예제 #1
def get_reference_files(datamodel):
    """Get the reference files associated with the step."""
    refs = {}
    step = AssignWcsStep()
    for reftype in AssignWcsStep.reference_file_types:
        val = step.get_reference_file(datamodel, reftype)
        if val == 'N/A':
            refs[reftype] = None
            refs[reftype] = val

    return refs
예제 #2
def get_reference_files(datamodel):
    refs = {}
    step = AssignWcsStep()
    for reftype in AssignWcsStep.reference_file_types:
        val = step.get_reference_file(datamodel, reftype)
        print(reftype, val)
        if val.strip() == 'N/A':
            refs[reftype] = None
            refs[reftype] = val
    return refs
예제 #3
def run_msa_flagging_testing(input_file, msa_flagging_threshold=99.5, rate_obj=None,
                             stellarity=None, operability_ref=None, source_type=None,
                             save_figs=False, show_figs=True, debug=False):
    This is the validation function for the msa flagging step.
    :param input_file: string, fits file output from the msa_flagging step
    :param msa_flagging_threshold: float, percentage for all slits with more than 100 pixels
    :param rate_obj: object, the stage 1 pipeline output object
    :param stellarity: float, stellarity number fro 0.0 to 1.0
    :param operability_ref: string, msa failed open - operability - reference file
    :param source_type: string, options are point, extended, unknown
    :param save_figs: boolean
    :param show_figs: boolean
    :param debug: boolean
        FINAL_TEST_RESULT: boolean, True if smaller than or equal to threshold
        result_msg: string, message with reason for passing, failing, or skipped
        log_msgs: list, diagnostic strings to be printed in log

    # start the list of messages that will be added to the log file
    log_msgs = []

    # start the timer
    msa_flagging_test_start_time = time.time()

    # get the data model
    if isinstance(input_file, str):
        msaflag = datamodels.open(input_file)
        msaflag = input_file

    if debug:
        print('got MSA flagging datamodel!')

    # set up generals for all the plots
    font = {'weight': 'normal',
            'size': 12}
    matplotlib.rc('font', **font)

    # plot full image
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
    norm = ImageNormalize(msaflag.data, vmin=0., vmax=50., stretch=AsinhStretch())
    plt.imshow(msaflag.data, norm=norm, aspect=1.0, origin='lower', cmap='viridis')
    # Show and/or save figures
    detector = msaflag.meta.instrument.detector
    datadir = None
    if save_figs:
        file_basename = os.path.basename(input_file.replace("_msa_flagging.fits", ""))
        datadir = os.path.dirname(input_file)
        t = (file_basename, "MSA_flagging_full_detector.png")
        plt_name = "_".join(t)
        plt_name = os.path.join(datadir, plt_name)
        print('Figure saved as: ', plt_name)
    if show_figs:

    # read in DQ flags from MSA_flagging product
    # find all pixels that have been flagged by this step  as MSA_FAILED_OPEN -> DQ array value = 536870912
    # https://jwst-pipeline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jwst/references_general/references_general.html?highlight=536870912#data-quality-flags
    dq_flag = 536870912
    msaflag_1d = msaflag.dq.flatten()
    index_opens = np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.where(msaflag_1d & dq_flag)))
    if debug:
        print("DQ array at 167, 1918: ", msaflag.dq[167, 1918])
        # np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize)  # print all elements in array
        print("Index where Failed Open shutters exist: ", np.shape(index_opens), index_opens)

    # execute script that creates an MSA metafile for the failed open shutters
    # read operability reference file
    crds_path = os.environ.get('CRDS_PATH')
    if crds_path is None:
        print("(msa_flagging_testing): The environment variable CRDS_PATH is not defined. To set it, follow the "
              "instructions at: \n"
              "                        https://github.com/spacetelescope/nirspec_pipe_testing_tool")

    crds_path = "https://jwst-crds.stsci.edu/unchecked_get/references/jwst/"
    op_ref_file = "jwst_nirspec_msaoper_0001.json"

    if operability_ref is None:
        ref_file = os.path.join(crds_path, op_ref_file)
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(ref_file, op_ref_file)
        op_ref_file = operability_ref

    if "http" not in op_ref_file:
        if not os.path.isfile(op_ref_file):
            result_msg = "Skipping msa_flagging test because the operability reference file does not exist: " + \
            result = 'skip'
            return result, result_msg, log_msgs

    if debug:
        print("Using this operability reference file: ", op_ref_file)

    with open(op_ref_file) as f:
        msaoper_dict = json.load(f)
    msaoper = msaoper_dict["msaoper"]

