[ind]) -
        # img_err_air = ((np.max(img[ind]) - np.min(img[ind])) * perc) / 100.
        img_err_air = img_err.copy()

        #if np.min(img_err) == 999:
        #if img.shape[0] > 0:
        #img_err = np.zeros(img.shape)
        # print 'no data in this block\n'
        # self.save_netcdf(np.moveaxis(img_out, 0, 2), \
        #                  np.moveaxis(img_out_sd, 0, 2), \
        #                  np.moveaxis(img_orig, 0, 2), \
        #                  np.moveaxis(img_err, 0, 2), \
        #                  t, jul_days, ncd_file, geo, proj)
        # return -1

        cx = img_diff.shape[1] / 2
        cy = img_diff.shape[2] / 2

        if do_cross:
            # Cross validation

            img_tmp = img_diff.copy()
            img_tmp[img_err == 999] = np.NaN
            img_mean = np.nanmean(img_tmp, axis=(1, 2))
            ind = ~np.isnan(img_mean)

            #ind = img_err[:, cx, cy] != 999
            #y_obs = img[ind, cx, cy]
            y_obs = img_mean[ind]
            # sigma_obs = img_err[ind, cx, cy]
            # sigma_obs = img_err[ind, cx, cy]
            sigma_obs_air = img_err_air[ind, cx, cy]
            date_obs = jul_days[ind]
            # num_off = y_obs.shape[0] * (1 - (30 / float(y_obs.shape[0])))
            num_off = int(y_obs.shape[0] * 0.7)
            ind_cv = np.unique(
                np.round(np.random.rand(num_off) *
                         (y_obs.shape[0] - 1)).astype(int))
            diff = []
            # gammas = [0.1, 0.5, 1, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000]
            gammas = [1, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000]
            for gamma in gammas:

                mask = np.ones(y_obs.shape).astype(bool)
                mask[ind_cv] = False

                print 'gamma=', gamma

                retval_0, post_sd_0, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t = self.do_opt(y_obs[ind_cv], sigma_obs_air[ind_cv],\
                                                                            date_obs[ind_cv], gamma=gamma, t=t_out)

                ind_in = np.in1d(t, date_obs[mask])
                    diff = np.append(
                        diff, np.sum((retval_0[ind_in] - y_obs[mask])**2 / 2.))
                    print 'retval_0[ind_in] and y_obs[mask] are not equal'
                    diff = np.append(diff, 100000)
                print 'difference:', diff[-1], gamma

                # if do_plot:
                #     plt.title('%d, %d, %d, %.4f'%(gamma, y_obs[ind_cv].shape[0], date_obs[mask].shape[0], diff))
                #     plt.fill_between(t, retval_0 + post_sd_0, retval_0 - post_sd_0, color="0.8")
                #     plt.plot(t, retval_0)
                #     plt.plot(t[ind_in], retval_0[ind_in], 'o', c='y')
                #     plt.plot(date_obs[mask], y_obs[mask], '.', c = 'r')
                #     plt.plot(date_obs[ind_cv], y_obs[ind_cv], '.', c='g')
                #     plt.show()

            gamma = gammas[np.argmin(diff)]
            print 'OPtimal gamma = ', gamma
            gamma = 1

        # retval = np.zeros(t.shape) * -1
        # post_sd = np.zeros(t.shape) * -1
        for i in xrange(img_diff.shape[1]):
            for j in xrange(img_diff.shape[2]):

                ind = np.logical_and(img_err[:, i, j] != 999, jul_days[:] != 0)
                if img_diff[ind, i, j] != []:

                    print 'gamma:', gamma
                    print 'ind:', len(ind)

                    # self.solve_lin(img[ind, i, j], img[ind, i, j], t, img_err[ind, i, j])
                    if np.sum(jul_days[ind]) != 0:
                        retval_0, post_sd_0, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t = self.do_opt(img_diff[ind, i, j],\
                                                                                    img_err_air[ind, i, j],\
                        retval = retval_0
                        post_sd = post_sd_0

