예제 #1
def check_python(dist_dir, test_cmd):
    """Check Python dist files"""
    for dist_file in glob(f"{dist_dir}/*"):
        if Path(dist_file).suffix not in [".gz", ".whl"]:
            util.log(f"Skipping non-python dist file {dist_file}")
        python.check_dist(dist_file, test_cmd=test_cmd)
예제 #2
def extract_release(auth, dist_dir, dry_run, release_url):
    """Download and verify assets from a draft GitHub release"""
    match = parse_release_url(release_url)
    owner, repo = match["owner"], match["repo"]
    gh = GhApi(owner=owner, repo=repo, token=auth)
    release = util.release_for_url(gh, release_url)
    assets = release.assets

    # Clean the dist folder
    dist = Path(dist_dir)
    if dist.exists():
        shutil.rmtree(dist, ignore_errors=True)

    # Fetch, validate, and publish assets
    for asset in assets:
        util.log(f"Fetching {asset.name}...")
        url = asset.url
        headers = dict(Authorization=f"token {auth}", Accept="application/octet-stream")
        path = dist / asset.name
        with requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True) as r:
            with open(path, "wb") as f:
                for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
            suffix = Path(asset.name).suffix
            if suffix in [".gz", ".whl"]:
            elif suffix == ".tgz":
                util.log(f"Nothing to check for {asset.name}")

    # Skip sha validation for dry runs since the remote tag will not exist
    if dry_run:

    branch = release.target_commitish
    tag_name = release.tag_name

    sha = None
    for tag in gh.list_tags():
        if tag.ref == f"refs/tags/{tag_name}":
            sha = tag.object.sha
    if sha is None:
        raise ValueError("Could not find tag")

    # Run a git checkout
    # Fetch the branch
    # Get the commmit message for the branch
    commit_message = ""
    with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
        url = gh.repos.get().html_url
        util.run(f"git clone {url} local", cwd=td)
        checkout = osp.join(td, "local")
        if not osp.exists(url):
            util.run(f"git fetch origin {branch}", cwd=checkout)
        commit_message = util.run(f"git log --format=%B -n 1 {sha}", cwd=checkout)

    for asset in assets:
        # Check the sha against the published sha
        valid = False
        path = dist / asset.name
        sha = util.compute_sha256(path)

        for line in commit_message.splitlines():
            if asset.name in line:
                if sha in line:
                    valid = True
                    util.log("Mismatched sha!")

        if not valid:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid file {asset.name}")