    # find the failed open shutters
    failedopens = [(c["Q"], c["x"], c["y"]) for c in msaoper if c["state"] == 'open']
    if debug:
        print("Failed Open shutters: ", failedopens)

    # unpack the list of tuples into separate lists for MSA quadrant, row, column locations
    quads, allrows, allcols = zip(*failedopens)

    # stellarity -- internal lamps are uniform illumination, so set to 0
    # ** if considering a point source, need to change this to 1, or actual value if known
    if source_type is None:
        # srctyapt = fits.getval(input_file, 'SRCTYAPT')  # previously used
        srctyapt = msaflag.meta.target.source_type_apt
        srctyapt = source_type.upper()
    if stellarity is None:
        if "POINT" in srctyapt:
            stellarity = 1.0
            stellarity = 0.0
        stellarity = float(stellarity)

    # create MSA metafile with F/O shutters
    if datadir is not None:
        fometafile = os.path.join(datadir, 'fopens_metafile_msa.fits')
        fometafile = 'fopens_metafile_msa.fits'
    if not os.path.isfile(fometafile):
        pattnum = msaflag.meta.dither.position_number
        create_metafile_fopens(fometafile, allcols, allrows, quads, stellarity, failedopens,
                               pattnum, save_fig=save_figs, show_fig=show_figs, debug=debug)

    # run assign_wcs on the science exposure using F/O metafile
    # change MSA metafile name in header to match the F/O metafile name
    if isinstance(input_file, str):
        rate_file = input_file.replace("msa_flagging", "rate")
        if not os.path.isfile(rate_file):
            # if a _rate.fits file does not exist try the usual name
            rate_file = os.path.join(datadir, 'final_output_caldet1_'+detector+'.fits')
            if not os.path.isfile(rate_file):
                result_msg = "Skipping msa_flagging test because no rate fits file was found in directory: " + datadir
                result = 'skip'
                return result, result_msg, log_msgs
        if debug:
            print("Will run assign_wcs with new Failed Open fits file on this file: ", rate_file)
        rate_mdl = datamodels.ImageModel(rate_file)
        rate_mdl = rate_obj

    if debug:
        print("MSA metadata file in initial rate file: ", rate_mdl.meta.instrument.msa_metadata_file)

    rate_mdl.meta.instrument.msa_metadata_file = fometafile
    if debug:
        print("New MSA metadata file in rate file: ", rate_mdl.meta.instrument.msa_metadata_file)

    # force the exp_type of this new model to MSA, even if IFU so that nrs_wcs_set_input pipeline function works
    if "ifu" in msaflag.meta.exposure.type.lower():
        rate_mdl.meta.exposure.type = 'NRS_MSASPEC'

    # run assign_wcs; use +/-0.45 for the y-limits because the default is too big (0.6 including buffer)
    stp = AssignWcsStep()
    awcs_fo = stp.call(rate_mdl, slit_y_low=-0.45, slit_y_high=0.45)

    # get the slits from the F/O processing run
    slits_list = awcs_fo.meta.wcs.get_transform('gwa', 'slit_frame').slits

    # prepare arrays to hold info needed for validation test
    allsizes = np.zeros(len(slits_list))
    allchecks = np.zeros(len(slits_list))

