예제 #1
def main():

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ingest the kasthuri11 dataset annotations.')
  parser.add_argument('token', action="store", help='Token for the annotation project.')
  parser.add_argument('resolution', action="store", help='Resolution of the ingest data.')
  parser.add_argument('path', action="store", help='Directory with annotation PNG files.')
  result = parser.parse_args()

  # Get a list of the files in the directories
  for sl in range (_startslice,_endslice+1,_batchsz):

        newdata = np.zeros ( [ _batchsz, _ytilesz, _xtilesz ], dtype=np.uint32 )
        for b in range ( _batchsz ):
          if ( sl + b <= _endslice ):

            filenm = result.path + '/' + _prefix + '{:0>4}'.format(sl+b) + '.png'
            print filenm
            tileimage = Image.open ( filenm, 'r' )
            imgdata = np.asarray ( tileimage )

            newdata[b,:,:]  = kanno_cy.pngto32 ( imgdata )

            # the last z offset that we ingest, if the batch ends before _batchsz
            endz = b
        zlow = sl+1
        zhigh = sl+endz+2
        ylow = 0
        yhigh = _ytilesz
        xlow = 0
        xhigh = _xtilesz

        # Send a cube at a time to the database
        for z in range ( zlow, zhigh, _zingestsz ):
          for y in range ( ylow, yhigh, _yingestsz ):
            for x in range ( xlow, xhigh, _xingestsz ):
              # cutout the data
              data = newdata[ z-zlow:min(zhigh,z+_zingestsz)-zlow,\

              # check if there's anything to store
              if ( np.count_nonzero(data) != 0 ):

                url = 'http://localhost/ocp/ca/%s/npz/%s/%s,%s/%s,%s/%s,%s/' % ( result.token, result.resolution, x, min(xhigh,x+_xingestsz), y, min(yhigh,y+_yingestsz), z, min(zhigh,z+_zingestsz ))

                print url

                # Encode the voxelist an pickle
                fileobj = cStringIO.StringIO ()
                np.save ( fileobj, data )

                cdz = zlib.compress (fileobj.getvalue())

                # Build the post request
                req = urllib2.Request(url, cdz)
                response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
                the_page = response.read()
def main():

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ingest the FlyEM image data.')
  parser.add_argument('token', action="store", help='Token for the annotation project.')
  parser.add_argument('path', action="store", help='Directory with annotation PNG files.')

  result = parser.parse_args()

  # convert to an argument
  resolution = 0

  # load a database
  [ db, proj, projdb ] = ocpcarest.loadDBProj ( result.token )

  # get the dataset configuration


  # This doesn't work because the image size does not match exactly the cube size
  ximagesz = 49152
  yimagesz = 32768

  startslice = 100

  # add all of the tiles to the image
  for sl in range (startslice,endslice+1,batchsz):
    for ytile in range(ytiles):
      for xtile in range(xtiles):

        slab = np.zeros ( [ batchsz, tilesz, tilesz ], dtype=np.uint32 )

        for b in range ( batchsz ):
          if ( sl + b <= endslice ):

            # raw data
            filenm = result.path + '/S1Column_Localcellbodies_97-classified_export_s{:0>3}_Y{}_X{}.png'.format(sl+b,ytile,xtile) 
            print "Opening filenm " + filenm

            img = Image.open ( filenm, 'r' )
            imgdata = np.asarray ( img )

            slab[b,:,:] = kanno_cy.pngto32 ( imgdata )


          # the last z offset that we ingest, if the batch ends before batchsz
          endz = b

        # Now we have a 8192x8192x16 z-aligned cube.  
        # Send it to the database.
        for y in range ( ytile*tilesz, (ytile+1)*tilesz, ycubedim ):
          for x in range ( xtile*tilesz, (xtile+1)*tilesz, xcubedim ):

            mortonidx = zindex.XYZMorton ( [ x/xcubedim, y/ycubedim, (sl-startslice)/zcubedim] )
            cubedata = np.zeros ( [zcubedim, ycubedim, xcubedim], dtype=np.uint32 )

            xmin = x%tilesz
            ymin = y%tilesz
            xmax = ((min(ximagesz-1,x+xcubedim-1))%tilesz)+1
            ymax = ((min(yimagesz-1,y+ycubedim-1))%tilesz)+1
            zmin = 0
            zmax = min(sl+zcubedim,endslice+1)

            cubedata[0:zmax-zmin,0:ymax-ymin,0:xmax-xmin] = slab[zmin:zmax,ymin:ymax,xmin:xmax]

            if y == 8064:
              print x,y,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax

