예제 #1
    def _verify_crypto_keys(self):
        verifies whether or not valid crypto keys were provided to the signer.
        if both keys are valid, encodes and decodes a JWT to make sure the keys match.

        if both private and public keys are valid and are matching => signer is enabled
        if both private and public keys are None => signer is disabled (self.enabled == False)
        if only one key is valid/not-None => throws ValueError
        any other case => throws ValueError
        if self._private_key is not None and self._public_key is not None:
            # both keys provided, let's make sure these keys were generated correctly
            token = jwt.encode({"some": "payload"}, self._private_key, algorithm=self._algorithm)
                jwt.decode(token, self._public_key, algorithms=[self._algorithm])
            except jwt.PyJWTError as exc:
                logger.info("JWT Signer key verification failed with error: {err}", err=exc)
                raise InvalidJWTCryptoKeysException("private key and public key do not match!") from exc
            # save jwk
            self._jwk: PyJWK = PyJWK.from_json(self.get_jwk(), algorithm=self._algorithm)
        elif (self._private_key != self._public_key) and (self._private_key is None or self._public_key is None):
            raise ValueError("JWT Signer not valid, only one of private key / public key pair was provided!")
        elif self._private_key is None and self._public_key is None:
            # valid situation, running in dev mode and api security is off
            self._enabled = False
            logger.info("OPAL was not provided with JWT encryption keys, cannot verify api requests!")
            raise ValueError("Invalid JWT Signer input!")
예제 #2
    def test_should_load_key_okp_without_alg_from_dict(self):

        with open(key_path("jwk_okp_pub_Ed25519.json")) as keyfile:
            key_data = json.loads(keyfile.read())

        jwk = PyJWK.from_dict(key_data)

        assert jwk.key_type == "OKP"
        assert isinstance(jwk.Algorithm, Ed25519Algorithm)
예제 #3
    def test_should_load_key_ec_p384_from_dict(self):

        with open(key_path("jwk_ec_pub_P-384.json")) as keyfile:
            key_data = json.loads(keyfile.read())

        jwk = PyJWK.from_dict(key_data)

        assert jwk.key_type == "EC"
        assert isinstance(jwk.Algorithm, ECAlgorithm)
        assert jwk.Algorithm.hash_alg == ECAlgorithm.SHA384
예제 #4
    def test_should_load_key_from_dict_with_algorithm(self):

        with open(key_path("jwk_rsa_pub.json")) as keyfile:
            key_data = json.loads(keyfile.read())

        jwk = PyJWK.from_dict(key_data, algorithm="RS256")

        assert jwk.key_type == "RSA"
        assert isinstance(jwk.Algorithm, RSAAlgorithm)
        assert jwk.Algorithm.hash_alg == RSAAlgorithm.SHA256
예제 #5
    def test_should_load_key_hmac_from_dict(self):

        with open(key_path("jwk_hmac.json")) as keyfile:
            key_data = json.loads(keyfile.read())

        jwk = PyJWK.from_dict(key_data)

        assert jwk.key_type == "oct"
        assert isinstance(jwk.Algorithm, HMACAlgorithm)
        assert jwk.Algorithm.hash_alg == HMACAlgorithm.SHA256
예제 #6
    def test_should_load_key_from_jwk_data_json_string(self):
        algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)

        with open(key_path("jwk_rsa_pub.json"), "r") as keyfile:
            pub_key = algo.from_jwk(keyfile.read())

        key_data_str = algo.to_jwk(pub_key)
        key_data = json.loads(key_data_str)

        # TODO Should `to_jwk` set these?
        key_data["alg"] = "RS256"
        key_data["use"] = "sig"
        key_data["kid"] = "keyid-abc123"

        jwk = PyJWK.from_json(json.dumps(key_data))

        assert jwk.key_type == "RSA"
        assert jwk.key_id == "keyid-abc123"
        assert jwk.public_key_use == "sig"
예제 #7
    def test_from_dict_should_throw_exception_if_arg_is_invalid(self):

        with open(key_path("jwk_rsa_pub.json")) as keyfile:
            valid_rsa_pub = json.loads(keyfile.read())
        with open(key_path("jwk_ec_pub_P-256.json")) as keyfile:
            valid_ec_pub = json.loads(keyfile.read())
        with open(key_path("jwk_okp_pub_Ed25519.json")) as keyfile:
            valid_okp_pub = json.loads(keyfile.read())

        # Unknown algorithm
        with pytest.raises(PyJWKError):
            PyJWK.from_dict(valid_rsa_pub, algorithm="unknown")

        # Missing kty
        v = valid_rsa_pub.copy()
        del v["kty"]
        with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):

        # Unknown kty
        v = valid_rsa_pub.copy()
        v["kty"] = "unknown"
        with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):

        # Unknown EC crv
        v = valid_ec_pub.copy()
        v["crv"] = "unknown"
        with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):

        # Unknown OKP crv
        v = valid_okp_pub.copy()
        v["crv"] = "unknown"
        with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):

        # Missing OKP crv
        v = valid_okp_pub.copy()
        del v["crv"]
        with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):