    # loop over the slits and compare pixel bounds with the flagged pixels from the original product
    for i, slit in enumerate(slits_list):
            name = slit.name
        except AttributeError:
            name = i
        print("\nWorking with slit/slice: ", name)
        if "IFU" not in msaflag.meta.exposure.type.upper():
            print("Slit min and max in y direction: ", slit.ymin, slit.ymax)
        # get the WCS object for this particular slit
        wcs_slice = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(awcs_fo, name)
        # get the bounding box for the 2D subwindow, round to nearest integer, and convert to integer
        bbox = np.rint(wcs_slice.bounding_box)
        bboxint = bbox.astype(int)
        print("bounding box rounded to next integer: ", bboxint)
        i1 = bboxint[0, 0]
        i2 = bboxint[0, 1]
        i3 = bboxint[1, 0]
        i4 = bboxint[1, 1]
        # make array of pixel locations within bounding box
        x, y = np.mgrid[i1:i2, i3:i4]
        index_1d = np.ravel_multi_index([[y], [x]], (2048, 2048))
        # get the slity WCS parameter to find which pixels are located in the actual spectrum
        det2slit = wcs_slice.get_transform('detector', 'slit_frame')
        slitx, slity, _ = det2slit(x, y)
        print("Max value in slity array (ignoring NANs): ", np.nanmax(slity))
        index_trace = np.squeeze(index_1d)[~np.isnan(slity)]
        n_overlap = np.sum(np.isin(index_opens, index_trace))
        overlap_percentage = round(n_overlap/index_trace.size*100., 1)
        if debug:
            print("Size of index_trace= ", index_trace.size)
            print("Size of index_opens=", index_opens.size)
            print("Sum of values found in index_opens and index_trace=", n_overlap)
        msg = 'percentage of F/O trace that was flagged: ' + repr(overlap_percentage)
        allchecks[i] = overlap_percentage
        allsizes[i] = index_trace.size

        # show 2D cutouts, with flagged pixels overlaid
        # calculate wavelength, slit_y values for the subwindow
        det2slit = wcs_slice.get_transform('detector', 'slit_frame')
        slitx, slity, _ = det2slit(x, y)

        # extract & display the F/O 2d subwindows from the msa_flagging sci image
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(19, 19))
        subwin = msaflag.data[i3:i4, i1:i2].copy()
        # set all pixels outside of the nominal shutter length to 0, inside to 1
        subwin[np.isnan(slity.T)] = 0
        subwin[~np.isnan(slity.T)] = 1
        # find the pixels flagged by the msaflagopen step; set them to 1 and everything else to 0 for ease of display
        subwin_dq = msaflag.dq[i3:i4, i1:i2].copy()
        mask = np.zeros(subwin_dq.shape, dtype=bool)
        mask[np.where(subwin_dq & 536870912)] = True
        subwin_dq[mask] = 1
        subwin_dq[~mask] = 0
        # plot the F/O traces
        vmax = np.max(msaflag.data[i3:i4, i1:i2])
        norm = ImageNormalize(msaflag.data[i3:i4, i1:i2], vmin=0., vmax=vmax, stretch=AsinhStretch())
        plt.imshow(msaflag.data[i3:i4, i1:i2], norm=norm, aspect=10.0, origin='lower', cmap='viridis',
                   label='MSA flagging data')
        plt.imshow(subwin, aspect=20.0, origin='lower', cmap='Reds', alpha=0.3, label='Calculated F/O')
        # overplot the flagged pixels in translucent grayscale
        plt.imshow(subwin_dq, aspect=20.0, origin='lower', cmap='gray', alpha=0.3, label='Pipeline F/O')
        if save_figs:
            t = (file_basename, "FailedOpen_detector", detector, "slit", repr(name) + ".png")
            plt_name = "_".join(t)
            plt_name = os.path.join(datadir, plt_name)
            print('Figure saved as: ', plt_name)
        if show_figs:

    # validation: overlap should be >= msa_flagging_threshold percent for all slits with more than 100 pixels
    if not isinstance(msa_flagging_threshold, float):
        msa_flagging_threshold = float(msa_flagging_threshold)
    if (allchecks[allsizes >= 100] >= msa_flagging_threshold).all():
        FINAL_TEST_RESULT = True
        print("\n * One or more traces show msa_flagging match < ", repr(msa_flagging_threshold))
        print("   See results above per trace. \n")
        result_msg = "\n *** Final result for msa_flagging test will be reported as PASSED *** \n"
        result_msg = "\n *** Final result for msa_flagging test will be reported as FAILED *** \n"

