def initWidget(widget): global richtext global penguin karamba.resizeWidget(widget, 360, 520) penguin = karamba.createImage( widget, 250, 150, karamba.getThemePath(widget) + "/penguin_executive.png") karamba.hideImage(widget, penguin) text = """ <h1>Richtext Example</h1> <p>A rich text object allows to display a string interpreted as rich text. To create a rich text object use the command:<br> <p align="center">karamba.createRichText(widget, text)</p> A simple subset of <a href="kfmclient openURL"><font color="black"><i>HTML</i></font></a>-tags is used to encode the formatting commands.</p> <p><font size=+2>Some features:</font> <ul> <li>Numbered and unnumbered lists</li> <li>Inline Images <img src=\"""" + karamba.getThemePath( widget) + u"""info.png\"</li> <li>Various <font color="red">different</font><font color="blue"> text</font><font color="green"> colours</font></li> <li>Hyperlinks: <a href="kfmclient openURL"> Superkaramba Homepage</a></li> <li>Links can also <a href="#trigger">trigger</a> actions in the script</li> <li><i>Various</i> <b>different</b> <u>caracter</u> <s>styles</s></li> <li><a href="kfmclient openURL">Unicode</a>: \u03B6 \u03B3 \u03BB \u03A3 \u03A9 </li> <li>Simple Tables: <table bgcolor="darkgray" border="1" width="80%"> <tr><th colspan="3">Header</th></tr> <tr><td>Cell (1,1)</td><td>Cell (1,2)</td><td>Cell (1,3)</td><tr> <tr><td>Cell (2,1)</td><td>Cell (2,2)</td><td>Cell (2,3)</td><tr> </table></li> </ul> For a complete documentation of all supported tags look at: <a href="kfmclient openURL"></a>. </p><br> """ richtext = karamba.createRichText(widget, text) karamba.moveRichText(widget, richtext, 10, 10) print "richText Size = ", karamba.getRichTextSize(widget, richtext) karamba.setRichTextWidth(widget, richtext, 345) #karamba.deleteRichText(widget, richtext) karamba.redrawWidget(widget)
def initWidget(widget): global richtext global penguin karamba.resizeWidget(widget, 360, 520) penguin = karamba.createImage(widget, 250, 150, karamba.getThemePath(widget) + "/penguin_executive.png") karamba.hideImage(widget, penguin) text = """ <h1>Richtext Example</h1> <p>A rich text object allows to display a string interpreted as rich text. To create a rich text object use the command:<br> <p align="center">karamba.createRichText(widget, text)</p> A simple subset of <a href="kfmclient openURL"><font color="black"><i>HTML</i></font></a>-tags is used to encode the formatting commands.</p> <p><font size=+2>Some features:</font> <ul> <li>Numbered and unnumbered lists</li> <li>Inline Images <img src=\"""" + karamba.getThemePath(widget) + u"""info.png\"</li> <li>Various <font color="red">different</font><font color="blue"> text</font><font color="green"> colours</font></li> <li>Hyperlinks: <a href="kfmclient openURL"> Superkaramba Homepage</a></li> <li>Links can also <a href="#trigger">trigger</a> actions in the script</li> <li><i>Various</i> <b>different</b> <u>caracter</u> <s>styles</s></li> <li><a href="kfmclient openURL">Unicode</a>: \u03B6 \u03B3 \u03BB \u03A3 \u03A9 </li> <li>Simple Tables: <table bgcolor="darkgray" border="1" width="80%"> <tr><th colspan="3">Header</th></tr> <tr><td>Cell (1,1)</td><td>Cell (1,2)</td><td>Cell (1,3)</td><tr> <tr><td>Cell (2,1)</td><td>Cell (2,2)</td><td>Cell (2,3)</td><tr> </table></li> </ul> For a complete documentation of all supported tags look at: <a href="kfmclient openURL"></a>. </p><br> """ richtext = karamba.createRichText(widget, text) karamba.moveRichText(widget, richtext, 10, 10) print "richText Size = ", karamba.getRichTextSize(widget, richtext) karamba.setRichTextWidth(widget, richtext, 345) #karamba.deleteRichText(widget, richtext) karamba.redrawWidget(widget)
def initWidget(widget): global Instances, titletext, themePath, theme_dir #Using a unique ID for multiple instances of karamTop id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") if id == None: id = str(int(time.time() * 100)) karamba.writeConfigEntry(widget, "id", id) # Figure out what theme to use. flatgray is the default theme = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "karamtop theme") if theme == None or theme == "": theme = "flatgray" theme_dir = "themes/" themePath = karamba.getThemePath(widget) ### Thanks to liquid weather for dealing with the skz format home_directory = os.popen("echo $HOME").readline()[0:-1] if themePath[-3:] == "skz": skz_file = zipfile.ZipFile(themePath, 'r') theme_file = + theme + "/" + theme + ".cfg") try: os.mknod(home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf') except (OSError): pass ktop_file = open(home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf', 'w') ktop_file.write(theme_file) ktop_file.close() theme_cfg_file = (home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf') skz_file.close() else: theme_cfg_file = (themePath + theme_dir + theme + "/" + theme + ".cfg") theme_cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() theme_cfg.readfp(open(theme_cfg_file)) toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") ########################################################## #### Initialize the Top class #### try: Instances[id] = None Instances[id] = (pytop.Top(widget, toptext)) except NameError, (strerror): Instances = {} Instances[id] = (pytop.Top(widget, toptext))