                        img_out[:, i, j] = retval
                        img_out_sd[:, i, j] = post_sd
                        img_out[:, i, j] = 0
                        img_out_sd[:, i, j] = 0

        def fill_zeros(arr):
            for ii in xrange(1, arr.shape[0]):
                if np.sum(arr[ii, :, :]) == 0:
                    arr[ii, :, :] = arr[ii - 1, :, :]
            if np.sum(arr[0, :, :]) == 0:
                arr[0, :, :] = arr[1, :, :]
            return arr

        img_air = fill_zeros(img_air)

        # Let's get back to LST
        img_air_mean = self.mean_img(img_air, t, t_out)

        img_air_mean = self.mean_img(img_air, jd_air, t_out)
        print 'img_air_mean: ', img_air_mean.shape

        img_air_mean = fill_zeros(img_air_mean)

        img_air_mean[img_out == 0] = 0
        img_out = img_air_mean - img_out


        # Save retrieved data to netCDF. Change dimensions by np.moveaxis() for geoserver.
        # self.save_netcdf(img_out, img_out_sd, img, img_err, t, jul_days, ncd_file, geo, proj)
        # self.save_netcdf(np.moveaxis(img_out, 0, 2),\
        #                  np.moveaxis(img_out_sd, 0, 2),\
        #                  np.moveaxis(img_orig, 0, 2),\
        #                  np.moveaxis(img_err, 0, 2),\
        #                  jul_days, t_out, ncd_file)

        self.save_netcdf(img_out, img_out_sd, img_orig, img_err, jul_days,
                         t_out, ncd_file)

        # get indices where we have observations.
        # ind = np.logical_and(img_err[:, 0, 0] != 999, jul_days[:] != 0)
        ind = img_err[:, cx, cy] != 999

        do_plot = False
        if np.logical_and(do_plot == True, np.max(ind) != False):
            # plt.fill_between(t, retval+post_sd, retval-post_sd, color="0.8")
            # plt.plot(t, retval, color='Crimson')

            # ind = img_orig == 0
            plt.title('ulpx=%d, ulpy=%d:' % (ulpx, ulpy))
            # plt.fill_between(t_out,\
            #                  img_out[:, 0, 0] + img_out_sd[:, 0, 0], \
            #                  img_out[:, 0, 0] - img_out_sd[:, 0, 0], color="0.8")

            post_sd = img_out_sd[:, cx, cy]
            ci_5 = np.sqrt(2) * ssp.erfinv(0.05)
            ci_25 = np.sqrt(2) * ssp.erfinv(0.25)
            ci_75 = np.sqrt(2) * ssp.erfinv(0.75)

                             img_out[:, cx, cy] - ci_75 * post_sd,
                             img_out[:, cx, cy] + ci_75 * post_sd,
                             img_out[:, cx, cy] - ci_25 * post_sd,
                             img_out[:, cx, cy] + ci_25 * post_sd,
                             img_out[:, cx, cy] - ci_5 * post_sd,
                             img_out[:, cx, cy] + ci_5 * post_sd,

                     img_out[:, cx, cy],
                     label='Solution and associated uncertainties')

            plt.errorbar(jul_days[ind], img_orig[ind, cx, cy], yerr = img_err[ind, cx, cy],\
                         ecolor='g', marker='.', ls='', label='Original LST and associated uncertainties')

            # plt.errorbar(jul_days[ind], img[ind, 0, 0], yerr=img_err[ind, 0, 0], ecolor='g', marker='o', c='g', ls='')

                     img_air[:, cx, cy],
                     label='Air Temperature')


            plt.xlabel('Julian day')
            plt.ylabel(('LST, K'))

            # plt.ylim(-4.35 , -4.3)
            # plt.ylim(280, 310)


        print img_diff.shape
예제 #7
    def do_opt(self, obs, obs_sd, date_jul, gamma=70, t=np.arange(1, 365, 1)):
        Do optimization for given vector of observation obs

        :param obs: vector of observations
        :param obs_sd: observational uncertainties
        :param date_jul: vector of julian days
        :param gamma: dynamical model error (smoothness)
        :param t: time grid

