def value(self, new_value): for v in new_value or []: part1, sep, part2 = v.partition(',') netid, ip = '', '' if part1.startswith('id='): netid = part1[len('id='):] elif part1.startswith('ip='): ip = part1[len('ip='):] else: netid = part1 if part2: if (part2.startswith('id=') and netid) or ( part2.startswith('ip=') and ip): raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid network argument %s' % v, details=['Valid format: [id=]NETWORK_ID[,[ip=]IP]']) if part2.startswith('id='): netid = part2[len('id='):] elif part2.startswith('ip='): ip = part2[len('ip='):] elif netid: ip = part2 else: netid = part2 if not netid: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid network argument %s' % v, details=['Valid format: [id=]NETWORK_ID[,[ip=]IP]']) self._value = getattr(self, '_value', []) self._value.append(dict(uuid=netid)) if ip: self._value[-1]['fixed_ip'] = ip
def value(self, newvalue): if newvalue == self.default: return self.value self._value, input_dict = [], {} for i, terms in enumerate(newvalue): termlist = terms.split(',') if len(termlist) > len(self.terms): msg = 'Wrong number of terms (1<=terms<=%s)' % len(self.terms) raise CLIError(CLISyntaxError(msg), details=howto_personality) for k, v in self.terms: prefix = '%s=' % k for item in termlist: if item.lower().startswith(prefix): input_dict[k] = item[len(k) + 1:] break item = None if item: termlist.remove(item) try: path = input_dict['local-path'] except KeyError: path = termlist.pop(0) if not path: raise CLIInvalidArgument( '--personality: No local path specified', details=howto_personality) if not exists(path): raise CLIInvalidArgument( '--personality: File %s does not exist' % path, details=howto_personality) self._value.append(dict(path=path)) with open(expanduser(path)) as f: self._value[i]['contents'] = b64encode( for k, v in self.terms[1:]: try: self._value[i][v] = input_dict[k] except KeyError: try: self._value[i][v] = termlist.pop(0) except IndexError: continue if k in ('mode', ) and self._value[i][v]: try: self._value[i][v] = int(self._value[i][v], 8) except ValueError as ve: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Personality mode must be in octal', details=[ '%s' % ve])
def value(self, new_policy): if new_policy: if new_policy.lower() in self.policies: self._value = new_policy.lower() else: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid value for %s' % self.lvalue, details=['Valid values: %s' % ', '.join(self.policies)])
def value(self, new_value): if new_value: v = new_value.lower() if v not in ('true', 'false'): raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid value %s=%s' % (self.lvalue, new_value), details=['Usage:', '%s=<true|false>' % self.lvalue]) self._value = bool(v == 'true')
def main(self, project_id): super(self.__class__, self)._run() if self['private'] and self['public']: a = self.arguments raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid argument combination', details=[ 'Arguments %s and %s are mutually exclussive' % ( a['private'].lvalue, a['public'].lvalue)]) self._run(project_id=project_id)
def value(self, newvalue): if newvalue: try: self._value = dateutil.parser.parse(newvalue) except Exception: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid value "%s" for date argument %s' % (newvalue, self.lvalue), details=['Suggested formats:'] + self.INPUT_FORMATS)
def main(self, server_id): super(self.__class__, self)._run() pnpid = self.arguments['public_network_port_id'] fp = self.arguments['firewall_profile'] if pnpid.value and not fp.value: raise CLIInvalidArgument('Invalid argument compination', details=[ 'Argument %s should always be combined with %s' % ( pnpid.lvalue, fp.lvalue)]) self._run(server_id=server_id)
def main(self): super(self.__class__, self)._run() if self['no_network'] and self['network_configuration']: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid argument combination', importance=2, details=[ 'Arguments %s and %s are mutually exclusive' % ( self.arguments['no_network'].lvalue, self.arguments['network_configuration'].lvalue)]) self._run()
def value(self, new_profile): if new_profile: new_profile = new_profile.upper() if new_profile in self.profiles: self._value = new_profile else: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid firewall profile %s' % new_profile, details=['Valid values: %s' % ', '.join(self.profiles)])
def value(self, newvalue): if not newvalue: return elif newvalue.lower() in self.formats: self.value = newvalue.lower() else: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid value %s for argument %s' % (newvalue, self.lvalue), details=['Valid output formats: %s' % ', '.join(self.formats)])
def value(self, new_status): if new_status: new_status = new_status.upper() if new_status not in self.valid_states: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid argument %s' % new_status, details=['Usage:', '%s=[%s]' % ( self.lvalue, '|'.join(self.valid_states))]) self._value = new_status
def value(self, new_value): if new_value and new_value.upper() in self.types: self._value = new_value.upper() elif new_value: raise CLIInvalidArgument('Invalid network type %s' % new_value, details=[ 'Valid types: %s' % ', '.join(self.types), ])
