def compile_with(self, extra, tst): try: util.copy_file( + ".hs", "work.hs") if util.file_exists("judge.hs"): os.system("cat judge.hs >> work.hs") f = open("work.hs", "a") print("main = do", file=f) for line in open(tst + ".inp").readlines(): line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith("let "): print(" %s" % line, file=f) else: print(" print (%s)" % line, file=f) f.close() self.execute_compiler('ghc ' + self.flags1() + ' work.hs -o work.exe 1> /dev/null') except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) return False if util.file_exists('work.exe'): util.del_file("work.hi") util.del_file('work.exe') return True else: return False
def compile(self): util.del_file(self.executable()) util.del_dir( + '.dir') os.mkdir( + ".dir") try: if util.file_exists(""): util.system('cp ' + + '.dir/' + '') elif util.file_exists("solution.hh"): util.system('cp solution.hh ' + + '.dir/program.hh') else: print("There is no nor solution.hh") util.system('cp public/* ' + + '.dir') util.system('cp private/* ' + + '.dir') os.chdir( + '.dir') self.execute_compiler('g++ ' + self.flags1() + ' *.cc -o ../' + self.executable()) except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) os.chdir('..') util.del_file(self.executable()) return False os.chdir('..') if util.file_exists(self.executable()): util.system("(cd public && tar cf ../public.tar *)") util.system("(cd private && tar cf ../private.tar *)") return True else: return False
def make_recursive_2(): sys.stdout.flush() if util.file_exists("handler.yml"): print("------------------------------------------") print(os.getcwd()) print("------------------------------------------") if util.file_exists("") or util.file_exists("solution.hs"): try: if 1: com = make_executable() make_corrects(com) if tex: make_prints() except Exception as e: print("\a") print(e) errors.append((e, os.getcwd())) else: cwd = os.getcwd() for path in next(os.walk('.'))[1]: os.chdir(path) make_recursive_2() os.chdir(cwd)
def compile_normal(self): util.del_file(self.executable()) try: self.execute_compiler('ghc ' + self.flags1() + ' ' + + '.hs -o ' + self.executable() + ' 1> /dev/null') except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) util.del_file(self.executable()) return False util.del_file( + '.hi') util.del_file( + '.o') util.file_exists(self.executable()) return True
def make_executable(): """Compiles the solution in the cwd.""" print(Style.BRIGHT + "Generating correct executable..." + Style.RESET_ALL) if not util.file_exists("handler.yml"): raise Exception("handler.yml does not exist") handler = util.read_yml("handler.yml") global com if 'compilers' in handler: com = compilers.compiler(handler.get('compilers', ''), handler, 'solution') elif 'solution' in handler: if handler.get('solution', '') == 'Java': sol = 'JDK' elif handler.get('solution', '') == 'C': sol = 'GCC' elif handler.get('solution', '') == 'C++': sol = 'GXX' else: sol = handler.get('solution', '') com = compilers.compiler(sol, handler, 'solution') else: # if handler.get('solution', '') == 'C++' or not specified com = compilers.compiler('GXX', handler, 'solution') ret = com.compile() if not ret: sys.exit(0) print() return com
def make_corrects(com, iterations=1): """Makes all correct files in the cwd.""" print(Style.BRIGHT + "Generating correct files..." + Style.RESET_ALL) handler = util.read_yml("handler.yml") if not util.file_exists(com.executable()): raise Exception(Fore.RED + com.executable() + " does not exist" + Style.RESET_ALL) for f in glob.glob("*.cor"): util.del_file(f) inps = sorted(glob.glob("*.inp")) for inp in inps: tst = os.path.splitext(inp)[0] time = com.execute(tst, True, iterations) if handler["handler"] == "graphic": os.rename("output.png", tst + ".cor") outsize = os.path.getsize(tst + ".cor") try: if 'Run' not in handler['compilers']: print() except Exception: print() print(Style.DIM + 'time: %f\t\tsize: %s' % (time, util.convert_bytes(outsize)) + Style.RESET_ALL)
def compile_normal(self): # Compile original program util.del_file(self.executable()) try: self.execute_compiler('g++ ' + self.flags1() + ' ' + + '.cc -o ' + self.executable()) except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) util.del_file(self.executable()) return False return util.file_exists(self.executable())