        # Define output dates.
        # We want to work with whole years
        year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[0]).year
        jd1 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 1, 1))
        year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[-1]).year
        jd2 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 12, 31))
        # t = np.arange(jd1, jd2 + 1, 4)
        t_obs = np.arange(jd1, jd2 + 1, 1)
        x_prior = np.ones_like(t) * np.mean(obs)

        y_obs = np.zeros(t_obs.shape)
        sigma_obs = np.zeros(t_obs.shape)

        for i in xrange(t_obs.shape[0] - 1):
            for j in xrange(date_jul.shape[0]):
                if t_obs[i] == date_jul[j]:
                    y_obs[i] = obs[j]
                    sigma_obs[i] = obs_sd[j]

        obs_mask = np.zeros(t.shape[0]).astype(bool)

        obs_mask = np.where(sigma_obs > 0, True, False)

        sigma_obs_t = np.zeros(t.shape)

        sigma_prior = 100.

        retval = np.zeros(x_prior.shape[0])
        post_sd = np.zeros(x_prior.shape[0])

        # Sometimes fmin_bfgs() can give "input/output error". The reasons are unknown for me. So if this happens we can
        # simply return zeros what flags this pixel as a bad one.
            retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(jc.cost_function_t, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function_t, \
                                          args=(y_obs, x_prior, sigma_obs, sigma_prior, gamma, obs_mask, t, t_obs),
                                          disp=1, retall=1)[0]
            print 'An error in fmin_bfgs():', sys.exc_info()[0]
            return retval, post_sd, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t

        # Calculate observational uncertainty in grid of output.
        # This is requared for calculation of posteriour uncertainty
        for i in xrange(t.shape[0] - 1):
            ind = np.logical_and(t_obs >= t[i], t_obs < t[i + 1])
            k = 0
            for j in xrange(t_obs[ind].shape[0]):
                if y_obs[ind][j] != 0:
                    sigma_obs_t[i] = sigma_obs_t[i] + sigma_obs[ind][j]
                    k += 1
            if k != 0:
                sigma_obs_t[i] = sigma_obs_t[i] / k
                # der_j_obs[i] = (x[i] - y[ind][j]) ** 2 / sigma_obs[ind][j] ** 2
        # We assume that uncertainty of no observation is very large
        sigma_obs_t[sigma_obs_t == 0] = 999

        # pdb.set_trace()
        # Do uncertainty
        post_sd = jc.posterior_covariance(retval, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t,

        return retval, post_sd, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t
예제 #8
    def get_back(self, loc, sent1_name, ulpx0, ulpy0, cols, rows):
        Get backscatter from files from specified directory (loc).
        Files must have two bands: backscatter and uncertainty
         Return ndarray arrays of backscatter and uncertainty

        :param loc: directory
        :param sent1_name: name pattern for names to search
        :return: sent1_in: backscatter; sent1_in_sd: uncertanty;
                 date_jul: julian day, date

        #pol = 'vv'
        # fs = baci_fs(site)
        # We need the same size for all images in time series.
        # For this we use one reference image
        # All images must have the same projection and geo. units!
        # if fs.site['ref_file'] == '':
        # if we don't have a reference for this site use as
        # a reference first file in list
        # f_list = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(loc + sent1_name)])
        # else:
        #     f_list = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(loc + fs.site['ref_file'])])

        f_list = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(loc + sent1_name)])

        # Get geo. coord of a reference image
        gds = gdal.Open(f_list[0])
        geo = gds.GetGeoTransform()
        mx0 = ulpx0 * geo[1] + geo[0]
        my0 = ulpy0 * geo[5] + geo[3]

        sent1_in = np.zeros((f_list.shape[0], cols, rows))
        # print  'sent1_in.shape:', sent1_in.shape
        sent1_in_sd = np.zeros((f_list.shape[0], cols, rows))
        sent1_in[:] = -99
        date = []
        date_jul = []
        for i,fname in enumerate(f_list):
            print fname
            gds = gdal.Open(fname)

            # get a pixel of current image by geo. coords of ref. image
            geo = gds.GetGeoTransform()
            ulpx = np.round((mx0 - geo[0]) / geo[1]).astype(int)
            ulpy = np.round((my0 - geo[3]) / geo[5]).astype(int)

            s = gds.ReadRaster(xoff=ulpx, yoff=ulpy, xsize=cols, ysize=rows,
                             band_list=[1, 2])
            # print 'g.RasterCount', g.RasterCount
            tmp = np.array(struct.unpack(gds.RasterCount * cols * rows * "f", s))
            ds = np.reshape(tmp, (gds.RasterCount, cols, rows))