def initWidget(widget): global Instances, titletext, themePath, theme_dir #Using a unique ID for multiple instances of karamTop id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") if id == None: id = str( int( time.time() * 100 ) ) karamba.writeConfigEntry(widget, "id", id) # Figure out what theme to use. flatgray is the default theme = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "karamtop theme") if theme == None or theme == "": theme = "flatgray" theme_dir = "themes/" themePath = karamba.getThemePath(widget) ### Thanks to liquid weather for dealing with the skz format home_directory = os.popen("echo $HOME").readline()[0:-1] if themePath[-3:] == "skz": skz_file = zipfile.ZipFile(themePath, 'r') theme_file = + theme + "/" + theme + ".cfg") try: os.mknod(home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf') except(OSError): pass ktop_file = open(home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf','w') ktop_file.write(theme_file) ktop_file.close() theme_cfg_file = (home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf') skz_file.close() else: theme_cfg_file = ( themePath + theme_dir + theme + "/" + theme + ".cfg" ) theme_cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() theme_cfg.readfp( open( theme_cfg_file ) ) toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") ########################################################## #### Initialize the Top class #### try: Instances[id] = None Instances[id] = ( pytop.Top( widget, toptext ) ) except NameError, (strerror): Instances = {} Instances[id] = ( pytop.Top( widget, toptext ) )
def widgetUpdated(widget): global init global linkePupille global rechtePupille global w_width global w_height global w_x global w_y global lx global ly global la global lb global lp_width global lp_height global rx global ry global ra global rb global rp_width global rp_height global x_old global y_old if init == 0: theme_path = karamba.getThemePath(widget) + "/" # read widget coordinates from eyes.theme # f = open(theme_path + "eyes.theme") # karamba_line = "" #while re.compile('KARAMBA').search(karamba_line) == None: # karamba_line = f.readline() #w_x = int(re.compile('X=([0-9]+)').search(karamba_line).group(1)) #w_y = int(re.compile('Y=([0-9]+)').search(karamba_line).group(1)) #f.close() #karamba.createWidgetMask(widget, theme_path + "pics/mask.png") linkePupille = karamba.createImage(widget, 15, 30, theme_path + "pics/pupille.png") rechtePupille = karamba.createImage(widget, 100, 30, theme_path + "pics/pupille.png") init = 1 karamba.redrawWidget(widget) # query mouse-cursor position x, y = xcursor.position() #fp = os.popen("./xpos") #output = #x, y = output.split() #print x, y if x != x_old or y != y_old: x_old, y_old = x, y # Get Widget Position w_x, w_y = karamba.getWidgetPosition(widget) # Calc left pupille xp, yp = pupille (int(x), int(y), lx, ly, la, lb, w_x, w_y) xp = xp - lp_width / 2 yp = yp - lp_height / 2 #print xp, yp karamba.moveImage(widget, linkePupille, xp, yp) # Calc right pupille xp, yp = pupille (int(x), int(y), rx, ry, ra, rb, w_x, w_y) xp = xp - rp_width / 2 yp = yp - rp_height / 2 #print xp, yp karamba.moveImage(widget, rechtePupille, xp, yp) karamba.redrawWidget(widget)
def widgetUpdated(widget): global init global linkePupille global rechtePupille global w_width global w_height global w_x global w_y global lx global ly global la global lb global lp_width global lp_height global rx global ry global ra global rb global rp_width global rp_height global x_old global y_old if init == 0: theme_path = karamba.getThemePath(widget) + "/" # read widget coordinates from eyes.theme # f = open(theme_path + "eyes.theme") # karamba_line = "" #while re.compile('KARAMBA').search(karamba_line) == None: # karamba_line = f.readline() #w_x = int(re.compile('X=([0-9]+)').search(karamba_line).group(1)) #w_y = int(re.compile('Y=([0-9]+)').search(karamba_line).group(1)) #f.close() #karamba.createWidgetMask(widget, theme_path + "pics/mask.png") linkePupille = karamba.createImage(widget, 15, 30, theme_path + "pics/pupille.png") rechtePupille = karamba.createImage(widget, 100, 30, theme_path + "pics/pupille.png") init = 1 karamba.redrawWidget(widget) # query mouse-cursor position x, y = xcursor.position() #fp = os.popen("./xpos") #output = #x, y = output.split() #print x, y if x != x_old or y != y_old: x_old, y_old = x, y # Get Widget Position w_x, w_y = karamba.getWidgetPosition(widget) # Calc left pupille xp, yp = pupille(int(x), int(y), lx, ly, la, lb, w_x, w_y) xp = xp - lp_width / 2 yp = yp - lp_height / 2 #print xp, yp karamba.moveImage(widget, linkePupille, xp, yp) # Calc right pupille xp, yp = pupille(int(x), int(y), rx, ry, ra, rb, w_x, w_y) xp = xp - rp_width / 2 yp = yp - rp_height / 2 #print xp, yp karamba.moveImage(widget, rechtePupille, xp, yp) karamba.redrawWidget(widget)