    # end the timer
    msa_flagging_test_end_time = time.time() - msa_flagging_test_start_time
    if msa_flagging_test_end_time >= 60.0:
        msa_flagging_test_end_time = msa_flagging_test_end_time/60.0  # in minutes
        msa_flagging_test_tot_time = "* MSA flagging validation test took ", repr(msa_flagging_test_end_time) + \
                                     " minutes to finish."
        if msa_flagging_test_end_time >= 60.0:
            msa_flagging_test_end_time = msa_flagging_test_end_time/60.  # in hours
            msa_flagging_test_tot_time = "* MSA flagging validation test took ", repr(msa_flagging_test_end_time) + \
                                         " hours to finish."
        msa_flagging_test_tot_time = "* MSA flagging validation test took ", repr(msa_flagging_test_end_time) + \
                                  " seconds to finish."

    # close the datamodel

    return FINAL_TEST_RESULT, result_msg, log_msgs
def output_hdul(set_inandout_filenames, config):
    set_inandout_filenames_info = core_utils.read_info4outputhdul(
        config, set_inandout_filenames)
    step, txt_name, step_input_file, step_output_file, run_calwebb_spec2, outstep_file_suffix = set_inandout_filenames_info

    # start the timer to compute the step running time of PTT
    PTT_start_time = time.time()

    # check if the filter is to be changed
    change_filter_opaque = config.getboolean("calwebb_spec2_input_file",
    if change_filter_opaque:
        _, step_input_file = change_filter_opaque2science.change_filter_opaque(
        change_filter_opaque_msg = " * With FILTER=OPAQUE, the calwebb_spec2 will run up to the extract_2d step. Further steps will be skipped. \n"

    # determine if the pipeline is to be run in full
    run_calwebb_spec2 = config.getboolean("run_calwebb_spec2_in_full",
    # determine which steps are to be run, if not run in full
    run_pipe_step = config.getboolean("run_pipe_steps", step)
    # determine which tests are to be run
    assign_wcs_completion_tests = config.getboolean(
        "run_pytest", "_".join((step, "completion", "tests")))
    assign_wcs_reffile_tests = config.getboolean(
        "run_pytest", "_".join((step, "reffile", "tests")))
    assign_wcs_validation_tests = config.getboolean(
        "run_pytest", "_".join((step, "validation", "tests")))
    run_pytests = [
        assign_wcs_completion_tests, assign_wcs_reffile_tests,

    # get other relevant info from PTT config file
    esa_files_path = config.get("esa_intermediary_products", "esa_files_path")
    wcs_threshold_diff = config.get("additional_arguments",
    save_wcs_plots = config.getboolean("additional_arguments",
    output_directory = config.get("calwebb_spec2_input_file",

    # Get the detector used
    detector = fits.getval(step_input_file, "DETECTOR", 0)

    # get main header from input file
    inhdu = core_utils.read_hdrfits(step_input_file,

    # if run_calwebb_spec2 is True calwebb_spec2 will be called, else individual steps will be ran
    step_completed = False
    end_time = '0.0'

    # Check if data is IFU that the Image Model keyword is correct
    mode_used = config.get("calwebb_spec2_input_file", "mode_used").lower()
    if mode_used == "ifu":
        DATAMODL = fits.getval(step_input_file, "DATAMODL", 0)
        if DATAMODL != "IFUImageModel":
            fits.setval(step_input_file, "DATAMODL", 0, value="IFUImageModel")
            print("DATAMODL keyword changed to IFUImageModel.")