            #if np.max(ds) == -99:
            #    continue

            sent1_in[i, :, :] = ds[0, :, :]
            sent1_in_sd[i, :, :] = ds[1, :, :]

            # sent1_in[:,:,i] = gds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
            # sent1_in_sd[:, :, i] = gds.GetRasterBand(2).ReadAsArray()

            f = fname.split('/')[-1]
            date = np.append(date, dt.date(int(f[:4]), int(f[4:6]), int(f[6:8])))
            date_jul = np.append(date_jul, julday.date2jul(date[-1]))
        # print date
        # print date_jul
        # print 'sent1_in', sent1_in.shape
        # print 'sent1_in_sd', sent1_in_sd.shape

        if date != []:
            ind = np.argsort(date_jul)
            date_jul = date_jul[ind]
            date = date[ind]
            sent1_in = sent1_in[ind,:,:]
            sent1_in_sd = sent1_in_sd[ind,:,:]

        #return 10 * np.log10(sent1_in), 10 * np.log10(sent1_in_sd), date_jul, date
        return sent1_in, sent1_in_sd, date_jul, date
예제 #9
    def do_job(self, ncd_out, downsample_dir, file_pattern, year, tile,  ulx, uly, lrpx, lrpy, cc, rr, step=1):

        print 'Starting doing main job with ' + ncd_out

        site =''

        #f_list = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(downsample_dir + sent1_mod_file)])

        file_in_1 = file_pattern % (year, tile)
        # get backscatter for the current year for block (ulx, uly) with size cc/rr (columns rows)
        sent1_in, sent1_in_sd, date_jul, date = self.get_back(downsample_dir, file_in_1, ulx, uly, cc, rr)

        # get first and last julian days for 'year'
        year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[0]).year
        d1 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 1, 1))
        d2 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 12, 31))
        # get temporal range
        self.t = np.arange(d1, d2 + 1, 1)
        t_out = np.arange(d1, d2 + 1, step)

        head_flag = False
        tail_flag = False

        # get filename for previous year
        file_in_0 = file_pattern % (year - 1, tile)
        f_list = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(downsample_dir + file_in_0)])
        # if data exist get backscatter for previous year
        if len(f_list) != 0:
            sent1_in_0, sent1_in_0_sd, date_jul_0, date_0 = self.get_back(downsample_dir, file_in_0, ulx, uly, cc, rr)
            # get data if we have any good pixels
            if np.max(sent1_in_0[:]) != -99:
                # we need last day for this year therefore looping backward
                for i in xrange(sent1_in_0.shape[0]-1, 0, -1):
                    if np.max(sent1_in_0[i, :, :]) != -99:
                        tmp = np.zeros((sent1_in.shape[0]+1, sent1_in.shape[1], sent1_in.shape[2]))
                        tmp[1:,:, :] = sent1_in[:]
                        tmp[0, :, :] = sent1_in_0[i, :, :]
                        sent1_in = tmp.copy()

                        tmp[1:,:, :] = sent1_in_sd[:]
                        tmp[0, :, :] = sent1_in_0_sd[i,:,:]
                        sent1_in_sd = tmp.copy()

                        head_flag = True

            # add first date
            date_jul = np.append(d1, date_jul)
            date = np.append(dt.date(year, 1, 1), date)

        # get filename for next year
        file_in_2 = file_pattern % (year + 1, tile)
        f_list = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(downsample_dir + file_in_2)])
        if len(f_list) != 0:
            sent1_in_2, sent1_in_2_sd, date_jul_2, date_2 = self.get_back(downsample_dir, file_in_2, ulx, uly, cc, rr)

            if np.max(sent1_in_2[:]) != -99:
                for i in xrange(0, sent1_in_2.shape[2]):
                    if np.max(sent1_in_2[i, :, :]) != -99:
                        tmp = np.zeros((sent1_in.shape[0]+1, sent1_in.shape[1], sent1_in.shape[2]))
                        tmp[:-1,:, :] = sent1_in[:]
                        tmp[-1, :, :] = sent1_in_2[i, :, :]
                        sent1_in = tmp.copy()