def compile(self): util.del_file(self.executable()) util.del_dir( + ".dir") if not util.file_exists("solution"): raise Exception("There is no solution directory") if not util.file_exists("public"): raise Exception("There is no public directory") if not util.file_exists("private"): raise Exception("There is no private directory") try: util.mkdir( + '.dir') util.system('cp solution/* public/* private/* ' + + '.dir') os.chdir( + '.dir') self.execute_compiler('make program.exe 1> make.log') except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) os.chdir('..') return False os.chdir('..') if util.file_exists( + '.dir/program.exe'): util.copy_file( + '.dir/program.exe', './' + self.executable()) util.del_dir( + ".dir") if util.file_exists(self.executable()): util.system("(cd public && tar cf ../public.tar *)") util.system("(cd private && tar cf ../private.tar *)") util.system("(cd solution && tar cf ../solution.tar *)") return True else: return False
def compile_normal(self): for f in glob.glob('*.class'): util.del_file(f) try: util.copy_file( + '.java', '') self.gen_wrapper() self.execute_compiler('javac ' + self.flags1() + '') except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) return False self.del_wrapper() return util.file_exists(self.executable())
def execute_compiler(self, cmd): """Executes the command cmd, but controlling the execution time.""" pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: # Child print(Style.DIM + cmd + Style.RESET_ALL) error = False result = '' try: result = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exec: print(exec.output.decode('utf-8')) error = True if error or len(result) != 0: if len(result) != 0: print('\n' + result.decode('utf-8').strip() + '\n') print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation error! ' + Style.NORMAL + 'Please check ' + + '.' + self.extension() + ' and try again.' + Style.RESET_ALL) os._exit(1) if util.file_exists('program.exe'): os.system('strip program.exe') os._exit(0) else: # Parent c = 0 while c <= max_compilation_time: ret = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) if ret[0] != 0: # Ok! if ret[1] != 0: sys.exit(0) return time.sleep(0.1) c += 0.1 os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) raise CompilationTooLong
def compile_no_main(self): # Modify the program util.copy_file( + '.cc', '') ori = util.read_file('') main = util.read_file('') util.write_file( '', """ #define main main__3 %s #undef main #define main main__2 %s #undef main int main() { return main__2(); } """ % (ori, main)) # Compile modified program util.del_file(self.executable()) try: self.execute_compiler('g++ ' + self.flags2() + ' -o ' + self.executable()) except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) util.del_file(self.executable()) util.del_file('') return False # We are almost there util.del_file('') if util.file_exists(self.executable()): return True else: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Unreported error.' + Style.RESET_ALL) util.del_file(self.executable()) return False
def compile_with(self, extra): try: util.copy_file( + ".py", "") os.system("echo '' >>") os.system("echo '' >>") if util.file_exists(""): os.system("cat >>") os.system("cat %s >>" % extra) self.gen_wrapper() self.execute_compiler('python3 1> /dev/null') return True except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) return False self.del_wrapper() return False
def compile_no_main(self): # esta fet a sac!!! cal fer-ho be for f in glob.glob('*.class'): util.del_file(f) try: # create Solution.class self.execute_compiler('javac ' + self.flags1() + ' ' + + '.java') # create Main.class self.execute_compiler('javac ' + self.flags1() + '') # create JudgeMain.class self.gen_wrapper() self.execute_compiler('javac ' + self.flags1() + '') except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) return False self.del_wrapper() return util.file_exists('Main.class')
def compile_no_main(self): util.copy_file( + '.hs', 'modified.hs') ori = util.read_file('modified.hs') main = util.read_file('main.hs') util.write_file('modified.hs', """ %s %s """ % (ori, main)) util.del_file(self.executable()) try: self.execute_compiler('ghc ' + self.flags1() + ' modified.hs -o ' + self.executable() + ' 1> /dev/null') except CompilationTooLong: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + 'Compilation time exceeded!' + Style.RESET_ALL) util.del_file(self.executable()) return False util.del_file('modified.hs') util.del_file('modified.hi') util.del_file('modified.o') return util.file_exists(self.executable())