    # get the shutter configuration file for MOS data only
    msa_shutter_conf = "No shutter configuration file will be used."
    if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
        msa_shutter_conf = config.get("esa_intermediary_products",

        # check if the configuration shutter file name is in the header of the fits file and if not add it
        msametfl = fits.getval(step_input_file, "MSAMETFL", 0)
        if os.path.basename(msa_shutter_conf) != msametfl:
            msametfl = os.path.basename(msa_shutter_conf)
            fits.setval(step_input_file, "MSAMETFL", 0, value=msametfl)

    # check if processing an image, then set proper variables
    imaging_mode = False
    if mode_used in ('image', 'confirm', 'taconfirm', 'wata', 'msata', 'bota',
                     'focus', 'mimf'):
        run_calwebb_spec2 = True
        imaging_mode = True
            '\n * Image processing will only be run in full with PTT. All intermediary products will be saved.'
            '     ->  For now, all pytests will be skipped since there are now image-specific routines yet. \n'
        # TODO: add imaging tests

    # get the name of the configuration file and run the pipeline
    calwebb_spec2_cfg = config.get("run_calwebb_spec2_in_full",

    # copy the configuration file to create the pipeline log
    stpipelogcfg = calwebb_spec2_cfg.replace("calwebb_spec2.cfg",
    subprocess.run(["cp", stpipelogcfg, os.getcwd()])

    # run the pipeline
    if run_calwebb_spec2:

        # Create the logfile for PTT, but remove the previous log file
        PTTcalspec2_log = os.path.join(output_directory,
                                       'PTT_calspec2_' + detector + '.log')
        if imaging_mode:
            PTTcalspec2_log = PTTcalspec2_log.replace('calspec2', 'calimage2')
        if os.path.isfile(PTTcalspec2_log):
            "Information outputed to screen from PTT will be logged in file: ",
        for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
        logging.basicConfig(filename=PTTcalspec2_log, level=logging.INFO)
        if change_filter_opaque:

        run_calwebb_spec2_msg = " *** Will run pipeline in full ... "

        # create the map
        txt_name = "full_run_map_" + detector + ".txt"
        if os.path.isfile(txt_name):
            txt_name, step_input_file)

        # start the timer to compute the step running time of PTT

        if mode_used == "bots":
            calwebb_spec2_cfg = calwebb_spec2_cfg.replace(
                "calwebb_spec2.cfg", "calwebb_tso-spec2.cfg")
                '\nUsing the following configuration file to run TSO pipeline:'
            print(calwebb_spec2_cfg, '\n')
        if imaging_mode:
            calwebb_image2_cfg = calwebb_spec2_cfg.replace(
                "calwebb_spec2.cfg", "calwebb_image2.cfg")
                '\nUsing the following configuration file to run imaging pipeline:'
            print(calwebb_image2_cfg, '\n')
                '\nUsing the following configuration file to run spectroscopic pipeline:'
            print(calwebb_spec2_cfg, '\n')

        input_file = config.get("calwebb_spec2_input_file", "input_file")
        if "_uncal_rate" in input_file:
            input_file = input_file.replace("_uncal_rate", "")
        if "_uncal" in input_file:
            input_file = input_file.replace("_uncal", "")
        final_output_name = input_file.replace(".fits", "_cal.fits")
        if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
            # copy the MSA shutter configuration file into the pytest directory
            subprocess.run(["cp", msa_shutter_conf, "."])

        # start the timer to compute the step running time
        start_time = time.time()

        # run the pipeline
        print('Running pipeline... \n')
        if not imaging_mode:
                config_file=calwebb_spec2_cfg)  #, logcfg=stpipelogcfg)
        subprocess.run(["rm", "stpipe-log.cfg"])

        # For the moment, the pipeline is using the wrong reference file for slit 400A1, so the
        # file needs to be re-processed with the right reference file
        if core_utils.check_FS_true(inhdu):
                "\n * WARNING: For the moment, the wrong reference file is being used for "
                "processing slit 400A1. The file will be re-processed ")
            # print("   $ jwst.pathloss.PathLossStep final_output_caldet1_NRS1_srctype.fits "
            #      "--override_pathloss=jwst-nirspec-a400.plrf.fits \n")
            pathloss_400a1 = step_input_file.replace("srctype.fits",
            reffile_400a1 = "jwst-nirspec-a400.plrf.fits"
            print("Re-processing slit with new reference file: ",
            pl = PathLossStep()
            pl.override_pathloss = reffile_400a1
                step_input_file.replace("srctype", "pathlossstep"),
            print("Saved pipeline re-processed file as: ", pathloss_400a1)