                        tmp[:-1, :, :] = sent1_in_sd[:]
                        tmp[-1, :, :] = sent1_in_2_sd[i, :, :]
                        sent1_in_sd = tmp.copy()

                        tail_flag = True

            # add last date
            date_jul = np.append(date_jul, d2)
            date = np.append(date, dt.date(year, 12, 31))

        #t = np.arange(date_jul[0] - 1, date_jul[-1] + 1)

        sent1_out = np.zeros((t_out.shape[0], sent1_in.shape[1], sent1_in.shape[2]))
        sent1_out_sd = np.zeros((t_out.shape[0], sent1_in.shape[1], sent1_in.shape[2]))

        if np.max(sent1_in) != -99:
            for i in xrange(sent1_in.shape[1]):
                for j in xrange(sent1_in.shape[2]):
                    #print 'pixel %d %d' % (i,j)
                    # retval, post_sd = self.do_opt2(sent1_in[i, j, :], sent1_in_sd[i, j, :], date_jul, date, t_out)
                    retval, post_sd, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t = self.do_opt3(sent1_in[:, i, j],\
                                                                             sent1_in_sd[:, i, j],\
                                                                             date_jul, gamma=1,  t=t_out)

                    # sent1_out[i, j, :] = 10 * np.log10(retval)
                    # sent1_out_sd[i, j, :] = 10 * np.log10(post_sd)

                    sent1_out[:, i, j] = retval
                    sent1_out_sd[:, i, j] = post_sd

        if head_flag == True:
            sent1_in = np.delete(sent1_in, 0, axis=0)
            sent1_in_sd = np.delete(sent1_in_sd, 0, axis=0)
            date_jul = np.delete(date_jul, 0)
            date = np.delete(date, 0)

        if tail_flag == True:
            sent1_in = np.delete(sent1_in, -1, axis=0)
            sent1_in_sd = np.delete(sent1_in_sd, -1, axis=0)
            date_jul = np.delete(date_jul, -1)
            date = np.delete(date, -1)

        print 'sent1_in:', sent1_in.shape

        # self.save_netcdf(sent1_out, sent1_out_sd, self.t, 'sentinel/sent1_%d_%d_%d_%d.nc' % (ulx, uly, cc, rr))
        #ind = np.in1d(self.t, date_jul)

        ind = []
        for ii, d0 in enumerate(self.t):
            for d1 in date_jul:
                if d0 == d1:
                    ind = np.append(ind, ii).astype(int)

        bs_orig = np.ones(sent1_in.shape) * 10000
        bs_orig_sd = np.ones(sent1_in.shape) * 10000
        # bs_orig[:,:,ind] = sent1_in
        # bs_orig_sd[:, :, ind] = sent1_in_sd
        bs_orig[:] = sent1_in
        bs_orig_sd[:] = sent1_in_sd

        bs_orig[np.isnan(bs_orig)] = 10000
        bs_orig_sd[np.isnan(bs_orig_sd)] = 10000

        # Save result to netCDF file
        self.save_netcdf(bs_orig, bs_orig_sd, date_jul, sent1_out, sent1_out_sd, t_out, ncd_out)

        print 'run_job series is done!!!'

        do_plot = False
        if do_plot:
            i = 0
            j = 0
            # t = np.arange(date_jul[0] - 1, date_jul[-1] + 1)

            ci_5 = np.sqrt(2) * ssp.erfinv(0.05)
            ci_25 = np.sqrt(2) * ssp.erfinv(0.25)
            ci_75 = np.sqrt(2) * ssp.erfinv(0.75)

            plt.fill_between(t_out, sent1_out[:, i, j] - ci_75 * post_sd, sent1_out[:, i, j] + ci_75 * post_sd,
            plt.fill_between(t_out, sent1_out[:, i, j] - ci_25 * post_sd, sent1_out[:, i, j] + ci_25 * post_sd,
            plt.fill_between(t_out, sent1_out[:, i, j] - ci_5 * post_sd, sent1_out[:, i, j] + ci_5 * post_sd,

            # plt.fill_between(t, retval[0])
            print i,j
            plt.plot(t_out, sent1_out[:, i, j], label='Interpolated backscatter')

            # plt.errorbar(date_jul, 10 * np.log10(sent1_in[i, j, :]), yerr=10 * np.log10(sent1_in_sd[i, j, :]),
            #              marker='o', ls='')

            ind = sent1_in[:, i, j] > -90
                plt.errorbar(date_jul[ind], sent1_in[ind, i, j], yerr=sent1_in_sd[ind, i, j],
                             marker='o', ls='', label='Observations')
                print 'can not plot errorbar. sorry.'