def main(self, server_id): super(self.__class__, self)._run() choose_one = ('nics', 'stats', 'diagnostics') count = len([a for a in choose_one if self[a]]) if count > 1: raise CLIInvalidArgument('Invalid argument combination', details=[ 'Arguments %s cannot be used simultaneously' % ', '.join( [self.arguments[a].lvalue for a in choose_one])]) self._run(server_id=server_id)
def main(self): super(self.__class__, self)._run() self._req2 = [arg for arg in self.required if arg != 'specs_path'] if not (self['specs_path'] or all(self[arg] for arg in self._req2)): raise CLIInvalidArgument('Insufficient arguments', details=[ 'Both of the following arguments are needed:', ', '.join([self.arguments[arg].lvalue for arg in self._req2]), 'OR provide a spec file (json) with %s' % self.arguments[ 'specs_path'].lvalue, 'OR combine arguments (higher priority) with a file']) self._run()
def main(self): super(self.__class__, self)._run() if self['gateway'] and self['no_gateway']: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Conflicting arguments', details=[ 'Arguments %s and %s cannot be used together' % (self.arguments['gateway'].lvalue, self.arguments['no_gateway'].lvalue) ]) self._run()
def main(self, volume_id): super(self.__class__, self)._run() if all([self['status_w'], self['status_u']]): raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid argument combination', importance=2, details=[ 'Arguments %s and %s are mutually exclusive' % (self.arguments['status_w'].lvalue, self.arguments['status_u'].lvalue) ]) self._run(volume_id=volume_id)
def value(self, new_value): global _basic_cons if new_value: v = new_value.lower() v = self.TRANSLATE.get(v, v) if v in _basic_cons: self._value = v else: ctypes = set(_basic_cons).difference(self.TRANSLATE.values()) ctypes = list(ctypes) + [ '%s (aka %s)' % (a, t) for t, a in self.TRANSLATE.items()] raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid console type %s' % new_value, details=[ 'Valid console types: %s' % (', '.join(ctypes)), ])
def value(self, new_pools): if not new_pools: return new_list = [] for pool in new_pools: start, comma, end = pool.partition(',') if not (start and comma and end): raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid allocation pool argument %s' % pool, details=[ 'Allocation values must be of the form:', ' <start address>,<end address>' ]) new_list.append(dict(start=start, end=end)) self._value = new_list
def main(self, server_id): super(self.__class__, self)._run() status_args = [self['status'], self['status_w'], self['status_u']] if len([x for x in status_args if x]) > 1: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid argument combination', importance=2, details=[ 'Arguments %s, %s and %s are mutually exclusive' % ( self.arguments['status'].lvalue, self.arguments['status_w'].lvalue, self.arguments['status_u'].lvalue)]) if self['status']: self.error( 'WARNING: argument %s will be deprecated ' 'in the next version, use %s instead' % ( self.arguments['status'].lvalue, self.arguments['status_w'].lvalue)) self._run(server_id=server_id)
def value(self, location): if location: from kamaki.cli.cmds.pithos import _PithosContainer as pc try: uuid, self.container, self.path = pc.resolve_pithos_url( location) self.uuid = uuid or self.uuid assert self.container, 'No container in pithos URI' except Exception as e: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid Pithos+ location %s (%s)' % (location, e), details=[ 'The image location must be a valid Pithos+', 'location. There are two valid formats:', ' pithos://USER_UUID/CONTAINER[/PATH]', 'OR', ' /CONTAINER[/PATH]', 'To see all containers:', ' [kamaki] container list', 'To list the contents of a container:', ' [kamaki] container list CONTAINER'])
def main(self): super(self.__class__, self)._run() locator, pithos = self.arguments['pithos_location'], None locator.setdefault('uuid', self.astakos.user_term('id')) locator.path = locator.path or path.basename( self['local_image_path'] or '') if not locator.path: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Missing the image file or object', details=[ 'Pithos+ URI %s does not point to a physical image' % ( locator.value), 'A physical image is necessary.', 'It can be a remote Pithos+ object or a local file.', 'To specify a remote image object:', ' %s [pithos://UUID]/CONTAINER/PATH' % locator.lvalue, 'To specify a local file:', ' %s [pithos://UUID]/CONTAINER[/PATH] %s LOCAL_PATH' % ( locator.lvalue, self.arguments['local_image_path'].lvalue)]) self.arguments['pithos_location'].setdefault( 'uuid', self.astakos.user_term('id')) self._run(self['name'], locator)
def value(self, key_value_pairs): if key_value_pairs: super(ProjectResourceArgument, self.__class__).value.fset( self, key_value_pairs) d = dict(self._value) for key, value in d.items(): try: member_capacity, project_capacity = value.split(',') member_capacity = int(member_capacity) project_capacity = int(project_capacity) assert member_capacity <= project_capacity except Exception as e: raise CLIInvalidArgument( 'Invalid resource value %s' % value, details=[ 'Usage:', ' %s %s=<member_capacity>,<project_capacity>' % ( self.lvalue, key), 'where both capacities are integers', 'and member_capacity <= project_capacity', '', '(%s)' % e]) self._value[key] = dict( member_capacity=member_capacity, project_capacity=project_capacity)
def test___init__(self): from kamaki.cli.errors import CLIInvalidArgument cliia = CLIInvalidArgument() self.assertEqual('%s' % cliia, 'Invalid Argument\n') self.assertEqual(cliia.details, []) self.assertEqual(cliia.importance, 1)