예제 #1
    def _detect_fns_free_variables(self,
                                   source_code: str,
                                   imports_and_functions: str = "",
                                   step_parameters: dict = None):
        """Return the function's free variables.

        Free variable: _If a variable is used in a code block but not defined
        there, it is a free variable._

        An Example:

        x = 5
        def foo():

        In the example above, `x` is a free variable for function `foo`,
        because it is defined outside of the context of `foo`.

        Here we run the PyFlakes report over the function body to get all the
        missing names (i.e. free variables), excluding the function arguments.

            source_code: Multiline Python source code
            imports_and_functions: Multiline Python source that is prepended
                to every pipeline step. It should contain the code cells that
                where tagged as `import` and `functions`. We prepend this code
                to the function body because it will always be present in any
                pipeline step.
            step_parameters: Step parameters names. The step parameters
                are removed from the pyflakes report, as these names will
                always be available in the step's context.

        Returns (dict): A dictionary with the name of the function as key and
            a list of variables names + consumed pipeline parameters as values.
        fns_free_vars = dict()
        # now check the functions' bodies for free variables. fns is a
        # dict function_name -> function_source
        fns = astutils.parse_functions(source_code)
        for fn_name, fn in fns.items():
            code = imports_and_functions + "\n" + fn
            free_vars = flakeutils.pyflakes_report(code=code)
            # the pipeline parameters that are used in the function
            consumed_params = {}
            if step_parameters:
                consumed_params = free_vars.intersection(
                # remove the used parameters form the free variables, as they
                # need to be handled differently.
            fns_free_vars[fn_name] = (free_vars, consumed_params)
        return fns_free_vars
예제 #2
def test_parse_functions():
    """Test that the body of the function is retrieved correctly."""
    code = '''
x = 5
def foo():

    target = {"foo": "def foo():\n    print('hello')\n    print(x)\n"}
    assert kale_ast.parse_functions(code) == target