            #plt.ylim(-5, -15)
            plt.xlabel('Julian day', fontsize='large')
            plt.ylabel('Backscatter', fontsize='large')
            plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize='large')
예제 #10
    def do_opt2(self, back_scat, back_scat_sd, date_jul, date, t = np.arange(1, 365, 1)):
        Find optimal smooth solution for time series of backsctter data
        taking uncertainties into account.

        :param back_scat:
        :param back_scat_sd:
        :param date_jul:
        :param date:

        # back_scat = bs
        # back_scat = bs_sd
        # date_jul = dj_opt
        # date = d_opt

        year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[0]).year
        d1 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 1, 1))
        year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[-1]).year
        d2 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 12, 31))
        x = np.arange(d1, d2 + 1)

        ind = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(back_scat), back_scat > -90)
        back_scat = back_scat[ind]
        back_scat_sd = back_scat_sd[ind]
        date_jul = date_jul[ind]
        date = date[ind]

        x_prior = np.ones_like(x) * np.mean(back_scat)
        y_obs = np.zeros(x.shape)
        sigma_obs = np.zeros(x.shape)
        sigma_obs[:] = 99
        for i in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for j in xrange(date_jul.shape[0]):
                if x[i] == date_jul[j]:
                    y_obs[i] = back_scat[j]
                    sigma_obs[i] = back_scat_sd[j]

        obs_mask = np.ones(x.shape[0]).astype(int)
        obs_mask = np.where(y_obs != 0, True, False)

        sigma_prior = 100.
        gamma = 1

        # Do optimization of sentinel data in order to restore gaps
        # print 'starting fmin_bfgs with y_obs ', y_obs[obs_mask].shape
        # plt.plot(y_obs[obs_mask])
        # plt.plot(x_prior[obs_mask])
        # plt.show()

        # retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(jc.cost_function, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function, \
        #                                   args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma,
        #                                         obs_mask), disp=1, retall=15, maxiter=1500)

        bounds = np.zeros((x_prior.shape[0], 2))
        bounds[:, 0] = -200
        bounds[:, 1] = 0.5
        if y_obs[obs_mask] != []:
            retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(jc.cost_function, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function, \
                                              args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma,
                                                  bounds = bounds, factr=10000000, pgtol=1e-05, maxiter=1500,\
                                                  # disp=0,

            # Do uncertainty
                post_sd = jc.posterior_covariance(retval, sigma_prior, sigma_obs, gamma, obs_mask)
                print 'jc.posterior_covariance exception'
                post_sd = np.ones(x.shape[0])

            retval = np.ones(x.shape[0])
            post_sd = np.ones(x.shape[0])

        ind = []
        for jj in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            if x[jj] in self.t:#x0:
                ind = np.append(ind, jj).astype(int)

        return retval[ind], post_sd[ind]
예제 #11
    def do_opt(self, bs, bs_sd, dj_opt, d_opt):
        Find optimal smooth solution for time series of backsctter data
        taking uncertainties into account.

        :param back_scat:
        :param back_scat_sd:
        :param date_jul:
        :param date:

        # bs = np.concatenate((sent1_in[i, j, :], sent1_in[i, j, :], sent1_in[i, j, :]))
        # bs_sd = np.concatenate((sent1_in_sd[i, j, :], sent1_in_sd[i, j, :], sent1_in_sd[i, j, :]))
        # dj_opt = np.concatenate((date_jul_1, date_jul, date_jul_2))
        # d_opt = np.concatenate((date_1, date, date_2))