def make_prints_3(lang, ori): ori = os.path.realpath(ori) dat = util.current_time() usr = util.get_username() hst = util.get_hostname() src = "%s@%s:%s" % (usr, hst, ori) sample2 = "" sample1 = "" tsts = sorted(glob.glob("*sample*.inp")) handler = util.read_yml("handler.yml") graphic = "" i = 0 for j in tsts: i += 1 jj = os.path.splitext(j)[0] if len(tsts) == 1: num = "" else: num = str(i) if handler["handler"] == "graphic": size = subprocess.getoutput( "identify -format '(%%w$\\\\times$%%h)' %s.cor" % jj) graphic = "[%s]" % size r = os.system("convert %s.cor %s.cor.eps" % (jj, jj)) if r != 0: print(Fore.RED + "ImageMagick error!", end='') if r == 256: print( " You must change it's security policy to be able to convert the images to EPS.", end='') print(Style.RESET_ALL) sys.exit(0) sample2 += r"\SampleTwoColInputOutput%s{%s}{%s}" % (graphic, jj, num) sample1 += r"\SampleOneColInputOutput%s{%s}{%s}" % (graphic, jj, num) scores = "" if util.file_exists("scores.yml"): scores = "scores.yml: \\verbatimtabinput{scores.yml}" t = r""" \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{jutge} \usepackage{lang.%s} \lstMakeShortInline@ \begin{document} \newcommand{\SampleTwoCol}{%s} \newcommand{\SampleOneCol}{%s} \DoProblem{%s} \subsection*{Metadata} \begin{verbatim} language: %s source: %s generation-time: %s\end{verbatim} problem.%s.yml: \verbatimtabinput{problem.%s.yml} handler.yml: \verbatimtabinput{handler.yml} %s \end{document} """ % (lang, sample2, sample1, lang, lang, src, dat, lang, lang, scores) util.write_file("main.tex", t) print(Style.BRIGHT + "Generating .pdf file... ", end=Style.RESET_ALL) sys.stdout.flush() r = os.system("latex -interaction scrollmode main > main.err") if r != 0: os.system('cat main.err') raise Exception(Fore.RED + "\nLaTeX error!" + Style.RESET_ALL) r = os.system("dvips main -o 1> /dev/null 2>/dev/null") if r != 0: raise Exception(Fore.RED + "\ndvips error!" + Style.RESET_ALL) r = os.system("ps2pdf main.pdf 1> /dev/null 2>/dev/null") if r != 0: raise Exception(Fore.RED + "\nps2pdf error!" + Style.RESET_ALL) os.remove("") os.system("mv main.pdf %s/problem.%s.pdf" % (ori, lang)) print(Fore.GREEN + 'Done!' + Style.RESET_ALL)
def verify_program(program, correct_extension='', iterations=1): """Verify that program compiles and gets AC for each test.""" if not util.file_exists("handler.yml"): raise Exception("handler.yml does not exist") handler = util.read_yml("handler.yml") if handler["handler"] != "std" and handler["handler"] != "graphic": raise Exception("unknown handler") # compile available_list = [] supported_list = compilers.compiler_extensions(handler.get('compilers')) file_list = [ x for x in sorted(glob.glob(program + ".*")) if not x.endswith('.exe') ] if file_list == []: file_list = [program] solution_list = [] excluded_extensions = ['exe', 'dir', correct_extension] for file in file_list: exclude = False for extension in excluded_extensions: if file.split('.')[-1] == extension: exclude = True if not exclude: solution_list.append(file) if solution_list == []: return print(Style.BRIGHT + "Compiling supported programs..." + Style.RESET_ALL) for solution in solution_list: name = os.path.splitext(solution)[0] ext = os.path.splitext(solution)[-1][1:] if ext in supported_list: com = compilers.compiler(supported_list[ext], handler, name) ret = com.compile() available_list.append([solution, com]) print() unsupported_list = [ x for x in solution_list if (x not in [y[0] for y in available_list] and x[-1] != '~' and not x.endswith('bak')) ] if unsupported_list != []: print( Fore.YELLOW + "NOTICE: The following solutions are still not supported and will NOT be verified: ", end='') for elem in unsupported_list: if elem != unsupported_list[-1]: print(elem, end=', ') else: print(elem + '\n' + Style.RESET_ALL) for f in glob.glob("*.out"): util.del_file(f) # execute on tests has_failed = False tests = sorted(glob.glob("*.inp")) for solution, compiler in sorted(available_list, key=lambda tup: tup[0].lower()): print("Verifying " + solution + "...") ext = os.path.splitext(solution)[-1] for test in tests: tst = os.path.splitext(test)[0] time = compiler.execute(tst, False, iterations) if handler["handler"] == "graphic": os.rename("output.png", tst + ext + ".out") outsize = os.path.getsize(tst + ext + ".out") r =["cmp", tst + ext + ".out", tst + ".cor"]) if r: has_failed = True msg = "WA" else: msg = "OK" util.del_file(tst + ext + ".out") print((Fore.GREEN if msg == 'OK' else Fore.RED) + "%s.inp:\t\t%s\ntime: %f\t\tsize: %s" % (tst, msg, time, util.convert_bytes(outsize)) + Style.RESET_ALL) if outsize > 2000000 and not os.path.isfile(tst + ext + ".ops"): print( Fore.YELLOW + 'Warning: The output file is bigger than 2MB, you may need a .ops file for this test case.' ) print() if has_failed: print( Fore.RED + "Some solutions are not correct! Please check them and try again." + Style.RESET_ALL) sys.exit(0)