            # check if there's anything to store
            if ( np.count_nonzero(cubedata) == 0 ): 

            # create the DB BLOB
            fileobj = cStringIO.StringIO ()
            np.save ( fileobj, cubedata )
            cdz = zlib.compress (fileobj.getvalue())

            # insert the blob into the database
            cursor = db.conn.cursor()
            sql = "INSERT INTO res{} (zindex, cube) VALUES (%s, %s)".format(int(resolution))
            cursor.execute(sql, (mortonidx, cdz))

          print "Commiting at x=%s, y=%s, z=%s" % (x,y,sl)
예제 #3
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Ingest the FlyEM image data.')
                        help='Token for the annotation project.')
                        help='Directory with annotation PNG files.')

    result = parser.parse_args()

    # convert to an argument
    resolution = 0

    # load a database
    [db, proj, projdb] = ocpcarest.loadDBProj(result.token)

    # get the dataset configuration
    (xcubedim, ycubedim, zcubedim) = proj.datasetcfg.cubedim[resolution]
    (startslice, endslice) = proj.datasetcfg.slicerange
    batchsz = zcubedim

    # This doesn't work because the image size does not match exactly the cube size
    ximagesz = 49152
    yimagesz = 32768

    # add all of the tiles to the image
    for sl in range(startslice, endslice + 1, batchsz):
        for ytile in range(ytiles):
            for xtile in range(xtiles):

                slab = np.zeros([batchsz, tilesz, tilesz], dtype=np.uint32)

                for b in range(batchsz):
                    if (sl + b <= endslice):

                        # raw data
                        filenm = result.path + '/S1Column_Localcellbodies_97-classified_export_s{:0>3}_Y{}_X{}.png'.format(
                            sl + b, ytile, xtile)
                        print "Opening filenm " + filenm

                        img = Image.open(filenm, 'r')
                        imgdata = np.asarray(img)

                        slab[b, :, :] = kanno_cy.pngto32(imgdata)

                    # the last z offset that we ingest, if the batch ends before batchsz
                    endz = b

                # Now we have a 8192x8192x16 z-aligned cube.
                # Send it to the database.
                for y in range(ytile * tilesz, (ytile + 1) * tilesz, ycubedim):
                    for x in range(xtile * tilesz, (xtile + 1) * tilesz,

                        mortonidx = zindex.XYZMorton([
                            x / xcubedim, y / ycubedim,
                            (sl - startslice) / zcubedim
                        cubedata = np.zeros([zcubedim, ycubedim, xcubedim],

                        xmin = x % tilesz
                        ymin = y % tilesz
                        xmax = (
                            (min(ximagesz - 1, x + xcubedim - 1)) % tilesz) + 1
                        ymax = (
                            (min(yimagesz - 1, y + ycubedim - 1)) % tilesz) + 1
                        zmin = 0
                        zmax = min(sl + zcubedim, endslice + 1)

                        cubedata[0:zmax - zmin, 0:ymax - ymin,
                                 0:xmax - xmin] = slab[zmin:zmax, ymin:ymax,

                        # check if there's anything to store
                        if (np.count_nonzero(cubedata) == 0):

                        # create the DB BLOB
                        fileobj = cStringIO.StringIO()
                        np.save(fileobj, cubedata)
                        cdz = zlib.compress(fileobj.getvalue())

                        # insert the blob into the database
                        cursor = db.conn.cursor()
                        sql = "INSERT INTO res{} (zindex, cube) VALUES (%s, %s)".format(
                        print mortonidx
                        cursor.execute(sql, (mortonidx, cdz))

                    print "Commiting at x=%s, y=%s, z=%s" % (x, y, sl)