        # date0 = []

        #x0 = np.arange(dj_opt[0] - 1, dj_opt[-1] + 1)

        dj_opt1 = []
        dj_opt2 = []
        d_opt1 = []
        d_opt2 = []
        for jd in dj_opt:
            d = julday.jul2date2(jd).date()
            # print d
            d0 = datetime.date(d.year - 1, d.month, d.day)
            d_opt1 = np.append(d_opt1, d0)
            # print date0[-1]
            dj_opt1 = np.append(dj_opt1, julday.date2jul(d0))

            d0 = datetime.date(d.year + 1, d.month, d.day)
            d_opt2 = np.append(d_opt2, d0)
            dj_opt2 = np.append(dj_opt2, julday.date2jul(d0))

            # date_1 = np.append(date_1, datetime.date())

        back_scat = np.concatenate((bs, bs, bs))
        back_scat_sd = np.concatenate((bs_sd, bs_sd, bs_sd))
        date_jul = np.concatenate((dj_opt1, dj_opt, dj_opt2))
        date = np.concatenate((d_opt1, d_opt, d_opt2))

        # back_scat = bs
        # back_scat_sd = bs_sd
        # date_jul = dj_opt
        # date = d_opt

        year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[0]).year
        d1 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 1, 1))
        year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[-1]).year
        d2 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 12, 31))
        x = np.arange(d1, d2 + 1)

        #x = np.arange(date_jul[0] - 1, date_jul[-1] + 1)

        ind = ~np.isnan(back_scat)
        back_scat = back_scat[ind]
        back_scat_sd = back_scat_sd[ind]
        date_jul = date_jul[ind]
        date = date[ind]

        x_prior = np.ones_like(x) * np.mean(back_scat)
        # print x
        y_obs = np.zeros(x.shape)
        sigma_obs = np.zeros(x.shape)
        for i in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            for j in xrange(date_jul.shape[0]):
                if x[i] == date_jul[j]:
                    y_obs[i] = back_scat[j]
                    sigma_obs[i] = back_scat_sd[j]

        obs_mask = np.ones(x.shape[0]).astype(int)
        obs_mask = np.where(y_obs > 0, True, False)

        # print 'obs_mask\n', obs_mask
        # print 'y_obs\n', y_obs

        sigma_prior = 100.
        gamma = 1
        # sigma_obs = 0.015

        # os.chdir('/home/ucfamc3/max_python/baci_brdf/')

        # Do optimization of sentinel data in order to restore gaps
        print 'starting fmin_bfgs with y_obs ', y_obs[obs_mask].shape
        retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(jc.cost_function, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function, \
                                          args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma,
                                                obs_mask), disp=1, retall=15, maxiter=1500)

        bounds = bounds = np.zeros((x_prior.shape[0], 2))
        bounds[:, 0] = 0
        bounds[:, 1] = 0.5

        # retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(jc.cost_function, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function, \
        #                                   args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma,
        #                                         obs_mask),\
        #                                       bounds = bounds, factr=10000000, pgtol=1e-05, maxiter=1500, disp=1)

        # retval = scipy.optimize.minimize(jc.cost_function, x_prior, method="L-BFGS-B", \
        #                         jac=True, bounds=the_bounds, options=self.optimisation_options)

        # retval = scipy.optimize.minimize(jc.cost_function, x_prior, method="L-BFGS-B", \
        #                                  args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma, obs_mask),\
        #                                  jac=False)
        # self.optimisation_options = {"factr": 1000, \
        #                              "m": 400, "pgtol": 1e-12, "maxcor": 200, \
        #                              "maxiter": 1500, "disp": True}

        # Do uncertainty
        post_sd = jc.posterior_covariance(retval[0], sigma_prior, sigma_obs, gamma, obs_mask)

        ind = []
        for jj in xrange(x.shape[0]):
            if x[jj] in self.t:#x0:
                ind = np.append(ind, jj).astype(int)

        return retval[0][ind], post_sd[ind]
예제 #12
def copy_ds_mod11(nc_big, ds, x1, x2, y1, y2, year):
    copy data from small datasets to one big netCDF dataset with MOD11 LST

