예제 #1
    def timerEvent(self, event):
        """ Main loop for animations and movement in the scene -- calls nodes
        and tells them to update their position
        :param event: timer event? sent by Qt
        # Uncomment to check what is the actual framerate:
        # n_time = time.time()
        # print((n_time - self.prev_time) * 1000, prefs._fps_in_msec)
        # self.prev_time = n_time
        items_have_moved = False
        frame_has_moved = False
        background_fade = False
        can_normalize = True
        md = {'sum': (0, 0), 'nodes': []}
        ctrl.items_moving = True
        if self._fade_steps:
            self.setBackgroundBrush(self._fade_steps_list[self._fade_steps - 1])
            self._fade_steps -= 1
            if self._fade_steps:
                background_fade = True

        f = self.main.forest
        for e in f.edges.values():

        if ctrl.pressed:
        for node in f.nodes.values():
            if not node.isVisible():
            # Computed movement
            moved, normalizable = node.move(md)
            if moved:
                items_have_moved = True
            if not normalizable:
                can_normalize = False

        # normalize movement so that the trees won't glide away
        ln = len(md['nodes'])
        if ln and can_normalize:
            avg = div_xy(md['sum'], ln)
            for node in md['nodes']:
                node.current_position = sub_xy(node.current_position, avg)
        if items_have_moved and (not self.manual_zoom) and (not ctrl.dragged_focus):
        if items_have_moved:
            # for area in f.touch_areas:
            # area.update_position()
            for group in f.groups.values():
        elif not (items_have_moved or frame_has_moved or background_fade):
            ctrl.items_moving = False
            self.keep_updating_visible_area = False
        f.edge_visibility_check()  # only does something if flagged
예제 #2
    def move(self, md):
        """ Do one frame of movement: either move towards target position or
        take a step according to algorithm
        1. item folding towards position in part of animation to disappear etc.
        2. item is being dragged
        3. item is locked by user
        4. item is tightly attached to another node which is moving (then the move is handled by
        the other node, it is _not_ parent node, though.)
        5. visualisation algorithm setting it specifically
        (6) or (0) -- places where subclasses can add new movements.

        :param md: movement data dict, collects sum of all movement to help normalize it
        # _high_priority_move can be used together with _move_counter

        self.unmoved = False
        if not self._high_priority_move:
            # Dragging overrides (almost) everything, don't try to move this anywhere
            if self._dragged:
                return True, False
            # Locked nodes are immune to physics
            elif self.locked:
                return False, False
            #elif self.locked_to_node:
            #    return False, False
        # MOVE_TO -based movement has priority over physics. This way e.g. triangles work without
        # additional stipulation
        if self._move_counter:
            position = self.current_position
            # stop even despite the _move_counter, if we are close enough
            if about_there(position, self.target_position):
                return False, False
            # move a precalculated step
            if self._use_easing:
                movement = multiply_xy(self._step, qt_prefs.easing_curve[self._move_counter - 1])
                movement = div_xy(sub_xy(self.target_position, position), self._move_counter)
            self._move_counter -= 1
            # if move counter reaches zero, stop and do clean-up.
            if not self._move_counter:
            self.current_position = add_xy(self.current_position, movement)
            if self.locked_to_node:
            return True, False
        # Physics move node around only if other movement types have not overridden it
        elif self.use_physics() and self.is_visible():
            movement = ctrl.forest.visualization.calculate_movement(self)
            md['sum'] = add_xy(movement, md['sum'])
            self.current_position = add_xy(self.current_position, movement)
            return abs(movement[0]) + abs(movement[1]) > 0.6, True
        return False, False
예제 #3
    def timerEvent(self, event):
        """ Main loop for animations and movement in the scene -- calls nodes
        and tells them to update their position
        :param event: timer event? sent by Qt
        # Uncomment to check what is the actual framerate:
        # n_time = time.time()
        # print((n_time - self.prev_time) * 1000, prefs._fps_in_msec)
        # self.prev_time = n_time
        items_have_moved = False
        frame_has_moved = False
        background_fade = False
        can_normalize = True
        md = {'sum': (0, 0), 'nodes': []}
        ctrl.items_moving = True
        if self._fade_steps:
            self.setBackgroundBrush(self._fade_steps_list[self._fade_steps -
            self._fade_steps -= 1
            if self._fade_steps:
                background_fade = True

        f = self.main.forest

        if ctrl.pressed:
        for node in chain(f.nodes.values(), f.trees):
            if not node.isVisible():
            # Computed movement
            moved, normalizable = node.move(md)
            if moved:
                items_have_moved = True
            if not normalizable:
                can_normalize = False

        # normalize movement so that the trees won't glide away
        ln = len(md['nodes'])
        if ln and can_normalize:
            avg = div_xy(md['sum'], ln)
            for node in md['nodes']:
                node.current_position = sub_xy(node.current_position, avg)

        if items_have_moved:
            for e in f.edges.values():

        if items_have_moved and (not self.manual_zoom) and (
                not ctrl.dragged_focus):
        if items_have_moved:
            # for area in f.touch_areas:
            # area.update_position()
            for group in f.groups.values():
        elif not (items_have_moved or frame_has_moved or background_fade):
            ctrl.items_moving = False
            self.keep_updating_visible_area = False
        f.edge_visibility_check()  # only does something if flagged
예제 #4
    def move(self, md: dict) -> (bool, bool):
        """ Do one frame of movement: either move towards target position or
        take a step according to algorithm
        1. item folding towards position in part of animation to disappear etc.
        2. item is being dragged
        3. item is locked by user
        4. item is tightly attached to another node which is moving (then the move is handled by
        the other node, it is _not_ parent node, though.)
        5. visualisation algorithm setting it specifically
        (6) or (0) -- places where subclasses can add new movements.

        :param md: movement data dict, collects sum of all movement to help normalize it
        # _high_priority_move can be used together with _move_counter

        self.unmoved = False
        if not self._high_priority_move:
            # Dragging overrides (almost) everything, don't try to move this anywhere
            if self._dragged:
                return True, False
            # Locked nodes are immune to physics
            elif self.locked:
                return False, False
            #elif self.locked_to_node:
            #    return False, False
        # MOVE_TO -based movement has priority over physics. This way e.g. triangles work without
        # additional stipulation
        if self._move_counter:
            position = self.current_position
            # stop even despite the _move_counter, if we are close enough
            if about_there(position, self.target_position):
                return False, False
            self._move_counter -= 1
            # move a precalculated step
            if self._use_easing:
                if self._move_frames != self._move_counter:
                    time_f = 1 - (self._move_counter / self._move_frames)
                    f = qt_prefs.curve.valueForProgress(time_f)
                    f = 0
                movement = multiply_xy(self._distance, f)
                self.current_position = add_xy(self._start_position, movement)
                movement = div_xy(sub_xy(self.target_position, position),
                self.current_position = add_xy(self.current_position, movement)
            # if move counter reaches zero, stop and do clean-up.
            if not self._move_counter:
            if self.locked_to_node:
            return True, False
        # Physics move node around only if other movement types have not overridden it
        elif self.use_physics() and self.is_visible():
            movement = ctrl.forest.visualization.calculate_movement(self)
            md['sum'] = add_xy(movement, md['sum'])
            self.current_position = add_xy(self.current_position, movement)
            return abs(movement[0]) + abs(movement[1]) > 0.6, True
        return False, False