        # end the timer to compute calwebb_spec2 running time
        end_time = repr(time.time() - start_time)  # this is in seconds
        calspec2_time = " * Pipeline took " + end_time + " seconds to finish.\n"

        # remove the copy of the MSA shutter configuration file
        if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
            subprocess.run(["rm", msametfl])

        # add the detector string to the name of the files and move them to the working directory
        core_utils.add_detector2filename(output_directory, step_input_file)
        final_output_name_msg = "\nThe final pipeline product was saved in: " + final_output_name

        # read the assign wcs fits file
        hdul = core_utils.read_hdrfits(step_output_file,
        # scihdul = core_utils.read_hdrfits(step_output_file, info=False, show_hdr=False, ext=1)

        # rename and move the pipeline log file
            calspec2_pipelog = "calspec2_pipeline_" + detector + ".log"
            if imaging_mode:
                calspec2_pipelog = calspec2_pipelog.replace(
                    'calspec2', 'calimage2')
            path_where_pipeline_was_run = os.getcwd()
            logfile = glob(path_where_pipeline_was_run + "/pipeline.log")[0]
            os.rename(logfile, os.path.join(output_directory,
        except IndexError:
                "\nWARNING: Something went wrong. Could not find a pipeline.log file \n"

        # make sure we are able to find calspec2_pipelog either in the calwebb_spec2 directory or in the working dir
        if not os.path.isfile(calspec2_pipelog):
            calspec2_pipelog = os.path.join(output_directory, calspec2_pipelog)

        # add the running time for all steps
        step_running_times = core_utils.calculate_step_run_time(
        end_time_list = []
        for stp in core_utils.step_string_dict:
            if stp in step_running_times:
                step_completed = True
                step_time = step_running_times[stp]["run_time"]
                out_suffix = core_utils.step_string_dict[stp]["suffix"]
                core_utils.add_completed_steps(txt_name, stp, out_suffix,
                                               step_completed, step_time)

        # print total running time in the text file and move it to the indicated directory
        string2print = "pipeline_total_time"
        if float(end_time) <= sum(end_time_list):
            tot_time = repr(sum(end_time_list))
            tot_time = end_time
        assign_wcs_utils.print_time2file(txt_name, tot_time, string2print)
        PTT_runtimes_msg = "Pipeline and PTT run times written in file: " + os.path.basename(
            txt_name) + " in working directory. \n"

        # move the final reporting text files to the working directory
        core_utils.move_txt_files_2workdir(config, detector)

        # end script for imaging case
        if imaging_mode:
            print('\nPTT finished processing imaging mode. \n')
                "Skipping pytests for now because they need to be written for imaging mode."

        return hdul, step_output_file, msa_shutter_conf, esa_files_path, wcs_threshold_diff, save_wcs_plots, run_pytests, mode_used


        # create the map but remove a previous one if it exists
        if os.path.isfile(txt_name):
            txt_name, step_input_file)

        # start the timer to compute the step running time of PTT
        msg = "\n Pipeline and PTT run times will be written in file: " + os.path.basename(
            txt_name) + " in working directory. \n"

        if run_pipe_step:

            # Create the logfile for PTT, but erase the previous one if it exists
            PTTcalspec2_log = os.path.join(
                'PTT_calspec2_' + detector + '_' + step + '.log')
            if imaging_mode:
                PTTcalspec2_log = PTTcalspec2_log.replace(
                    'calspec2', 'calimage2')
            if os.path.isfile(PTTcalspec2_log):
                "Information outputed to screen from PTT will be logged in file: ",
            for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
            logging.basicConfig(filename=PTTcalspec2_log, level=logging.INFO)
            if change_filter_opaque:

            # check that previous pipeline steps were run up to this point
            core_utils.check_completed_steps(step, step_input_file)

            if os.path.isfile(step_input_file):
                msg = " *** Step " + step + " set to True"
                stp = AssignWcsStep()

                if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
                    # copy the MSA shutter configuration file into the pytest directory
                    subprocess.run(["cp", msa_shutter_conf, "."])