    # ds.variables['lst'][:][ds.variables['lst'][:]==0] = np.ma.masked
    # ds.variables['lst_sd'][:][ds.variables['lst_sd'][:] == 0] = np.ma.masked

    x3 = nc_big[0].variables['lst'][:, y1:y2, x1:x2].shape[2]
    y3 = nc_big[0].variables['lst'][:, y1:y2, x1:x2].shape[1]

    print 'size block:', ds.variables['lst'][:, 0:y3, 0:x3].shape[0]
    print 'size big:', nc_big[0].variables['lst'][:, y1:y2, x1:x2].shape[0]
    # MaskedArrayFutureWarning: setting an item on a masked array which has a shared mask will not copy the mask and
    # also change the original mask array in the future.
    # Copy one of the blocks to output array
    nc_big[0].variables['lst'][:, y1:y2, x1:x2] = np.ma.masked_values(
        ds.variables['lst'][:, 0:y3, 0:x3], 0)
    # nc_big[0].variables['lst'][:][y1:y2, x1:x2, :].unshare_mask()
    # Mask zero-pixels (water, etc.)
    # ind = nc_big[0].variables['lst'][y1:y2, x1:x2, :] == 0
    # nc_big[0].variables['lst'][:][y1:y2, x1:x2, :][ind] = True #np.ma.masked

    # nc_big[0].variables['lst_sd'][:][y1:y2, x1:x2, :] = ds.variables['lst_sd'][0:y3, 0:x3, :]
    nc_big[0].variables['lst_sd'][:, y1:y2, x1:x2] = np.ma.masked_values(
        ds.variables['lst_sd'][:, 0:y3, 0:x3], 0)
    # nc_big[0].variables['lst_sd'][:][y1:y2, x1:x2, :].unshare_mask()
    # ind = nc_big[0].variables['lst_sd'][:][y1:y2, x1:x2, :] == 0
    # nc_big[0].variables['lst_sd'][:][y1:y2, x1:x2, :][ind] = np.ma.masked

    # if np.min(ds.variables['lst'][:]) == 0:
    #     pdb.set_trace()

    #print 'min/max:', np.min(nc_big.variables['lst'][0:y3, 0:x3, :]), np.max(ds.variables['lst'][0:y3, 0:x3, :])
    #print 'min/max:', np.min(nc_big.variables['lst'][y1:y2, x1:x2, :]), np.max(ds.variables['lst'][0:y3, 0:x3, :])

    #nc_big.variables['date_jul'][:] = ds.variables['date_jul'][:]
    jd1 = julday.date2jul(dt.date(year, 1, 1))
    jd = np.arange(jd1, jd1 + ds.variables['lst'].shape[0])
    nc_big[0].variables['julday'][:] = ds.variables['date_jul'][:]  #jd

    #nc_big.variables['lat'][y1:y2, x1:x2] = ds.variables['lat'][:].T
    #nc_big.variables['lon'][y1:y2, x1:x2] = ds.variables['lon'][:].T

    # original dates are always different

    # pdb.set_trace()

    # mask = np.array([julday.jul2doy(d) for d in ds.variables['date_jul_obs'][:]]) - 1
    #print mask
    # print ds.variables['date_jul_obs'][:].shape
    #print ds.variables['lst_orig'][0:y3, 0:x3, :]
    #print mask.shape
    #print nc_big.variables['lst_orig'][y1:y2, x1:x2, :].shape

    orig_size = ds.variables['lst_orig'][:, 0:y3, 0:x3].shape[0]

    # print 'nc_big[1].variables[lst_orig][:orig_size, y1:y2, x1:x2]: ', nc_big[1].variables['lst_orig'][:orig_size, y1:y2, x1:x2].shape
    # print 'ds.variables[lst_orig][:, 0:y3, 0:x3]: ', ds.variables['lst_orig'][:, 0:y3, 0:x3].shape

    nc_big[1].variables['lst_orig'][:orig_size, y1:y2, x1:x2] =\
        np.ma.masked_values(ds.variables['lst_orig'][:, 0:y3, 0:x3], 0)
    nc_big[1].variables['lst_orig_sd'][:orig_size, y1:y2, x1:x2] = \
        np.ma.masked_values(ds.variables['lst_orig_sd'][:, 0:y3, 0:x3], 0)

    nc_big[1].variables['julday_obs'][:orig_size] = ds.variables[