예제 #1
except KeyError as Err:
    warnings.warn('No display environment! Using matplotlib backend "Agg"')
    import matplotlib

    import carmcmc as cmcmc
except ImportError:
    carma_pack = False
    carma_pack = True

fhgt = 10
fwid = 16

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-pwd', '--pwd', type=str, default=os.path.join(os.environ['KALI'], 'examples/data'),
                    help=r'Path to working directory')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', type=str, default='rand', help=r'SDSS ID')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--band', type=str, default='g', help=r'SDSS bandpass')
parser.add_argument('-libcarmaChain', '--lC', type=str, default='libcarmaChain',
                    help=r'kali.carma Chain Filename')
parser.add_argument('-cmcmcChain', '--cC', type=str, default='cmcmcChain', help=r'carma_pack Chain Filename')
parser.add_argument('-nsteps', '--nsteps', type=int, default=250, help=r'Number of steps per walker')
parser.add_argument('-nwalkers', '--nwalkers', type=int, default=25*psutil.cpu_count(logical=True),
                    help=r'Number of walkers')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--p', type=int, default=2, help=r'C-AR order')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--q', type=int, default=1, help=r'C-MA order')
parser.add_argument('--plot', dest='plot', action='store_true', help=r'Show plot?')
예제 #2
    import kali.carma
    from kali.util.mpl_settings import set_plot_params
    import kali.util.mcmcviz as mcmcviz
    import kali.util.triangle as triangle
except ImportError as e:
    print 'kali not found! Try setting up kali if you have it installed. Unable to proceed!!'
    print e

b_ = dict(u=1.4e-10, g=0.9e-10, r=1.2e-10, i=1.8e-10,
          z=7.4e-10)  # band softening parameter
f0 = 3631.0  # Jy

fhgt = 10
fwid = 16

def luptitude_to_flux(mag, err, band):  # Converts a Luptitude to an SDSS flux

    flux = math.sinh(math.log(10.0) / -2.5 * mag -
                     math.log(b_[band])) * 2 * b_[band] * f0
    error = err * math.log(10) / 2.5 * 2 * b_[band] * math.sqrt(
        1 + (flux / (2 * b_[band] * f0))**2) * f0
    return flux, error

def time_to_restFrame(time, z):  # Converts a cadence to the rest frame

    t = np.zeros(time.shape[0])