                # get the right configuration files to run the step
                local_pipe_cfg_path = config.get("calwebb_spec2_input_file",

                # start the timer to compute the step running time
                print("running pipeline...")
                start_time = time.time()
                if local_pipe_cfg_path == "pipe_source_tree_code":
                    result = stp.call(step_input_file)
                    result = stp.call(step_input_file,
                                      config_file=local_pipe_cfg_path +

                # end the timer to compute the step running time
                end_time = repr(time.time() - start_time)  # this is in seconds
                msg = "Step " + step + " took " + end_time + " seconds to finish"

                if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
                    # remove the copy of the MSA shutter configuration file
                    subprocess.run(["rm", msametfl])

                # rename and move the pipeline log file
                    calspec2_pipelog = "calspec2_pipeline_" + step + "_" + detector + ".log"
                    if imaging_mode:
                        calspec2_pipelog = calspec2_pipelog.replace(
                            'calspec2', 'calimage2')
                    pytest_workdir = TESTSDIR
                    logfile = glob(pytest_workdir + "/pipeline.log")[0]
                              os.path.join(output_directory, calspec2_pipelog))
                except IndexError:
                        "\n* WARNING: Something went wrong. Could not find a pipeline.log file \n"

                msg = "Skipping step. Input file " + step_input_file + " does not exit."
                core_utils.add_completed_steps(txt_name, step,
                                               step_completed, end_time)
                pytest.skip("Skipping " + step +
                            " because the input file does not exist.")

            print("Skipping running pipeline step ", step)
            # add the running time for this step
            end_time = core_utils.get_stp_run_time_from_screenfile(
                step, detector, output_directory)

        if os.path.isfile(step_output_file):
            hdul = core_utils.read_hdrfits(step_output_file,
            step_completed = True
            # add the running time for this step
            core_utils.add_completed_steps(txt_name, step, outstep_file_suffix,
                                           step_completed, end_time)
            return hdul, step_output_file, msa_shutter_conf, esa_files_path, wcs_threshold_diff, save_wcs_plots, run_pytests, mode_used
            step_completed = False
            # add the running time for this step
            core_utils.add_completed_steps(txt_name, step, outstep_file_suffix,
                                           step_completed, end_time)
            pytest.skip("Test skipped because input file " + step_output_file +
                        " does not exist.")
예제 #5
def output_hdul(set_inandout_filenames, config):
    set_inandout_filenames_info = core_utils.read_info4outputhdul(config, set_inandout_filenames)
    step, txt_name, step_input_file, step_output_file, run_calwebb_spec2, outstep_file_suffix = set_inandout_filenames_info
    stp = AssignWcsStep()
    run_calwebb_spec2 = config.getboolean("run_calwebb_spec2_in_full", "run_calwebb_spec2")
    skip_runing_pipe_step = config.getboolean("tests_only", "_".join((step, "tests")))
    esa_files_path = config.get("esa_intermediary_products", "esa_files_path")
    wcs_threshold_diff = config.get("additional_arguments", "wcs_threshold_diff")
    save_wcs_plots = config.getboolean("additional_arguments", "save_wcs_plots")
    # if run_calwebb_spec2 is True calwebb_spec2 will be called, else individual steps will be ran
    step_completed = False
    end_time = '0.0'
    # get the MSA shutter configuration file full path only for MOS data
    inhdu = core_utils.read_hdrfits(step_input_file, info=False, show_hdr=False)
    if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
        msa_shutter_conf = config.get("esa_intermediary_products", "msa_conf_name")
        # check if the configuration shutter file name is in the header of the fits file and if not add it
        msametfl = fits.getval(step_input_file, "MSAMETFL", 0)
        if os.path.basename(msa_shutter_conf) != msametfl:
            msametfl = os.path.basename(msa_shutter_conf)
            fits.setval(step_input_file, "MSAMETFL", 0, value=msametfl)
    # run the pipeline
    if run_calwebb_spec2:
        print ("*** Will run calwebb_spec2... ")
        # create the map
        full_run_map = "full_run_map.txt"
        assign_wcs_utils.create_map_from_full_run(full_run_map, step_input_file)
        # get the name of the configuration file and run the pipeline
        calwebb_spec2_cfg = config.get("run_calwebb_spec2_in_full", "calwebb_spec2_cfg")
        input_file_basename_list = step_input_file.split("_")[:4]
        input_file_basename = "_".join((input_file_basename_list))
        final_output_name = "_".join((input_file_basename, "cal.fits"))
        final_output_name_basename = os.path.basename(final_output_name)
        if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
            # copy the MSA shutter configuration file into the pytest directory
            subprocess.run(["cp", msa_shutter_conf, "."])
        # start the timer to compute the step running time
        start_time = time.time()
        Spec2Pipeline.call(step_input_file, config_file=calwebb_spec2_cfg)
        # end the timer to compute calwebb_spec2 running time
        end_time = repr(time.time() - start_time)   # this is in seconds
        print(" * calwebb_spec2 took "+end_time+" seconds to finish.")
        if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
            # remove the copy of the MSA shutter configuration file
            subprocess.run(["rm", msametfl])
        # move the output file into the working directory
        print ("The final calwebb_spec2 product was saved in: ", final_output_name)
        subprocess.run(["mv", final_output_name_basename, final_output_name])
        # read the assign wcs fits file
        step_output_file = core_utils.read_completion_to_full_run_map(full_run_map, step)
        hdul = core_utils.read_hdrfits(step_output_file, info=True, show_hdr=True)
        scihdul = core_utils.read_hdrfits(step_output_file, info=False, show_hdr=False, ext=1)
        return hdul, scihdul, step_output_file, esa_files_path, wcs_threshold_diff, save_wcs_plots
        # create the Map of file names
        assign_wcs_utils.create_completed_steps_txtfile(txt_name, step_input_file)
        if config.getboolean("steps", step):
            print ("*** Step "+step+" set to True")
            if os.path.isfile(step_input_file):
                if not skip_runing_pipe_step:
                    if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
                        # copy the MSA shutter configuration file into the pytest directory
                        subprocess.run(["cp", msa_shutter_conf, "."])
                    # get the right configuration files to run the step
                    local_pipe_cfg_path = config.get("calwebb_spec2_input_file", "local_pipe_cfg_path")
                    # start the timer to compute the step running time
                    start_time = time.time()
                    if local_pipe_cfg_path == "pipe_source_tree_code":
                        result = stp.call(step_input_file)
                        result = stp.call(step_input_file, config_file=local_pipe_cfg_path+'/assign_wcs.cfg')
                    # end the timer to compute the step running time
                    end_time = repr(time.time() - start_time)   # this is in seconds
                    print("Step "+step+" took "+end_time+" seconds to finish")
                    if core_utils.check_MOS_true(inhdu):
                        # remove the copy of the MSA shutter configuration file
                        subprocess.run(["rm", msametfl])
                step_completed = True
                core_utils.add_completed_steps(txt_name, step, outstep_file_suffix, step_completed, end_time)
                hdul = core_utils.read_hdrfits(step_output_file, info=False, show_hdr=False, ext=0)
                scihdul = core_utils.read_hdrfits(step_output_file, info=False, show_hdr=False, ext=1)
                return hdul, scihdul, step_output_file, esa_files_path, wcs_threshold_diff, save_wcs_plots
                print("Skipping step. Intput file "+step_input_file+" does not exit.")
                core_utils.add_completed_steps(txt_name, step, outstep_file_suffix, step_completed, end_time)
                pytest.skip("Skipping "+step+" because the input file does not exist.")
            core_utils.add_completed_steps(txt_name, step, outstep_file_suffix, step_completed, end_time)
            pytest.skip("Skipping "+step+". Step set to False in configuration file.")